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@@Commander Tangent

"Thank you." Said Light in a small, quiet, and somewhat meek sounding voice to Blood Rift. "I don't want our... Friend... Here being intimidated by the weapons you carry. I wish for him to trust us. He could be a valuable ally in the near future." Hoped Light out loud.

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"Intimidated? Ha, we already faced off against some power-armoured guy with twice the equipment and size this guy over here has."


Abaddon laughed as he drew a bit closer to the two. He noticed that the one with the weaponry possessed a magical aura, so he kept his guard up as well as he spoke.


"We're foreigners here in this land, although that's a bit of an understatement..."

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"I would imagine." Said Light. "I haven't seen someone of your stature around these areas." Said Light. "However, your other part, the symbiote, it appears, may know, but it probably isn't from here, either. Please, do continue." Commented Light on the current manner.

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Flying over Equestria at night usually was a more relaxing way to spend the night. Unfortunately tonight it wasn't having that effect. I had been on a date with my gem of a very special somepony. That was until Twi showed up. The moment I looked into her concerned eyes my body spasmed as the willies, my accursed trouble detecting sixth sense, hit me. "Crep" I said hanging my head. "Trouble again dear?" my very special somepony asked. "Yeah" Twi asnwered "Equestria's in trouble. The princess wants the six of us to report to the castle right away". She turned to me "Princess Luna wants you to meet her in in her tower at the castle asap.". I kissed my gem goodbye then morphed dragon and headed home to Carousel to pack some supplies I knew would be needed for what I felt was coming. Once done packing I made my way to Canterlot wondering what the situation was that needed my during my time off. Dragon was the perfect morph as it flew which made for good time, and being as big as it was, distance. It also was good for expressing my anger at being disturbed as smoke slightly poured from my nostrils in a menacing manner.  

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Light turned when he thought he saw smoke from afar. "Great. A dragon, although it appears it's not going our way. I wonder where it's going..." Said Light

Princess Luna paced back and forth in her castle as she saw the dragon approaching. "That must be him." Said Luna. "Come in!" She shouted at the dragon.

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"Formalities? Really princess usually when I show up there's food, beverages and one night mother ready to pull the most enjoyable all nighter any royal could be expected to have as duties what with the saving villages and entering dreams." I laughed "must be whatever's got my willies acting like an earthquake." Demorphing to my alicorn self, I flew through through the window to land on the room's floor. "I must admit though I'm not happy about being interrupted." I warned jokingly "I was in the middle of serenading when Twi, carrying you and your sisters message, THREW OFF MY GROOVE!". "Any who since the summons was more than likely related to whatever's going on gimme the details."  I said getting right to business.I closed my eyes concentrating on my preparations for any battle I encountered all while listening to Luna.

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"I personally do apologize if this isn't convenient at the time, but there is somepony who requires your assistance." Said Luna. "He is a Pegasus known by the name Light Streak, and he plans on storming King Sombra's castle, and he's doing it very soon. He requires help. And that's why you're here." Finished Luna.

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Ambrose had been relatively quiet lately, she was still amazed by her wings coming back. It was a rather amazing to have something coming back after its been lost for so long. She looked up to see the new pony in the group. This was good, the more ponies there were the easier it would be to take down Sombra. She spoke up "Don't worry... Abadon was it, Blood Wing likes pointing weapons at everything."



Edited by The Time Pony

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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"So keldoeo's evil cousin has returned eh?" I mused remembering the crystal kingdom battle. "There shouldn't be to many pegs flying toward the the castle so just point me in the direction and I'll bump into him on the way" I said moving to the balcony and remorphing dragon.

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@@The Time Pony

Luna pointed her hoof in the direction of The Dark One's Castle. "Go now, they require assistance. And remember this: don't let evil fool you, and don't let Light regenerate. He needs to save his lives." Said Luna.


Light went to and hugged Ambrose. "How's your wings working out?" He asked.

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Flying toward Sombras castle all I could think about was what Luna'd said. Not only did I have to help fight and defeat Sombra for the second time, but I also had to play body guard to the pony leading the assault. Ironically the pony I was supposed to protect sounded like one of those characters from one those video games my girlfriends sisters boyfriend liked to play so much. Thanks to the song danger zone that was playing from my necklace it was long until my enemies stronghold was in sight. A scent then caught my attention. I was ponies and they were on the ground close by. Not wanting to scare them I called out"Ho to those who seek to assail the dark kings castle I seek one called light. I'm currently a dragon and need to land return to my regular form and rest so that I may be of more help to you when you need it." 

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Light heard his name mentioned in the sky above him in the form of a booming dragon's voice. Light looked up and saw the dragon, who seemed to be looking for him. "I am the one you seek!" Called Light to the dragon. "your hunt is over!" Light concluded in his shout.

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I landed and demorphed back to my alicorn self in front of everypony in the area.. "Poor choice of word" I laughed "Had I been hunting You'd already be dead and eaten". "Any ways your body guard has arrived to cover your six and help you take down ole king coal in that castle there". "I'mma bit worn from my travels but before I crash fill me in on the situation and lemme know if you want me to recon the inner castle tomorrow" I said curious for more info about the goings on.

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@@Commander Tangent

"Dead, huh?" Laughed Light. "If you really knew who I was, you know death can't get a cold grip on me." Said Light, before going into a businesslike tone. "Hello, then. As you probably know already, I'm Light Streak. Now, our quest. As you probably know, we plan to siege Sombra's castle, and expose him as a fraud. My friend Blood Wing knows of Sombra's effect on the weak of mind. Blood Wing has seen the downfall of an old friend, Blood Rift. We need to show Blood Rift that Sombra should not be followed as a King. Once that is complete, we stop him and his two accomplices: The Master and Dark Spot." Explained Light. "What's your name, anyways?" He asked.

Edited by super2379
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"Hero Factor or Factor for short. Most call me DanG, mainly because that's what both my opponent's and any witnesses say when they see me fight.' I said introducing myself. "As for death, I've got the mind of most preds. When I say something would be dead it normally ends up dead, though as I've been told, you're a bit tougher to kill. Makes me wonder how many hits I'll have to take for you." I said agreeing with light. " Exposing sombra should be easy enough. All we'd need is someone good with words, some way to record sombra and an escape route for our bait pony" I said smugly pulling a plan out of just the word expose. "This rift though sounds like top priority. What can you give on him and is he in custody?" I asked focusing on business at hand. "And as for sombra's castle, have you run recon on the inside for route mapping purposes?"

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"I'm good with words." Said Light. "And I've already seen Sombra's castle. I've been in there before. And I should be a good bait pony. Sombra won't recognize me. Not wit his face at least." Said Light. "It's nice to meet you, Hero." Said Light, after telling of his own skill.

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@super 2379


"Now we only need a way to record sombra and a quick way out." I mused thinking. "I can't think worth slag right now. I'mma got set up then crash for the night." I said yawning. "Really need to fix my own stuff after I get back home." I thought to myself.out loud as I turned to go set up my tent.

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"I have all the information I need right here." Said Light, motioning toward his head. I used to be an alicorn, so I should be able to summon the memories." Said Light confidently. "Would you like me to help you set up your tent?" Inquired Light, taking a step toward Hero.

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"Do what you can over night. As for the tent... " I paused taking a whiff of the air trying to identify a scent that caught my attention "I think I'll just go find a secluded spot to curl up in.". I narrowed my eyes as I identified the scent. "Appreciate the offer though. If you need me I'll be over that way" I said moving off to find a spot to sleep. I needed sleep and space so that my thoughts could clear and I could figure if I'd open up. Light seemed friendly, maybe after the whole sombra thing was dealt with I'd invite him and his companions to hang for a victory party. Nothing makes better friends than fighting side by side together for a good cause.

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"Alright." Said Light. "The same goes to me. If you need anything, just holler for me." Said Light, nodding at Hero. "I'll see you when you arise from nap time." Said Light. Light looked around. It was getting late. Light layer down for a while, and just curled up for a while, waiting.

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I watched light go. As tired as I was my nerves had me acting as if I was injured and cornered. I found a decent spot to nest for the night. As I laid there trying to sleep I could only feel the fear and alertness that came with being out in the wilderness during wartime missions like this one. Others would argue against my use of the word war but against evil like sombra no other term fit. The loneliness for my friends and love back in ponyville didn't help. I finally stared up at the stars searching for one in particular, a habit I'd picked up before. Finding it I whistled a few notes putting my thoughts and emotions into the notes, and sent them to the star, The star hopefully was the one the others would look at and receive my message. Afterwards I paced the camp's perimeter making a defensive line then moved toward the interior of the camp where the others were and crashed, dreaming of things that steeled my will and increased my rage against sombra.

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Light snapped awake. He had fallen asleep. He looked around. It was dark. Very dark. "Light Streak..." Called a voice.

"Dark Spot." Sneered Light, looking around. The villain pounced. Light struggled to push him off, finally succeeding. "Let's make this quiet." Said Light. "Everypony's asleep."

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@super 2379


A scent had awoken me. It wasn't familiar with the camp. I decided to see if light was up so I can ask him about the scent up arrival at his tent I found two shapes scuffling under a fallen tent. Not knowing whether or not to awaken others I decided to get information on the struggle in a more round about way. "OH MY GOD DUDE I'M SORRY I SHOULD'VE SAID SOMETHING BEFORE HEADING OVER HERE, AT LEAST i DON'T NEED TO TELL YOU TO GET A ROOM." I feigned embarasment in hopes to get what info I needed....

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Dark Spot hissed. He ran out and perched atop the last post standing. "Who have we here? The one who called himself Hero Factor." Hissed Dark. "Interesting. I expected more." Said Dark Spot, quite amused at the situation at hand. "Tell me, Hero Factor, what are you doing here?"

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"So you've invaded our camp just to start an insult match with me? I take it you haven't hear many of my stories? "I taunted in return. "To answer your question I'm here to play fix tents" I said signaling light to grab a rope and go for this invading villain while I would do the same. If my plan worked one of us would get the distracted dark pony and hog tie them. 

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