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Twlight telported her husabad and Midnight to a bunker in a undiscolded location


The Doctor grabbed Game and ran into the citdeal and he closed the door with his sonic


"Don't worry they are,Rarity will be the Queen of Crystal Empire,Pinkie will be my persoanl assassin, and Applejack will my posion disturbator", he explained


(@@Game Design, Sorry came out wrong I need Midnight in the flashbackbut its going to be a future Midnight who knows The Doctor.)




(OOC game turned into a giant shadow creature.)


The creature roared a chilling roar. It turned and smashed the building. He climbed out and began to destroy to city of canterlot, searching for Twilight, and the Master. He did not hold back anything and anyone that was in it's way was killed or demolished.


The Doctor thought of a solution 

"Okay think of something,I got it", he said and came out of Citedal a few minutes later

"Hey Game!", he yelled,"Come and get me!"



The Doctor and Dinky saw a group of ponies looking the plce

"Who are two?",the leader asked

"I'm The Doctor and this my daughter Dinky", he said

Everyone was in gasp,but the leader

"Okay,but can we trust you", he asked

"Yep",Dinky said with a smile

The Doctor then noticed a pony(Midnight)



Copy dissaperd as Fireburn and Rainbow Dash also flew away too. "We will get you later."





"That good, also Copy bring our Sisters we want to see were there Loyalty lies us or the Rebals and they say the Rebleion then they will be killed." Rainbow Dash saying.


"Yes because they need to chose now." Fireburn saying


"I will get them if you want me too Master?" Copy Saying. "Also I think Rarity and Applejack need to be here to see there Kin too."

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@@Game Design

"It's fine, my little friend. Or should I call you, my temporary daughter?" Light cooed, hugging Midnight. "It will be alright. Sombra will fall. And soon. But we must set up a base here if we want to locate him. I could teleport there, but he'd expect that. The Master is our main target, though. Because he turned everypony against us. Don't believe anything he says, alright Midnight?" Asked Light, still hugging Midnight. Ambrose still was silent, but the trio in the lair had to start locating the Master, and fast.

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The creature turned to see a stallion running off in an opposite direction. He dug his claws into the ground and charged at the pony. 


"Game is not here!" The shadow said once more cargging up a magic beam and firing it at the pony. He let out a roar as he chaced the stallion.


Midnight walked up to the doctor and smiled.


"It is good to see you doctor." 




Midnight looked up and smiled, she leaned up and kissed Light on the cheek. Then she remembered somepony. A certin wolf that was very important to her. 


"C-can we go get Fang first?"

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Castel came in time and started to burn the creature and trying to return it to Game

"Thanks,Casteil", The Doctor

"Just call me Cas", he suggested

"Will do,Cas", he said and in resault Cas smiled


"Who are you?", he asked

"Who des she know you daddy?", Dinky,"We have never meet her."

"I know", he said


"I agree I wll brinfg those three to my TARDIS", he said,"Hopefully there loyality will be to me and to us",he said going back inside his TARDIS,"If not they will die."

(Can someone else control the CMC,hat would be awesome.)

Edited by COBLoneWolf
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Castel came in time and started to burn the creature and trying to return it to Game

"Thanks,Casteil", The Doctor

"Just call me Cas", he suggested

"Will do,Cas", he said and in resault Cas smiled


"Who are you?", he asked

"Who des she know you daddy?", Dinky,"We have never meet her."

"I know", he said


"I agree I wll brinfg those three to my TARDIS", he said,"Hopefully there loyality will be to me and to us",he said going back inside his TARDIS,"If not they will die."

(Can someone else control the CMC,hat would be awesome.)

Rainbow Dash and Fireburn bows to the master. "We will wait for you master." Then Rainbow Dash went to turn her machine on as Fireburn went for patrol around the Factory making sure no one attack them.


"I am going to Manhattan and check for any Ponies want to rebel agents you master." Copy saying


(I Can do that if you want me too)

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(OOC How dose she know him? XD)


The creature howled in pain as it could fell its power draining. Slow but surely however, the creature was reverting back into Game Design. He laid limp on the ground, hard breaths coming from his body. He had cuts and burn scares all over him. He gained contentiousness and slowly opened his eyes. 


"No..." He said as he laid his head back down and passed out once more.

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((That is up for  you to decide,but PM it to me.)


"There he's back to normal", he said and with chuckel

"What is it?", The Doctor asked 

"He remains of friend I know", he said

"Who?", he asked

"His name is Sam Winchester", he relveaded

"So about you Doctor?", he asked,"Have anyone."

"Nope I am alone", he said looking at him

"Oh I see, I know the felling", he said 

"I wished it turned out different", he said,"I wish I could done something different

"Same", Casteil said and taking them to his TARDIS


The Master made his TARDIS appear in Ponyville and Rarity and Applejack came out the TARDIS they lloked the same,but thier eyes were green

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Midnight gave a little chuckle. 


"Thats right, ween we last seen each other i was just a little filly." She walked close and looked down at him, here being an alicorn.


"I'm Twilight Sparkle's daughter, Midnight Sparkle." She said with a warming smile. 

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((That is up for  you to decide,but PM it to me.)


"There he's back to normal", he said and with chuckel

"What is it?", The Doctor asked 

"He remains of friend I know", he said

"Who?", he asked

"His name is Sam Winchester", he relveaded

"So about you Doctor?", he asked,"Have anyone."

"Nope I am alone", he said looking at him

"Oh I see, I know the felling", he said 

"I wished it turned out different", he said,"I wish I could done something different

"Same", Casteil said and taking them to his TARDIS


The Master made his TARDIS appear in Ponyville and Rarity and Applejack came out the TARDIS they lloked the same,but thier eyes were green

The CMC meet at Rarity shop the Boquite as they were sad there sisters and brother in law gone.


"I don't beleve this My SIster and Favort Hero Rainbow Dash turn evil same as Fireblaze." Scootaloo saying.


"Yea My Sister is gone too and now evil." Sweetie Bell saying


"Same with my sister, She say mean things to my brother Big Mac and Grany Smith as I as crying for her." Applebloom.


"So what we will do since we can't fight them." Sweetie Bell saying.


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The Doctor was luckly busy with control pannel

"Sorry was that?", he said as he scanning his sonic with his screwdriver

(Check your PMs Game. Oh you can't spoil The Doctor's timeline.)


The Doctor checked Game

"He's fine",he said

The Doctor looked Cas and he fixed his TARDIS

"You'll sent back to the present very soon", Cas,"And I'm sorry but this is your last adventure."

"I know", he said

Cas started to fade away

"Looks like I'm off", he said

"I'll see around Cas", he said

"Same,see you later", Cas said and faded away


Rarity ,Applekack and a a squad of cyber changelings enter the Boquite

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The Doctor was luckly busy with control pannel

"Sorry was that?", he said as he scanning his sonic with his screwdriver

(Check your PMs Game. Oh you can't spoil The Doctor's timeline.)


The Doctor checked Game

"He's fine",he said

The Doctor looked Cas and he fixed his TARDIS

"You'll sent back to the present very soon", Cas,"And I'm sorry but this is your last adventure."

"I know", he said

Cas started to fade away

"Looks like I'm off", he said

"I'll see around Cas", he said

"Same,see you later", Cas said and faded away


Rarity ,Applekack and a a squad of cyber changelings enter the Boquite

"What was that?" Scootaloo saying


Then Applebloom, Sweetie Bell look downstairs and then they were shock who it was. "It Rarity and Applejack but there eyes are green." Applebloom saying


"Not sis no." Sweetie Bell saying


"It true Master did this to them and now this is not good." Scootaloo saying.

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((I hope am in the right spot)) "We'll Light, the only thing I can say is that am so happy that your alive" Ambrose said giving him a giant hug ((Ambrose is still shy as hell)). "Midnight, am glad your okay too, don't ever go away," Ambrose said. "However are next plan should be to kill or disable the doctor. He is a huge threat right now. And Light, thank god your alive... I don't know what I would do without you."

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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@@Game Design

"Indeed it is good to be alive." Said Light, standing up. "We shouldn't kill the Doctor. It's the Master that we're concerned with. Don't fall into his hands." Said Light. Light turned to Midnight. "But before we stop the !aster, let's help Fang." Said Light. He gathered Ambrose and Midnight to him, and teleported them to Fang.

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Unishar retuned home taking of his normal attire he headed towards Rarity's boteqe he had ordered a camouflage cloak there and he was overdue to pick it up but he didn't care. walking into the boteqe he saw Rarity fairly quickly "hello" Unishar says in his normal tone "I ordered  a cloack..." Then unishar noticed the green eyes and then the small swarm of robotic changelings. "Why the hell are you here" Unishar says at Rarity deducting that she was a changeling to, also Unishar triggered the hidden blade trying to make it so the changelings did not see it.


My Main OC's      Signiture done by Pink Mist

Avolon  Apolyon  Star Streak  Nocturne

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Unishar retuned home taking of his normal attire he headed towards Rarity's boteqe he had ordered a camouflage cloak there and he was overdue to pick it up but he didn't care. walking into the boteqe he saw Rarity fairly quickly "hello" Unishar says in his normal tone "I ordered  a cloack..." Then unishar noticed the green eyes and then the small swarm of robotic changelings. "Why the hell are you here" Unishar says at Rarity deducting that she was a changeling to, also Unishar triggered the hidden blade trying to make it so the changelings did not see it.

 Coppy Came back as Big Mack. THen he saw another pony trying to inter fear in his master plans since Rarity and Applejack was there too. *I don't think so* Then he transform into Gilda as he flew towards the Pony and then land in front of him. "What you doing here and interfering in my master plans?" Then he turn to Rarity and Applejack. "Get the CMC I will deal with this intruder."

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Rarity grabbed the CMC with her magc and ran out the window; Applejack took out her electric whip to cover her.



In turth The Doctor tuned her out becuase spoling becuase his timeline was bad and all and he knew that.


The Doctor made the TARDIS return to his own time,but he really thought about what Master's was truly all that evil.

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"I never knew Rarity was this strong with her magic before." Sweetie Bell saying

"Why Rarity and Applejack doing this?" Applebloom saying

"I have no ideal but someone is controlling them." Scootaloo saying as they were being carry by Rarity.


"Now Levee and back off or you will be dead by me." Copy saying as he was in Gilda form.

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Midnight was spooked. The power she had felt was even stronger then her's in her Armageddon form. The fear went away as she looked over and say Fang lying on the spot they had laid on before the ordeal. She walked up to him slowly and nudged on his side. He let out a grunt and scratched at his side but then became motionless again. She smiled and realized he was still sleeping, and by the look of his face he was still dreaming that dream she had walked into with him. She carefully went under his paw and snuggled  herself up. She felt a tight hung. She smiled and rubbed up against her Lupus Major. She then soon fell asleep. She had a habit to do this after she had gone trough something stressful or trying out a new spell. This time, she just wanted to be close to her best friend.

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They turned several alleyways and entred TOTM and it dematateralized 


Rarity put Scootaloo in console with The Master supervising her, Applebloom in Applejacks which was a very dark organge and Rarity put Sweetie Belle in her room.

"Sis I have an offer you", she said

Appljack said the same to Applebloom

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(OOC Lone Wolf, i've read all the other post and i'm still lost XDD I don't get why he doesn't know her, but she knows him.)


Midnight watched as the doctor worked. He seamed to be in a hurry for some reason or another. She slowly walked up to him and taped gently on his side trying not to scare him.


"Do you want some help doctor?" She asked leaning her head to the side a little.

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They turned several alleyways and entred TOTM and it dematateralized 


Rarity put Scootaloo in console with The Master supervising her, Applebloom in Applejacks which was a very dark organge and Rarity put Sweetie Belle in her room.

"Sis I have an offer you", she said

Appljack said the same to Applebloom

"Yes sis?" Sweetie Bell saying as she was thinking what going on.



"What this offer is about Sis?" Applebloom saying.



Then Scootaloo seeing the master. "Were is Rainbow Dash and Fireblaze?"


Then Rainbow Dash and Fireblaze was looking at Scootaloo and smiles. "Were are here sis and we got a offer for you."


"Yea it good and it nice joining the master." Fireburn saying.

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"Applebllom,how you like to be a co-owner of a company", she offered


"Sweetie Belle,how like to be a princess?", she asked her 


(Flashblack; spoiling his timeline is very bad because of you tell me about his future, he has to do it ro otherwise it resaults in a paradox)

"Midnight was it?", he asked

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"Applebllom,how you like to be a co-owner of a company", she offered


"Sweetie Belle,how like to be a princess?", she asked her 


(Flashblack; spoiling his timeline is very bad because of you tell me about his future, he has to do it ro otherwise it resaults in a paradox)

"Midnight was it?", he asked

"What kind of a company you are running sis?" Applebloom saying



"A princess? I want to be one and I want to sing too." Sweetie Bell saying



"Hay Squirt how you like help me and Fireburn killing some ponies in my factory. This time I will let you past." Rainbow Dash saying


"You mean it sis?" Scootaloo saying.


"I Mean it Squrit so what you say?" Rainbow Dash saying.

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She smiled and reared her head up thinking that she might be for some help.


"Yes sir." She said raising a hoof to her chest. 


"Midnight Elegant Sparkle at your service good doctor." She boasted proudly. She smiled and looked over his shoulder and was dumb founded to see that nothing was recognizing to her. But she still wanted to help so she was willing to do her best.

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"So what can you do?", he asked

"What's your special talent", Dinky asked 


"An apple company", Applejack said 


"You can do that you can sing to a whole kingdom", she said 


The Master decied to stay for awhile to see the killing and aferalk this place seemed like out of his dreams 

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