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Carnation let out a depressed sigh, as the potential customer walked out of her doors. "Could it have been something I said? Does she not like my... dresses?" Carnation could slowly feel something welling up inside of her. It felt like she was about to burst. "The nerve of that... mare! leaving without so much as a word. Are they really that bad? Maybe I don't need a dress making cutie mark. What if I've modeled my whole life after a lie? No, my dresses are beautiful. The finest in this entire town, and if she doesn't care for them. She was right take her fat flank and shoddy hoof out of my..." She realized her hoof was pressing hard on the register, and her eyes were starring intensely at the door. The word that she was about to think seemed to bring her back to reality. "Shop..."


Carnation turned towards the pegasus that was still at her counter and started to apologize for her actions. "I'm terribly sorry sir, it absolutely breaks my heart to see a customer leave like that. Without even a word of helpful critique, or praise." She had a pleading look in her eyes when she said, "I do hope you understand?"

Edited by danzxc123
  • Brohoof 1

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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"Why of course, that would be fine." she said in reply. The inn is not that way. I might as well go along with it, after all, it's my job. She thought, following the pegasus. Her horn started glowing, that way she could shoot anypony at a seconds notice. To cover it up, she levitated a nearby lantern.

Kel's scanners beeped to life as the unicorn's horn glowed. Hmm, this one had some good energy to drain. Kel let his consciousness extend, letting his base know he was coming back.


Maaebjan sniffed at the air, attempting to find some prey. His jail was in the middle of nowhere, he'd have to teleport somewhere. His horn flashed and the unicorn leaped through his own portal

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@@Doc. Volt,


Cheeky had little to no idea where she was or had been. Everything after her flight exam happened all too fast. She still couldn't understand why everyone around her that she called friends or even family all shunned her. "They like me... right? They love me... I know my mommy and daddy at least..." Her words were beginning to sound more and more like lies as two stallions brought her to a factory she didn't know. "P-please..." 


Without so much as warning the two stallions threw towards the ground, and at the hooves of another pony she didn't know.

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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"so ..."

Volt was standing in front of the litle filly


"why i am in front of this worthless piece of meat? what is so special about her? Drag her with the other in the main room... for the threatment.."


Contrail was looking into Volt's eye in a different way


"What's your major malfunction Contrail?"


"...is that... she is... the daughter of..."


"The daughter of who in Celestia's name? I don't care! we have rules! do you want to met Rainbow Dash in her office???"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Cheeky's eyes widened with fear and slightly with hope. They had mentioned a treatment. Maybe this is all just a doctors office, and maybe she was just sick. Her mind had trouble coping with whatever was going on around her, but if this was the story that she could tell herself in order to be brave...


She struggled free of a guards grasp, and fell to floor 'again' as she did. She grabbed the hoof of the stallion that had said something about her parents. "Where's my mommy and daddy," She cried, "I want my mommy and daddy!"

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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"DON'T TOUCH ME!! DON'T EVEN TRY!!! I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO MAKE ME GO AWAY... oh what the... what am i saying... yes, ah oh.."


"Doctor? Volt? u right? do ya need the pills?"


"I am bucking right Contrail! Now shut the Celestia up! You!" Volt pointed the hoof to the little scared filly


"why are you so special? who the hell are your parents? You are making me wasting time damn it! and times are money!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Shadow Strike followed the pegasus down a dark alley, where she stopped and put the lantern down. "Excuse me, sir, but I don't remember the inn being this way." She said warily, getting ready to attack, just in case. She wanted to see whether or not this pony was bad or not, if he was she was ready. If he wasn't, then she'd have to apologise to him.


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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"You're right. It isn't." Chain Mail said, walking up from the rooftops. "And honestly man. Have you no shame. Have you forgotten the most basic rule of the serial killer hand book? I've made a claim on her, therefor I will be the one to kill her. Even if I DO let her do some sight seeing first." He said, his voice coming from his hiding place on the roof. He wasn't visible at all.


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"You're right. It isn't." Chain Mail said, walking up from the rooftops. "And honestly man. Have you no shame. Have you forgotten the most basic rule of the serial killer hand book? I've made a claim on her, therefor I will be the one to kill her. Even if I DO let her do some sight seeing first." He said, his voice coming from his hiding place on the roof. He wasn't visible at all.




Shadow Strike followed the pegasus down a dark alley, where she stopped and put the lantern down. "Excuse me, sir, but I don't remember the inn being this way." She said warily, getting ready to attack, just in case. She wanted to see whether or not this pony was bad or not, if he was she was ready. If he wasn't, then she'd have to apologise to him.


Kel snarled, his computer going into overdrive. Two ponies had found him out, stealth was no longer a priority. 

"You will come with me" Kel said, his body breaking apart into millions of chunks of grey metal. A second later, a 6 ft tall, bipedal metal beast without a face stood in Kel's place. Despite not having a mouth, Kel talked as tentacles extended from his back. He lashed out with the tentacles, aiming for Shadow Strike.


Maaebjan popped out of a portal, right behind Chain Mail. Maaebjan never used stealth and leaped onto Chain's back, laughing insanely. What luck, popping out next to an eligible victim!

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@@GameytheGeemer, @,

Well I don't paticularly want to take on two of them in this alley. Shadow Strike thought. She teleported in front of Kel and ran. She skidded round the corner and out into the open street, where she stopped. Her horn lit up, ready to blast anypony nessecary. She was careful about keeping watch for any signs of movement, just incase.

"Just come and get me!" Shadow Strike yelled,"I'd like to see you try."

Edited by EmeraldStreak


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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"I swear, it's like dealing with uncivilized ruffian serial killers." Chain Mail said as the portal opened. As soon as he had his opponent on his back he was bucking like a rodeo horse, and jumped in the air. He flipped onto his back, using his weight as a weapon.


"You do realize that having my mark on you means that while I'll kill you, I'll have to keep all of the HUNDREDS of no talent hacks from killing you as well. And as I said, you have a sight seeing tour of the city to convince me to not kill you." He said as he wrestled with the untrained civilian. The fact that he had tried to pick a fight with a trained soldier was just dumb.

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Kel snarled in frustration as the unicorn evaded him. 

"You can't escape me" Kel said, his scanners locating her in seconds. He extended his cables into the alley, grabbing at Shadow.



Maaebjan ignored the speech before rolling off of Chain Mail. The unicorn could feel blood dribbling down his lip. Maaebjan licked up his own blood before cackling happily. Yes, pain! Maaebjan then opened up two portals, thrusting his hooves through both, one hoof popping out in front of Chain's face and the other behind his back.

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"Well, portal warfare. Nothing I haven't dealt with before. Some particularly nasty Hippocampi Unicorn soldiers." He said, ducking to the right (having the portal coming out from the left). He pulled out his gun and shot it through the back portal. "You should REALLY avoid getting into fights with ponies better than you. It's a surefire way of dying." He added. 

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"Well, portal warfare. Nothing I haven't dealt with before. Some particularly nasty Hippocampi Unicorn soldiers." He said, ducking to the right (having the portal coming out from the left). He pulled out his gun and shot it through the back portal. "You should REALLY avoid getting into fights with ponies better than you. It's a surefire way of dying." He added. 

Maaebjan laughed as the bullet grazed his hoof. His own pain, lovely. Maaebjan retracted the portals and slashed with his sword. Using his portal ability, Maaebjan made it so that even if it wasn't touched, everything in front of the sword would be slashed

  • Brohoof 1

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Chain Mail went to dodge it, but the laser energy blast was fast. It cut off some of his already short hair. "That's it. The kiddie gloves are coming off now." He said, pulling out his own sword. "Sword to Sword. TO THE DEATH!" He added, teleporting behind the citizen and slashing at his neck.

"Never piss off a soldier." He said, his air of calmness gone for a full on air of rage and hatred. 

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Chain Mail went to dodge it, but the laser energy blast was fast. It cut off some of his already short hair. "That's it. The kiddie gloves are coming off now." He said, pulling out his own sword. "Sword to Sword. TO THE DEATH!" He added, teleporting behind the citizen and slashing at his neck.

"Never piss off a soldier." He said, his air of calmness gone for a full on air of rage and hatred. 

Maaebjan squawked as the blade slashed at his neck. On instinct, he teleported away before the blade could sink in deep enough. However, the fact that he had been hit while porting cost him. Maaebjan popped out a in a completely different area on the other side of town

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Shadow Strike saw the tentacles and jumped on the highest one possible, using it to propel herself up onto the nearest roof. She sent a blast of magic at Kel, before looking around. She watched as Maaebjan disappeared through a portal. "Note to self; there is a magic tracking robot, a crazy ex-soldier and a portal jumping lunatic in this town. I wonder who I'll encounter next." She mumbled. Shadow Strike could see Chain Mail now.


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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"Now then. To deal with the less... Immediate problem." He said, firing a bolt of lightning at Kel. "As for who you'll see next, I'd recommend the cult of insane murderers. They don't have my ethics though, so I can't guarantee they won't kill you in spite of my claim on your head." He added.

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"YES!" Kel laughed as he extended his tentacles to catch the magic blasts. The blasts were sucked through the cable tips before transferring to Kel's main body. "Thank you for the energy" Kel said, grinning before leaping upward onto the roof. Two unicorns for the price of one! This was his lucky day! Kel then retracted his tentacles and charged with his fist out stretched

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"Well then. How about you saw we over feed this monster." Chain Mail said, redoubling his magical blasts of electricity. "After all, if it eats energy, feed it more than it can handle." He said, not breaking a sweat. "Between the two of us I doubt that it can handle 2 fully trained members of the military.

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"Fine." Shadow Strike replied, sending blasts of magic towards Kel, before jumping out of the way and landing gracefully on her feet. She concentrated on sending a large blast of magic at Kel.

Maybe that was a bad idea... she thought. Shadow Strike could feel herself getting tired due to using too much energy. I can't fall asleep, for Celestia's sake. She thought getting to her feet.


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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@@GameytheGeemer, @


Kel could feel his energy increasing. His scanners beeped insanely as his power rose from the absorption. Suddenly, all of his tentacles blasted off their stored energy, strafing Chain and Shadow.

"Did you truly think that I wouldn't guess your trick after it's been used on me so often?" kel mocked as he released his stored energy to blast them. 


Maaebjan appeared in a garbage can, spitting out chunks of garbage. Oh well, at least killing the garbage pony could work

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"Well then. It looks like I'll have to move to step 2 of my plan." He said, jumping over a tentacle and blasted forward with magic. To make this work better, he pumped a massive (think enough to destroy 3 city blocks bomb level) amount of energy into a cone shape around him. The point to this was to give him a layer of a shield. If Kell absorbed all of it while he was at his maximum energy (because why would he disperse more energy than he needed to keep himself functioning) than he would go into overload syndrome, and he was going to fast to disperse the energy as it was absorbed. If he didn't, than there was a severe threat to his core.


"What's the matter rookie, tired already?" He added sarcastically to Shadow Strike.

@, @,

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@@GameytheGeemer, @,

Shadow Strike ducked out of the way just as a bolt of magic flew past her. "Fat chance," she said, before leaping onto Kel's head and focusing a blast of magic at him. She then hopped off onto the roof where Chain Mail had been standing. She sent a large bolt of magic flying at Kel, that started to spin round and round his head, meant to disorientate him slightly.


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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Kel's scanners picked up on the blast above him and he slapped it away with a flick of his wrist. 

"Current form unsuitable, transforming" Kel droned as his metal reshaped into large spikes on his arms. Kel charged and slammed the spikes into Chain's shield, attempting to break through. 



Maaebjan dodged out of the way of a punch before slicing the offending pony's head off. Maaebjan turned to see a large explosion to his South. Well, that was odd

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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