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Hello I guess!


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Heya there ... I'm Sapana! I'm older than 20, that's all I'll say. I've been watching MLP since S1 - Over a Barrel was the first episode I watched live - and I originally started watching because I heard the song Winter Wrap Up on Tumblr, and, well, that was that. Best ponies are Rarity and Pinkie Pie.


I love to draw, but it's only a hobby, and I haven't drawn any MLP fanart, or OCs - but who knows, maybe the inspiration will strike me soon!


I literally don't have any mlp friends, either IRL or online, so I hope to get get to know some of the people here - you all seem lovely!

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We're all definitely very friendly and, are willing to show you around! Very nice taste in favorite ponies, I hope that you enjoy your stay! :)


P.S.: If you have any questions or need someone to talk to, message me anytime!

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welcome to the forum!

i'm sure you'll make lots of new friends here, this place is filled with friendly people. :D

welp, as scootalove above me already said, if you need anything, just let me or anybody else know, and i'll do what i can to help.

hope to see you posting around!  ^_^

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Heya there ... I'm Sapana! I'm older than 20, that's all I'll say. I've been watching MLP since S1 - Over a Barrel was the first episode I watched live - and I originally started watching because I heard the song Winter Wrap Up on Tumblr, and, well, that was that. Best ponies are Rarity and Pinkie Pie.


I love to draw, but it's only a hobby, and I haven't drawn any MLP fanart, or OCs - but who knows, maybe the inspiration will strike me soon!


I literally don't have any mlp friends, either IRL or online, so I hope to get get to know some of the people here - you all seem lovely!

Welcome!!!!! :squee:


You'll definitely make some friends here. I'm sure of it! I'd even like to be if you want so!


Seeya around at the forums B)

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Welcome to ol' Malpy Forums, Sapanafroglady. I call you frog because your name makes me think of frogs for some reason. Why? Because I'm strange like that. 


Anyway! I hope you have a quite rightly awesome time here. If you're looking for MLP friends, you've definitely found the right place, really. I mean, this place is brimming to the burst with them. (Obviously. Arylett, why you so obvious) But yeah, I look forward to seeing any OC art you might be creating. Perhaps one might become a future avatar, eh? :3

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Thanks everyone!


Very nice taste in favorite ponies

Haha thank you! I am glad you approve.



Welcome to ol' Malpy Forums, Sapanafroglady. I call you frog because your name makes me think of frogs for some reason. Why? Because I'm strange like that. 


Anyway! I hope you have a quite rightly awesome time here. If you're looking for MLP friends, you've definitely found the right place, really. I mean, this place is brimming to the burst with them. (Obviously. Arylett, why you so obvious) But yeah, I look forward to seeing any OC art you might be creating. Perhaps one might become a future avatar, eh? :3

Frogs, eh? Interesting! I welcome the nickname (I love nicknames). Actually, Sapana is my non-pony 'OC'/fursona, sort of, whom I've had for years, and if I do make a pony OC, it will be based on her.

Edited by Sapana
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