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open Mysterious tournament


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Nuclear had nervously waited for her battle begin and was caught off guard hearing her name being called early. 


'I can do this. I can do this. I gotta do this.' she thought, biting her lip as she made her way to the arena.


The gray mare mentally prepared herself to be able to kill. Though....she really didn't want to....




"Well, looks like I'm up first..." Blazing said to himself. He was ready to kill whoever he had to face, no matter what. Oh, won't this be fun? Time to get my first kill... He thought. He was at least nice enough to let his opponent get ready, that way it would at least be a fair fight.


Nuclear bared her teeth as she entered the arena, though in her mind she was completely terrified.

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"You as ready as I am?" Blazing asked the mare. He didn't want to kill a mare, but this was for Pacific. He levitated a ball of fire behind him, invisible to the mare. He was ready to use it as soon as he could. Fire magic, simple but effective. He thought. He had trained himself in fire magic in case he ever needed it.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Nuclear narrowed her eyes. "I guess." she muttered as suddenly a strange yellow magical aura spread from her horn and enveloped her body.


'Radiation. Can make ponies sick quickly and kill them in painful ways...' The mare thought, sighing before snapping her head up, a look of hostility in her eyes. Though it wasn't entirely directed at her opponent. 


'I have to save Pallete!' She thought before suddenly charging at Blazing, the yellow radiation aura flaring wildly.


"UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE!" Nuclear fired a large blast of heated radiation magic at Blazing kicking up dust whihc made it harder for him to see the gray unicorn appear and slash his right shoulder with her horn.

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"Son of a bitch!" Blazing shouted, not expecting the attack like that. At first, he had planned on at least being nice, but that quickly faded after getting attacked once. He shrouded himself in fire and charged at Nuclear. He didn't actually run into her though, that would've been too risky, instead he just launched the surrounding fire in one huge blast towards her. It wasn't one of the best ideas, wasting so much energy in the first attack, but he didn't care anymore.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Moonlight watched the fight with interest, analyzing the fighter's moves and magic. Both were fairly powerful, but Nucleur's was an odd one. The unicorn shrugged and turned to Synangel. "So, the next fight is after this one ends, I suppose?" she asked. Moonlight Fire felt impatient to begin hers, and although watching was interesting, she was itching to begin.

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"Son of a bitch!" Blazing shouted, not expecting the attack like that. At first, he had planned on at least being nice, but that quickly faded after getting attacked once. He shrouded himself in fire and charged at Nuclear. He didn't actually run into her though, that would've been too risky, instead he just launched the surrounding fire in one huge blast towards her. It wasn't one of the best ideas, wasting so much energy in the first attack, but he didn't care anymore.


Nuclear felt the approaching heat of Blazing's charge and put her front hooves up to protect her face.

Her yellow magic aura flared again, the heat resistance of it absorbing most of the attack, though it singed her coat somewhat.


"That wasn't smart, my friend!"


In the next moment, Nuclear grinned at Blazing and launched herself at him, firing multiple blasts of radiation magic at vital parts of his body.


She had taken great care to make sure it was a lethal amount.

If she had to kill to save her friend. So be it.

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Blazing knew there was no hope of him actually winning, but he wasn't going to quit yet. He launched a ball of fire towards Nuclear as a distraction, then took the opportunity to launch another one from behind. After that, he finally gave in and collapsed on the ground. "Pacific... I couldn't save you... I'm sorry..." Was the only thing he managed to say.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Armageddon watched the battle quietly and with mild interest. he cared little for their lives, just as long as they did what he'd brought them here to do. "Everything is going exactly as planned..." He mumbled, before smiling slightly as the fight neared its end. "Yes... Finish him." He said with slight amusement at their pain and strife.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Armageddon watched the battle quietly and with mild interest. he cared little for their lives, just as long as they did what he'd brought them here to do. "Everything is going exactly as planned..." He mumbled, before smiling slightly as the fight neared its end. "Yes... Finish him." He said with slight amusement at their pain and strife.

(Sole, Why you no send me PM when this started?)


Juri and Topaz.creeper into the room where Armageddon was watching. "Is he gonna be mad?" Juri whispered.


Topaz immediately shushed her and gave off a very nervous laugh when Armageddon noticed them. She clears her throughout and spoke. "We were supposed to be your ref slash announcer girls... our boat was delayed in a.storm. we just got here."


"I still need to unpack!" Juri blurted.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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(Sole, Why you no send me PM when this started?)


Juri and Topaz.creeper into the room where Armageddon was watching. "Is he gonna be mad?" Juri whispered.


Topaz immediately shushed her and gave off a very nervous laugh when Armageddon noticed them. She clears her throughout and spoke. "We were supposed to be your ref slash announcer girls... our boat was delayed in a.storm. we just got here."


"I still need to unpack!" Juri blurted.

((I thought you knew. I did post a link in the ooc for everyone to see. Just pay more attention :umad: ))

Armageddon barely noticed or cared as the girls entered "yes yes, just do your job... And don't be late again, or you'll regret it." He said darkly, before walking out.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Blazing knew there was no hope of him actually winning, but he wasn't going to quit yet. He launched a ball of fire towards Nuclear as a distraction, then took the opportunity to launch another one from behind. After that, he finally gave in and collapsed on the ground. "Pacific... I couldn't save you... I'm sorry..." Was the only thing he managed to say.


Nuclear managed to shoot down one fireball while the other singed off half her tail.


The gray mare gasped for breath as she walked to to Blazing with a saddened expression.


Her horn glowed as she turned Blazing over.


"I'm sorry." she whispered to him, leaning her head down and shooting a fatal amount of radiation into Blazing heart.

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Moonlight winced as the fight drew to an end, and realized the next fight would now begin. The unicorn closed her eyes and said to herself, I promise, I will win for you Whiplash. She opened her eyes again and surveyed the other ponies around her. She wasn't sure if her match would be next, but all of them were her competition.

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Tempest opened his eyes and waited for the next two contestants to be called. If he wasn't called for the next fight, then he would simply go back to his meditation and training. "I hope Ivy and Cynthia are ok." He thought. The cyan pegesus then shook his head to clear his thoughts.

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crimson trotted quietly into the arena where the other fighters were all waiting, his cloak drawn close to his body and his hat obscuring his facial features with a shadow. "hey everpoy, sorry im late, my ship got caught in a storm, what did I miss?" asked crimson with a chuckle, trying to appear to be simple and idiotic to the other fighters. "hey, does anyone know when my fight is?' asked crimson to no one in particular.

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Tempest noticed Crimson and rolled his eyes. "Well, this might actually be interesting." He thought. The cyan pegesus wasn't worried about some of the other contestants, but that wouldn't stop him from not holding back. "The only question is, when will the other fight begin."

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Juri rushed onto the ring, but only after Blaze was dead. "Oh, wow..." She whispered. "I was already too late for the first fight..."


"Alright fans!" Topaz said after rushing into her booth. "I'm Topaz, your official announcer! That cute thing down there is our ref, Juri. So give us your attention, please!"


"Right!" Juri said confidently. "Blaze can't compete if he's dead. So.... The winner of the first match is Nuclear Neurotic!"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Armageddon suddenly walked onto the arena, carrying himself like a king. Without hesitation, he walked in front of the announcers "alright my killers, it is time for the next match... Crimson grinn vs lunar dusk! The fight will begin immediately!" He said, as he walked out of the arena. But on his way out, he kicked the fallen blazing "scum..." He mumbled.


((Yep... Armageddon is a dick.))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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(You planed this)


Lunar flicked her ears and walked down to the battle floor. Crimson Ginn huh? Good, I can collect the bounty on his head. He's made quite a name fore himself as of late. It'll be a pity to see him die, but he has to go all the same. She readies herself for a fight.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Nuclear sighed, now sitting in the fighter's lounge with a saddened look on her face.


'How am I going to face Ice Breaker and Pallete Puddle after this?'


She scratched the cushion of the chair she was on with a hoof.


'Pallete would understand...Ice Breaker....I'm not sure....I freaking killed someone...'

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crimson grinned happily as he heard his name get called for the next fight, "well isn't this convenient! my first fight starts just as in time for me to show up! Lunar Dusk, huh? never heard of her, but she still sounds like an interesting opponent...lets get started! said crimson before trotting into the ring to wait for the fight to start. "I swear whiplash...I WILL win this tournament...I have to save you, no matter what the cost!" thought crimson.


((oh btw, me and moonlight fire already agreed that crimson could also compete to save whiplash))

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Tempest sighed as he watched the fight getting ready to start. "Those fools don't even know what they're in for. If they want to save their loved ones, they'll have to fight me, and I have no intention of letting Ivy or Cynthia die at the hooves of Armageddon." He thought.

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Moonlight sighed as she heard two other ponies be called. Why couldn't she just go in there and win already? She thought, angrily pacing. "Fine, that's just more time to practice," she muttered, sitting down. The unicorn began to generate her magic, before shaking her head. She couldn't concentrate.

Edited by Moonlight Fire
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crimson grinned happily as he heard his name get called for the next fight, "well isn't this convenient! my first fight starts just as in time for me to show up! Lunar Dusk, huh? never heard of her, but she still sounds like an interesting opponent...lets get started! said crimson before trotting into the ring to wait for the fight to start. "I swear whiplash...I WILL win this tournament...I have to save you, no matter what the cost!" thought crimson.


((oh btw, me and moonlight fire already agreed that crimson could also compete to save whiplash))

Juri looked at both contestants, giving Crimson a longer look, and a little wink. "And we move quickly onto match three!" She announced Crimson Grinn versus Lunar Dusk! ...BEGIN!" She gave a waving signal then backed away from both contestants, keeping a safe distance from the fighters.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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crimson was a bit concerned as Juri winked at him as she announced the start of the match, "uh oh, whip wouldn't  like that at all...lets hope this is the only time she flirts with me, because if whip somhow sees her doing it, then im gonna be the one who's gonna get an asswhooping..." thought crimson nervously as he watched lunar dusk to make sure she didn't try a sneak attack on him while he was distracted, "so...do you want the first move? or should I be the one who strikes first?" asked crimson cooly.

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crimson was a bit concerned as Juri winked at him as she announced the start of the match, "uh oh, whip wouldn't like that at all...lets hope this is the only time she flirts with me, because if whip somhow sees her doing it, then im gonna be the one who's gonna get an asswhooping..." thought crimson nervously as he watched lunar dusk to make sure she didn't try a sneak attack on him while he was distracted, "so...do you want the first move? or should I be the one who strikes first?" asked crimson cooly.

"Wow, and I thought Chivalry was dead," she says jokingly. Her horn lights up as she steps back into a thickening shadow. "I hope you're not afraid of the dark," she calls, all of the shadows around the room resonating with her voice. Suddenly, she launches out of a shadow, attempting to tackle Crimson and pin him to the ground.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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