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planning Doctor Whooves: The Series


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Happy 50th everyone! 

So a few days ago, I had this idea. We've seen Doctor Whooves rps come and go, but all of them follow the same rp model, so I figured: what if we had a real DW series? Just like the actual show, with proper episodes and everything?

It could be briliant! We could have the Doctor and a companion, travelling to other planets, meeting ponies and monsters, saving the day and then hopping back into the TARDIS for the next adventure!


Here's what I'm thinking: we get several players, every time we finish a story, I pitch an idea for the next episode, we brainstorm it a little to make it proper, then we work out a cast of required characters and assign them to the players. We can rotate characters so we can all play as the Doctor, the companion, or whomever happens to show up in the current episode.

We can do story arcs and one-shot stories, face off against classic MLP and DW monsters, and build ourselves a nice little series!

So who's up for it?

  • Brohoof 1
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There's actually a weird little RPG game where you do pretty much the way you described it. http://dog-eared-designs.com/pta.html Primetime Adventures.


I've not had a successful game with it myself, but my regular gaming groups have a... different way of playing that this game isn't really compatible with. However it *seems* like it might work for what you're thinking of.


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I am so up for it




I was thinking more of using canon characters from DW and MLP for the main recurring cast, with OCs only being single-use characters. We can't exactly have a crowd in the TARDIS and have the same side characters show up in every story. I'd rather roll up a new cast every episode and have only the Doctor & companion as the permanent characters.

If the story arc calls for it, we can use a few recurring OCs, but for the most part we'll be playing as the random people who are only relevant to the plot of this one episode. If some of us get used to a particular recurring character, we can play as that character more often, but most of us would be switching characters every episode.

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Is it alright if I could suggest as Lyra being a companion? I have a really good idea/plot for an episode or even a story arch the includes her and the good old doctor


Sounds good. My idea was to use Colgate/Minuette since she has an hourglass cutie mark (time travel and whatnot), but we'll end up changing companions (and Doctors I'm sure)  eventually anyway, so let's start with Lyra. We can even show off her interest in non-pony beings.

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Well yes, that was the reason why I wanted to use her. The fandom has given her a great trait which I'll be using, her obsession with humans mostly.

I have 2 archs in which we could go.


A) Lyra comes in contact with the doctor, after searching her entire life for human things. She done the research and all that, and she figured it out that the Doctor used to be human, so she hunts him down to find him and such.


B )Lyra has found a way to get to the human world, either by her own way or by accident. She had been living on the tales of humans her entire life and then she got the chance to see humanity, and she doesn't like what she see's. The doctor mean while somehow caught some sort of trace and found out that Lyra, a mare, had been taken to the human world. So he feels the need to go save her. So of course they met and such, and then adventure/story arch is that they're getting lyra back home, and that lyra learns that the humans are what the tales told of them

Edited by rascal61
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I call dibs on The Master if he ever shows up heheh. 


Well, I've shown up. Stay away from my character!


Aside from that, I'd love to get involved somehow. Let me know of any progress and updates.

Edited by The-Master


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Is it alright if we make some sort of small role play empire out of this? I know its happened before and it's also happening now too, I think it would be great for this.


We have someone coming up with a plot or story arch for a roleplay, then someone goes out and makes the occ, then we have that rp going.But if we have more ideas, either with those same characters or different ones, we can just make another roleplay out of those ideas. And we can always say that those playing as one character in one of those rp's can't play as the same character, or join in at all, that gives room for others to have a shot at playing that character.

I think it would be good, and that leaves it that is someone who doesn't want to one roleplay, can play in another. And there can be several roleplays going at once if we all are dming one rp

  • Brohoof 1
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I call dibs on The Master if he ever shows up heheh.


Well, I've shown up. Stay away from my character!


You'll both get a chance to play him, my idea is to have the players switch characters every episode to make up for the fact that we won't have enough permanent characters for every player.


A) Lyra comes in contact with the doctor, after searching her entire life for human things. She done the research and all that, and she figured it out that the Doctor used to be human, so she hunts him down to find him and such.


B )Lyra has found a way to get to the human world, either by her own way or by accident. She had been living on the tales of humans her entire life and then she got the chance to see humanity, and she doesn't like what she see's. The doctor mean while somehow caught some sort of trace and found out that Lyra, a mare, had been taken to the human world. So he feels the need to go save her. So of course they met and such, and then adventure/story arch is that they're getting lyra back home, and that lyra learns that the humans are what the tales told of them


I was planning to start with a Heart's Warming episode since december is coming and the DW revived series starts every season with a Christmas special. I also wanted a completely new continuity in the MLP universe, without following all of the DW canon, just the broad ideas. I'm not sure how we could pull off Lyra's story and a classic "companion stumbles and meets the Doctor, joins him at the end ofthe episode" story right at the beginning of the rp. Maybe we could have Lyra as a recurring character first, let her story unfold, and have her become a companion later on, kind of a mix of how Donna Noble and Mickey Smith were involved.


Is it alright if we make some sort of small role play empire out of this? I know its happened before and it's also happening now too, I think it would be great for this.


We have someone coming up with a plot or story arch for a roleplay, then someone goes out and makes the occ, then we have that rp going.But if we have more ideas, either with those same characters or different ones, we can just make another roleplay out of those ideas. And we can always say that those playing as one character in one of those rp's can't play as the same character, or join in at all, that gives room for others to have a shot at playing that character.

I think it would be good, and that leaves it that is someone who doesn't want to one roleplay, can play in another. And there can be several roleplays going at once if we all are dming one rp

I would prefer an episodic series with one-shot episodes and story arcs woven into the larger series as opposed to multiple arcs going on at once. I get your idea, but it makes it harder to get organised and build a continuity. A roleplay empire would work if this was an expanded universe with multiple casts of characters in different places at the same time, but with the Doctor & co as the main characters, it would be very difficult to run different rps at the same time and keep the story coherent.

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You'll both get a chance to play him, my idea is to have the players switch characters every episode to make up for the fact that we won't have enough permanent characters for every player.

This doesn't sound like a very good idea, seeing how different people will portray characters differently. Upon regeneration, a user switch would be an obvious choice, but every episode seems a bit odd.

Edited by aRegularPony
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While I'd love the opportunity to participate in a Doctor Whooves themed RP, especially one that carries on through episodes, I sense a lack of pre-planning actually going into this role-play. After the buzz of the 50th Anniversary we probably need to sit down and come up with a solid story line to follow, preferably individual episodes rather than great story arcs (it is unlikely everyone will stay for the entire RP). Once all the players know what lies ahead of them we can actually begin to make solid decisions concerning characters characters and the role they'll play into he RP itself. Either me or Rascal would be more than happy to assist with any writing, as I know she is more than capable. For now consider me interested, but not confirmed.


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This doesn't sound like a very good idea, seeing how different people will portray characters differently. Upon regeneration, a user switch would be an obvious choice, but every episode seems a bit odd.


I'm hoping we all know the characters well enough to play them as they are. This is an exercise in getting in character as much as it is a roleplay, and we can collectively decide what kind of characterisation we want for the companions and recurring characters. Part of the idea for this rp is the challenge and appeal of roleplaying as established characters.


While I'd love the opportunity to participate in a Doctor Whooves themed RP, especially one that carries on through episodes, I sense a lack of pre-planning actually going into this role-play. After the buzz of the 50th Anniversary we probably need to sit down and come up with a solid story line to follow, preferably individual episodes rather than great story arcs (it is unlikely everyone will stay for the entire RP). Once all the players know what lies ahead of them we can actually begin to make solid decisions concerning characters characters and the role they'll play into he RP itself. Either me or Rascal would be more than happy to assist with any writing, as I know she is more than capable. For now consider me interested, but not confirmed.


That's the point of this thread, we're here to figure out where we want this series to go and what kind of episodes we want. We need enough planning to know where we want to go with the story, but not so much that we lose the open-ended improvisation of roleplaying.

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Statement 1

I do like the idea of having continuing characters, being brought up and such then becoming a more main character. And that maybe a redo of the already established lore around the equine doctor would be good, it could lead as a fresh start for those roleplaying as the doctor, not having derpy or twilight or someone else in the background of their heads. 

Though having a story arch where they do come in, talking about lyra here, could possibly be awkward for those playing. Will it just be them popping in from time to time to serve as a plot device? Or will they just be there for one roleplay then not show up for a little while, then appear again?


Statement 2

I don't think you got what I meant.

I meant that we have a series of role plays going that all revolved around certain events/plots and such, ourselves in reality have a sort of group thing where we can control all the roleplays and such, a little empire of role plays to run. Not to actually have an empire within the story, in which every player would have to keep up with and such, I meant within reality. 

I can understand your reasoning of calling each role play an episode, but I truly don't think that will work out. You see many roleplays don't actually end, people stop posting or this and that happen, and you have a story half done but can't be extended on because everyone is dead. You cannot rely on a roleplay, otherwise you're only going to get one half story and you can't continue any further. 

What I suggesting is this.

We have plots, story arcs, the like. And we create role plays from these, so that they become 'episodes'. If one roleplay fails, well then you got a few more to count on to work, not all depending on just one role play. One of us can dm a roleplay, maybe one each, so then you already have few going on. 

So we have a sort of organization ring going on, an empire of role plays, and we have unlimited stories to go by. 

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First: I'm thinking something in the style of what Martha Jones and Jack Harkness did in DW, being involved in the plot of some episodes now and then. Lyra could start out as a recurring character, learning about the doctor, and then becoming a companion at some point in the series.


Second:Your idea sounds good, I'm just worried about how we're going to keep the stories coherent with each other if we run them at the same time, with the same characters. Not to mention what happens with the recurring characters if the series isn't written in a linear way. And about the possibility of the rp dying, the idea of having the series be episodic and having a changing cast was meant to circumvent that. If we have shorter, self-contained stories, with a cast that doesn't rely on the forums' already existing OCs, and players who can drop in and out, we can avoid being left with one big unfinished story.

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Perhaps instead of separate RPs for different episodes or separate RPs running at once we have one big episodic RP? One RP that will have have all the episodes in


If it will be episodic then it will be linear no? It could work. Once say episode one ends we can begin episode two right in the same RP. Technically the RP won't end as log as their are still plots and episode ideas. And we can still switch up characters and devise new plots and such after each episode. And the good thing is it wouldn't be as confusing. Much more simple especially for new comers. There will also be only one OOC discussion and it will always be open to applications. Having separate RPs or an empire of multiple might be a bit much. Especially since many of us already participate in other RPs, it might prove to be overwhelming? Going a simpler route might be the easier of choices. 


Just my suggestion


Also Fluttermena, your idea about us changing charcter would work for esablished characters but... that's the issue. The Doctor and The Master... aren't establish characters. In ways of personality I mean. Doctor Whooves isn't Tennant or Smith and The Master isn't Simm. We will and have to portray them differently. After all they aren't the same regeneration. Who ever will play as them decides who they act, and if multiple people will play as them we may all portray them different. Even if many Doctor Whooves series bronies have created Doctor Whooves is always portrayed a bit differently (if he isn't s Tennant copy that is.) In 'Doctor Whooves and the assistant', Doctor Whooves is portrayed as bubbly and energetic, while in 'Doctor Whooves adventures' he is portrayed as more serious and inquisitive. Who's to say I won't play the Doctor the same as you will? (I'm pretty sure I won't). And also the same would go for background ponies like Lyra and Octavia or whatever. They don't have established personalities. Or maybe even the ponies we create if we were to switch those up too. But as for like The Mane Six and stuff yeah that's understandable. We all know how they act. But again not everyone can really play them well. Like I would be terrible at playing say RD or Pinkie but better at playing Twilight. 

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Perhaps instead of separate RPs for different episodes or separate RPs running at once we have one big episodic RP? One RP that will have have all the episodes in


If it will be episodic then it will be linear no? It could work. Once say episode one ends we can begin episode two right in the same RP. Technically the RP won't end as log as their are still plots and episode ideas. And we can still switch up characters and devise new plots and such after each episode. And the good thing is it wouldn't be as confusing. Much more simple especially for new comers. There will also be only one OOC discussion and it will always be open to applications. Having separate RPs or an empire of multiple might be a bit much. Especially since many of us already participate in other RPs, it might prove to be overwhelming? Going a simpler route might be the easier of choices. 


Just my suggestion 



That's literally exactly what I had in mind when I started this thread. I'm trying to figure out if we should keep that idea or go with rascal61's.


As for the charatersation, I agree that there's going to be some conflict here and there. I hope we can reconcile that and agree on something. I'm relying on everyone's ability to be flexible roleplayers.

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I see what you're thinking, but role plays die out. It happens. Small roleplays for each episode would make more sense. Having a RP that doesn't end would mean more people would drop out/stop posting randomly, whereas with smaller role plays, someone could explain that they are going to drop out or whatever before the episode, and we could work out the episode from there.

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I see what you're thinking, but role plays die out. It happens. Small roleplays for each episode would make more sense. Having a RP that doesn't end would mean more people would drop out/stop posting randomly, whereas with smaller role plays, someone could explain that they are going to drop out or whatever before the episode, and we could work out the episode from there.

I know this. But there will still be episodes in this one more larger RP I had in mind. People can still drop out before a new episodes begins. And as rascal said, RPs usually don't end. Even if we did smaller ones it would still be the same people and people would still drop out eventually causing these smaller RPs to end. Or perhaps new people would keep joining? Same goes if we do one larger RP. People leave and people join. It is the same if you think about it. All that differs is if the episodes should be in separate RPs or be compiled in one larger. People would still leave and join and still formally and informally drop out in both situations. The reason I still we should complied the episodes into one larger RP is for the sake of simplicity and convenience. I just think having to start a new RP every ep would just be unnecessary. 

  • Brohoof 1
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If more then one want to run an rp they could do that one is doing the 1st dr whooves era, 2nd era, ect, maybe no need to say this is dr whooves era is before that doctor whooves so no set I'm running the 1st dr era, and he's doing the 9th, ect.  Also If you do it where each story happens after the previous one and you want continuity then those playing the doctor would have to play him the same as the previous person, and you'd have to explain why this person isn't traveling with dr whooves, unless he gives them all communication devices so they can have a more or less normal life and call him up when they get the urge to go traveling with him.  Saying they were dropped off back at home between stories.  


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