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open Pony University RP (NEED MORE ROLEPLAYERS!)


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"Not even my own roommate recognized me.. If nopony else is going to recognize me, I might as well start over! I will have a new reputation at his university, and it will NOT be the loner!" Minty silently thought. "Um, that's because I'm not Minty! Who is Minty anyway? I'm, umm.. Song!" Minty laughed nervously. She still managed to give a charming smile to the stallion, though.

Blaze smiled deceptivley. The fact she lied simply comfirmed it was Minty. He could easily tell. Yet he decided to play along with her little game. "OK song. I just mistook you for somepony else is all." He spawned a drink from the nearest vending machine. "So what'ya want? And how did you know my name?" Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"...Look, I know you know it's me. I'm just trying to find a disguise to hide from Windy. Just please don't tell anypony! I'm trying not to get noticed, and I don't want Windy to find out I'm spying on him.." Minty said,sighing. "The last thing I would want is for him to yell at me.. or watch him be in love with somepony else.."


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"Naw. I thought you actually sompony else!" Blaze retorted in a sarcastic manner. "And anyway you may be taking this a bit too far.I mean getting over it can be hard but following him? Isn't that kinda near perversion? You should just get over the ordeal by now." He took a sip of his drink the the least care in his face. 

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Perversion?" "I shouldn't have gone to you anyway. You don't know what it's like to be rejected for somepony else." Minty sighed, trotting away in search of the stallion. "I guess I'll have to handle this problem on my own." Minty thought aloud, trotting down the street.


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"Perversion?" "I shouldn't have gone to you anyway. You don't know what it's like to be rejected for somepony else." Minty sighed, trotting away in search of the stallion. "I guess I'll have to handle this problem on my own." Minty thought aloud, trotting down the street.

"Hey!" Blaze ran over to her. "What do you mean I don't know what it's like to be rejected? Are you implying I have never been with somepony? Ever? Yeah you may now know this but back in my hive? Kind of a big dealio here! And besides, there are better ways of finding what Windy is doing than perving on him."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Minty sighed. "What are the other ways that you're talking about? Is there really another way, since I kind of dont want to be seen by him or noticed. Heck, I'd even transfer!" Minty said, skidding to a halt to face the changeling--stallion. Would Blaze's plan work?


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"Yup Roy, I'm tagging along." Windy said happily. Inwardly, however, he was seething. "You'd think she'd be FLATTERED that I'm taking notice of her.... hehe, 'asset'.... I'm one of the most well liked, good looking colts at this school! She should be drooling all over me!!! What gives?? Maybe I'll ask Roy about her sometime......" 


"Hey Roy, my man, how's college going so far?" Windy asked, tearing his eyes away from Shirley to look at her brother.

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Minty sighed. "What are the other ways that you're talking about? Is there really another way, since I kind of dont want to be seen by him or noticed. Heck, I'd even transfer!" Minty said, skidding to a halt to face the changeling--stallion. Would Blaze's plan work?

"What?" Blaze looked confused before he realised what she meant. "Oh!" He laughed to himself. "You thought- you thought I had a plan for you? No! I'm not that smart! I just know that following him arround isn't the best one of them." He shrugged. "Just like, talk to his friends or something, squeeze i.fo I dunno."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Roy nodded at the pegasus. "Quite excellent. My teachers are pretty nice I guess. I heard the kitchen is pretty cool. Are we even allowed in there?" Shirley scoffed at Roy's concern. "It's not like they ever said so. I'm sure we'll be fine." Shirley trotted forward excitedly, and Roy fell in step with Windy.

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"Well, if its not such a great idea, I guess I'll just hang around in this disguise for a bit at least. You know, I wouldn't stalk Windy. Happy?" Minty said with a polite laugh, continuing to trot down the street until she spotted a familiar stallion at the other side of the street, and frantically put on some shades and speed walked away.


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"Well, if its not such a great idea, I guess I'll just hang around in this disguise for a bit at least. You know, I wouldn't stalk Windy. Happy?" Minty said with a polite laugh, continuing to trot down the street until she spotted a familiar stallion at the other side of the street, and frantically put on some shades and speed walked away.

Blaze facehoofed and caught uo with her. "Well Speedwalking is the worst way to do it. Just relax! You look like you're going somewhere!" He took another sip of his drink only to recoil in disgust. He had no idea what he plucked from that machine but it was disgusting so he threw it in the bin. "Hey uhh, wanna go get a coffee or something?"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Bubble had purchased food and was progressively frustrating a number of others by bouncing around the various tables with far too much energy than the crowded area required - a number of drinks spilled as she passed in high spirits, wondering exactly what had happened to her roommates before finally sitting down to eat.


'Why is every pony so angry? Is the food bad here or... Oh! All of their drinks are all over the tables and stuff: those cups must leak!' She thought, grinning to herself at how well she had been able to figure out the problem with the bare minimum or supporting clues!

Never quite forgotten.

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Minty stopped in her tracks. "Ha, for a second there I actually thought you asked me out." Minty chuckled, continuing to trot away until she tripped over a rock. "And if you're joking, it's not funny. I didn't know you still liked me. Didn't you like Gardenia?"

Edited by Shaymin


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Minty stopped in her tracks. "Ha, for a second there I actually thought you asked me out." Minty chuckled, continuing to trot away until she tripped over a rock. "And if you're joking, it's not funny. I didn't know you still liked me. Didn't you like Gardenia?"

Blaze sighed. "I'm not aski.g you out I'm asking if you want to get a coffee or something. If I was to ask you out I'd be asking if you wanted to go to go see a movie. This is more casual!" He went over and helped her up. "And besides, Gardenia left uni. I haven't seen her and I didn't exactly ask her out did I? So that's not important."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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@@Ampharos, @,


As the trio walked by a group of tables, Windy spied a very... excitable pink mare bouncing all over the place. "Yowza! What a cutie! I should go over and say hi... Maybe I need to get to know a more carefree mare, Minty WAS always so serious... This is college, after all! Gotta be more laid back, more relaxed!"


"Hey, Shirley, Roy, I'm gonna have to take a rain check on that cooking stuff. Sounds awesome, but, ah, I have... other things to attend to. Catch ya later!" he said, trotting away and waving over his shoulder at them.


Trotting up to the pink mare, Windy grinned broadly and stepped into her line of excited movement. "Hey there! You seem really happy! Can I ask why? I'm Windy, by the way, Windy Runner. And you are?" he said, sticking out a hoof and pushing out his chest slightly, to emphasize the coveted Frat jacket he proudly wore on it. 

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"Well you keep working on your aim." Arrow said. "I'll be heading back to the collage." He gives her a wink, "You can keep using my bow." He ended and trots back to the university and heads of to the cafeteria. "Hm..." He looks over the edible fruits and snacks. "Maybesome wheat fries and a vegi-burger..." He thinks out loud.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Bubbles eyes snapped to the colt in front of her as he introduced himself.


"Hi! I'm Bubble - Bubble Burst! Pleased to meet you Windy. Re you new too? What's wrong with your chest? Did you spill hot coffee and burn yourself or something?"


She halted her torrent of speech to give Windy chance to speak, thankfully having calmed down to more normal levels in the absence of her similarly excitable roommate.

Never quite forgotten.

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Windy did a bit of a double take at Bubble's comment. "What?? No, no I didn't spill anything on my chest!" he said somewhat defensively, retracting his chest back to how he would normally stand. The more he thought about it, the stupider his chest thrusting braggart attitude seemed. "This ditz probably doesn't even know the Delta's clout around campus! Yet.... But she'll learn. Maybe I can invite her to one of our parties...?" 


After a pause to gather his thought following her onslaught of talking and his embarrassment about his arrogant posture, he continued, with a red blush marring his face,  "To answer your question, no, I'm not new here. This is my second year here. And I guess I was pushing my chest out a bit... far, because I just got accepted to this fraternity that's a huge deal on campus, and I was kind of.... kind of showing off my new jacket a bit too much.... Like I kind of let it................... go to my head...." he mumbled, the last bit escaping his mouth with great difficulty. 

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Shirley chuckled as Windy walked towards the mare and began conversing with, her chest puffed out somewhat egotistically. "Oh my gosh Roy's he's such a pig! It's pretty hilarious right?" Roy looked at her, perplexed. "What do you mean? He's just talking to that mare. A little judgmental are we?" Shirley shook her head. "No I mean he just broke up with his marefriend, he commented on how he enjoyed the view of my flank, and now he's talking to a mare he doesn't seem to know, must likely to hook up or something. See? Pig." Roy couldn't really argue with her logic there.

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"Well it is a very nice jacket but I think you should just wear it normally." She shrugged. "It's your jacket though, don't let me tell you how to wear it!"

She went on obliviously, not noticing the obvious embarrassment she had unknowingly caused as she bounced in place with pent up energy.


"Do you do that a lot? Let things go to your head? I sometimes do, I think of things and I cant get them out of my head and I'm stuck thinking about them all day..." A new topic broke into her mind, causing her to drop her current line of thought. "... Oh! your in your second year? You could show me around! If you want to, I mean. I get lost really easily... I'd really appreciate it!"

Never quite forgotten.

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Grinning slightly cockily, Windy shrugged nonchalantly. "Eh, why not? Sure, I could show you around Bubble!!" he said, gesturing for the earth pony to walk with him. "So, what do you want to see first?" he asked with a slightly flirty tone as he subtly looked the mare up and down. "MUCH better looking than 'ol Shirley! But I should be nice to this one, I don't think she'd take well to a 'bad colt'..."

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"I don't know, I only know where the forms are, not really anything else! I've not had much chance to look around: whats interesting around here? Where's a fun place to hang out?" She answered, hopping enthusiastically after Windy without even noticing the look he was giving her.


She was far too absorbed in everything around her: it was all so new to her and while she didn't doubt that she was still going to get lost over and over - even after being shown around - maybe she might have at least a little more luck now that she had somepony to show her where some things were.

Never quite forgotten.

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"Well, there's the stadium, where yours truly plays soccer on the team! I'm the captain, in case you were wondering. Youngest captain in years!" he proclaimed proudly, while gesturing over to the silhouette of the stadium on the other side of campus. "Over there is the main dining hall, where I'm told you can find a nutritional and tasty meal, but your mileage may vary." he said, chuckling and gesturing at the tall building near them. As the two continued walking, Windy guided Bubble towards a large green quad. As they entered, he gestured all around, "And here's the heart of campus, the main quad. You've got a ton of grab and go food places here if you're looking to avoid the dining hall, like I do, all the clubs have their booths here, lots of cool events happen in here, and this is generally the heart of campus! Plus, its just a super nice place to just sit under a tree and relax on a nice sunny day like today!" he said, continuing to walk into the quad and stealing glances at Bubble out of the corners of his eyes. "What do you think?"

Edited by Windy Runner
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"It's great!" Bubble exclaimed happily, determined to remember at least some of what Windy had just said: there was definitely something about sunny events and soccer mileage - it would come back to her when she needed it. She cantered around aimlessly for a moment to burn some energy before returning.


"So what's Epsilon? Wait, that wasn't it... Omega? Theta? Omicron?" She tapped a hoof on his jacket in reference to the group he had been talking about earlier - neglecting to actually check if the name was written anywhere on it. "Rho? Gamma? Iota? I'm sure it was one of these..."

Never quite forgotten.

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Gently pushing Bubble's hoof off of his jacket, Windy snickered lightly. "Ah, no. That'd be Delta Tau Delta. There one of the fraternities on campus. The top one, as a matter of fact. They're having a back to school party tonight actually." he said, almost as much to himself as it was to Bubble. After a moment, his mind finally slid into gear. "Oh! Would you like to go to the party with me? It'd be a great way to show you Fraternity Row, which is way on the other side of campus!" he said excitedly. 

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