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Steel watched her as she took off, admiring her beauty as she flew. Steel couldn't help but smile up at her after she done her fly by he took of after her the wound under his wing hurt as he flew but he didn't let it show once he was beside her he smiled and bolted up getting as much hight and speed as he could he closed his wings and felt himself continue going up for a few seconds then as he began to fall gaining speed once again he shot by moonbeam and as he did so he kissed her check or at least tried to he kept going till he almost hit the ground and turned leveling off flying just inches off the ground before bolting back up as he neared moonbeam he out his hooves out and caught her and key flying higher and higher "did you know that I love you" steel said with a smiled as he closed his wings and began to fall while still holding moonbeam he leveled off higher then last time but not by much then he began to flip around and goff off holding moonbeam the whole time

Spawn watched with disdain

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Moon Beam watched Steel as he flew, smiling the entire time. It was nice to see him being more free, and not acting so up-tight. Ever since they had arrived at the castle, he had been the way too serious and cold Steel she had met that night she had arrived in Ponyville. Now, he was the fun and more layed back Steel she had gotten to know during this little adventure. 

Suddenly, as Steel fell and shot by her, she felt him kiss her cheek. Her eyes widened in surprise, then a pinkish hue ran across her cheeks, and she smiled shyly, as if she were a small filly. Then, as she heard Steel's wings, she looked down to find him only inches away from her. However, she didn't have time to react to his sudden appearance, since she was now being quickly lifted higher and higher into the air. 

Moon Beam looked up to see Steel carrying her into the clouds. She blushed yet again at what he said, and couldn't help but smiling widely. Suddenly, she got an idea as they quickly lost speed and began to fall. She glanced at Steel with a devious look in her eyes. 

"Of course I do." she said, then broke away from his grip and began falling towards the ground by herself. She closed her wings completely, then gave Steel a cocky look. She glanced at the ground carelessly as it neared the two ponies. 

Moon Beam readied herself when she was at least a few meters above the ground. Then, right before she would have been dead, she disappeared. She was no where to be seen for a few seconds, then suddenly, she bolted past Steel, laughing with delight.

"Wooooohooooo!" she yelled as she glided on the wind, her face filled with joy. She then tipped towards the ground gracefully, and as she neared it, she turned to level herself, then began flipping herself over and over. She brought herself straight back up into the air abruptly, and continued spinning. 

Once she was high enough, she stopped flying and let herself slow down. She opened her wings wide, and closed her eyes. She had stopped spinning, and looked as if she were suspended in the air, the setting sun behind her causing her to look silhouetted. She soon began falling quickly towards the earth, and she let herself fall limply. She flipped herself so that she was pointing straight down, and before she could hit the ground, she opened her wings, sharply pulling herself up, then leveled out. She looked around and settled her eyes on Steel. She smiled softly, then giggled. 

Moon Beam then mouthed, "I love you, too." then looked forward again and began flying as fast as she could.

((sorry this one is so long, i hope you dont mind. i just had a lot of fun writing this))

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Steel smiled as he watched moonbeam he was happy and he and he knew he would do anything to keep her safe and happy but if push came slot shove safe was good enough when she mouthed I love you he smiled even bigger he took off after her then thought about frost -maybe we should wait for him- steel thought - nah he will be fine and he can handle himself- steel kept flying trying to catch up to moonbeam part of his mane had fallen in front of his face but he ignored it letting the rush if the wind push it around it stayed out if his eyes for the most past he was catching up to moonbeam his life of training had made him extremely fit and rather fast he couldn't keep up with somepony in the wonder bolts or rainbow dash but he could do well enough as he neared moonbeam he looked at her - Beauty in its purest form-steel thought

Spawn wasn't enjoying himself like steel was and his show of power that needed with a small magical battle inside steel had left him weak but steel had hatered In him and soon spawn would be strong

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Moon Beam looked back at Steel as he drew closer to her. "We are racing, right?" she asked with a giggle. She looked back ahead, then quickly began flapping her wings with more and more strength and power, pushing herself to go faster. Suddenly, she had a brilliant thought. 

She smirked deviously as her eyes and wings began to glow. Her wings grew slightly, her eyes narrowed, and a magical barrier formed around her. It was close to her body, so that it wouldn't slow her down. Her wings began to glisten, and her ears lied back against her head firmly. She slowed down for a brief moment, readying herself, then suddenly, she beat her wings once and a loud boom sounded. Moon Beam began flapping her wings rapidly, increasing her speed as she kept going forward. A smile crept across her face as she flew through the air at great speed. She wanted to look back, to see how far away Steel was, if he had somehow caught up with her. However, that could slow her down, and she didn't want to risk that. More importantly, she didn't want to get hurt either.

After a while, she held out one of her hooves, and abruptly stopped. She immediately dropped a few feet, then began to hover. She turned to try and find Steel, to see if he had been right behind her the entire time, or really far away.

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Steel laughed "that's how you want to play huh" steel said he took control of the little part of spawn he could and began to fly harder his hooves began to shoot out fire he Pontus them back so he left a trail of fire and smoke behind him he used spawns magic to make his wings bigger and stronger he flapped with all his might and managed to up with moonbeam when she stopped steel blew right past her stopping a few feet ahead of we he liked back wondering why she had stopped so suddenly she had been in the lead and would have won he didn't say anything he just hovered there letting the fire on his hooves die off he looked at the dark smoke line in the sky and laughed she would definitely be able to tell where he was the smoke led right to him he looked down to her as she looked back -bet she's looking for me I should hide- steel thought he dove down silently and hid himself I'm a tree and waited he would jump out as soon as she got close she'd have to fool low the smoke to the spot teen feet away where he had stopped

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Frost followed the two, though he was at a walking pace he managed to keep track if them. He just walked in silence thinking about what he had done and what was to come. He looked up at the Steel and Moonbeam, he gave a slight smile knowing the two had an undying love for one another, something that he always found himself wishing he had. His thoughts changed to the image of Luna, the mare he had had a crush on for a while. e felt something warm run down the side of his face. He wiped the warm area with the side of his fore leg before lifting it eye level to see it was lightly matted with blood. Great, my tear ducts are filled with blood, just something else I have to wait on... he thought as he looked up, not seeing Steel or Moonbeam any where, he cursed under his breath "Steel! M-Moonbeam! Where are you.guys?!" He called out frantically looking around as well. He cursed again this time slightly louder, he ran down the path he had been following and continued to call out the names of his comrades. "Moonlight! STEEL!" He called

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As Moon Beam turned around to look for Steel, she saw something shoot past her. She let out a startled gasp and was about to turn and look for what had flown by her, but smoke was quickly surrounding her. Her eyes widened. "Huh?" she wondered out loud. Suddenly, images started flashing in her mind, and she began to remember something from when she was just a filly.

"Mom! Aaaahhh! Mom, help!" Moon Beam cried. Her eyes were welling with tears, her heart was pounding. "Momma! *cough cough* Mom, I'm scared!" She began running, trying to find her way through the thick, black air. There were tears streaming down her face now, and she was coughing constantly.

"Moon Beam! Moon Beam, where are you, honey?" She heard a sort of muffled voice

"Mom! I- *cough cough* I'm in here!" she yelled back.

"Are you okay, sweetheart? I'm coming to get you! Sing your favorite song to me, Moonie! You'll be alright." 

"Okay mommy..." Moon Beam looked around frantically, trying to see through the smoke. The tears were still falling down her cheeks, but slowly now. Then, she closed her eyes, and began singing.

"Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are." when she finished, she kept her eyes closed, but she turned her head from side to side. "Wait.." she said quietly. She turned around, and began turning her head again, as if she were looking around the room. "Why... Why can I see the room? My eyes aren't open..." she said. 

Suddenly, she felt a hoof land on her shoulder. She turned her head, eyes still closed. "Mom?" she asked.

"Yes, honey, it's me. You're okay now. We will get out of here."

"Mom, my eyes are closed. How come I can still see you?"

"Because you're special, Moon Beam. Now, open your eyes, and let's get out of here."

Moon Beam closed her eyes tightly and started shaking her head, trying to get back to reality. However, even though her eyes were closed, tears began falling down her cheeks. She then quickly turned and began flying as fast as she could. She then began to feel things scratching at her, then collided with something she couldn't identify, and fell. As she fell, she heard a voice from off in the distance. 

"Huh? Frost?" she said, then hit the ground with a thud. She groaned loudly, and turned on her side. She wrapped her hooves around her stomach and chest, then covered her face with her wing. 

Edited by DashieHeart
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Steel seen what had happened and flew after her "moonbeam" steel called he seen her crash and go down "moonbeam!"

Steel dove to her -what happened why did she fly off like that- steel thought - what if it was my fault- steel bent down "moonbeam at okay" steel asked while looking over her body assessing the scratches and bruises she seemed fine but he seen how hard she fell and he wasn't sure, of she was okay he gently moved her wing and nuzzled her he let spawns fire overcome his hooves in case she needed to be healed quickly he would always take the bullet for her he loved her way to much to let her die ((man I just love this role play it's great and even though it's slow going it still Beats all the other role plays I've been in and u just wanted to say thank you for allowing me to be part of this epic story and even help with the creation of the basic story line for this role play I consider is friends and that includes you frosty v even thought out pair the least on this it's okay bet you guys didn't know this was filler)

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Frost head a loud thud off in the distance, his ear flicked at the sound and he immediately turned his head in the direction that the sound had originated. He lifted an eyebrow and started to trot in the direction. He pushed through a few yards of bushes before walking out into the clearing and seeing Steel over Moonbeam, his hoofs seemed like they were Spawns. Frost eye glowed lightly, not really noticeable by the others but Frost was aware of its powers. "Steel....or are you Spawn?" He said still unaware, his vision was close to normal, but it was still cloudy from the recent procedure. It seems like every time I so much as turn around something always happens... he thought go himself, his expression still shoeing no feeling, but inside he felt something, but wasn't very sure how to explain it.


((That is very kind of you Dashian, I as well am very excited to be in this, you two are the perfect examples of what I look for in RP partners, you always remember to post even with all the stuff that is going on, you use well detailed posts and good grammar as well! Wait...did I hear someone say sequel?))

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Moon Beam looked at Steel and managed to smile weakly. "Steel, I'm fine. You can put your fire out." she said jokingly, and laughed lightly. However, even though the laugh was soft, it was enough to cause her pain. She grimaced and held her stomach tighter. Then she remembered Steel. She smiled at him again, then tried to get back up onto her hooves. 

Suddenly, she heard a voice call to Steel, or Spawn. "Uhm, Frost?" she thought aloud. She stood up and looked past Steel, and saw Frost standing off in the distance. "Oh woah... I thought you got lost." she laughed, then turned away from Steel and groan. 

"But hey uh, Steel. I need to show you something." Moon Beam said turning to him. "Just bare with me, okay?" Her eyes began to glow as she stared into his as she used all of her strength to show him her memory. 

((You're welcome, Dashian, and thank you both for wanting to be a part of this RP. Dashian, you have made it a lot of fun, and I love the way you think and stuff, like the things you post and what you contribute to the story is really awesome, and I always love reading your posts. Frosty, your posts are always very interesting and fun to read, too, and you always have cool things to add, and I love your character and how he is. But yes, I think someone did say sequel :D ))

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Steel looked to frost "it's just me first moonbeam crashed" steel said he was about to let the flames die but then he seem the pain register on her face when her showed him her memory he wasn't sure why she was showing him this but he didn't mind when she was done he sighed "you're hurt moonbeam" steel said "if you won't let me help then you we have to find somepony that can help okay" steel said

((Hey I was wondering if I could throw on one of my OCs he's not in my list and I don't have a page for him because I'm always on mobile and I can't make a page that way but his name is grell and he's a death master but acts as the healer he's unicorn and can see the other side so he sees souls and such and he can kill somepony by thought but passes out right after making him very vulnerable and he fights with a scythe oh and thanks I think my style if thinking comes from playing RPGs and things like dnd it really helps to have a background in role playing games so yeah umm if I can use grell let me know and I have a plan for him))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Moon Beam shook her head and closed her eyes tightly after she had showed Steel her memory. She leaned to the side slightly, almost falling, but caught herself. She then looked at Steel blankly, and let a tiny smile form on her face. "Steel, I'm fine trust me. I'm just scratched. The fall wasn't that bad." she said, and smiled reassuringly.

Moon beam then gave him a serious and sort of concerned look. "But, there is something else a bit more important. That memory, I know you don't know why I showed it to you, but it's... it was very serious and... hard to explain.." her voice got softer at the end, and she was trying to think of how to explain that memory to him. "I saw that before I flew off and hit the tree and all, while all the smoke was around me and whatever. The smoke triggered that memory. For a while I had forgotten about that, and... You know how I could see, even with my eyes closed, right? And when I asked my mom why I could see like that, she simply said that I was special? Well, later on, I asked her about it again. Long story short.. I have this special sense, I guess, and it comes from the curse. It's one of the good things I had gotten out of it. However... it can be dangerous..." she trailed off, and looked off. Suddenly, she looked back at Steel and got back to reality.

She looked at Frost. "Hey, come on. You've been all behind and whatever, we should stick together now, keep track of each other. Sorry we ran off, but you took care of yourself and what not, probably didn't care much that we were gone. Must've been good to have some time to yourself." she said smiling. She turned to Steel. "Let's get back on our way. We need to use our time, not waste it." Moon beam then turned and lifted into the air. "Let's go." she said calmly, and began flying.

((Of course you can throw in Grell, I actually think it'd be nice to add someone new. Go right ahead. And anyway, I was thinking about adding another one of my OCs in a bit later. Frosty, you can add someone if you want, too, since me and Dashian are.))

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Steel sighed "so it was my fault you crashed" steel said "moonbeam you need to get checked out for me okay" steel said "as for the special sense when you're ready if like to hear more about it" steel then turned to frost "yeah sorry about leaving you behind we kinda got carried away with a race and showing off" steel apologized to frost

Meanwhile a little ways deeper in the everfree forest grell, a white unicorn with a crimson mane and eyes the color of dried blood that wore a necklace with a skull on a spike, was busy burying some bodies "you made such a lovely corpse I do hope I helped you to the other side" grell said as he finished with one he moved on to the next "you my friend loved a hard life may the afterlife give you comfort and relaxation" grell Said as he Slowly buried the body he seemed sad but also happy to help the ponies move on to the afterlife and this keep them from being trapped in this plan he was a healer by trade but worked with the dead quite often and had no problem preparing the body

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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((I decided that I will add in my OC now instead of waiting. Her name is Senia, and she looks almost like a cat, like her body is various shades of tan, brown and white with black stripes, and her mane and tail go from brown, fades to tan, then fades to white, then black. Her wings have the same pattern as the body, but the tips are a shiny silver color. She also has like yellow cat eyes, and her cutie mark is a bunch of tiny white dots that circle a black rose))

Moon Beam looked back at the two ponies, and smiled. It was good to see Steel being at least somewhat nice to Frost, and it was always wonderful when they weren't at each others throats. She turned back to watch where she was going, still smiling happily. She let her mind wander as she flew.

Senia smiled as she walked through the softly forest. The sun was slowly setting, and the orange-pink glow made its way through small spaces in the leaves and dotted the ground. She looked up at the sky and took in all of its beauty. She opened her wings wide and closed her eyes as she inhaled deeply. As she exhaled, she opened her eyes slowly, then looked back ahead.

"Aah.." she sighed happily, still smiling. "Just, perfect.." Senia turned her head, and was ready to take in more of nature's beauty, when she saw a white unicorn burying ponies. She gasped quietly, then quickly jumped behind a tree, not wanting the unicorn to see her. She peeked out from behind her hiding spot, eyeing the unicorn. He was speaking as he buried the bodies, as if he were talking to them. "Is this pony insane? Maybe he really is... Maybe I shouldn't be here..." she thought. She focused on the pony, and her eyes developed a shiny, yellow glow, and her cutie mark began to glow also. Soon, she could see what the unicorn was seeing, and could hear what he could here. "He's so odd..." she thought, as she listened to his "conversations" with the dead ponies.

Edited by DashieHeart
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Grell finished burying the dead bodies biding each one a happy after life, in truth he was talking to the souls that he could see but Anypony even one looking through his eyes couldn't see, grell looked right at the tree the mare was hiding behind "hello do you plan to hide there all day" grell asked he would love to have a friend he was so lonely all he had was the dead to talk to and they could be very depressing and usually where plus talking to the dead made you seem crazy even though he was of sound mind many fan yes him insane he was sure this mare was no different and he would do anything and everything it took to prove he wasn't insane

Steel looked at moonbeam " you need to get checked out that was a nasty fall moonbeam I you won't do it for yourself do it fore please" steel said he was worried about moonbeam he could feel spawn getting stronger the longer he stayed by the armor steels only hope was to control him even though he doubted he could do that he would have to to save everypony

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Frost shifted his eyes to moonbeam as Steel told her she needed to get checked out after her nasty fall, Frost knew he was right and knew exactly how to help. He closed his clouded eye and opened it to reveal that the mist had a glowing symbol in its center, allowing him to look over moonbeams skeletal structures. He looked all over from her hooves to her head seeing no broken bones but maybe a couple bruised ribs at the most. As soon as Steel finished his statement Frost spoke up with out missing a beat, "It looks like she has a couple bruised ribs. I couldn't tell much else so you will probably need to get checked out quickly for safety reasons of course." He said on his usual straight forward sounding tone. Frost allowed the symbol in his eye fade, causing a trickle of blood to run down the side of his face again. "Ow..." he managed to say before falling down clutching his eye as he did so. Now I know that I can't strain myself... he thought to himself still holding his eye tightly, he slowly tried to stand back up but quickly fell back down

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Moon Beam turned to the two stallions after Frost spoke up. She rolled her eyes. "Fine." she said defiantly, then looked over just as Frost hit the ground. She raised an eye brow, not sure if she should try to help or not. She didn't want to jump to conclusions and try to help him if he's not that hurt, and anyway, knowing Frost and how he could handle most anything, would probably be fine. However, when Moon Beam saw him try to stand up, and fall back down, she decided she should try to help him. 

She flew over and lighted down next to him. She placed a hoof on his shoulder gently. "Hey, you okay?" she asked softly. She bent down and looked at his face. There was a trickle of blood running down his cheek from his eye. "Oh, jeez.. That's that weird magic thing you did, huh? You need help up?" she asked, trying to get a better look at his eye. 


"Oh uh... Sorry, uhm.. No, I'm not going to hide behind this tree all day." Senia stuttered. She stepped out of her hiding spot as she began to see from her own eyes again. She slowly got closer to the unicorn, and when she was only a few yards away, she stopped. "But uh hey, sorry for, spying on you, I guess. I was just a bit scared, and my first thought was to hide like that." she apologized. She looked over the stallion, watching him closely. She was a bit afraid of him, and didn't think it would be a good idea to take her eyes off of him. "So, my name's Senia. Mind telling me yours?" she asked, smiling brightly and taking another step towards the pony. 

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Steel nodded somewhat satisfied for now he looked at frost as he fell he wasn't going to help till frost fell over again and couldn't get up he walked over to frost and helped him up and helped him stand "you okay frost" steel asked while holding him up he pulled out a cloth for him to wipe the blood away


Grell looked at the mare "it's nice to meet you senia" grell said as he held out his hoof for a hoof shake "my name is grell and it's alright ponies tend to fear me and you have nothing to fear I assure you that is unless you attack me or disrespect the dead then you will face the full extent of my wrath but you don't seem like the type to such things" grell said "anyways you was close neigh to hear me so answer me this why don't you fancy mad" grell asked he was curious as to why she didn't fancy him mad like all the other ponies maybe she was in facts like he was said to be -that would be an interesting turn of events- grell thought then it occurred to him that a dragons soul was watching them he glanced at it then back to senia

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Moon Beam looked at Steel with a confused look as he helped Frost. "Being awfully nice I see. Well that's unlike you." she thought, then giggled quietly to herself. She then stood in front of Frost as Steel wiped the blood from his face. She inspected his eye closely. "This is so weird... It's not very safe either. You may be one of the most intelligent ponies I've ever met, Frost, but this doesn't seem like it was a very smart idea." Moon Beam said. "Is it something that could be healed, like even temporarily? So that this stops?" she asked, taking the cloth from Steel and stroking the side of Frost's face with it to wipe away the blood. 


Senia smiled at Grell as he spoke. "You seem so nice. How could any pony fear you? Well, the fact that you were talking to bodies... Oh... Well, I like you." she thought, then smiled even wider. 

"Grell, such a nice name... Well, I don't fancy you mad because, well, it doesn't really seem like you are." Senia smiled, and stepped closer to the unicorn. "And anyway, a lot of ponies think I'm pretty off. So I guess ponies like us just get it." She smiled warmly, and put her hoof in his and shook it. "I think we could be quite good friends, Grell. If you want to." Suddenly, her cutie mark began to glow slightly and when she noticed, she tried to cover it with her wing anxiously.

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Grell had already seen it's faint glow "interesting I suppose you're right maybe we are mad and we just don't know it yet" grell said with a smile " and sure I could use a friend if you can riddle me this

How are a raven and rabbit alike" grell said in truth he was putting off the true test to see if she was just another pony from the order trying to learn the secrets of the deathmasters ((which is what grell is it's why he can see the souls and things of that nature plus he has a few cool tricks up his sleeve and if you know what that riddle is from your awesome))

Steel looked at moobeam trying to figure out why she giggled to herself he waved it off deciding he had more important things to worry about like helping frost so they could get going and get to this Leif guy that Luna had talked about

Mean while Lief was sitting in his House of vines watching grell and senia through the eyes of timberwolves staying Hidden he was curious as to why they where so deep in the everfree

((Are steel and the others on the everfree as well I can't recall))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Senia tilted her head to the side, raised an eye brow, and let on of her ears lie back against her head after Grell told her the riddle. She looked down at the ground quickly, then back to Grell. She picked her head up, and looked at him with a rather blank but interested look on her face. "Well, I haven't the slightest clue, Grell." she said, then flicked her ear, looking into his eyes. "He's so interesting... I want- no, I need to find out what's going on in that wonderful mind of his." she thought, letting a small smile find it's way onto her face. ((I dont think i get the reference, but i do know the quote "why is a raven like a writing desk?", which is one i actually use much too often)) 

Since Frost hadn't answered, Moon Beam decided to speak up. "Steel, I think it'd be good if we just kind of camped here. It's getting dark anyway, and Frost doesn't seem in any condition to keep going right now. I bet if he rests until morning, he will be fine. However, if not, one of us will have to carry him." she said, glancing at him. She smirked, and not waiting for him to reply said, "Not it." and giggled, then touched her hoof to her nose. She looked back to Frost and wiped more blood off of his face, still laughing victoriously. ((i really hope you get this, because i still do it all the time :) ))

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Grell smiled "the answer is the aren't" grell said ((it's from ciel in wonderland form black butler it's a really good anime but don't watch ciel in wonderland first watch season one then two and I may have spelled his name wrong)) "anyways maybe I can still be your friend but tell me do you believe in ghosts" grell asked

Steel nodded "alright we can camp out here" steel said them when moonbeam said that heat need to be carried he was about to respond when she called not it "gah I've been beat i must carry him" steel said while hanging his head ((I'm almost sixteen and I still do it can I add just one more oc it will add layers to steel bit I can't say much because I don't have the oc compleat it's jut the name and look and basic attitude and such but I need to play test it so I can get it perfect and yeah so that's all I got sorry but I'm out of stuff to say my mind is fried right now I'm so tired sorry that this post has filler I'm really really sorry but I have to keep this up till it's full again really sorry I took an arrow to my knee))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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((ppfff an arrow to your knee XD omg is that a skyrim reference??? and of course you can add your other oc, thats fine)) 

Senia gave Grell an interested look, and tilted her head slightly. "I really do hope we can be friends. But, about the ghosts... Hmm.." she said, turning to the side and began walking. She stopped, and looked up into the trees, then sat down. "I guess it's like, I do, but I have very interesting feelings about them... My mother and father used to tell me stories about ghosts, and when my grandmother, well, you know... My parents would tell me that she was there with the family in spirit, and I guess I always knew she was there." she explained. Then she looked at Grell, and remembered that they had just met, and that may have been a bit much to hear. "Oh, my apologies.. I guess I was just trying to explain that, yes i believe in them, but I have mixed feelings about them themselves..." She began to trail off at the end a bit, not wanting to keep talking. She thought she might just make more of a fool of herself.

Moon Beam giggled lightly at Steel, then looked into Frost's eyes. Hers began to glow, and she began to stare more intently. After a few moments, her eyes stopped glowing, and she looked at Steel. "Alright, that should keep it from bleeding for a while. I will make a small place for him to sleep, you bring him somewhere where he can sort of lie down or something, and keep an eye on him. Once I'm done with his little hut thing, I'll make ours. That is, if youre okay with us sharing one." She looked at Steel and smiled, waiting for his response.

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Grell nodded -okay she's not one of the order- grell thought "okay we can be friends" grell said with a smile

Steel nodded "of course I don't mind sharing one with you" steel said as he laid frost down and sat down watching over him

Astrid a young filly with a very light grey coat and light pink mane was walking trough the everfree with a dagger "can't believe dad stood me up like that" she said she had trained him to the everfree and was trying to find him she carried two obsidian daggers with drconic writhing on them much like the daggers steel made she kept walking and was very quite she seem steel and moonbeam and frost she cast a spell to make her self faster then she darted out and tackled steel and out her dagger to his throat he kicked her off and pulled out his daggers then dive at her they where moving so fast all you could see was a blur and some dust and you could hear the clink of metal hitting metal doom enough steel had the filly pinned down "you've been training" steel said

Astrid smiled "of course I have been daddy" Astrid said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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((It felt like I turned around for a day, but then BAM! Replies everywhere! XD Now since this is becoming more and more frequent better that I start checking this roleplay more yes?))


Frost held his eye for a little longer, "I'm fine...using a body spell like this so soon after its injection can have some serious tolls on ones body and mental state, better just take it slow from now on." He said as he stood himself up and stumbled a bit before finally getting into a good standing position, after a while he started to slowly trot around, stumbling more than a few times he finally managed to get it down. His mind slowly drifted to other thoughts, luna, where they were going, anything really it just seemed to drift from one topic to the next over and over, never ending it seemed to him, yet he didn't mind. He soon realized that he was still trotting and was about to hit a tree. He stopped almost suddenly, turning, to see in a blur, Steels figure holding down the figure to what seemed like a filly, he heard mumbling, shaking his head his vision and hearing slowly returned. The only word he made.out was daddy. "Is this just an illusion from my stupid eye....or is that filly really there?" He asked

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