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open Sky Pirates (Adventure/Humor)


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Lume returned the brown colt's silly stare with a confused look from herself. She hadn't really noticed the saber pointing at his neck until she noticed the fear on Duskrunner's face and her eyes got used to the darkness. As soon as she did, she immediately turned her head and searched for the weapon's wielder.


After the brow colt's swift escape, she approached Crimson Grinn, the sound of her fierce hoofsteps breaking the silence rule for a moment.




"Lower your weapon, buddy." She ordered. "Unless you wanna have your sorry flank kicked out of this aircraft before we even get to--"


Her threatening was cut short by loud noises coming from the upperdeck, including a shout that resembled their Captain's voice. Lume's eye twitched in annoyance. "Alright, that's it!" She angrily exclaimed, turning around and making her way to the engine room.




"GRAY, WE HAD WAY TOO MUCH FUN FOR TONIGHT ALREADY!! I'M STARTING UP THE ENGINES, 'CAUSE IT'S GO TIME!!"  She shouted, not caring about the volume anymore.

Edited by Lume~WMJ
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"Woah! The engines started!" he said as the ship Started up


"Cripes! I need to get my hat fixed!" Gray ran down to the lower deck and yelled out "Anypony have anything i can use to fix my hat?"


He noticed the Unconscious Guard that he kicked off the upper deck he yelled at the knocked out guard like an idiot and started kicking his body "Hey I told you to get lost! Because of you my hat has a hole in it you- hey ... where are the others?" looking back and forth he noticed the Royal Guard Swarming the ship in waves." Hey new friends!" he looked over at the swarm of Guards "Sorry invite only!"  he tossed down a few small marbles that shocked the ground around the guards Causing involuntary muscle spasms and rendering them unable to move.

  "Don't worry it will ware off in about 30 minutes!"

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Star Belle picked herself up. She had hit one of her back hooves on something, but it didn't hurt that much. She fixed her beret. "Crimson? Crimson, where are you?" She called, looking for her leader. After a short search, she found him with Duskrunner. "There you are Crimson! I was looking for you. Hey Chef, umm, what's your name again? Anyways, I'm hungry, got anything to eat?"

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Twisted lifted the lid sightly taking a peek at the pony standing near the crates, "Knock her out or sneak away...hmmm both sound good, but staying hidden would be better." Slowly crawling out keeping in the shadows.

He looked around for a place to hidden that could give him a better view of the ship, "I can see nothing in this darkness." Keeping his eye on the pony.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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crimson grinned as star belle approached, "hehe, sorry, I kinda got distracted and ended up scaring dusk...but anyways, is everyone here and ready to ship out? not that it matters, seeing as the ship is already just about to set sail...also, don't bother trying to make a conversation with him, he's a bit frightened at the moment..." said crimson.

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Gloom, being fashionably late as always, heads for the front gate to the air ship. But he didn't feel like sneaking. He walkes up to one the guards at the gate and asks "Hey buddy got a light?".  The guard, being really tired so not noticing that he's not suppose to be there, lights Glooms cigarette. The guard then blinks and gets a better look at him, and the first thing he stares at is Glooms large scar on his face.(left side)Then he blinks and shouts "Hey! You're not allowed to be here!" Gloom smirks, "Nope" Then he punches the guard in the throat and slams his head in the wall. After that he starts walks to where the others are, but not before saying to the unconscious guard. "And thanks for the light." When he reaches the others . "Hey guys, what I miss?"

Edited by Gloomfury
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"Nothin much gloom just the usual" more guards swarm the ship and try to come aboard."Cripes! We'll have to pick up Vincent and Skylight later! right now we have to get the ship outta here!" He throws the Unconscious Guard off the ship 


"Crimson! I need you to take the wheel and fly us outta here! I don't want the poor guards to get to badly hurt if we can help it!" he says as he Punches Guards off the ship left and right.

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Star Belle belly growled loudly."Crap. I'm staving to death right now. Where is the flying food?" Star Belle went off. Her tummy was starting to growl louder than a lion. After about twenty minutes,(but It felt like forever because time slows down when your hungry) she stumbled over a crate of food. Thank goodness, she thought, as she began to snack.


(I didn't know what food we bought so I didn't specify.)

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  On 2013-09-16 at 3:40 AM, Gray_Spectrum said:
Crimson! I need you to take the wheel and fly us outta here! I don't want the poor guards to get to badly hurt if we can help it!" he says as he Punches Guards off the ship left and right.

"Who care about the bastard guards?! We need to get the hell out of here before the hole royal guard shows up." Gloom then charged at the guards  pushing a great deal of them off at once. He then starts fighting some of the guards on his own, while cursing like a real sailor. "Crim, get us the buck out of here!"

Edited by Gloomfury
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crimson rolled his eyes at star belles actions, "just try not to eat too much ok? or you could eat all our provisions" said crimson with a chuckle but soon stopped as he heard grey needed a hoof at the wheel, nodding and quickly dashing over to the wheel and steering the ship as grey finished off the rest of the guards on the deck.

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- the larder below decks is currently stocked with dozens if not hundreds of crates. Duskrunner was part of the loading team but can account for the contents of 20 of them tops. The open crates house expensive wines and cider. There are at least three damaged crates. 1 due to the actions of myself, Moonlight has damaged 2 so far. 
@Star Belle you found a crate containing paper-wrapped baguettes. Ideal as sandwich bread but good enough solo in a pinch. Soft centered and crunchy.

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Twisted heard voices getting closer to his position, "Nope, I'm not getting caught on this enemy ship." Quietly moving towards a door. Opening the door slightly he peeked into the room, "Seems like this is where they will sleep, but for now it's going to be used as a giant trap." Smiling as he entered the room locking the door behind him.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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The ship started to take off and was running pretty smoothly, as Gray and Gloom fight off the remaining guards they manage to get away from the battle and seem to be out of the thick of things "Phew! that didn't go as planned. So as i was saying before anypony here know how to fix a hat?" he asked now that his attention could reside solely on getting his hat fixed. not caring about the crack in his glasses at all.

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The sound of magi-technology running through the complexly displayed machinery was like music to Lume's ears. A few buttons there, two or three valves turned clockwise, and boom. The shaking and clanking hinted that the ship was ready to go. The orange mare stuck her head out the door and towards the deck - where quite a fight against the Royal Guards was going on.


"All lights green! Crimson, whenever you're ready!" She shouted so the others could clearly hear. "Let's see what this puppy can do, shall we?" She complemented, and then went back inside the engine room making sure nothing went terribly wrong.

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"Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom." These baguettes were tasty, and she had already eaten two, but she hadn't eaten since this morning so she ignored Crimson's comment about eating to much. After she ate half of one more, she rewrapped the paper and went to the sleeping quarters to hide the rest of the bread for a bedtime snack.

Edited by EpicHarmony
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Gray walked around in circles just poking at his hat hoping for a miracle or a tailor...   "My hat..... my hat..... my hat...." just repeating those two words over and over feeling sick about his hat. when he decided... "OK everypony We need to go to manehatten! Crimson since Vincent is not here and I used to live there I'll direct you! Head east!

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 @@Gray_Spectrum,  "Damn boss. Why are you getting so worked up over a hat? You're acting like your newborn just bot stabbed or something." Gloom follows gray, to make sure he dosn't go nuts or something. While looking around for something to drink. He finds a crate full of bottles of booze and puts one of them in his saddle bag for later.

Edited by Gloomfury
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"Get... Off... Our... Ship! Star Belle moaned, beating up a guard. She was never very strong, so after a few bucks in the face she had started jumping on him. After he had been knocked out, she dragged him to a window and threw him off the ship. She swooped up her baguette and proceeded to the bedroom. After some effort with lock-picking, she went inside the room to hide her baguette.

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"Ugh i need to do something to calm my nerves... I'm going to go to the sleeping quarters to see if they have any valuables i can loot in any chests or trunks"  


he says tossing a box full of saddle Arabian cigars at gloom "I grabbed these of the jerk who skewered my hat i don't smoke em' so have fun and do me a favor and check to see is anypony needs any help around here" 


walking into the room noticing that the lock was picked "I hope your not trying to take all the loot for yourself!  leave some for me!"

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Twisted spotted a orange and gray pony enter the room, "Well they are blocking my path to the door, so if they open this locker they are both getting knocked out." Grabbing two cards out of his deck.

Keeping a eye on the, he waited for their next move just hoping they wouldn't open the locker.

Edited by Brain Drain


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Gloom smiles from the gift of high quality cigars. "Aye aye boss. I'll get to work. And thanks. " He says as he walks off to see if anyone needs help while stashing the cigars in his saddle bags. He heads to the room where Lume is to see if she needed any help, that and he likes to bug her. @ "Hey Lumey, need need a hoof?"

Edited by Gloomfury
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"Dude. I don't have any loot. Unless you think half a baguette is loot." Star Belle said to Gray Spectrum. She was laying on one of the beds. "Sorry about the lock. It was locked and I didn't hear anypony inside. Strange, I mean, there doesn't seem to be anything valuble, but I haven't searched the room. Now good night." She said, pulling up the blanket.

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Gray starts opening chests sometimes having to use his tools to pick the lock but feeling depressed he just lays on his back and decides to take a nap on the floor near the door " *yawn*... hope we get there soon. I hate waiting... *sniff* *sniff*  I smell Bits nearby....In there!" Gray jumps up and Rushes to the locker knowing the smell of bits he opens the locker...

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Lume sat down on a small stool while staring blankly at the amazing amount of meters, indicators and all sorts of geeky gadgets beeping on the main computer screen. Internal Cooling System, a graph showing each individual part of the aircraft, even a password-protection option, which luckily hadn't been used yet. All in all, that ship, though small, seemed to be a very recent and reliable model. She really wouldn't mind spending a few weeks on that.


The orange mare just couldn't wait to check on the guns on the lower part of the ship. She was about to do so, until...


  On 2013-09-16 at 5:07 AM, 'Gloomfury' said:

 "Hey Lumey, need need a hoof?"


Her ears rose up as she soon recognized that voice. She lowered her head with a deep, annoyed sigh.


"Do not call me that stupid nickname ever again, or else!..." She unexpectedly found herself unable to finish that sentence. Sighing again in an attempt to calm herself down, she turned around to meet eyes with Gloomfury. "No, I don't need a hoof, thank you very much... You wouldn't have the braincells necessary to play with these toys of mine anyway." She grew a small smile at her own remark.


"...But if you want so bad to be useful, why not bring me a glass of wine? Hm?"


(( OOC: Just a heads-up: I'm going to sleep now and go to school tomorrow morning. Won't be able to respond for the next 10 hours or so. ))

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