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unicorn Silver Essence


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Name: Silver Essence

Gender: Male

Race: Unicorn

Age: Stallion


Mane Color: Grey.

Coat Color: Light grey.

Eye Color: Dark grey.


Physical Description: His body is physically weak and rather fragile, kind of like glass. He's of average height and slightly below average weight, both for his age.


Mental Description: Silver will not lie, that is his main mental state. He believes that the truths of the world will always be better than a lie, but not necessarily from that of the unknown. As long as he does not tell them a lie, he can tell someone bits and pieces of the truth or just outright deny telling it. He dislikes, but is willing to, speaking only parts of the truth, knowing that you'll draw a connection between his fragments and get the wrong idea. Even while he's not telling the truth and is refusing to say one way or other, his face would still release all everything one might need to know. He usually hides his face in one way or other when he's going to be speaking parts of the truth.


He is kind and caring to others, especially those who he begins to develop any sort of relationship with, be it a romantic or platonic relationship. He would protect those he cares about as much as he can, completely disregarding his own body.


Cutie Mark: A glass flower.


Special Talent: Shaping and altering glass and glass-like materials.


Traits: A careful eye for detail. Calm and objective when he can be but will give his honest opinion on something if he's asked or if he feels like sharing. He does not lie and this is not due to one of his flaws; it is his personality.


Flaws: His body is weak; it can be bruised easily. He tends to be stubborn until he sees there's no way for him to convince the other party(s). He is proud of his magic and will work himself too hard to show the other party that his glass really is amazing.


Strengths & Weaknesses: In general, he is better at illusions than any other magic tree, doesn't understand a good portion of them, and understands but is worst at teleportation magic. He has attempted to find ways around this using glass and mirrors and has, as of now, not been able to find anything.


Other details: He has a small amount of moldavite that he carries around at all times as some form of jewelry or weapon, usually a necklace.

Edited by Linguz
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