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"Shame I hung up my cape, oh well your little toy shall only count as one factor you have over me, unlike dancing. Music is a specialty I could never live without. It wouldn't be a proper dance without a fight song now would it? I'll tell you what I'll beat you like a drum while whistling the guitar if you agree to try hoof tapping the keyboard parts. Either way that toy of yours isn't gonna help you with any steps you decide to use in our little 'break dance".


(ooc before any confusion; nothing but sound and adrenaline releasing energy, any of the other stuff from my research is non existant. All references were made to making noise and nothing more)

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((OOC: it's cool. Don't worry about it too much.))

"Oh will it?" Says The Master, laughing hysterically. "Oh, you harridan." He says as he fires a warning laser blast right next to Hero Factor. "As you see, I'm quite the artist myself." He says. "I can paint the world with your blood." He says, sneering.

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@super 2379


"Holy tia! Dude be careful with that thing you could put someponies eye out. Do you play with your pets with that thing?! Also you missed that pebble you were aiming for. I think that you might wanna change your profession to demolition if that's your tool of choice. A lazer that strong would totally limit the amount of my blood you'd be able to use so I doubt you'd be able to paint the world with it." <Man I really need to chill out. I gotta keep him talking so I can take a sec, breathe, and figure out the answer to the riddle this guy presents. Got to think of a strategy for both him and that weapon. Focus factor, breathe. ....... Got it. >. 

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"Mere words cannot frustrate you, you boggling buffoon." Said The Master, rolling his eyes. "I will kill you, one way or the other. Now... Let this little party begin." He says, a grin spreading across his maniacal face.


Light and Dark looked at each other, each waiting for the other to make a move.

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"Sir I won't need words to beat you. Actually you've been quite helpful in your own demise. I'll be fair though. It'll take me a moment to get my hooves unstuck from this warm mud your blast has created. This is an oppertunity to take me while I'm weak. Be warned that should you miss I'll have a chance to retaliate and I'll not be refusing the chance.". <Well here goes the dumbest move in the history of dumb moves>

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The Master was quite used to people and ponies alike being so cowardly that they would give up without a fight. What a dumb move. He should know that one blast from his Laser Screwdriver would turn him to ashes in a mere second. He decided to have mercy on the pony. He had acted like a fool. He deserved a warning. The Master laid one gigantic punch across his face.

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I hit the ground, did a couple of tumbles and then got onto my hooves before skidding to a stop. I shook off the punch and a few spots of blood flew. "Thanks for the save but you didn't have to hit so hard." I chuckled through the pain. I glared at my opponent yet a grin spread wide across my face. "Well now that the factors have evened out what say we really get down to business. First I'll pay you back with a little blow of mine own." I said tackling the master. 

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"Believe me, you're not the first." He heaved Hero Factor off him quickly using the strength of a time pony. "How cute. I'd like to see you attempt to make a blow to me." He says, leaping over the head of Hero Factor, laughing as if he was a lunatic. Oh wait, he is. My mistake.

Edited by super2379
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"Alright how's about I give up the the even ground and take the high road.First though I'mma run ya through." I lowered my horn and made a charge straight toward the master at top speed. <C'mon old fashioned nature, get me a heart, or a lung, or anything essential for living>. 

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The Master leaped out of the way, which sent Hero charging straight for a wall.


Light lunged at Dark. "This ends now!" He says. The two fought in an epic duel of the fates as one pounced on the other in attempts to pin the other and force the other into surrender. Eventually, Light and Dark both grab their blades and fight with them.

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Lowering my head I increased my speed, muscles connected to my back and shoulders moving lightly enough in preparation for work and to wake themselves up. "Thanks for moving, I prefer a little pinball to my style. It helps with speed and strength." I said leaping, placing my hooves toward the wall as I sailed and bouncing off it in an upward angle, spreading my wings as I moved upward. Getting high enough I stopped and hovered looking down upon the master. "Decent conditions dude. I might have to move in after we take sombre down, the thermals are perfect." I closed my eyes and turned my head with a breeze that passed. "A little  fresh air always does the trick. So you gonna join me or are you grounded?"


(ooc sombre isn't a mispell it's cockiness/overconfidence taunting by screwing with a target's name)

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((OOC: thanks for the information. Plenty of people make honest mistakes, so thanks for telling me.))

"On the contrary, I think that you'll find the roof is pleasantly armed." He said, smirking. On the roof were bombs, right above Hero. The Master laughed as he lifted the detonator.

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(ooc np)



"Slag he's got a....." <bob saget factor move your bumm, blasted wings beat faster..... wait better idea>  Smoke clouds and flames surrounded me as the blast went off.  Good news was having seen the detonator gave me a split second to position myself. Using the clouds of smoke to cover me and the blast to propel me I put my singed wings to work as well as my weight . I dived straight into the master horn first feeling flesh and bone give way and blood cover my horn. Unfortunately my wings were now only useful for moving between cover if I found myself needing to and the impact as well as the blast made my body ache with signs of sprains and possible breaks. 

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The flesh, bone, and blood wounds didn't phase the Master. The blow didn't destroy the tower, they weren't even the real bombs. They were merely smoke blasts. The Master chuckled as an orange glow surrounded him. He burst into flames, and when they subsided, he was a new pony, completely regenerated.

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"I tell ya being a scientist has great benefits for being a warrior. Consider my theory answered. This either means I have to do severe damage so many more times. Do able but it won't be easy, but then again my name isn't factor for nothing. Just one question while we're between rounds.... Do you still have that drum beat in your head or is it now gone since you healed every last bit of genetic material within you? Actually I myself have been wondering about the stories I've heard about that, does it really exist and if so what does it even sound like?" <A little distraction for some thinking room. Unfortunately he's definately gained a big factor but If I'm smart about it I'll find a way to work with the loss and turn it against him, just gotta analyze the situation>

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"Heh. I know you are attempting to mess with my head to distract me. I know you're plotting something." He chuckles. "But I'll humor you. The drums are a permanent part of me. They were put into me by the Time Lords so many years ago, and they remain until the end." He says.

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"Oh so you're just like that doctor hooves fellow, he's interesting. A bit random though and when he starts talking time I get severe headaches due to the complexity of how time works. Haven't really heard anything about time lords. Still though I wouldn't mind hanging with him next time I have a chance. I wasn't plotting but I was thinking. I'm thinking that at the moment I have no time or space to think and with the factors you have against me I'm kinda on the losing end. That's not saying the fight is over that's just saying that I'm at a disadvantage at this time. Actually at this moment I'm pretty much done in and am helpless. In hindsight that was my fault for going into this fight trying to win unarmed without the proper hoof to hoof training. Not giving up though so keep throwing everything you've got at me."

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The Master seemed impressed. "You are quite wise, Hero Factor. Yes, I know your name." He says. "I'd like you to join me on our quest." He said, referring to the villains. "Together, us five would be unstoppable. All would cower in fear in our might!" He shouts. "So, will you join me?" He asks, holding out his hoof.

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"Appearently you need to rethink your invite. What good would a villain who's only fighting capabilites are as basic as hoof to hoof? The whole chaos thing is pretty nice benefits wise but I believe I'm aligned chaotic good. I'll blow stuff up as long as nopony gets hurt and pull other harmless pranks but not anything causing pain or suffering. Also I'm a hero. I've done too many good acts to turn dark now, plus it's in my blood to do the honorable thing not the greed thing. I'll give my life before taking one needlessly no matter who it is and what they've done. I protect the week and innocent. I'll be their pride, agent of wealth, bearer of needs, thier war, arming their strong, aiding their weak. I AM their wrath, their guilt, their lust, I AM the law, their scar I AM THEIR TRUST! Being a hero is who I am and has been my destiny since my creation. It is not just a job but a duty, a service I do as thanks for the powers I have been given Forsaking them is forsaking the love those close to me give and the admiration those I save have for me, but as of this moment I FORSAKE THEM NO LONGER! My name is hero factor and as a villain you shall know me by my true name: THE SHEPHERD KIND OF FIRE! As the adopted son of a stubborn heroic mustang I shall uphold my duty and stand firm against all you and your bretheren entail, with or without my powers. I refuse your invitation and as soon as this mission is over I will return home to carousel I shall take my powers out of the box I put them in and give them the workout they missed during this mission. For now though my task is to defeat you."


(ooc sorry it got long but it's thanks to you. You got me thinking about what it means to be a hero and then I needed to listen to the song so i could use the lyrics in the speech and I just had an ubermoment, just like the girls do with the rainbow thing, with that song. Consider things for me a bit more happy. My real life rough patch has lost a good portion of the effect it had on me. I owe you one.)

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((OOC: I do not mind. The post is a good one. I thought ugly enjoyed it. There is no need to thank me, man. What are friends for?))

"They say you die a hero or see yourself live long enough to become the villain." Began The Master. "And so, you shall die." He says. Blood Rift jumps over and grabs Hero by the arms in his giant metal suit and holds him. In the air.

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"Nice grip tin head. This two on one thing really makes me feel like more of a threat. It's kinda unfair though but I'm over it." I said grinning. Without warning I flared my wings and kicked both hind legs into blood's chest piece, freeing myself and took a short glide to get some distance from my opponents. I regretted having to lessen the usefulness of my wings and the pain worsening the injuries caused. 'So now that there's two of you who will it be that gets the kill and who will take the credit for said kill?" I asked my opponents. "You know what instead f you two fighting each other how about a little competition. A game of catch, winner gets both kill and credit. Twist is you can slam each other into walls and such AND I will also join in on the slamming and stuff just to keep it interesting. Whaddya ponies say?". <I gotta hold out for back up. Sure enough it'll come sooner or later. Until then I'll fight the best way I can and while I'm at it play bait, after all I'm fast as the wind, strong as the sun, and wild as the place I used to call home..>

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@@Commander Tangent

Blood Rift jumped and grabbed Hero and gripped him to the brink of his passing out. "Nuh uh uh, Hero Factor." Said the Master. " you're not getting out that easy."


Light and Dark continued fighting with their blades. Dark knocks Light to the ground and put a hoof on him, holding him down.

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"Who said I wanted out I'm just trying to to test your speed. Besides what are you gonna do try to force me into becoming a villain? Lemme guess no food or water for three days? Shave me down and make me into one of you in appearance? Go ahead I dare ya. You have me tied.Throw me in a cage and try to convert me. If you succeed in breaking my spirit your forces will grow and be that much stronger because, broken, I'll voluntarily join you." I said Looking confidently and defiantly in Blood's eyes. 

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"You do not understand the gravity of this situation." The both say. "You denied us. You had your chance. You had time to repent. You did not, therefore, you shall die." Says The Master. Blood Rift walks to the far side of the tower with Hero in his hands. Right below Hero was a pit of an acid.

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"Well doesn't that look like a good time?" I wheezed looking down. "I tell ya though you old see dog I think this is a bit old fashioned isn't it?". <so much for a future in fashion or finding a way back home> I thought as a tear slid down my cheek. I attempted a struggle and found Blood's grip tighter around my throat. "Do it, but know there will be others whom will avenge me and they will succeed." I said closing my eyes, taking a steadying breathe, and mourning all those whom I'd miss as much as they would me.

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