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Eren saluted as he was given his orders. "We won't fail, your majesty," he said simply.


Rolo hadn't gained any information from the citizens about the master but he had learned there was a meeting involving the "Princess of Equestria". He made his way to the place the meeting was said to be and easily snuck past the guards using his Geass. Once appearing in the place he pushed the doors to the meeting place open and remembering the way his older brother was able to fool people all the time spoke to the people of the meeting. "I need your help! Every one of you is a leader correct? I am in need of assistance against a threat not of this world! I cannot tell you who I am or why I came but..." Roll then used Geass to halt the perception of time of everyone in the room and made his way to the center of the room, making it appear as if he simply appeared there. "I need assistance or this world will be destroyed!"

Edited by Half-Note
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"I think we should sends Celestia and you to talk to them",one member suggested 

"Are you crazy griffins are voilent creatures and we should leave them alone

The Master rolled his eyes as a personal meessager for went into the room and whsipered into the Princess' and The Master's ear

"What?!",Celestia shouted and the rest members looked at her

"Sorry something urget came up. Father will you end ths metting",she said

The Mesager and Celestia exited the room. The Master now had serious look

"Now listen you pigs I am in change now", he said 

"Very funny,sir", one of them said

"No I am not being funny",he said 

"Funny looks like this", he said with a smile anc clowny look on his

"Serious is like this", he said showing them a frown his face 

"And I not in funny mode I am in serious mode", he said ,"Oh and thank you for helping me and this is your award

He pulled out a gas mask

"A gask mask?", one of them asked

The Master nooded happily

"There is no gas,though",one of them

Gas from the celing begun to fill the room and the members of the paraliament begun to cough repeatdly 

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As it turned out Sombra's layer was not that hard to find Unishar thought the layer's entrance was at the outscerts of the crystal city. wandering into the cave Unishar noticed more and more dark crystals. The cave went down almost a hundred meters below the surface than the cave widened out into a cavern. "hello" Unishar called out his deep voice echoing thru the cave system. "Sombra i have come bearing information and resources".


My Main OC's      Signiture done by Pink Mist

Avolon  Apolyon  Star Streak  Nocturne

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Rainbow Dash wake up then went to help the weather team with the clouds since it suppose to be clear for the night while she was thinking and she was working too.

Coppy Cat went back out of the city as Rarity then she saw something a Crystial and she smiles too. "A Black Crystial, if black Crystials then Sombra not far." Then she running were the Crystials are as she was going towards east.

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Most of the members were died,but one
"Who are you?",he said while coughing 

"The Master", he said in his gas mask

"Well Master you are insane",he said and then died 

The Master exited and took off the gas mask. Guards entered into the room and went towards Celestia's thorne room and he had evil smile 

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"Were ready Princess Luna, we will face what ever challenge is ahead." Ambrose said, she then shyly added. "Well at least i will, i cant speak for the rest of the group, but i am ready. Tell us your plans, and we will cary them out the best we can."



((Btw tell me what you think of my OC))

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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With some clever lying Rolo was able to convince the ponies he talked to to tell him about any strange activity. One of witch was a figure Celestia called "father" helping her rule. Rolo thanked the government ponies for the information provided before killing them all with Geass and sneaking away to board the next train for Canterlot. (Or wherever Celestia is.)

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The Master went into Celestia i

"Dad, gald you are here", he said 

"What's going on?", he said 

"King Sombra back and everyone in panic", she said 

"I say in troops first", The Master said quite quickly 

"Its my kingdom not yours", he said 

"I sent Twilight a letter a moment ago", she said,"Her and her friends will be here soon."

"Hmm with Twilight they put a dent in my plans", he thought.

"I think we should not send soliders,but reconniness."

"I agree",Celestia said with a sigh,"I would be in my chambers only my dad and Luna are able to vist."

The Master looked at his messager and whsipered to him

"I went to deliver Twilight a message and meet her at the train station", he said,"I am going to vist my daughter."

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Crimson suddenly burst through the doors of Celestia's throne room and gave her a serious look, "the worlds in peril again...and you didn't even bother to notify me? A legendary pirate captain, close personal friend of yours and one of the few ponies in all of Equestria who can actually help stop it? very cute...but in all seriousness, what the buck is going on? how the hell has sombra returned? I thought that dolt was dead as a doornail?" asked Crimson with a slightly raised eyebrow, his hat tilted slightly to reveal his red cat-like eyes.


((how should I introduce Luffy into the story?))

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Ambrose staggered back intimidated by the sudden entrance, and hid behind Light. She then spoke up "who... who are you?" She whispered quietly. "Who are you?" she said a bit more confidently. Staring at Crimson. She again then hid behind LIght, avoiding the gaze of crimson.   

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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"Do not be afraid, for I can tell that he fears none, as I fear none. Do not be afraid, for I am with you." Said Light. "You, sir, need to chill out for a little bit. Sombra has come back by the power of a dark force from millennia ago, who was recently defeated. The power went to Sombra, and he returned." Said. Light to Crimson.


Sombra used telepathy to talk to The Master. "Find me, Master, for I require your assistance." Sombra hissed.


((@: you can enter Luffy into the story in any way you see fit for the character.))

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"I am going to retire to my room" she answered back to Crimson walking ,"And if you want to speak about this problem,talk about to Twilight."

She bucked the door and locked it 


"Busy", The Master answered telpathically 

The Master went then walked to Celestia and whistled the the drum theat were in heads for so long. The Master knocked on Celestia's door

"Go away!",she said

"It's me", he answered 

"Oh,come in",she said 

The Master came into Celestia's room and locked it behind her.

"Oh how much you grew since I apodted you", he said 

"Thanks you to dad",Celestia said 

They nuzzled,but only for bit

"I you are family to me",he siad talking his screwdriver and pointing to Celestia,"But no offfense.."

He  then pressed hsi scredriver and a laser came out of the screw and turing Celestia into stone 

"You are in my way."

He exited and guards were there

"Take the body and I'll be visting Luna", he said walking away from the sence 

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Then Rainbow Dash got the message form the Princess Luna then she went to Fireblaze home as she knock on his door. "Blaze wake up Princess Calling us."

"Ok I am awake." Then Fireblaze waking up yawing as he getting out of the lava and then began to shake some off. Then he went get some coffee as he drinking it all and then open his door as he flew out. "Ok this better be impotent since I was having a good dream."

Then Fireblaze and Rainbow Dash flew towards Canterlot to meet the princess and see what they want.

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Some Pagasi were guarding Canterlot in the air and fying circles  and two went towards Dash and Fireblaze 

"Halt who they goes there?" ,one asked 


The Doctor then tested the air and felt fimilar

"Something bad is going to happend. Like bug storm", he said,but this air tested all too fimiliar,but chouldn't put a hooof on it 

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Some Pagasi were guarding Canterlot in the air and fying circles  and two went towards Dash and Fireblaze 

"Halt who they goes there?" ,one asked 


The Doctor then tested the air and felt fimilar

"Something bad is going to happend. Like bug storm", he said,but this air tested all too fimiliar,but chouldn't put a hooof on it 

"I AM Rainbow Dash the Element of Loyitey and this is my Colt Friend Fireblaze. We got a message form the Princess that want to see us Element of Harmormy too. Also Fireblaze is with me too." Rainbow Dash saying.


"I am with her too so we need see the princess anyway." Fireblaze saying

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"Rainbow Dash only", one of the guards said ,"The reason is smiple Equestria is in state of an emergancy and only certian people are allowed in Canterlot."

One of them took out a a list

"The people can enter Canterlot are: The Elements of Haromy,goverment officals,people who live or whave a job in Canterlot. I am sorry,but Firebalze has to stay behind", he said regratabllly 

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"Ponies, lets focus on finding Sombra, we are currently not making any progress towards his whereabouts or plans." Ambrose said boldly. She had gotten over the shock of Crimson, and began to speak her mind. "We have to find him, or his plans to do anything to stop him. I propose a scouting mission, anypony want to come?"

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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Game Design was walking down the streets of Canterlot when he noticed a couple of ponies having trouble with a guard. Game heard that the one called FIreblaze was noting being aloud in because he was nigher an Element of Harmony nor a citizen and also did not work in the city. Game decided that he would help the fellow out. He trotted up to the three and began his work.


@COBLone Wolf



"There you are Blaze," Game said in a fake censored voice. 


"I was just on my way to get you. I knew you where never late so i thought something mite be wrong." Game winked at Blaze before he turned to the Guard keeping him from going inside.


"Sorry sir." Game apologized. "This is my employee and he was late to work and i would gladly escort him to our work of place and save you the trouble."

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They went away and went to the pagsi high guard

"Loyality is here", he said

The pagasi high guard and flew the meesage told him that Rainbow Dash was in Canterlot.The mesager ran to The Master, who was looking for Luna

"Sir,Loyality is here and along with a friend", he said 

"Good that's going to make it even more fun", he said with an evil smile,"Inform me when the rest are here."

"As you wish", he said bowing and walking away 

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"Rainbow Dash only", one of the guards said ,"The reason is smiple Equestria is in state of an emergancy and only certian people are allowed in Canterlot."

One of them took out a a list

"The people can enter Canterlot are: The Elements of Haromy,goverment officals,people who live or whave a job in Canterlot. I am sorry,but Firebalze has to stay behind", he said regratabllly 


Game Design was walking down the streets of Canterlot when he noticed a couple of ponies having trouble with a guard. Game heard that the one called FIreblaze was noting being aloud in because he was nigher an Element of Harmony nor a citizen and also did not work in the city. Game decided that he would help the fellow out. He trotted up to the three and began his work.


@COBLone Wolf



"There you are Blaze," Game said in a fake censored voice. 


"I was just on my way to get you. I knew you where never late so i thought something mite be wrong." Game winked at Blaze before he turned to the Guard keeping him from going inside.


"Sorry sir." Game apologized. "This is my employee and he was late to work and i would gladly escort him to our work of place and save you the trouble."

"Well Blaze I will see you later and stay safe." Dash saying as she flew towards the castle.



"Same to you." Then hearing Game saying. "Yea I am with Game here and i do work in the city too." Blaze saying hope he get into the city. *Please Dash be safe I don't what to know if anything happen to you or I will go crazy*

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"I agree with Ambrose here, we can't just sit here doing nothing. We need to be actively searching," Eren told everyone. "Does anyone have any Ideas as to where Sombra might be?" He asked, hoping to spark any sort of plan.


Rolo snuck into the castle and walked down it's white halls when suddenly a few guard surrounded him from all sides. "Ha-" they managed to get out before Rolo used his Geass on them. He then went to the left and entered the room with a key he found on one of the guards. Seeing The Master and Celestia, but not knowing who they were, Rolo climbed under Celestia's bed then turned off his Geass resuming everybody's perception of time.

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((Is it just me for do all the evil people seem really overpowered))


"I propose we start a search for Sombra, i could probably rig a sort of camo cloak to conceal us, along with some mechanical wings for non pegasus." Ambrose said. Her voice remained quiet, but it was growing slightly in volume.

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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((@ they're villains! all villains start out as overpowered, but the score is evened eventually.))

"Good plan, Ambrose! Everypony, we head out at the rising of the moon! Do not be afraid, for Luna will be watching over us!" Yelled Light to all the heroes. "We travel on foot and by air. Sorry, Doctor, can't use the TARDIS, since Sombra will find us from the noise." The moon began to rise as Light said this. "Everypony, grab your things, it is time to depart!"


Sombra was waiting for this moment. "All villains, find the heroes and stalk them. Don't hurt them until I give my mark." Sombra hissed.

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"You do have point", The Doctor said,"I do like walking anway so lead the way."


(@super2379 I need Luna in order for The Master to continue.)

The Master went in Luna's thorne room and sat on her thorne 

A guard came into the rooom and saluted 

"The duegon room is ready", A guard at the enternce of the  rooom

"Good await futher orders", he said 

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Luna wished the group good bye as she went into her throne room. There she saw the Master. "Y-You... You're DEAD!" Luna exclaimed. "What have you done with my sister?!" Demanded Luna in a growl. "I'll have your head, Master!" She shouted angrily at The Master, running toward him.

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