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planning Beyond these walls Chapter 2: A Darker Fate (Adventure, Survival, EPIC!)

The Elusive Cinder

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That's to be expected really. Clockwork is an antagonist type more than anything.

Don't worry though, I personally don't have Clockwork's views towards anyone's OC, I'm just playing his part. :)


I love your new signature btw. Did that artist charge for his work? :3 Cause I'd really like one of those.

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@@Midnight Scribbler,

 Actually, the creator, Rainbow Skywalker, and I are good pals.

He made this for me just last week, and I've been waiting for it for, like, an eternity. 

This was free of charge, and I was one of the lucky ones. He said that Blasted Nova was "A good OC, and not like the alicorn OC's I see so much."

I was honestly flattered XD



Not to Blast. He doesn't know her yet. But she might be his type.

He can be a bit sarcastic towards enemies and characters he doesn't fully enjoy. 

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I doubt Amethyst would be Blast's type, judging by how she's reacted to everyone else so far. She's even cold to Clockwork and he's the most like minded to her there is in the group I think. XD


Ah, I see, that's awesome man. Now I'm curious though, he's not doing them for just anyone then, I'm guessing?



I think Clockwork is working his way up there. :P He's beginning to get in with the ethereal trolling party.

Also, yeah I'd say Mirror is taking the top of the pile on the unanimously hated OC among team Brandy. She did kind of steal their leader and second in command. lol

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I was just thinking - Niw that she's lost her sword, Kingfisher is literally only carrying half a bottle of brandy and a few red rags. Shame she doesn't have any matches


Ha, Pavisa lost 90% of her armour and her supplies thanks to the sparks, and she threw away her halberd, so she's not much better off  XD  If something comes up where they're going to need supplies they seem a little SOL 

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There are SO MANY character elements with Eclipse and Blast, more so Eclipse, that I haven't fleshed out :/ Problem is, I can't find good times TO flesh them out.

same here. Ronin hasn't gotten much character development yet
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I've found the best way to flesh out the character is to play them. The more interaction the better. My OCs have developed greatly since I began playing in this RP. Mostly Scribbler, I had Clockwork in my own RP, which is where I really developed him. Coming up with a good back story is sometimes helpful as well, using that as a base, and then building upon it with RP experience seems to be the best method.

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