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Moon Beam listened to Steel explain what he had done. When he was finished, she nodded. "Ah, okay. So Spawn is a demon, right? And he's evil, so why does he help you?" Moon Beam asked. She didn't even give Steel a chance to answer her when she added, "Oh wait, he is in your body technically. I guess I could see why now. Haha, took me a minute." she smiled and laughed.


After a little while of silence, Moon Beam began thinking. She wondered how the castle would look up close, since she had only seen it in pictures and once from the sky. "I can't wait to see the castle. I mean, I've never seen it up close or in reall life before. The only time I had seen it before was when we saw pictures of it in school. I had even flown over it once, but I've never seen it up close. I mean, from what I've seen, it looks gorgeous." she said. She imagined what it would be like to actually see the castle.


"Hmm, I wonder what the inside looks like.." Moon Beam thought. She tried to picture the inside of the castle. She giggled quietly, then looked up at Steel. "You've been to the castle before, right? What is it like on the inside? It must be absolutely stunning." she said.

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Steel smiled "yes he lives in my body but he doesn't care if I get hurt or die he will move on when I die the fact is that I'm not really doing anything but letting myself shift enough for the hell die fire to work is magic" steel said after he had answered moonbeam was quite then she asked about the castle "yea it's nice but it's to fancy for my taste and there's too much wasted space, I don't like it but you will"steel said he lifted his wing the wins was still there but the pentagram was fading -good hopefully it will be gone by the time we get to the castle-steel thought then steel said "if we fly we'd can make it there in about ten minutes moonbeam it's you're choice do you want to fly out walk"

((did you are that post from yesterday or the day before it was weird and they had god shooting steel with lightning I was just like a da fauq it was so weird oh and if you could time skip to the castle if she flies if she wants to walk don't worry about the time skip thanks and I'm I'm night school till like5:45 so my replies won't come very fast like my normal

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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((I think that they should fly and do a time skip so it's like they get there faster and whatever))

"I want to fly. It'd be quicker you know, and I want to get there as soon as possible." Moon Beam said with a smile. She lifted into the air and kept moving towards the castle.


((now they arrive :P))

Moon Beam landed in front of the castle. "Wow.. It's magnificent.." she said, gawking at the large structure. "How could you not LOVE this?" she looked over the entire span of the castle that she could see. There were many flowers and precisely places decorations all over. Moon Beam was fascinated by how beautiful and big the castle was. "And I haven't even seen the inside..." she said softly before looking at Steel. She smiled brightly and giggled.


"So uh, how exactly are we getting in? It's not like we could just walk in there." she said as she looked back at the large doors of the castle. There were two guards on each side of the doors, who had been staring straight ahead, not paying attention to the two ponies. Moon Beam studied them, then looked back at Steel.

((I think that they should fly and do a time skip so it's like they get there faster and whatever))

"I want to fly. It'd be quicker you know, and I want to get there as soon as possible." Moon Beam said with a smile. She lifted into the air and kept moving towards the castle.


((now they arrive :P))

Moon Beam landed in front of the castle. "Wow.. It's magnificent.." she said, gawking at the large structure. "How could you not LOVE this?" she looked over the entire span of the castle that she could see. There were many flowers and precisely places decorations all over. Moon Beam was fascinated by how beautiful and big the castle was. "And I haven't even seen the inside..." she said softly before looking at Steel. She smiled brightly and giggled.


"So uh, how exactly are we getting in? It's not like we could just walk in there." she said as she looked back at the large doors of the castle. There were two guards on each side of the doors, who had been staring straight ahead, not paying attention to the two ponies. Moon Beam studied them, then looked back at Steel.

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Steel nodded and took flight and flew behind moonbeam


Arrival at the castle

Steel smiled as moonbeam talked when she asked how he couldn't like it here chuckled " its to fancy is all to much wasted space things like that" she steel said " I never told you this but since i was seven iv lived alone on the streets till recently" he gave her a kiss on the check and smiled when moonbeam asked he they would get in he simply walked up to the guards "stained steel here to speak with Luna regarding a recent assignment" steel said "she told me to come back with an update when I could "steel used the fact the fact that he did odd jobs for Luna to his advantage to gain entry once inside he would tell Luna what was going on and she would hopefully let then talk to Celestia he waited for the guards to respond hoping his plan would work bifnot he would have to try other means of entry that he wouldrather not do

$(am I correct to assume you would like control ofthe guards for this, and when the fine comes Luna's and cCelestia

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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  • 2 weeks later...

(( I will be acting as one of the guards for this post))


Me and one of the other guards stood at either side of the castle entrance. We had been standing there, waiting for something to happen. Ponies only rarely tried to sneak into the castle or anything, so barely anything eventful ever happened. Suddenly, I looked up to see two pegasus flying down towards us. I readied myself, just incase.

The two ponies lighted down, not too far in front of the other guard and I. I watched as one of the ponies, who appeared to be a mare, looked at the castle in awe. The other, who looked like a stallion, simply watched her. I looked over at the other guard and chuckled. He looked back and did the same. I turned my attention to the pegasus to see them talking. It wasn't too long until the stallion approached me, with the mare following close behind.

He said that his name was Stained Steel, and I immediately remembered the name. I glanced down at him, and noticed that I had seen him in the castle before. He said that he had wished to see Luna about an assignment, and I nodded. I motioned towards the mare behind him.

"Who is she?" I asked in a stern tone. I looked her over, and she looked a bit dangerous. However, from how she was acting earlier when she was looking at the castle, she didn't seem very harmful. Either way, I needed to make sure she was fine to be let into the castle.

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Steel seen the guard eye him and knew the guard recognized him andwas about to push past them when he asked about moonbeam "she is one of my associates Luna said if i feel that somepony else would be if service then to bring them" steel said he knew the guard hadn't pegged her as dangerous "and by the way she can kill you just as fast as I could and she isn't too nice when she feels threatened so I suggest you move and let us past or face me then moonbeam and then after that you can deal with Luna you should know she doesn't like having her elite being bothered by the guards" steel flashed his eyes black to intimidate the guards since they had no knowledge of spawn

Spawn laughed on steels head -nice one steel I think got might just give these guards a heart attack any ways if they choose to fight let me out ok-spawn thought -you want me to let you fight the guards of they choose to fight instead of letting us pass fine but it will be just shy of a full shift so one eye will be yours the other mine allowing me to stop you when need be-steel thought

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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(( I'm going to be the same guard for most of this post ))


I looked back at Steel after he explained who the mare was. When he began to go on about how the mare and him could kill me, I huffed.

"There will be no need for that, sir." I said once he finished. I noticed that his eyes had gone black, and my eyes began to get wide. However, I stopped myself.

"Right this way." I said before nodding to the other guard to open the doors. As soon as they were open, I walked in. I turned to make sure the two ponies were following me, then looked back ahead.

"She is in a meeting at the moment, but I'm sure she would much rather like to talk to you." I said as I lead them to where Luna was. As soon as we reached the room, I turned to the ponies.

"One moment, please." I then tapped the door with my hoof, then pushed it open slightly. "Princess, Steel is here to see you." I said quietly. Luna nodded, and I turned back towards Steel and his associate. "Go ahead." I said, then pushed the door open wider and stepped aside to let them in.


((now Moon Beam))

Moon Beam wasn't paying much attention while Steel talked to the guard, she was too busy looking at the castle. However, when she heard Steel call her his associate, she huffed quietly. As he explained how she could kill the guard, she smiled and chuckled a bit.

Soon, Steel, the guard, and Moon Beam were walking through the large doors and into the castle. Moon Beam took in all the beuatiful decor as they made their way to wherever the guard was taking them. After what seemed like a few seconds, they stopped in front of two large, wooden doors with many designs carved into them. She gawked at the precise carvings as the guard talked to Luna.

The guard turned to Steel and Moon Beam and said "Go ahead." before opening one of the large doors to let them in. Moon Beam was a bit nervous, and she looked at Steel with a sort of scared look. She smiled slightly, then looked through the doors and took a deep breath.

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Steel chuckled "yes there Is I just wanted you to know that even tho she is beauftul she's deadly" steel Said then lauged as he seen the guards eyes start to widen

Steel followed the guard when the guard said go ahead steel looked at moonbeam " don't be nervous" steel said then walked in and bowed to Luna "hey Luna before we talk about why I'm ere do you have any jobs for me to do" steel asked as he sat down he rarely showed respect to Luna other then a bow because they were more then just a boss and a worker they where friends because the first day she came back he had been there to do what she needed "oh and this is my marefriend moonbeam she is helping me in my hunt for demonblood" steel said a smile coming over his face realized that his eyes where still black and shifted them back because luna hated seeing his eyes like that "anyway I need to know about jobs and any other victims of demonblood then we can talk about why im here without demonbloods head and with out you summoning me"

Six sux

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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((Lol lets see if Frost can get a "grand entrance to the meeting place, which was in the courtyard yes?))


Frost adjusted the cloth wrapped around his head, a little moist patch of blood from his eye. He walked for awhile through Canterlot, making his way to the castle to meet up with Steel and Moon Beam, having been done earlier than expected he could have the pleasure of meeting Luna before they were done, it had been a while since he had seen her as well and he figured it would be a kind gesture to stop by and say hello.


As Frost approached the gates to the castle he noticed the two hairdos closing the gates behind somepony or someponies, who had recently entered. He figured his bleeding eye and the cloth covering his head would.....suspicious, but he was willing to take his chances. He trotted up to the gate and stared at the guards. "Ik here to see Luna....please." he muttered as if he were in a rush, letting out a sigh when he felt a warm trickle of blood begin to slowly roll down his cheek. -You've got to be kidding me- he thought, gritting his teeth.

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((This post doesn't have anything to do with the thread, I'm just asking: When this is over, do I have everypony's permission to rewrite this as a story to post on FIMFiction? Let's see, the authors are DashieHeart, FrozenRose...TheLineTrotter, I guess, even though their thread didn't go anywhere...dashian500, FrostyV. Wow, Dashie, dashian and Frosty are the only ones who've done anything for the past few pages!

BTW, the Meep thread by me is not going anywhere, and it's kinda too late for me to do anything with it, so I'll delete it.

Oh...800 characters is the minimum. So I'm gonna fill this with a lot of randomness.

qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq the ihiroth uohuirlahyuroghorihgueoajsuo my naie it my name is meeperdoodles mep muhuohguejshofhmeodhgoeh uhtoushoruthouhosuhouthu ujeohuoshruohauehrouhgtuohsuj jhuhuuuuuujosufgsihikhskfhsfh hhhhhh hghfguosheouahuoh hoeghrueaohtushfyuohsg ujoshrufhuhafoipauith uhyfuopahgouhsguo uahgouhgouhfgouahg joauhguoghuaohguahgo OK now it's 800 characters. Bye! XD))

Edited by yayayayayala
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  • 2 weeks later...

((to yayayayayala, I'd be fine with you rewriting this for a fan fiction, I don't know about frosty and dashian hehe but yeah it's cool with me))


((for part of this post, I'll be the guard again))

I watched the strange unicorn with the cloth over his eye trot up to the doors. He said that he wanted to see Luna, and I simply chuckled.

"I'm sorry, but-" I started to speak, then saw a small stream of blood fall down the unicorn's cheek from the cloth. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I can't let you in." I finished slowly. "I'm afraid you have to leave, now." I said sternly, and waited to see if the unicorn would simply turn and leave, or if he would put up a fight.


((now moon beam))


Moon Beam followed Steel through the doors of the room. He casually greeted the princess, like they had been close friends for a long time. Moon Beam stood there awkwardly as Steel sat down, then introduced her to Luna. She smiled nervously at the princess, not sure what she should do.

After a couple of seconds, she began scanning the room. She slowly looked over the contents of the room as Steel talked to the princess.

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((ok I'll be Luna))

"steel always so respectful "l Luna said with a laugh "and did you say marefriend" Luna looked at moonbeam "welcome moonbeam I'm impressed i'm sure know steel doesn't play well with others, and you are his mare friend" Luna was excited buy composed herself "no steel I have no jobs for you at the moment and demonblood has yet to kill again, so tell me about how you managed to get a mare when you always act like a plothole " Luna smiled

$(ok steel now (

Steel sighed "ok and Luna I would love to just sit and chat but we have work to do "steel said "moonbeam could you please explain to Luna why we are here"

Luna sighed "steel relax moonbeam can you tell me how you two ended up together I bet is interesting knowing steel I'm guessing there was a fight involved" Luna was happy for steel and wanted to know more about how it happened

Steel rolled his eyes and sighed he knew luna would not give up

((yea go for it on one condition you have to send it to me when you're done other wise no deal;) I love reading fan fiction ))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Well, uh.." Moon Beam began awkwardly. She glanced over at Steel, then back to Luna, then her eyes quickly dropped to look at the floor. She was a bit shy, but more nervous than anything else.

"I had been talking to a couple of other ponies at the time, and Steel flew down and landed behind me. He asked if any of us had seen Demonblood, or if we knew where he was. I explained that I hadn't a clue to who or where he was since I wasn't a resident in the area. However, I offered to help him find and possibly kill Demonblood, and he wanted to see me fight first. So, we had a quick battle-ish thing, and he decided that I fought well, and that he wanted me to accompany him on his hunt for Demonblood." Moon Beam explained. As she reached the end of her story, a slight smile began to appear on her face. She hadn't noticed. 

Moon Beam glanced up at Luna, then her eyes quickly shot to look at the wall to avoid eye contact. After a couple seconds, she looked at Steel. She had a feeling he would be upset with her for telling Luna about how they met, but she didn't really mind.She knew that if she just talked to Luna normally, that she would become more comfortable and less awkward. 

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Steel watched moonbeam and sighed "you left out the part about your curse, and how it took over during our fight, and the day after in the woods " steel said as he walked over to her "relax okay Luna isn't anything special ok"

Luna seen the smile on moonbeams face "he's right Im just another pony " Luna said "so what happened in the woods steel"

Steel sighed "Luna we can talk about this later we are here on business" steel said

"fine but you will tell me steel, so why are you here is it about the curse you mentioned" Luna asked

"yes it is, I myself know very little about it so you will have to ask moonbeam " steel said

Luna looked at steel " she has a curse and you know nothing about it, whats wrong with you don't you care" Luna said teasingly

Steel wasn't in the mood to deal with best teasing and they had plans to met frost "I do care that's why i got her in here now please we are meeting somepony soon, and before ask he is helping us " steel said

Luna sighed "ok steel, moonbeam could you tell me more about this curse of yours "Luna said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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((I'm cool with my character bein in the fan fic, and I'm glad to see this didn't die.))

Frost stared at the guard for a long moment. He became angered. "Do you not know who I am?! This is an absolute outrage! I should have you court marshled right now!" Frost screamed at the pony in order to add a factor of intimidation upon his rage that the guard was so....,stupid. "I'm Lubas personal assistant or at least was until I fought for her on the front lines." Frost muttered the partial lie with our so much as losing eye contact with the guard. "Look....I'm meeting someponies in the courtyard that's RIGHT THERE! I literally walk two steps and then sit.....or an I gonna have to fight my way in hmm?" he added with a cautioning tone....the cloth around his eye showed signs of glowing. "And I think you don't wanna do that....cause no matter how this goes....Luna's ginna come here and scold the ever lovin crap outta you!" he raved on and on in a last ditch effort to either scare the guard, or knock him out while he was distracted from all the crazyness.

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yay for fanfic approval! Thanks for allowing me to do this! This story is cool, and I knew it had the potential to become a fanfic as well as a roleplay.

I promise that I'll start writing it soon. I might have to change a few things like the first person point of view of some of these posts, but other than that I think it won't be too hard to keep your individual voices while adding my own in shaping each post into part of a chapter.

My fiimfiction is MeepyMeeper http://www.fimfiction.net/user/meepymeeper so follow me on that account, or just keep checking it. Once Dark Sides is a thousand words I'll submit it! biggrin.png

Oh, and do you mind if I change the D word to darn? I hope not because I'm a Mormon and I don't want to have the D word in this fic. Sorry if you do mind! XD


The rest of this post is filler so ignore it.

ujrohguaoweijghuihgs uirhgouarhiuaehot jeaohtauoehfuorhgtoapuig uaoehgtuaoehgtousahg ojurhgourshgoIUhgr ohghOURhgjoUhg ouhgouhgouhgo usrhoguRShgourhg oyuhsgourhgouRHg ouhgOURhgozurgh oughOSURHgouRhgoj bbuhgourhhb

Edited by yayayayayala
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for another non-RP associated post. I'll delete this if this thing is picked up again...but Dark Sides seems to be officially dead! Why? I know Dashian and Frosty are over in the Hunt for Demon Blood (which I'm in, btw), but where'd this go?


jiohrtguoehstou The rest of this post is filler so ignore it.


ujrohguaoweijghuihgs uirhgouarhiuaehot jeaohtauoehfuorhgtoapuig uaoehgtuaoehgtousahg ojurhgourshgoIUhgr ohghOURhgjoUhg ouhgouhgouhgo usrhoguRShgourhg oyuhsgourhgouRHg ouhgOURhgozurgh oughOSURHgouRhgoj bbuhgourhhb ujrohguaoweijghuihgs uirhgouarhiuaehot jeaohtauoehfuorhgtoapuig uaoehgtuaoehgtousahg ojurhgourshgoIUhgr ohghOURhgjoUhg ouhgouhgouhgo usrhoguRShgourhg oyuhsgourhgouRHg ouhgOURhgozurgh oughOSURHgouRhgoj bbuhgourhhb ujrohguaoweijghuihgs uirhgouarhiuaehot jeaohtauoehfuorhgtoapuig uaoehgtuaoehgtousahg ojurhgourshgoIUhgr ohghOURhgjoUhg ouhgouhgouhgo usrhoguRShgourhg oyuhsgourhgouRHg oi

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While the sky was dark, it suddenly turned bright pink. A figure fell from the heavens and landed in the Strawberry Fields. Many ponies ran and crowded round the pony.


"What is that" said Moon Beam


"Strawberry Cream has returned" replied Rarity




"Luna, who's this" said Moon Beam


"This is Strawberry Cream, the daughter of the sun. The most powerful force on the earth, together with mine and her power we can both create a force so strong it can wipe evil from the world. Strawberry Cream is really special" said Luna




The whole crowd went wild agreeing with Celestia. 


"SILENCE" Boomed Luna. Her voice was so loud that thunder boomed. 


The crowd was silent.


"She will stay" said Luna 


The crowd again disagreed and roared.




The whole sky went pitch black and left the moon on it's own glowing.


Luna suddenly turned into Nightmare Moon with the dark blue eyes. 


"SHE WILL STAY" boomed Luna


The crowd stood speechless. 


Strawberry Cream has returned.



(come back on 25th for the christmas special)


Signature Credits to A jewel of Rarity!

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  • 4 weeks later...

The guard stared at Frost, slightly scared but extremely confused. He looked at the other guard to his left, and he just shrugged and they both looked back at the strange unicorn before them. 

"Should I really let him in? Well, he could most likely know Luna personally, as he says, but he doesn't look familiar. I would've seen him around here before. Hmmm... Let's see if he really does know the princess..." the guard thought to himself. He glared at the unicorn intensely, as if trying to read his mind.

"Okay. I will allow you access to see Princess Luna." he said, then pushed the doors open and walked inside the castle. He turned his head to make sure the unicorn was following him, and found him walking close behind. "Right this way, sir. I would like to inform you that she is in the middle of a very important meeting." he said, passing a glance back at the pony. He turned back quickly, then turned a corner into another hallway.

"I will see if she can talk to you, however." he said, looking at every one of the doors carefully, as if he were reading the signs on each door, looking for the right room.


Soon, they came to a large set of doors, and the guard gently tapped his hoof on one of them. He pushed the door open slowly, peering into the room. He saw the three ponies, turned towards him and staring, wondering why he was there.

"Excuse me, Princess. Im sorry to interrupt you three, but there is somepony here that claims he knows you." the guard said, then stepped back to let Luna see Frost.The guard stared at him, watching him closely, just in case.

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Luna looked over and before she could answer steel spoke up "he's with me "steel said

"Yes I know him let him in since he's with steel"Luna said then she turned to frost "it's been a while I'd love to Talk but we have business to take care of steel has already expressed how important it is"

Steel sighed "yes it's very important and I'd like to figure out this curse and get ride if it before some pony gets hurt she's lost control once and already " steel said

Luna shot him a disapproving look

Steel just shrugged and sat down

Luna looked over to moonbeam "moonbeam would you be so kind as to tell me more about your curse so I can help you deal with it before steel has a meltdown"

((Not sure what your plans are for the curse and all that so if you could pm me the details and such for all of it that would great also strawberry cream if your reading this wtf was that you didn't even apply and you took control of someone else's oc along with using an all powerful oc I'm not trying to be rude I'm just expressing my utter confusion $$

  • Brohoof 1

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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The guard held the door open wider, motioning for Frost to walk in. As soon as Frost was inside the room, the guard bowed to Luna.

"Sorry for not knowing that he was welcome here, I would've let him in to avoid this inconvenience. Good day, Princess Luna." he said, then turned to Frost. "Im sorry for not believing you, sir. Good day, and to you Steel and..." he looked at Moon Beam.

"Oh, uh, Im Moon Beam." she said anxiously.

"Good day, Moon Beam." the guard said, bowing and smiling at her, then left the room.

Moon Beam quickly turned back to Luna and began to explain. "Well, the curse can be kept under control, but not easily. Its harder to control at night for some reason, which ive never been able to figure out. However, it does do some weird things, and over the years, ive learned more and more about it. Its mainly powered by the thing thats inside of every pony, which you would already know about i presume- inner power- and it is linked to my inner power. And through many years of practice and training, i have learned to use my inner power and make it stronger, which also helps me control the curse." Moon Beam had begun talking really fast, anxious to explain everything quickly and as best she could. "But, something really strange i had noticed was, the night i first met Steel, was the first time in a while that the curse had acted up and taken control. But it had never done anything like it had that night." she said, glancing at Steel briefly, then turning back to Luna with a sort of confused look on her face, as if she were trying to ask Luna a question with her expression.

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Iuna was silent deep I'm thought she had heard of such a curse before in fact she had seen and talked to its last victim "I'm sorry to say this but I know very little about your curse" Luna said

Steel sighed and was about to speak when Luna continued "but I know some pony that dose he had the curse and may still have it I'm not sure never the less he lives deep in the everfree he's a unicorn named Leif evergreen but be careful every plant every drop of water even the timber wolves are at his command"

Steel nodded "so every step we take we'd be I'm danger of him attacking and killing us" steel said

Luna nodded "yes just another day for you steel ponies are always trying to kill you" Luna said

Steel smiled then walked over to moonbeam and frost steel noticed the eyepatch and blood and made a mental note to ask about it later "okay so death by plant or water not how I plan go" steel said ((I thought moonbeam could wait yo learn anything besides another pony has the curse or had the curse I can't decide of he will or won't ))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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(Sorry I didn't see you had posted X( well looks like I'll just catch up :3)


Frost followed behind the guard, his little outburst at the gate had made his blood begin to pump with force. The band that was wrapped around his head was beginning to get a small blood stain over the part touching his eye directly. Once he had reached the doors to Luna's chamber, he smirked when the doors opened. He bowed his head slightly, placing a hoof on his chest as he did so when his eyes met those of luna. He looked up "It has been a while princess, I must say you look older." He chuckled, but his expression straightened back out when she mentioned business. He sat back and listened as the three in front of him began to talk, what seemed like a curse of some sort. He zoned out until they mentioned a name that was familiar to his ears. "Lief......Evergreen..." he echoed silently under his breath. "Hehe that prick eh? Well looks like I will finally get a shot at that little plothole." He chuckled slightly. As he pressed his hoof against his eye. "Ahg that hurts.....Jaeger Ill skin you for this." He growled

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  • 2 weeks later...

"hey ARTSETA" said sweetrings running into the purple alicorn filly."HEY whats going on" darkmoon saidhis red eyes glowing as he sighed."hey artseta what ya drawing"asked sweetrings




aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh" all of them screamed "shhh shhhh" moonbeam said calming them down.


 They wake up wrighting more in the book.About humans.


(Sorry nothing else ahhh)


                        read meh book

                               The Search For Adventure


A young boy sat alone in a cottage. He sat rocking back and forth, his knees tight to his chest. He wondered, will this ever end, the nightmare, the endless nightmare. The boy let go of his legs at the sound of clawing and growling at the three doors. The wind howled as a huge “THUD” as each door fell the back last. There was a white wolf with blue eyes and a black star at the start of her left hind leg. The next door under a gray and black wolf with a hint of white and a blue and a green eye, a scar near his left green eye. At the back was a light brown pup looking proudly. His hazel eyes gleamed at the sight of a real human. “Well I wasn’t expecting him to have those,“ said the brown pup getting leaped over. He grabbed the kid’s jeans, a piece ripping off.


“RUN IVAN” He heard his father yell in his head. The wolves at his tail literally his golden blond tail with a light brown tip flew loosely in the wind, his like wolf ears a golden brown with the base light brown. His fur like hair flying through the air well even though it was short.it was blond with streaks of light brown and very dark black.


The white she wolf grabbed his tail almost making him fall. He flicked her off. She fell not getting up. The other wolves gathered around her. “ILL GET YOU ONCE IVAN I PROMISE YOU” yelled the black gray and white wolf who seemed to be the leader. Ivan ran in till he found a hill with a tree. The running had made him very tired. He drifted to sleep by the tree. 


The nightmare continuing in his head as he fell asleep. His dad yelling "RUN" the wind making him fall back his ears tickled. His tail flew loosly making him a little off balence "oh these dam ears and tail why me"he groaned running as fast as he could hitting his head on a brach and lurching awake. 

Edited by rainbow+pie
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"Oh, well thats nice. A forest might kill me. Just great... What have i gotten myself into?" Moon Beam thought. She looked at Steel as he walked over to her and Frost. She gave him a half worried, half anxious smile, then looked at Luna. She sighed and lowered her head slightly. She was a bit tired from the journey, and also from the information she had just heard. 

Moon Beam turned to look at Frost and his mysterious, blood covered eye patch. "Uuuhh.." she said quietly, giving him a confused look. "Never mind. Im not even going to ask." she said, looking from Frost back to Luna.

"So uh, Im assuming that the only way to get to this Leif Evergreen is through the Everfree forest, where everything can kill us. And we are going there, not even actually knowing if he can help us? Terrific plan! Because getting killed by trees was absolutely on my bucket list." Moon Beam was giggling and smiling as she spoke, but wasnt completely joking about what she said. She wasnt very sure about going to meet Leif Evergreen, but would do anything to get more information on her curse.

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