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open Pony University RP (NEED MORE ROLEPLAYERS!)


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"He was winking at some mare earlier when I arrived at the soccer pitch, then I saw him acting nervous around a white mare.." Minty said sadly, slightly trailing off. She looked up and saw that she was wandering towards the Delta Fraternity House. She didn't care, though, until she saw Windy flying towards it.







"Nopity nope nope!" Storm chirped, still hopping up and down. "You up for the challenge?"

Edited by Shaymin
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Tarot finished eating and began to walk back to her room. She didnt have another class until later. She ran into arrow on the way. "Oh, hey there arrow! How was your smarty pants math class? My classes sucked major flank" she laughed, hopping onto her bed happily, kicking her legs over the side

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"B-But he could of... Or maybe..." Minty was right. "Well Windy's always like that. You know he is. S-surely he didn't want to hurt you. He probably just though he was being friendly or o-r he was nervous because it was remembering your anniversary. or..." He gave up. There was clearly nothing he could do. "Ok, so I can't help. I'm sorry. But I do know that he wouldn't want to see you so upset. I bet that if you ask him he will say so."

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Tarot finished eating and began to walk back to her room. She didnt have another class until later. She ran into arrow on the way. "Oh, hey there arrow! How was your smarty pants math class? My classes sucked major flank" she laughed, hopping onto her bed happily, kicking her legs over the side

"Arrow sees his roommate and brings up the 'class' subject. "Oh, it was cool... How did yours suck?" He asked as he laid his ebony and wolframite bow on the counter. "Let me guess... Is it... something about.... math?" He asked and tweaks his bow and makes the body  of it more hollow by conjuring specific parts for the bow. "Hm... I bet I could... No..." He mumbles to himself.

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" close, chemistry. Hey,whats that ya got there? It's pretty neat!" She said, looking a little closer at it. ' are you a good bowman? Us that the right word? I'm not too sure" she said, laughing a little at herself. " it's a pretty fancy looking bow, must be a pretty stellar shot. " she said, admiring the bow

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" close, chemistry. Hey,whats that ya got there? It's pretty neat!" She said, looking a little closer at it. ' are you a good bowman? Us that the right word? I'm not too sure" she said, laughing a little at herself. " it's a pretty fancy looking bow, must be a pretty stellar shot. " she said, admiring the bow

Arrow smirks at her being bored in chemistry. Then smiles at her interest in his bow. "I guess, it's been a while since I shot it." Says as he draws back the string. "I guess you could say 'bowman'. But it's actually pronounced, 'archer'. Bowman would sound silly if everypony said that." He ends and releases the string slowly.

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" yeah archer definitely sounds better" she said, rolling her eyes at herself. " why donut ya go to the local shooting range? I'm sure you could practice there, it'd be pretty cool to see some awesome archery skills" she said, imitating a bow being shot. " I wouldn't be any good, but it's be sweet to see"

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Arrow looks at Tarot for a second. "I could probably teach you." He look at his bow. "This is a sixty pound pull back." He put the bow together in adding in the hollow frame to make it lighter. "Careful with the limbs, the ends of it are sharp." He then levitates it to Tarot. 

((OOC: Last post, Imma be gone for at least a day or two.))

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As Windy was nearing the once-feared Frat House, he glanced around and saw Minty a fair distance away. Closing his eyes and breathing deeply to keep in control, Windy turned away from her and flew onto the second story balcony of the Delta's House, and knocked on the door. The door was answered by Chase Trails, a friend of his from Freshman Year. After a few minutes of catching up, Chase clapped Windy on the back heartily and escorted him into the house to pledge and join the Deltas.


About an hour later, Windy stepped out of the House, a Delta Tau Delta crimson red and gold jacket replacing his usual old jersey, and a haughty smirk on his face. "Now THIS is what I needed! Now I have a house full of brothers to help me, and I'm a member of the coolest frat in Equestria! Nopony will not be able to respect me now! Minty included!" 

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@, @,

"I'm actually regretting my decision of breaking up with him; I just don't know what to do now."
Minty said, sitting down on a bench. "I just hope I can talk to him again if he can," Minty said finally, looking to see a very familiar stallion emerging from the Delta house with a Delta jersey.. "Windy!?"

Edited by Shaymin
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"Oh, you`re so on!" he said, quickly getting up, having paid for the Coffee, and heading outside, stretching himself. "Alright, what kinda race we going for? Short, Long? Few miles, down the street? What, what!?" he said, clearly raring to go. Even though he enjoyed history, and could  be seen as a geeky Griffion, he couldn`t help but get excited by the idea of a race, especially against a species he`d never gone up against before.  

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As Windy stepped down the stairs and onto the sidewalk in front of the Delta House, he saw Minty looking right at him. Feeling a frown slip onto his face, he turned and stormed off without looking back at her even once. He hurried back to his room as soon as possible. Closing the door behind him and slumping down into a chair, he thought, "I'm just gonna have to avoid her. If I see her, I'll just start thinking about how cute she is, and how much I miss her... and yep, there I go again! Just gotta steer clear of her for a while. Yeah, how hard can that be?" he thought hopefully. 

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"Huh?" Minty watched sadly as Windy trotted away, not even taking a glance at her. "I guess he really did move on."  After walking to her room in silence beside Blaze, she let herself fall onto her bed and had a good cry. 






"We might as well go for at least a mile! I'm feeling extra-energetic today!" Storm bragged.

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Shirley eventually went back to her room. She walked in to find a somewhat sulky looking Windy. She then remembered the incident in the hallway and sat on her bed. "Hey dude what's up? The last couple times I've seen you you've looked a little rough. Wanna talk about it?" Shirley had a genuine look of concern on her face.

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"Sweet!" Vincent said excitedly, thinking a moment. "One sec." He said, dashing up straight into the air and looking around at various structures around town. He smirked as he found something just over a mile away, landing back on the ground beside the mare. "alright, there`s this park about a mile away. In the middle of the park, there`s this statue of General Hoofinhower. First one there wins. Deal?" he said, getting into a good launch position. "On 3?" he said, adreneline pumping in anticipation. 

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"Huh?" Minty watched sadly as Windy trotted away, not even taking a glance at her. "I guess he really did move on." After walking to her room in silence beside Blaze, she let herself fall onto her bed and had a good cry.





"We might as well go for at least a mile! I'm feeling extra-energetic today!" Storm bragged.

Blaze had given up trying to cheer Minty up. There was nothing he could do. He failed yet again. The best he could do is watch Minty Cry. Staring off into the stars, Blaze began to ponder. Why was he here? At a University? He wasn't smart, he wasn't brave, and he couldn't do anything out of his wheelchair. And yet he always tried to help out. He always tried to reassure and he can't even reassure himself. So what was the point?
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Shaking his head and quickly throwing an arrogant and cocky smirk on his face, Windy stood up from the chair he was in. Thrusting out his chest to make sure that Shirley saw the Delta Tau Delta insignia on his new jacket, he replied, "You'd better believe I'm alright sister! Yeah, sure I had a bit of a rough spot with my now ex-marefriend, but that's all behind me! From now on, things are looking up for Runner! No mare to tether me down! Equestria is my emerald!" he said enthusiastically, trying to keep his voice from sounding hollow or forced. "And, to top it all off, I'm now a member of the most revered and coveted Fraternities in all Equestria!" he added for good measure, both to convince Shirley and himself. 

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(Sorry for the lack of posts, was a bit lost with what to do with Bubble.)


Storm and Vincent had both left, Bubble had been content to investigate the room for a while but there was only so long that she could entertain herself before getting bored.


Wandering out into the main building she decided to investigate, since she still had a lot of free time that day, and possibly find something to eat.

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"Sure, if love to see some stellar archery! Do ya think you could hit an apple if my head? I'll give ya five bits if you can" she said, balancing a book onto her head. It fell to the floor with a crash. "Heh, you know what? Maybe that wouldn't be the best idea" she said, picking up the book a little embarassed

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"Sure, if love to see some stellar archery! Do ya think you could hit an apple if my head? I'll give ya five bits if you can" she said, balancing a book onto her head. It fell to the floor with a crash. "Heh, you know what? Maybe that wouldn't be the best idea" she said, picking up the book a little embarassed

Arrow laughs a bit. "Maybe, but I wouldn't want to shoot your eye out, or worse with this bow." Arrow said in a monotone. "Want to hold it?" He asked and levitated it to Tarot. waiting for her to pick it up out of his levitation field. "I won't bite if that's what you're worried about he said jokingly."

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Shirley leaned back slightly at the bombardment of words. That had not been at all what she had been expecting him to say. She couldn't care less that he was in a fraternity, considering she didn't really know what it was. So she just put on an unsure smile and nodded. "Oh um... cool I guess?"

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Tarot smiled and held it gently in her hooves. "This now looks pretty special huh? It's really detailed" she said looking closely at the bow. "It's pretty neat. So when are we gonna go shooting stuff? I'm gonna own the crud outta that target! With a rented now of, course" she said, handing the bow back

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Tarot smiled and held it gently in her hooves. "This now looks pretty special huh? It's really detailed" she said looking closely at the bow. "It's pretty neat. So when are we gonna go shooting stuff? I'm gonna own the crud outta that target! With a rented now of, course" she said, handing the bow back

"Well, you can use mine, I can lower the weight of the pull back to you standard." Arrow says and look at the clock <insert time here> "We can go now if you want?" He says and conjures a quiver of arrows made of the same material as the bow its self. "Ready to 'own that target'?" He says mimicking her.

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Tarot nodded happily. "Sure! The range isn't too far from here at all" she said, strapping on her saddlebags and opening the door. "After you" she said, skipping along beside him. "It's a good thing I don't have any more classes today, that would suck" she said, sticking her tongue out

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Tarot nodded happily. "Sure! The range isn't too far from here at all" she said, strapping on her saddlebags and opening the door. "After you" she said, skipping along beside him. "It's a good thing I don't have any more classes today, that would suck" she said, sticking her tongue out

Arrow smiles and starts to walk out of the campus. "Yeah, that would suck. That's why I have my classes early." he said and puts the bow on his back. "Do you know where the archery is?" He asked. "It sounds like you do, so why don't you lead?" He asked letting her take the lead.

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