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Child Of Darkness

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Violetina was knocked bat by the fat creature, but she kept her footing.


"You just don't let the Fuck Up do you. You are an asshole, what do you want with us. What have we done to enspire such hatered from you?"


Violetina said this as her hoof moved to her sword.

"You hurt Tenebris's feelings and threw a smoke bomb in our faces" Iwiek snarled, extending his Electro-whips in preparation for battle. Tenebris growled darkly, steam shooting out of it and then landed. "3 against one is good odds" Tenebris laughed while all three circled Violetina. Iwiek lashed out first, sending the ship of energy straight for Violetina's face

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"You hurt Tenebris's feelings and threw a smoke bomb in our faces" Iwiek snarled, extending his Electro-whips in preparation for battle. Tenebris growled darkly, steam shooting out of it and then landed. "3 against one is good odds" Tenebris laughed while all three circled Violetina. Iwiek lashed out first, sending the ship of energy straight for Violetina's face

(Three? Its just Iwiek and Tenebris at this point, who is the third?)


Violetina ducked out of the way before the energy hit her, but it burnt some of her mane.

"The actions of I where only cause because you to attacked first. Had you been respectful, I would have no reason to hurt you. I still don't want to hurt you, but I will if I must."


Violetina pulled out her sword and got into the Fighting stance she had been taught.


Niru followed Jaeger to where he was and saw her sister and the monsters fighting. She ducked behind a rock and watched the events unfold, trying to keep as quiet as possible.

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Jaeger looked up from his cover and noticed the mares younger sister, Niru was it? he thought to himself as he stayed quite trying to talk to her. "Ni-Niru?" he asked in a quite tone. "What are you doing here its dangerous!" he added hoping she would understand him.

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(Three? Its just Iwiek and Tenebris at this point, who is the third?)


Violetina ducked out of the way before the energy hit her, but it burnt some of her mane.

"The actions of I where only cause because you to attacked first. Had you been respectful, I would have no reason to hurt you. I still don't want to hurt you, but I will if I must."


Violetina pulled out her sword and got into the Fighting stance she had been taught.


Niru followed Jaeger to where he was and saw her sister and the monsters fighting. She ducked behind a rock and watched the events unfold, trying to keep as quiet as possible.

(OOC; Zinn, though I'm not sure if he's here)


"That doesn't explain the stink bomb to the face" Iwiek growled pulling back the whip too fast and accidentally hitting himself. 

"You hurt my feelings!" Tenebris screeched, charging in with with a head butt while Iwiek recovered from hitting himself

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(Zinn is not their because his user has not posted his movements.)


Violetina covered her face as Tenebris passed by her.


"You are not the brightest are you. Smoke cannot attack with any pysical movement. And you are not threat to anyone."


Violetina turned her attention to the other creature.


"You are my problem, you are dedicated to seeing us die for a reason I do not know. But you will never win."

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@Child of Darkness

Jäger shifted quietly from his position to the rock where Niru was hiding. He got close and lowered his tone to a whisper as to not be noticed. "N-Niru you need to go back to the camp with Gloomfury, I can't have you getting hurt okay?" he said in a comforting tone.

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Iwiek face-hoofed before calling Tenebris to him.

"Tenebris, try turning solid before attacking" Iwiek coached before curling into a ball and rolling forward to try and ram Violetina. Tenebris turned somewhat red in embarassment before turning solid and charging again, from the opposite direction of Iwiek. If things went well, they would sandwich Violetina between them

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(shoot, didn't realize that this was becoming active again.  I should probably set this as a followed topic...)


Zinn had woken up some time ago, but he hadn't really awoken.  A splitting headache combined with overwhelming tiredness had left him dazed and he hardly registered what was going on in his surroundings.  I need to be stronger, he thought to himself over and over again.  I am so hopelessly weak; I need to become stronger.


Part of him registered that his companions had left the camp and that a fight had broken out.  Against his better judgment, he rose to go watch.  He knew he couldn't fight in this state, especially with his magic, and would likely just get in the way if he tried, but his companions would expect him there.

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Iwiek face-hoofed before calling Tenebris to him.

"Tenebris, try turning solid before attacking" Iwiek coached before curling into a ball and rolling forward to try and ram Violetina. Tenebris turned somewhat red in embarassment before turning solid and charging again, from the opposite direction of Iwiek. If things went well, they would sandwich Violetina between them

Violetina noticed their tactic and took flight, causing the two of them so collide into each other. While in the air, Violetina positioned her sword, so as she dropped to the ground it stabbed right through Iwiek. "You should stop following me and my sister. Or this pain will be felt much stronger and not stop."


(@Antismurf9001 Welcome back.)

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Iwiek gave a dramatic cry before falling still.

"Hey, you're still breathing" Tenebris pointed out. Iwiek rolled his eyes and tore out the sword, it had only hit some loose fat. 

"I was going to bluff her" Iwiek explained to Tenebris, holding the sword. "Let's see how you do without your sword" Iwiek laughed as he plunged the sword into the ground, trapping it

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Iwiek gave a dramatic cry before falling still.

"Hey, you're still breathing" Tenebris pointed out. Iwiek rolled his eyes and tore out the sword, it had only hit some loose fat.

"I was going to bluff her" Iwiek explained to Tenebris, holding the sword. "Let's see how you do without your sword" Iwiek laughed as he plunged the sword into the ground, trapping it

Violetina looked around slightly worried about the outcome of the fight. As she was looking around she spotted her sisters wing sticking out from behind a rock and she knew that her sister would be with one of the Stallions. Violetina let out a high pitch screech, at just the right frequency that it would be heard within a mile radius and anypony within 50 feet of her, enough to cause ringing in their ears.


Niru knew what this ment and got Jaeger attention. She pointed at Iwiek and Tenebris hoping that Jaeger would understand her and shoot the monsters.

'Shoot them.'

@Frosty V

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Jaeger stared at Niru for a moment before nodding and giving one final command. "Stay." he said slowly as he stood up and jumped off the rock to land in front of Violetina, aiming his revolver at the two monsters. "Suprise...." he muttered as he fired of two rounds heading towards the heads of Tenebris and Iwiek.

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Tenebris felt the bullet pass through him, thankful he had turned back into smoke after the charge. Iwiek howled in pain as the bullet passed through his belly. He quickly started deflating, like a balloon. Iwiek grabbed some garbage and swallowed it, causing his fat to shrink in, closing the wound. Iwiek then sped off, having survived by the skin of his teeth. Tenebris followed, giving Jaeger a glare.

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Jaeger stared back at his once good friends, showing no emotion in his expression, still holding the revolver up and aimed. When the two were out of sight Jaeger turned to look back at Violetina, holster ong his pistol. "You alright?" he asked in a soft tone.

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Jaeger stared back at his once good friends, showing no emotion in his expression, still holding the revolver up and aimed. When the two were out of sight Jaeger turned to look back at Violetina, holster ong his pistol. "You alright?" he asked in a soft tone.

"Yes I am fine, thank you for asking, and many thanks for helping me out of that situation. I owe you one."

Violetina walked over to her sword and attempted to pull it out of the ground, up all she succeeded in doing was breaking the sword into two pieces.

"Well that's not going to be any use."

'Niru, come here.'


Niru ran over to Violetina and gave her a very loving hug.

'Don't ever do that again, Ok?'

Niru eyes where now full of tears as she burried her head into her sisters coat.

'I promise, never again.'

"Now let's get back to camp and pack up, we need everything if we are going to pass the mountains and with todays delay, we might not make it over in one day."

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Jaeger nodded in agreement. "Right, we need to get as far as we can before those two decid to return for another fight...." he said as he began to walk back to the camp he stopped . "Violetina.....I had a present for your little sister....." he said as he pulled a stuffed cat out from his saddle gag and handed it to Niru. "Tell her...I'm sorry for whati did...please." he said with a choke in his sentence.


((I had to XD))

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Iwiek ran behind a rock, groaning in pain. 

"Are you alright?" Tenebris questioned of its brother, looking concerned. 

"I'll live" Iwiek said, expelling the garbage from his body and reopening the wound as his fat began to loosen up. "Tenebris, knock me out" Iwiek said to the smoke cloud. Tenebris nodded and covered Iwiek's head, choking him into unconsciousness. Tenebris then covered the wound, letting his smoke kill any bacteria near it.

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Once it was safe, Zinn left his hiding spot and went to where his wounded companions were.  Part of him was glad that it seemed that Iwiek would pull through.  He really didn't want to see Tenebris enter that state of rage again.


"That's twice they've beaten us," Zinn stated.  "We can't just keep attacking like this.  Only a fool does the exact same thing multiple times and expect different results.  We need to shift the odds.  We need to wait, and get stronger; all of us, especially myself.  Only then can we hope-" to bring about the vision of Tectonus "-to win."

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Jaeger nodded in agreement. "Right, we need to get as far as we can before those two decid to return for another fight...." he said as he began to walk back to the camp he stopped . "Violetina.....I had a present for your little sister....." he said as he pulled a stuffed cat out from his saddle gag and handed it to Niru. "Tell her...I'm sorry for whati did...please." he said with a choke in his sentence.


((I had to XD))

Niru took the gift from Jaeger before giving him a hug.

'Thank you, I love that, thank you.'

She put the stuffed animal into her sister saddle back for safe keeping.


Violetina smiled at her sisters reaction to getting the gift.

"Thank you Jaeger, I've not seen her this happy since this whole event began. Thank you."

'Niru, Jaeger says he is sorry for what he done a few days ago and he hopes you like the gift.'


(@Gloomfury Where did you go?)

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Niru took the gift from Jaeger before giving him a hug.

'Thank you, I love that, thank you.'

She put the stuffed animal into her sister saddle back for safe keeping.


Violetina smiled at her sisters reaction to getting the gift.

"Thank you Jaeger, I've not seen her this happy since this whole event began. Thank you."

'Niru, Jaeger says he is sorry for what he done a few days ago and he hopes you like the gift.'


(@Gloomfury Where did you go?)

Jaeger bowed his head and let out a little sniff. "It's the least I could do after what I have done." he said, holding in a small sob. He then chuckled before wiping his eye and returning his gaze to Violetina. "You will have to teach me your language, I tryed it once but I don't remember any. I think it would be nice to be able to talk to Niru in her native language." he said happily returning the hug Niru gave him.

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Jaeger bowed his head and let out a little sniff. "It's the least I could do after what I have done." he said, holding in a small sob. He then chuckled before wiping his eye and returning his gaze to Violetina. "You will have to teach me your language, I tryed it once but I don't remember any. I think it would be nice to be able to talk to Niru in her native language." he said happily returning the hug Niru gave him.

"You see, our language is something that we offer out to strangers. At least that is the ways of my colony, other colonies would teach you but I'm afried I cannot teach you."


After a short walk they arrived back at the camp to gather up their things.


"We wait here for 1 hour (Will be my next post, in a few hours as I need to sleep) for @Gloomfury, if he does not arrive by that time. We will have to go on without him. I got a feeling something very bad is coming this way."


(Its been some time since an earth quake so, EARTHQUAKE ALERT.)


The ground of Equestria started to move again, this time the tremor focused around the central of Equestria. This caused a rock slide in the area of the Western Foal mountains and the Everfree forest to be swolled by the earth in huge splits in the Earth.


(My group is slightly to the Eastern side. So we miss the rock slide.)

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(My group is trailing yours, we also miss most of the damage)

Iwiek groaned as the ground shook again while Tenebris giggled at the shaking. As soon as the quake finished, Iwiek propped himself up and began tapping his hoof impatiently. 

"Well Zinn, give us a master plan" Iwiek said, his voice drenched in sarcasm. 

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The quake caused something to stir in the back of Zinn's mind, but he quickly silenced it.  Now was neither the time or place to revert back to his mad rantings.


"Well Zinn, give us a master plan" Iwiek said, his voice drenched in sarcasm. 


Zinn paused and thought about this.  Then he burst out laughing.  "Master plan?  What good is a plan with a group of ponies whose plans always go wrong?"  He stopped abruptly and put on a more serious expression and continued, "You two clearly don't function the way that most ponies do, so I can't help you there, but I know what I'm going to do.  I'm going to wait until my magic has recharged and this damn headache goes away.  Then I'm going to make myself stronger; back to the strength I had long ago before my... incident.  If you two want to keep fighting and getting beaten and eventually getting killed by those bat ponies, go ahead, but I'm going to be shifting the odds in my favor."

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The quake caused something to stir in the back of Zinn's mind, but he quickly silenced it.  Now was neither the time or place to revert back to his mad rantings.



Zinn paused and thought about this.  Then he burst out laughing.  "Master plan?  What good is a plan with a group of ponies whose plans always go wrong?"  He stopped abruptly and put on a more serious expression and continued, "You two clearly don't function the way that most ponies do, so I can't help you there, but I know what I'm going to do.  I'm going to wait until my magic has recharged and this damn headache goes away.  Then I'm going to make myself stronger; back to the strength I had long ago before my... incident.  If you two want to keep fighting and getting beaten and eventually getting killed by those bat ponies, go ahead, but I'm going to be shifting the odds in my favor."

"Do you think we can train?" Iwiek spat, anger clouding his face. "We're magical constructs, little more. We can't get weaker but we can't get stronger either" the fat creature growled.

"I get stronger when I'm angry" Tenebris piped up, causing Iwiek to glare at the smoke cloud. 

"How long will it take for your magic to come back?" Iwiek asked Zinn, somewhat calmed down after venting

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"Do you think we can train?" Iwiek spat, anger clouding his face. "We're magical constructs, little more. We can't get weaker but we can't get stronger either" the fat creature growled.

"I get stronger when I'm angry" Tenebris piped up, causing Iwiek to glare at the smoke cloud. 

"How long will it take for your magic to come back?" Iwiek asked Zinn, somewhat calmed down after venting


Zinn was surprised at learning that they were magical constructs.  They seemed like they were so much more than that to him.  This is why they survived my attack! part of his mind howled joyously.  The Great Lord has provided me with companions that are not truly alive, so perhaps they do not have to be slain with the others!  This voice greatly irritated his headache though, so he quickly expelled it.


"I'm not really sure when my magic will be restored, I haven't had a need to overdo it like that... " for exactly seven thousand years "...for a long time.  It took two weeks to recover then, but this wasn't nearly as bad.  I'd guess another day or two."

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