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open Love's Flowers Bloom

_~Soaring Heart~_

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Guardian mulled the question over in his head a few times. To be honest, he wasn't even sure about what he said being true. It was just a hunch that formed in his head. Nonetheless, what he said was true, it did feel like he has known her before but couldn't quite place his hoof on it. "I really don't know, but its true." he said finishing his coffee.

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@@Mint Drop

Dusk left the building "Thank god were out of that dreadful place, now where would you like to go get dinner at" he asked. "Pick anyplace, doesn't matter where. If your out of ideas then we can go to that little reastraunt on the corner, wonderful salads there." he said happily.


((Btw what do ponies even eat.))

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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@,( OOC: Food and beverage - My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki,  so stuff like daisy salads and stuff like that. My favorite thing to make my ponies order is daisy and daffodil salad with sugarcube croutons ^-^ just make something up relating to green veggies or flowers. That's what I do c: I made up hay chips, as there are canon hay fries. )


Sunset followed Dusk out and nodded, agreeing to his statement. She didn't know of any restaraunts in Ponyville, so she said, "Th-the restaraunt y-y-you suggested s-sounds nice."

(Hope you don't mind that I just skip a bit.)

As they were waiting to be seated, Sunset was in awe. While the restaraunt wasn't exactly 5-star, it was the nicest eatery she'd ever been in. snapping out of it and noticing the amount of ponies around her, she inched closer to Dusk, blushing and trying to hide it with her mane. she wasn't getting close to him to flirt, she doubted she would ever have the courage for anything like that, but she instead was trying to get away from the stares, whether there were any or not.


A cheerful brown Pegasus mare happily trotted up to the counter and grabbed two menus, looking at Sunset and Dusk.
"Table for two?" she asked, smiling at them.

(Cutest names to be together ever... Sunset Sky and Dusk Shadow... They're so cute >w<)

Edited by Mint Drop
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"I don't know either, really. It's pretty unlikely that we had a connection." Soaring decided, getting close to finishing her coffee. She was thinking.. if they somehow had a connection, what could possibly have triggered it? Soaring soon rejected the thought. "So... what's next?" She hoped to change the subject.


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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Guardian almost forgot about dinner until Soaring brought it up. "Dinner is next, I guess." he said chuckling. "What would you like?" he asked trotting over to the counter to finish preparing a chopped carrot snack for the two. "I'm not that good at cooking but I can make edible things." he joked

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"Well, good! I wasn't planning on eating burnt salad." She joked in reply. "Kind of like my mother made," She added, chuckling. She focused on the subject. 'What to eat....' "Uhm.. A-anything you've made. I'm not picky." She didn't want to bother him to make new food. Soaring smiled, grateful that he actually invited her in the first place.


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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Guardian thought quickly on how to reply. "That was only one time my salad caught fire while I was making it!" he jokingly shouted. He then placed the chopped carrots into a bowl, along with other vegetables to make them a yummy salad. He went to his cabinet and got some oats out ans sprinkled some on top. Just as he was about to grab the bowl, the salad burst into flames. He stared at it in disbelief "........How is that even possible?!?" he shouted as the flames died down.

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((Best couple ever, also going ahead was perfect this way it isn't so back and forth, also thanks for the food page))

Dusk felt Sunset bump into him slightly and knew the reason. He was also very nervous. He follows the Pegasus to the table in corner. It was a nice spot right by the fire yet also our of the way. Water was served to them and about ten minutes later..."What would you like to eat?" Te waitress asked. "I'll have the dafodil and daisy sandwich please" he said. He looked over at Sunset, "any ideas yet?" He asked


((Passing thought Dusk and Sunset should meet up with Guardian and Carmel later))


((Also exuse my errors typing on my phone is a lot harder))

Edited by Lask

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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@@Aerodynas,((It's cool))

Bayonets face turns red from what Sunny said. "D-do you really think so? That's very nice of you to sa. But I think you're more pretty then I am. " She says with a smile. Bayonet self esteem was always kinda low, but from hearing sunny call her pretty it made her really happy. And when Sunny called her 'Bay' it made her heart flutter for some reason.

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@, ((why Guardian and Caramel? They're not together.. Soaring is with Guardian, Bayonet is with Caramel.)

Sunset squeaked when she realized they were both looking at her expectantly.
"U-u-umm.. I-I'll just have the sa-same, p-please... i-if that's okay..." she mumbled timidly. The waitress smiled and trotted away.
As they waited, Sunset realized something. She had no bits with her to pay for herself. She didn't want Dusk to have to pay for her.
"U-um," she started, looking at him. Well, somewhat. She was still too timid to look him directly in the eye. "Y-you can have my s-salad when it c-comes... I-I don't have any w-way to pay for it o-or pay you b-back for it," she said.
The waitress appeared again and put the salads down.

"Enjoy your meal," she chirped before trotting off to serve somepony else.
Sunset shyly pushed her salad towards Dusk. She was starving and it looked wonderful, but she felt that she would have to pay him back if she ate it, even if he said she didn't. She would feel like she'd robbed him.






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(( thank you, thank you they are amazing, also I meant soaring and guardian, my bad))

Dusk looked back at her, "do you really think money matters that much, no, why what matter more is that you enjoy this delicious dinner". He said in a cheerful tone. "Am so hungry right now, and am guessing you are to, so take it, I wouldn't be able to eat two servings anyway." He got very serious "Sunset, I don't want you to worry ever again while your with me". He realized how that sounded and bushed.

Edited by Lask

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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Sunny laughed a little as she nudged Bayonet and returned her smiled brightly. "Awe come on now, ya know ya are. Ya need to smile a bit more: let ponies see the fantastic you. I promise it'll help Bay, and I ain't sayin for others. I'm sayin for yourself. Be proud of who ya are ya hear?!" she almost singed out to the mare.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@Lask (Ooh, good idea. :P)


Soaring burst out laughing. "Ohmygosh..Ahahaha! Your salads are on fire! Ahehehe!" She laughed. "I'm sorry." She finished laughing. Her eyes were bright. "Okay, what do we do k-now, Derpy Number Two?" She half-joked. Her stomach rumbled. "Uh-oh."


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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Guardian just stared in disbelief that the salad just burst into flames. He finally snapped out of it when Soaring asked what are they to do now. "Well, since we both know that I can't cook to save my life, why don't we go out to eat?" he asked her as he threw away the impossible meal. 'I have the weirdest luck.' he thought.

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Soaring nodded. But, where? She thought a moment. Treats with a cider-holic. No. Apple treats with one of her best friends? Sure. "Should we see if Applejack has any spare pies and such?" She asked. Soaring wasn't sure Applejack made pies at sunset, anyway. They could at least check. She smiled.


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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Guardian had nothing else better in mind, "Sure, I haven't had apple pie in forever!" he exclaimed but quickly added in, "Who is Applejack?" he tilted his head to the side to show Soaring of his confusion. Even before he left he knew almost everypony, and this name was foreign to him.

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"Applejack's the orange pony making all the apple food!" She explained. "She's really nice. We should go there immediately! She knows almost everypony." Soaring put some emphasis on 'Almost'. She was excited. "Before they close for the night." She gazed into his eyes and smiled warmly.


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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@, ((Glad you like them so much :D The Dusk picture took me a while and the one with them both took some transparency which always messes things up, so I'm glad my hard work is appreciated. 
@, I saw your OC request thread and am working on it :) ))

Sunset blushed, and almost agreed, but that feeling of guilt was still present, despite the fact that she hadn't had anything yet.
"B-b-but.... I-if I eat something y-you paid for... I-I-I may as w-well just be taking b-bits directly f-from your bit bag... I-I'll feel guilty...." she mumbled, staring at the white tablecloth.
Selfish... That's what you are. This was all your idea. 

((I've never seen a wallet, so bit bag it is.)) 

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@@Mint Drop

((Lolz Sunset will stay at his house, but wont eat dinner))

"Not really... how about this. Its a treat from me to you. Its a gift, i guess." he said. "Sunset... please, just.... eat.... the salad. About taking bits directly from my bag. well i dont mind, my job pays me well, and i have a bunch of money saved. So please go ahead and eat, i dont mind sharing." he said. "Trust me, its delicous".

Edited by Lask

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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"Well alrighty then, let's get going before they close," Guardian said smiling back at Soaring, "But its your turn to lead they way. I don't know where this Applejack pony lives." he gazed back into her eyes and from Soarings point of view, it looked like this :3

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Soaring headed for the door. "Applejack lives at Sweet Apple Acres." She explained. Her wings fluttered. "Her cider is the best in Equestria." Soaring trotted along through the town, hoping Guardian was following. 'Aaah! My life is so perfect!' Her mind squealed. She was paying so little attention she slammed into a lampost with a Twang! Soaring let out a small "Weh!". She stood up. "I'm okay! I am totally fine!" She rubbed her muzzle. "I'm okay." She repeated. 'Nothing broken, nothing bleeding. All good.' Soaring thought.

Edited by ~Sunset Sparkle~


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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((Lol, Dusk sort of guilt tripped her into staying. xD but to make this quicker i'll just skip us to outside the rstaraunt. I think it's the plan for us to meet around this time, so Guardian can think she's Applejack for funnyness. And for Sunset to be cute again.))

Sunset was about to add more to why she shouldn't eat, but he seemed annoyed already and didn't want to aggravate him, so she conceded and dug in. She still resolved to pay him back somehow.



Sunset was following Susk back to his house, staying quiet for fear he was still annoyed with her. She was about to timidly apologize then she saw some pony jump right into a lamppost. She froze in place, Wieighing her options, which were running to help her and hiding behind Dusk purely because she was timid and afraid of being stared at.

@, @@Rokkurin,

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Guardian was indeed following right behind Soaring. While they walked together, he would steal a glance at her, then blush and look away. 'Wow, she is a very beautiful mare.' he said in his head. He watched her walk right into a lamp post and had to hold back a giggle. When she said that everything was fine, he let out a sigh in relief.

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@Mint Drop,


Soaring glanced around and spotted an orange mare looking at her. She waved, not one to be rude. "Hey, there!" She said. 'She looks nice!' Soaring thought. She made a ':3' face and turned away for a moment to stare at the lamppost she hit. She chuckled.


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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@@@Rokkurin, @,
((Pffffffpffff... *tries to hold in laughter* I can just imagine that :3 face on Soaring. xD Also Dusk is with Sunset))
Sunset's eyes widened and she darted behind Dusk as the mare waved at her. She might be able to handle him, but not several ponies at once. Still, she didn't want to be rude, so she peeked out at her and gave a small, timid wave back. Unfortunately, the mare was still facing the lamp post, so it was likely she didn't see it. The small Pegasus didn't have the nerve to wave again.

((Catface soaring: post-14040-0-88580500-1385193184_thumb.png))

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