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open Murderers Among Us


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Shadow Strike stopped walking. A cyan pegasus had landed in front of her. Rainbow Dash. "Move out of the way Rainbow, otherwise I will make you." She snarled. Shadow Strike cast a large, unbreakable barrier around them. Nopony could get in or out, but most importantly it could only disappear if she either died or told it to. The barrier blocked all sides and the roof. It even went under the ground so that burrowing wouldn't work either. The filly, however was safe on the other side. "You have one chance to leave, do you accept?" Shadow Strike asked forcefully, getting into a defensive position.


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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"Uh yes where is Rainbow? I must ask her a promotion ahaha! "

The insanity inside Volt started to spread


"Enter the arena and hit the lights
Step up now you're in for a ride
This is war, ain't no fun and games
We get it up, you go down in flames"


Volt Discharged another stream on a Cyborg that avoided it, making an hard turn


"Looking for trouble, now you've found it!
You're a drum and we're gonna pound it ahahah"


The cyborg shooted an head mounted laser to Volt hitting his tail and cutting a piece


"Heads I win, tails you lose
Out of my way I'm coming through!!!"


Volt was approaching the cyborg deviating the lasers with a magnetic field


"Last one standing wins the fight
Hear us scream and shout all night
Down on the floor and eat the grit
This is gonna hurt a little bit!"


Volt hitted the cyborg head with his hoof unloading a full charge


"Now we lay you down to rest
You'll never be more than second best
Step inside you're in for a ride
And we crush, crush crush 'em CRUSH 'EM!!!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@, @@Doc. Volt,

Shadow Strike used her magic to create a hologram of herself back with the other ponies. "I have the situation of Rainbow Dash under control. Please do not panic, she is unable to reach you." It said before disappearing. Shadow Strike's horn began to glow pink. "Let's see how you fight." She growled at the rainbow maned pegasus.


(If somepony is willing to play RD for a bit it would be rather helpful and highly appreciated :P )


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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@, @@Doc. Volt,

"Ok you take care of the rest of the cyborgs. She highly underestimates RD she's got no chance out there alone I'm helping thought that probably still won't be enough."

NightStrike went away.

"Dammit, she thinks she can do everything alone for Celestia. But she can't do that. RD is probably the fastest pegasus out there, she will just fly around her."

He projected a hologram back at Shadow:

"You can't do this! Don't go on a suicide mission just for Celestia! You know what happened the last time I worked alo..."


"Damm, I can't reach her anymore"


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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"eh eheh yeah do what you want i just want revenge wher eis she?? where is my little darling Rainbow? Oh you are going to be a Rainbow in the dark.. oh yes... i will make you drink all off that spectra, i'm going to TEAR YOUR LIMBS LIKE YOU DID TO MY DREAM!"


Volt was crying, his face covered with mist and tears


"Oh you have always been such a dissapointment Doctor zap..."


"this voice.."


"I am afraid yes, so can i have my fillies back? If so i will kill all of you fast and without pain... deal?"


(guys i gotta go see you tonight late, i just roleplayed RD but you can do so ok? so the Rp can go on without me ok?)

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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moonlight went behide rainbow dash silently she threw her dagger at back if it hits rainbow is dead if it misses one of them is going to die. "this bitch is not gonna take any fillies i wonder what will happen if i turn her to a rainbow" she broke into a quite chuckle.


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Sound Thought had woken up in a hospital with the last unit that was at the dress shop last night. He had a relieved look in his eyes when sound started coming too. "Nurse, nurse! He's awake."


A nurse walked in with a tray of medicine and some food. She started telling sound about how they had found him in such bad shape. "You were lucky to be alive." There was that word again. 'Luck'. Something that he hated to have to resort too. Everything should have gone according to plan, but now here he was. In a hospital room with more time on his hooves than he wanted to imagine. "Bed ridden for another day huh?" 


"Yes, also. We found this note attached to you. Here."




Sound looked at the note. He just kept staring at it without end. Everyone was completely silent in the room until the guard broke the quiet, "Sir?"


"Paper, pencil, I want one right bucking NOW!" 

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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(ehm how did you randomly teleport to RD :3 I thought you where fighting the cyborgs?)

As NightStrike kept moving on he saw a dome appearing at the horizon. "Well I guess that's where they are. I just hope I'm not too late. I'm beginning to kinda like that spy already"'


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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(@ rainbow dash is with me, on the other side of town XD )

Shadow Strike ducked as Rainbow Dash swooped at her. She quickly countered by aiming a bolt of magic at her, causing the pegasus to crash into the wall. The pegasus was fast; she had to make her angry. That would cause her to make mistakes. "Great job Rainbow Crash, you almost nearly hit me," Shadow Strike taunted, jumping out the way of the cyan pegasus as she charged again. This time though she only just dodged it. Teleporting wasn't an option, there was an anti-teleportation spell on the dome. Mainly to stop the other unicorns getting in her way. "Missed again," she said mockingly.


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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(who cares she's also fighting her now)


"HEY RAINBOW IDIOT CRASH COME AT ME NOOB" she said in a really mocking voice she then prepares to teleport out of rainbow dash's way if she comes charging she was flying around as fast as she can to hopefull make rainbow dash smack into something sharp.


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(@ Have you read any of the posts? ONLY Shadow Strike is fighting RD. Protective anti-teleportation dome that nopony can get into without Shadows permission, remember?)

Shadow Strike rolled her eyes at the alicorn mare. She was crazy--attacking thin air. She wasn't even facing the correct direction, let alone being in the actual dome. "Ow!" She yelled. Whilst she was distracted, Rainbow had flown into her, knocking her into the barrier wall. She shot at the pegasus and only just missed, cutting of the tip of her tail off. I need to focus. For Equestria. Shadow Strike thought, cursing herself before swiftly leaping out of the way of an attack.


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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(moonlight will be mocking rd then so she can be distracted so shadow can land hits on her)


moonlight putted her tounge out in a mocking way "RAINBOW IDIOT CRASH RAINBOW FACTORY SUCKS YOU GUYS FAILED HAHAHAHA" she's saying in a mocking tone but still keeping an eye at rainbow dash just in case.


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NightStrike finally arrived in front of the dome: "Let me in dammit! You don't know what you're up against! You will somepony else with this." He tried to get in the dome only to be knocked back.

"Buck! Why does she has to be so stubborn, she doesn't have to do this alone why would she."



Then he turned to Moonlight

"Do you really think you can distract her? It takes a lot of focus to become Equestria's greatest flyer. A simple bit of mocking won't distract her."


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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"Well, there are a LOT of guards after her." Chain Mail said, jumping off the pile of bodies he's accumulated and using his horse cleaver (zanbato) to slice through a pegasus cyborg. "Not that I'm complaining or anything." He added, starting to fire machine gun rounds into the air.


(Also, if you actually lose, I have a contingency plan for a character I'll post right after this. Let's just say, the antithesis of Chain Mail)

Edited by GameytheGeemer
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((Right am just going to join in))


Shadow was currently shifting as a cyborg pony. He thought this had been a great idea to help blend in, until he realized that there was a small group slowly hacking and slashing the way through all the cyborgs who happened to look like him. He shifted into Shifted, his more eviler version. With each of his shifts came a different personality. Normally he could overide this but on a few shifts the personalities had grown stronger. Shadow used his wings to fly up to the top getting a good ariel view, he decided to wait till the fighting was done.

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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If I could just slow her down or catch her off guard, I could easily take her down. Shadow Strike thought. She could see the pegasus pick up speed as she flew towards Shadow Strike. There wouldn't be time to dodge, she had to act fast. Time seemed to slow down as Shadow lowered her head slightly and the cyan pegasus, nearly at top speed, crashed straight into her. Shadow Strike's horn stabbed into the mares stomach as she tried to pull up. There was a huge flash as the barrier exploded. Her vision was beginning to fade, she could only just see Rainbow Dash dying on the floor. Shadow Strike only had enough energy to teleport once. She appears in the reception are of the local hospital before the world went black.


(Not dead btw, just in a sort of coma for a while. Going to use this oppurtunity to RP as just Silver for a while XD )


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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(Since this has been dead for several hours and RD has been defeated, leaving equestria with a hell of a lot less defense.)


"Well, I can see that you made a mess of things as usual." A voice said from the top of a building. "When will you learn." It added again.


"No, it can't be. Not you." Chain Mail said, his face contorting to one of rage rather than his usual smug look. "Not that it matters, I've been training. I'll beat you this time Silent." He said, laughing manically. "Than I'll be the greatest soldier ever."


"Are you still on about that." Silent Blade said, coming out of the shadows. "If you still think like that than I wouldn't think you'd be able to beat Heat Storm, if you didn't kill her that is." He said, referring to the only filly that was in project hellfire. "Besides, I'm not here to take you down. I'm here to clean up your mess." He said, contempt barely noticeable in his voice.

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Volt was fixing the dead body of Rainbow Dash, blood and scrathces on him everywhere


"so... this is the end? is this is it? ... i.. i feel... void.... i.. i...."


Volt colapsed on his knee and started crying without any apparent reason


"... Rainbow Dash... i used to know you... i used to dream that you could return one of the element... now... it's over... or not? The factory... it will continue... the CWC will find me and will kill me... all of those fillies.... banned forever from Cloudsdale... all of this blood... everything.. for what? I...i lost it... i lost... even if she is dead i lost... i've turned into a non-pony... i cant live anymore at Cloudsdale... i've failed... "


the hole on Rainbow chest was still splitting blood


"deep red... that's the price you have to pay if you wanna die i'll guess..."


Volt then looked into the sky hoping to see Moonlight or some of his new friends.. but the sky was empty just like his mind


".. i'll guess i have to forget this all.. again..."


Volt plugged out from his half-destroyed work coat a little device, similar to a small long cilinder with a red light on it and three buttons behind the light


"... i've failed... again... i should not live anymore"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,

When the barrier finally lowered NightStrike could see Volt entering. He looked around but couldn't see NightStrike because of his camouflage. Then he trotted next to Volt. Slapped him in the face and took the device and broke it "Snap out of it dammit. You can't hide from your past forever. You did it once and you won't do it again! We've a filly waiting just here!" He said pointing at Silver who Volt managed to overlook.



"You are going to find a place for those Silver. Maybe Moonlight will help you. I'm going after Shadow Strike. I will find her, I've just realized why she did all this. Not for Celestia but for those. And she needs our help for that."



"Dammit I've begun to care way to much for that mare, this could end badly."


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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Shifted finally landed a ways away from the pony he had heard been called chain mail. As soon as he landed he took form as crimson in an effort to be more friendly. "Well thanks to both of oh, you saved my ass" he said in a friendly tone. The outgoing personality slowly taking over the previous one.

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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Icy quickly finished copying down things. She had decided, rather than helping, she'd document the event in an effort to use it as blackmail if one of the ponies present did something she didn't like. Then, she put away her pad and pencil and walked up to the ponies up ahead. 


Thanks to a jewel of rarity for making my signature!

My OCs:

Ribbon Ruffle                                                                                                       Squeaky Clean

The fun has been doubled!

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