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"It is the same for me, that is why I am an Ultramarine." He said. His armor made a threatening mechanical grinding noise as it shifted mass to areas were contact with weapons was likely, hopefully to help provide protection.


He quickly pressed a button on his waist, and was instantly shrouded in a smoke like material. He knew that both he and the contact could more then likely see through it, but it would serve it's purpose, if he was correct on the mutant.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Abaddon snarled as he began to charge at Blood at high speeds, ignoring the smoke and using his other keen senses to locate him instead. As he felt he was seconds away from slamming into the ultramarine, Abaddon took an evasive action and slid under him between his legs. As he rose up behind him, Abaddon used all six of his bludgeoning tendrils to strike at Blood's backside. If all went as hoped, the first pair would stike at his head, the second at his sides, and the third at his legs...

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((Sorry, but I had a very specific reason for putting up that gas))

Blood exited the cloud as soon as he released it.

As soon as Abaddon entered the smokey substance,Blood fired his laser.

'Right were I want you" He thought


The low power laser impacted Abaddon, with no damage whatsoever. But instead. Ignited the highly flammable cloud his enemy was now completely enshrouded by. It clung to its target as it should, burning.

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Abaddon hissed in pain as the heat of the fire covered his entire body. It hurt, a lot, but unlike some of the symbiote's weaker kin, such a thing was not going to weaken and put him down that easily. There was no point in trying to hide in the shadows for what he was about to do considering his entire body was alight with fire...

Abaddon shout out two tendrils from each of his arms at Blood, latching onto his armor. Using their tension and his own speed, he rocketed towards the soldier at a very high speed. Rather than make a head on collision with the soldier however, Abaddon went right through him as his body morphed into the amorphous composition of the symbiote, leaving most of the burning parts of himself slithering and expanding over Blood's armor.

Abaddon reformed himself, ripping off some of the final burning parts of his suit as he ordered the flaming symbiote around Blood to look look for any openings in his armor and seep into them to carry their burning selves directly to the flesh underneath. That, along with the heating metal, should end up in some nasty burns


"That's an old trick you used there, do you think I've never been up against such tactics?"


Abaddon took some time to recover from the pain he had experienced, closely watching Blood's actions.

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Bloods armor pulsated as it reacted. The suit was completely sealed, made for fighting in space if needed. While he was getting a bit hot inside the suit, he himself was unharmed other than a bruise from were the contact had hit. He turned to the contact. To many it would have been a terrifying sight. A Space marine in full armor, engulfed in flames.


"You are not the first of your kind I have faced. You fight much like the Xenos" Blood said, pulling out his bolter and firing his heavy ammunition at his enemy, while energizing his chainsaw blade, covering the teeth in a light force field. He charged his enemy at lightning fast speed. Power Armor was an amazing thing, it gave near impenetrable protection, and increased your abilities by large amounts.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Abaddon growled as he saw that Blood was unbothered by his entire body being cloaked in fire. If anything, his now swaggering stance meant he was actually sporting his new look, probably in an attempt to intimidate Abaddon. Still, the heat had to get to the individual inside eventually, right? Especially now that they were fighting, Blood's naturally raised body temperature should quicken the effects of the heat, unless of course he extinguished the flames, which was highly possible.


Abaddon dashed rapidly around the area as he avoided the heavy bullets coming his way. It was pretty much a gatling gun, meaning that while it had strong ammunition to spare, it was still quite slow.


"The Xenos? Whatever those things are, they are nothing compared to me!"


Abaddon hissed as the soldier came charging in his direction with a chainsaw.


"Sheesh, what is this? Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3000?!"


Abaddon narrowly escaped the whirring machine as he morphed back into the symbiote's natural composition. As Blood passed over him, Abaddon manipulated his form to extend tendrils that would trip his charge up and make him fall. The sheer force of something like that should still hurt, especially at high speeds. If that failed.... well, Abaddon still had plenty of tricks up his sleeve...

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Blood slammed into the ground, creating a massive trench. He  got up quickly , seemingly unscathed on the outside of his armor, the fire now out from it being drowned in the dirt.


"As a matter of fact, I'm starting to think you are a Xeno, there are a lot like you, except for they have armor and weapons to compliment their abilities" Blood said, charging his free electron laser, but not firing it just yet.

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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"Yet I could still kick their asses with mere claws and fangs alone. Xenos.... you know, you're giving me a hell of a lot of ideas with that word!"

Abaddon's fangs began to drip a strange substance. It was a highly corrosive acid that could eat most metals away in seconds. Unless this guy's armor was on par with the durability of adamantium or vibranium, then exposure to the acid would either mean it would quickly degrade, or if it was more durable, gradually degrade. Abaddon spat a quick stream of this towards Blood, then leaped out of his line of sight.

"Oho, we just ripped off a popular movie here!"


Abaddon laughed at his own joke, being reminded of Geiger's famous Xenomorphs from the Alien series. Symbiote's could naturally produce strong acid however, and Abaddon's symbiote had actually had the potency of these acids increased when it bonded with an alien who, quite frankly, was probably the inspiration for the abilities of a Xenomorph. Everything regarding extra terrestrials back on earth had inspiration from something...

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(Umm, his armor is made of adamantium xD http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Power_Armour))


Bloods armor scanned the liquid secreted from the creatures mouth. It identified it as the same used in ork chemical throwers. Of no worry then. Blood stepped aside, though a small amount of them acid landed on his shoulder plate. All it did was eat away at the symbol on his shoulder, as his armor withstood it, doing nothing but roughing the surface at the moment.


He tracked the contact as it moved using his targeting systems. It thought it was concealed, and he played that to his advantage, acting like he did not see it, waiting for it to attack, so he could unleash his own ambush.

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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(Wow, this guy is one heck of a tank, isn't he xD? I've never played Warhammer, so my knowledge of the soldiers and their equipment is basically zero)


Abaddon growled. Wonderful, it seems that Blood's armor was made of adamantium. Blood's protection might result in his own downfall though, because Abaddon felt he would have to break out his other set of powers to surpass this guy. Once that happened, all hell would break loose for his enemy (probably even literally at that), and even his armor would be unable to save hm.

He wasn't going to do this now however. Abaddon still wanted a good fight to test his symbiotic skills and tactics.


"Disarming him seems to be a good option. Wherever this guy comes from, there has to be things that can match and destroy him and his kind. Yes... kind... he called himself an ultramarine, meaning there are more like him. No doubt their own weapons can be used to harm each other, because if something like a betrayal happened, they'd all need a chance to kill..."


Abaddon growled as he shot a replica of himself towards Blood. The sudden attack would hopefully fool the soldier and give enough time to Abaddon for him to react.

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((Yeah, I meant for Blood to be kinda like a boss for Light's group, have them all fighting him at once. ))


Blood kept tracking the contact. He swatted the replica out of the air, and kept his free electron laser trained on the real one. He felt another surge of the Emperors Will, he resisted it again, deciding to fight like this. He awaited for the real one to attack.




like a betrayal happened


(He actually just came out of something called the Horus heresy wich was a Galaxy wide civil war inside the Imperium. So yeah, just imagine millions of these guys all engaging in combat xD))

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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(Actually, Abaddon is also a boss type character. He can best be compared to Forte.EXE from Megaman Battle Network.)


Abaddon hissed as he constantly changed the spots where he was standing, observing his opponent. Blood was standing still, almost as if focusing....

"Waiting for us to attack. What type of attack is he most likely expecting though?..."

Abaddon looked at both of his weapons, the energy gun and chainsaw. The energy gun seemed to be pretty promising in terms of power, but it seemed to take some time to charge up and release a decently powerful beam. The chainsaw, now that seemed like the most promising thing. It's teeth were sharp and seemed to be made of the same material Blood's armor was made out of. This, along with the emergy it could emit around itself, definitely increased his chances of piercing the armor. Abaddon could easily hold onto the weapon through use of tendrils and swing it at large distances as well.


"Chainsaw it is then," he said mentally.


Abaddon had left symbiotic material at the several spots he had jumped to while attempting to keep Blood from getting an exact read on him. They were unattached to him, meaning it would be hard to actually detect them. If they were detected though, they would appear as several "Abaddons". He began to expand them and create traps and large tendrils, all of which he would use to give himself decent control of the terrain and keep Blood distracted.


"The canopy provides us with a decent place to attack from above..."


The first few tendril spots began to lash out at Blood from different directions as Abaddon silently made his way to the canopy. Some tendrils simply tried to slam Blood to the ground, while others tried to trip him up by slithering across the ground. Even still, other tendrils attempted to not only trip the ultramarine to the ground, but also drag him towards the surrounding symbiotic traps...

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((I really hope you read up on your space Marine weapons xD))


Blood stayed locked on to the real contact. Tracking not it's symbiote, but the actual targets bio-signiture. He prepared himself to be attacked, reading a very specific attack pattern.


In response to the the small traps, bloods armor locked itself, making it nearly unmovable. It would unlock the moment he needed it., 


He also released a small skull from his back, and it fell to the ground then disappeared. Suddenly a few of Abaddons traps disappeared, seemingly into thin air. And this was repeated.





Do your worst He thought.

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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(Let me guess, they're all coded to a specific Marine?)


As the symbiotic traps disappeared, more appeared from the constantly shifting masses. They continued their small attacks on Blood for now as Abaddon continued to wait. Something seemed a bit off about the marine and his weapons, so he bided his time.

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((No actually, or at least, not exactly))

Suddenly a Human Skull appeared out of mid air directly if front of Abaddon's face. It screeched in  140 decibel range and injected him with a red liquid. Meanwhile the traps continued to disappear.


A small technical readout appeared on Blood's HUD. It was the Symbiotes DNA sequences. Blood Smiled under his helm.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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The symbiote had quickly expelled whatever substance the skull had injected Abaddon with. The advanced bond between the two made them practically immune to any foreign substances, and it was easy to fool any type of "tracking" or analytical substance by merely tweaking minor things about themselves.

Abaddon's symbiote had alerted him to the sudden appearance of the skull, but the screech it made was sudden and acute. It pained Abaddon and caused him to lose his hold on the canopy and fall towards the ground.

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(( The readout was from the other drone collecting and analyzing your traps))


That was all Blood needed. Before the normal person could blink. Blood unlocked his armor and sprinted through the small path the Skull Drones had cleared. He grabbed Abaddon out of mid air by the head, and through his armor, delivered a large high voltage electrical shock directly to the contacts head. After the delivery, he tossed the contact to the ground, backed away and armed his Free electron laser.


"This is your final chance, flee now, or perish" Blood said, linking the weapon to his Black Carapace  so he could fire it, literally, with a thought.


((Be very careful on your decision here, I don't want to kill off a new character xD))

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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(No matter, he isn't dying on my watch, and I certainly do not intend to lose my first battle :P!)


Abaddon hissed weakly as he struggled to his feet, allowing the symbiote to repair the damage done to him and erase the pain. Now... now he was angry. Very angry. And an angry being bonded to an emotion amplifying creature is not pretty, and Abaddon's recovery began to speed up even more.


"That was... unpleasant," Abaddon growled. "But unfortunately for you, I'm not done here."


An aura of crimson suddenly erupted around Abaddon's body, resulting in the death of the plant life around him. There was so much more to this aura however, as it emanated an extremely powerful feeling of fear and oppression. The worst thoughts and memories imaginable began to flood into Blood's mind as Abaddon sharpened his claws and tendrils once again. Abaddon raised one of his arms, and suddenly a vortex of this power appeared around Blood. It was powerful, pulling at him and refusing to make any attempts at escape easy. The supernatural energy began to actually decay the armor as it sucked away at Blood's life energy and distort the functionality of the technology he was equipped with.


"Your armor will fail you, the physical cannot ever stand up to the supernatural. It will fail you... as you have failed everyone else it seems..."

Edited by Krein
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((Yeah, I should have let you react. Sorry :( was a quick post))


Images of the heresy poured into Blood's mind. And that's when it happened. The Emperors will pushed it'self again. The Space Marines connection to every other marine, in a physical form. He allowed it this time. Blood Started to glow a deep blue, and he jumped up, out of the vortex with a mighty Scream, not in one voice, but in many millions of voices, the voice of every marine.


"BY THE MIGHT OF THE IMPERIUM, YOU ARE SUBJECT TO EXTERMINATUS"  Blood howled as he came down, slamming his blade right in front of Abaddon, causing the ground to, basically, explode, sending out a kinetic shock wave of force.


(Dang it man, I wanted to use that to fight Light xD. Oh well I guess)



(Also If your guy can pick up radiation, to him it's gonna be like a nuke just exploded)

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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(Yeah, it's fine though. Honestly there are times when you have to "godmod" just slightly to keep things from becoming an endless exchange, especially when fights go on this long. )


Abaddon's own aura intensified as he encased himself in an orb of the energy, protecting himself from the full force of the explosion. Everything around them was leveled to nothing, and even Abaddon in his protection was jostled and battered by the force.


"Hahaha! Impressive! I do hope your king can amount to this much, it is sometimes sad to see that the elite subjects have more power than their own ruler!"


The terror effect of the aura grew ever stronger as Abaddon's right arm grew a sharp blade shrouded with the same energy.


"Radiation huh? I don't even know about whatever it is that resulted in the death of your allies and loved ones, but obviously such a large number of deaths is what you were trained to prevent. You failed AGAIN! The effects of this will spread and harm anything living unresistant to radiation! Your allies would be proud, causing the death of innocent lifeforms."


Abaddon dashed in front of Blood, the Aura again decaying the armor even further and disrupting the technology with Blood. Abaddon stabbed through the most decayed part of the armor, leaving the symbiotic blade there to shift and slither into the armor's interiors and cause further damage. Inclusively, Abaddon left the effects of the aura around Blood to further harm his life force and decay his armor.

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Blood felt no pain, no suffering nothing. The power of the librarians flowed through him. He flooded Adaddon mind with the emotions all the marines were feeling at that moment.Fear, anger, sorrow, helplessness. Blood Grabbed Abaddon using the telekinetic powers of the librarians and held him in place. He then began to charge something up. The air around him thinned out until it was vacuum, the sky turned a brilliant gold, and the plants and animal life around him froze and dissipated. The ground withered and became gas.


"Thus, It came to this Xeno, you are nothing against the power I hold." He said, the voices sounding like they are coming from Abaddons head.  The Glowing around Blood became an unknown color, never seen before, completely indescribable.


(He is literally every person in the Imperium, combined into one.And come on man, I REALLY wanted to use this against Light...)


(And no, I will not kill him)

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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(So... what about using this against Light? Also, this is the first time I've actually been able to use Abaddon's supernatural powers in an RP :P)


Abaddon let out a laugh as the Ultramarine said his prideful words.


"Yesss... their suffering feeds me... so many souls joined into one being, you are certainly more than I expected. But this... this will be your downfall."

Abaddon released an even more powerful wave of the Aura surrounding him, distorting the magical fields around him and releasing himself from the telekinetic grasp.

"Xeno... you honestly think I am just another ordinary alien?!"


Abaddon raised his tendrils and let out streams of the Void (it's what I'll call it from now on) energy out at Blood, this time meant to drain and distort the magical field around him.


"The endless powers of the Void. All mine. Suffering, torment, horror. Thousands upon thousands of souls to feed off of and manipulate!"


Abaddon tendrils writhed as red energy encompassed Blood, this time the roles being inversed. With Abaddon now holding Blood in the air with the malicious power. Abaddon laughed as he felt the energy tear unrelentlessly at the supernatural field around Blood. Each individual soul within Blood being shown their worst fears and being tortured by the mere presence of the Void energy.


"If physical pain os not what you feel, then feel the spiritual torment of all the souls you have subjected to this power, including your own. Feel their fear! Feel their pain as the Void rips away at them and drags them into my realm!"


Although Abaddon certainly was tormenting Blood soul along with the others of Imperium, he was not going to truly destroy them. He was not going to take countless lives without reason, even Blood's. The soldier... he didn't seem evil for some reason...

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Abaddon had made a critical error. He was not a combination of their souls, but of their bonds in the Imperium. He was only tormenting one soul. And that one soul had the powers of the  Immaterium


"You have made a the worst mistake a warrior can ever do. You have misjudged me, and have misunderstood me" Blood said, releasing a burst of Immaterium energy onto Abaddon, about to send him to oblivion, when a marine appears next to him.


"You still have not learned my friend, let him go, he is not worth destroying,as if you destroy him, he will destroy you." The ghostly image said putting a hand on Bloods shoulder.


Blood nodded his head, and released the attack. Both Combatants were completely engulfed in warp energy, and teleported.


When Blood awoke, he stood. 

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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(Is Abaddon with Blood still?)


Abaddon mentally beat himself when he heard Blood's words. How could he have let his own arrogance cloud his judgement?! He was preparing to take the soldier down with him when some strange apparition appeared. The entire area then was covered in gold light...

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((No, he is not))


Blood stood up in the field.


'that was Blood Wing, but how. I killed him. Hmm it seems I disturbed his presence from rest' Blood thought to himself as he looked around trying to figure out were he was. It looked like yet another field. but were was the question.


He scanned the area for radiation. After finding none, nodded his head. the warp energy had neutralized the radiation, good. 

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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