Suitaloo 743 October 21, 2013 Share October 21, 2013 So, if you could have a pokemon team, with any 6 pokemon from all 6 generations, which ones would you choose? I'm going to say that it would be based on which pokemon you'd like the best, rather than the most intrisically powerful. If you could explain why you picked what you picked, that would be cool too As for my team: I'm going to go with Metagross, Shedinja, Gallade, Aegislash, Pumpkaboo, and Sableye. I chose Metagross because of the fact that I like the steel/psychic pairing as well as the fact that it's basically a supercomputer that fights for you. Also I feel that it would be a good friend pokemon. I chose Shedinja because I've always liked the concept of Shedinja. If you've ever watched or read the Naruto anime or manga, respectively, it's basically like the log that the ninjas would use as a substitution jutsu or something like that. Plus I think it's really cute. Gallade is probably one of my favorite pokemon because I like the fact that it's basically a psychic knight and it seems like it would also be a great companion. Aegislash is a new pokemon to gen VI, and I only found out about it because my little brother has Y and I've seen one of the elite four members have it and I love the design. A sword-shield combo ghost. There's not much more to say other than I think it's cool. Pumpkaboo is also a new addition from X and Y, a grass/ghost type that is pretty much a living Jack-o-Lantern. I like it since it's also really cute and it seems like it would be a nice companion as well. Sableye I've always liked since it is an awesome design, as well as it being one of the two dark/ghost pokemon, which, up until gen VI, had no type weaknesses (as of gen VI, it's weak to fairy type, but only fairy type, and of the fairy type moves, most of them are status affecting moves). Anyways, that would be my perfect pokemon team. What would yours be? I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Haven Celestii 9,385 October 21, 2013 Share October 21, 2013 (edited) Blastoise, Pidgeot, Gengar, Feraligatr, Magnezone/Magneton (preferably Magneton). Even though thats only 5, that would be my dream team. I have no idea who would be my sixth. Maybe an Aggron or Steelix or something. As for why, well they're somewhat my favorite of my favorites. Ive always attracted to them for as long as ive played. Edited October 21, 2013 by Ditzy Haven Doo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Suitaloo 743 October 21, 2013 Author Share October 21, 2013 Well, any particular reasons why you chose those pokemon? I think it would just be a better conversation piece if people explained there choices is all. You don't have to if you don't want to, but yeah. I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toby rogers 258 October 21, 2013 Share October 21, 2013 Hey suitaloo here is my team, Blaziken, marowak, scyther, electivire, marshtomp and houndoom, blaziken because it's my fave and my first pokemon card, marowak and scyther because they're awesome as F*ck, eletivire because it's one of the best electric types and my fave electric type, marshtomp because it's the evolution of my fave water type and houndoom because i always have a dark type, always. “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe OC'S are on my really short about me page efyl 4 seinorB-ageN what do you think of me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReverseFaller 2,484 October 22, 2013 Share October 22, 2013 My dream team would consist of Espeon, Typhlosion, Heracross, Dragonite, Flygon, and Ampharos. I chose Espeon because it's always been one of my favorite Pokémon. I love its color scheme, design, type, ect. Typhlosion because Cyndaquil was my first Pokémon ever, and Typhlosion will forever be my favorite Pokémon for this reason. This Pokémon gives me a lot of Nostalgia, which is always nice. I only recently became a fan of Heracross, as I used it for the first time ever in Black 2. It was a great member of my team, and always helped my win my battles. That, and I like its design a lot too. Dragonite was my first Dragon Pokémon ever, well a fully evolved one that is. I remember using him in Silver when I was a kid. I had great times with this Pokémon. Flygon, again is a newer favorite of mine. I used him for the first time in Black 2 and I found myself really enjoying using him. A great Pokémon with an even greater design. Ampharos will always be a favorite of mine. Mareep was the first Pokémon I caught and trained in Silver when I was a kid. So basically Mareep was my first caught, and trained Pokémon ever which of course lead it to evolve into the ever so awesome Ampharos. Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Troblems 5,619 October 22, 2013 Share October 22, 2013 I would choose everything to be cute. Just kidding. I just beat Y, and the team I used for the final four was: Snorlax: Extremely slow, but chip away was pure BS. It's a move that would knock out about 85% of the time in one hit. Because it's classified as a normal move, it hit just about everything Yveltal: Dark and flying with psychic moves? I'm there. He was usually pretty easy to get low health, but use oblivion wing, and he's fine. Raichu: Cute, electric, and easy to catch early on. What more do you need? Delphox: The professor gave him to me! I had to use him! Usually the starter pokes work really well later on, and he was just generally a monster. Lucario: Maaar fighting/steel type, with dragon moves Blaziken: He didn't really need to be there, but because of his xp boost, he was the highest level. I think a ground or fairy would have been more effective, but he worked well enough. I got an extra hour in the ballpit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 October 22, 2013 Share October 22, 2013 (edited) Espeon, Blaziken, Seviper, Ampharos, Raichu, and Absol. I would choose this team of six Pokemon, because I think having a team like this with diversity could lead to being pretty effective in my opinion. Edited October 22, 2013 by ~Harmonic Scoots~ Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ampharos 1,009 October 22, 2013 Share October 22, 2013 Ampharos I think my ideal team would be a Gengar, an Aegislash or whatever cause from what I've seen those thinks are OP as finnuck, Linoone cause it's potentially one of the best sweepers in NU if you get lucky and I even swept an OU team with my Linoone, a Hawlucha cause those things seem pretty powerful too, Breloom, and an Absol for one of the best sucker punches in the Meta. 1 RWBY DISCUSSION THREAD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PoisonClaw 8,166 October 22, 2013 Share October 22, 2013 (edited) My ideal team would be Blaziken, Metagross, Cloyster, Nidoking, Porygon2 and Heracross. Reasons being that Blaziken and Metagross are two of my all time favorite Pokemon, with both of them being formidable Special/Physical sweepers that can switch between the two at the drop of a dime. My Hearcross from HeartGold was.a Physical beast, sweeping just about everything before him. Nidoking shouldn't surprise anyone if you'll recall I had him as my avatar up until a short while ago, and not only is Porygon2 a good special user, but I still feel bad for it after getting whacked with the ugly stick in the form of PorygonZ. Cloyster though...I have a bit of a story with this one. Back in the Red/Blue days, I once attempted the infamous Missingno glitch despite the fact that all I knew was that I has to surf off the coast of Cinnabar. While there, I somehow ran into a level 250 Cloyster that I managed to catch. Sure, it reverted to Lv. 100 the moment it gained even one point of experience, but I now had an instant max leveled Pokemon that helped me steamroll the Elite Four. When Gold and Silver came out, I abused the cloning glitch to give me an entire team of Lv. 100 Cloysters. Since then I've always had fond memories of Cloyster and am now training one for my team in Y. Edited October 22, 2013 by PoisonClaw MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider NutNow, count up your sins!I do Traditional commissions, by the way! See them HERE! Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Umbreon 569 October 22, 2013 Share October 22, 2013 Toughest question EVER! How do you pick just 6 out of all of the great pokemon out there? *Takes a deep breath* Okay, I'll give it a shot. 1. Scyther - Scyther gets an immediate slot in my team. He's one of my absolute favorites, I LOVE Scyther's design (is it weird that I think it's cute?). I actually like Scyther better than Scizor. I know his evolution has more utility and better resistances, but I just like Scyther's design better. 2. Gardevoir - Another favorite because of her design. Gardevoir is one of my favorite psychics just because of the way she looks, and her new advantage of being half fairy just makes her all the more awesome as far as I'm concerned. Ever since I found my first Ralts on my original Ruby playthrough, she's been a core member of my team in every game since. 3. Lapras - I can't not include Lapras in my ideal team. This water/ice type is a classic, and has a bit of nostalgia value for me. I just always feel so bad for my poor Lapras, Surf + Waterfall + Dive don't leave much room in her move pool. 4. Umbreon - What's an ideal team without an eeveelution? While I love all of the eevee choices (Not crazy about Sylveon, but don't really hate it), Umbreon has to be one of my favorites. It's just so cute I want to hug it! 5. Lucario - Another pokemon that I fell in love with the very first time I got one. Likely a popular choice, but I have to include him. Great stats, awesome move set, and fighting/steel combo. I squealed the very first time I saw my Lucario use Aura Sphere. 6. Oh jeeze, last slot. So much pressure! Okay, okay, I'll pick one. Ninetails - Maybe not the strongest fire type (average stats at best), I can't help but love Ninetails. She has such a beautiful design. Plus the psychic & ghost moves she can learn are completely awesome. Confuse Ray and Will-o-wisp? Fun times! There are tons of other Pokemon I would want to use too, but these 6 win out... For the moment at least. Scyther and Gardevoir are staples to my team no matter what, the other 4 may change on a day to day basis... Eeveelutions: @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard @Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ampharos 1,009 October 22, 2013 Share October 22, 2013 Ninetails I play Pokemon Showdown, a battle sim that you can easily find, and my OU team has a Ninetails on it. She has Drought as her ability and I gave her nasty plot as well as hypnosis. These things combined make for some crazy set ups, plus flamthrower and solar beam you can kill almost anything, aside from maybe dragon types, with ease. RWBY DISCUSSION THREAD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostPony750 959 October 22, 2013 Share October 22, 2013 (edited) Articuno, Rapidash (Or Charizard), Aerodactyl, Meganium, Kingdra, Claydoll But with the arrival of the 6th gen and some awesome pokemons, I might change this list. Edited October 22, 2013 by GhostPony750 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Golurk 468 October 22, 2013 Share October 22, 2013 1) Blaziken. Combines my two favorite types, makes for a good sweeper, and has more nostalgic value than any other Pokemon for me. Easily my lead Pokemon. 2) Golurk. The tank of the team. What is more awesome than seeing a gigantic earthen robot fly down on your enemies? Besides, I know from experience that a STAB + Iron Fist Shadow Punch from a Golurk = MASSIVE CARNAGE! 3) Ferrothorn. Walls like nothing else in existence. Give it a Rocky Helmet, and it becomes the bane of anything physical. 4) Dragalge. Good type coverage, and is a Dragon that doesn't fear Fairies. Can take a few hits, and hits hard itself. 5) Umbreon. More because I find it cute than anything else. Can do some solid Bite damage, and occasionally work as a limited wall. 6) Barbaracle. Between its juggernaut-tier defense and ability-boosted attack, this thing is something to be feared. As long as it doesn't see any plant-life. Indeed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vinyl Variety 40 October 22, 2013 Share October 22, 2013 Team Eeveelution. Sylveon, because it is one of cutest pokemon ever and if you disagree then your opinion is wrong. Flareon. See: SylveonLeafeon. See: SylveonVaporeon. See: SylveonEspeon. See: SylveonGlaceon. See: Sylveon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toby rogers 258 October 22, 2013 Share October 22, 2013 Team Eeveelution. Sylveon, because it is one of cutest pokemon ever and if you disagree then your opinion is wrong. Flareon. See: Sylveon Leafeon. See: Sylveon Vaporeon. See: Sylveon Espeon. See: Sylveon Glaceon. See: Sylveon you should of done "Sylveon, because it is one of cutest pokemon ever and if you disagree then your opinion is wrong. Flareon. See: Sylveon Leafeon. See: Flareon Vaporeon. See: Leafeon Espeon. See: Vaporeon Glaceon. See: Espeon" “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe OC'S are on my really short about me page efyl 4 seinorB-ageN what do you think of me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ianpiersonjdavis 513 October 22, 2013 Share October 22, 2013 That's the problem I have in every Pokemon game, I keep finding more and more favorites, but we're only limited to carry six at a time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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