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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Melissa shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, you're probably right." She hugged herself and looked at the group. "I'm a friend of Nik's. Actually I think I'm his only friend." Her face fell when she thought about the possibility of Nik getting expelled. "I'm sure it'll be fine." She thought out loud.

Edited by Roxas XIII



What else am I meant to put here?


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"Yes sir" Nik said, relieved that he wouldn't have to fight the Mega-Evolved gjinka. He doubted he'd win before, now he was sure he'd be unable to win without a huge handicap. Nik began thinking up his defense, why he should be excused for this action and why he was justified

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Melissa shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, you're probably right." She hugged herself and looked at the group. "I'm a friend of Nik's. Actually I think I'm his only friend." Her face fell when she thought about the possibility of Nik getting expelled. "I'm sure it'll be fine." She thought out loud.


"If that's the case, you may want to go and check on him." Samantha said. "It doesn't sound like this is his first offense, and considering school's only been going on for two days, that could mean some serious trouble for him. I, personally, am going to go and see what's happening with Nico, he just got here, and I don't want to see him kicked out already. He seems like a nice guy to me."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Melissa nodded her thanks to Samantha. She walked over to Nik. "You think it's going to be okay?" Melissa held an arm in front of her. "Uh, listen. Thanks for doing that back there. I really hope you don't get expelled." It was the truth and on top of all that, she had a seriously worried look on her face.

Edited by Roxas XIII



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Fernmint waved off a hand towards the Absol boy's words. "Obviously you won't get expelled for your first offense. No damage done either way. But Nik... we'll see what they want to do with him. He's been causing trouble since yesterday morning. But it's not my sole decision to make, although I'll suggest to the others that you two refurbish the tiles caused by some explainable mishap with overgrown plants." Fernmint grinned and pulled his glowing sword out of the ground. Most of the roots retracted completely but the floor was still cracked and destroyed in the spot where the roots had risen. The area wasn't large, but the damage would be annoying to repair, especially with no tiles readily available on campus. Oh bother. "Come along now. Time's a-wasting." The Serperior gijinka sheathed his blade and began walking towards the office of Darius Corsac.

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"It wasn't intentional, I just got really angry all of a sudden" Nik grumbled, blushing hard again. He looked at the destroyed tiles and sighed.


"Sons" Nik called and all three of his clones appeared. Good, Nik 2 had trained his siblings well. "Go get some tiles, I'll sweep away the damaged ones" Nik ordered, picking up the broken tiles

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Fernmint grabbed Nik by the collar and lifted him up off the floor. "I didn't say now you idiot! And you're... "sons"...Bloody weirdo... Can't help you work. It would give you an unfair advantage, although I know how much you like those. We're going to all see the rest of staff, so that includes you Nik. I find punishments are easier to decide when the culprit is standing right in front of you."

Edited by Ampharos
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"Well... Nik there seems to have his... Substitutes... to help him with his work. You don't seem to have anyone to help you. I'm not doing anything if you don't mind me giving you a hand." Samantha offered. "I don't have anything else to do, so it'd be better than just sitting in the dorm doing nothing." Fernmint then scolded Nik for using Substitutes. "Or not... I would help you if I could, but I don't think the Professor here will allow it. Sorry." She shrugged.

Edited by #Suitaloo



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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@, @, @@Ampharos

"When we get back you can help me." Nico smiled and waved bye to Samantha and followed the Professor.


Melissa waved bye to Nik and ran out of the cafeteria. She didn't where she was running, she just knew that she was running somewhere. She eventually made it to her Dorm and ran inside slamming the door shut behind her.



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"Yes, alright" Nik whimpered, nodding at his clones. 


"As you say, we obey" his clones said, quickly bowing before Teleporting away. Nik cringed as he saw that Nico was going to be coming with him. The Batman wannabe was still really scary. At least he had a valid excuse to use

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Samantha decided to go wandering. Maybe check out the library, see if they had anything interesting to read. Maybe something on Transhumanism or maybe something about Prometheus.




As she entered the library, she saw a Gijinka that looked like an older Kirlia, yet not a Gardevoir. She was behind the desk, so she must have been the librarian. She went up to the counter and asked. "Hello. You wouldn't happen to be the librarian would you?"

Edited by #Suitaloo



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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@@Lyridian,@@Ampharos,  @


"Awwww man! You guys get stuck with the good jobs and here I am shoveling poop for mine, thanks alot guys!" Dusk said joking around of course as he smiled and laughed it off.


"But yeah seriously...Dinner sounds good to me, the sun looks like it's about to set as well. We should hurry before they close it up on us." Dusk said as he looked out the window. Deciding to go ahead and lead they way, Dusk began walking down the hallway once again with friends in tow. He looked around frantically wanting to be able to spot what figure he saw earlier in the hall. Being slightly paranoid, he wondered if there was something other than himself and Ms. Claudia haunting the halls of the Academy. Now he knew how people felt about Ghost pokemon...sort of. Breaking his concentration his stomach rumbled a bit as he hugged it with his arms.


"By the gods...didn't know I was THAT hungry.." He muttered to himself.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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     Ms Claudia placed crossed her arms over her chest with a mock pout on her lips.

"Soft? Darius, I'm offended! They all seemed like generally good kids. I would just feel terrible about giving them something like Lickytung tongue or Politoed warts-" She stepped out from behind her desk, over a fallen pile of paperwork marked ' URGENT' in bright red, and towards the door. She stopped beside him for a moment and pressed a finger agaist his chest."- But that doesn't mean I'm going soft, Mister!" She added. She stepped out into the hallway with a dramatic twirl. So I'm like the Zorua pup girl? Hmm... I don't think I mind~! 

"Besides, cleaning Castform's mess of a playroom is simply too much for a delicate lady such as myself... Oh?" Something...Someone, green caught her eye down the hallway. " Is that.. Minty?" She asked, tilting her head in a kawaii-like manner.

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@@Lyridian,@, @, @,


Fernmint continued walking, checking back every so often to make sure the two were still following him. "Hello Darius. Claudia." He gave a short bow to both as he said their names. "These two were causing trouble in the cafeteria," he states, and shoves the two students forward. "I'm sure one isn't a surprise, but this boy here seems to have come late or something of the sort. I found them trying to scuffle in the cafeteria, and I figured it wasn't my place to solely give them punishment. I've already got one for them, but it just simply isn't enough. Any thoughts?"  


Suddenly, the cloaked man that Nik had previously seen appeared out of nowhere next to Fernmint and placed an arm on his shoulder. "Oooh~ Punishment you say? Sounds intriguing! Mind if I stay and listen?" "I don't care Varrick! Just stay quiet unless you have something awfully important to say. I'm not in the brightest of moods at the moment." Fernmint's red eyes flashed with a hint of fire for a second as the memory of the morning struck him again. The sound of the steel shattering against the wood. The clattering of the steel as it hit the floor. The realization that the cut hadn't been correctly performed. And the crushing defeat at the sight of one of his prized katanas broken on the floor (Katanas can't really break like that, but they can be damaged if you don't do the cut right). 



Zach chuckled at Dusk's stomach noises and continued following behind his friends towards the cafeteria. "Yea I didn't eat much at Lunch. I'm starving..." 

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@@Lyridian, @@Ampharos, @, @

Nico shrugged the Professor's arm off and leaned against the wall. He placed the Absolite in his pocket and clutched it hard. "I'm the one that started it. It was a game of catch with a Dark Pulse ball. I threw it, Nik deflected with Mirror Coat and I then caught it again. After showing a friend the ball so that she can register it, I threw it back at him. It nearly hit his girlfriend and that caused him to rage and come charging at me. That's when the Professor here found us." Nico's not used to this much talking but he's getting used to it awfully fast.

Edited by Roxas XIII



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Nik was about to interrupt but he realized Nico was doing the job for him. Typical, Nico was exactly like Batman, scary, but honorable to a fault.


"Yes, he is right, that's all that happened" Nik muttered, still stunned at Nico's nigh insane honor levels. Nik would never incriminate himself

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Samantha decided to go wandering. Maybe check out the library, see if they had anything interesting to read. Maybe something on Transhumanism or maybe something about Prometheus.




As she entered the library, she saw a Gijinka that looked like an older Kirlia, yet not a Gardevoir. She was behind the desk, so she must have been the librarian. She went up to the counter and asked. "Hello. You wouldn't happen to be the librarian would you?"

She jumped and stood up straight, revealing that she had been organizing scrolls while using Psychic to eat pizza. She swallowed and set the pizza down, "I would happen to be the librarian. You must need new, huh? We have maps near the entrance, and a clubs list right over there." She points under a shield and pair of crossed swords, "And, sign ups for LARP club is next to it. Now then, what would you like to know?"


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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She jumped and stood up straight, revealing that she had been organizing scrolls while using Psychic to eat pizza. She swallowed and set the pizza down, "I would happen to be the librarian. You must need new, huh? We have maps near the entrance, and a clubs list right over there." She points under a shield and pair of crossed swords, "And, sign ups for LARP club is next to it. Now then, what would you like to know?"


"No, I was here last year, but I never really came to the library." Samantha said. She brought up her PDA and looked up LARP. "Live action role playing..." She said to herself. "Interesting. You wouldn't happen to know a bit more about the LARP club would you? Like what times does it meet and such."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"No, I was here last year, but I never really came to the library." Samantha said. She brought up her PDA and looked up LARP. "Live action role playing..." She said to herself. "Interesting. You wouldn't happen to know a bit more about the LARP club would you? Like what times does it meet and such."

"Actually, it meats Monday to decide on a schedule for everybody. If you're interested, sign up. It will be after school, and we will have cake. Actually, we will probably have pizza, because cake isn't really a dinner food. Except angel food cake. With strawberries and whipped cream."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Actually, it meats Monday to decide on a schedule for everybody. If you're interested, sign up. It will be after school, and we will have cake. Actually, we will probably have pizza, because cake isn't really a dinner food. Except angel food cake. With strawberries and whipped cream."


"Alright, sounds like fun. I think I'll sign up. I hope you aren't lying about that cake though, because that would be awesome to have any kind of food with a club like that." Samantha said, laughing. "Do we have to bring our own costumes and swords and stuff? Or do you have some provided? I can probably make some kind of costume, but not by the first meeting."


((OOC: Yes, I went there.))



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"Alright, sounds like fun. I think I'll sign up. I hope you aren't lying about that cake though, because that would be awesome to have any kind of food with a club like that." Samantha said, laughing. "Do we have to bring our own costumes and swords and stuff? Or do you have some provided? I can probably make some kind of costume, but not by the first meeting."


((OOC: Yes, I went there.))

She shakes her head no, "Not unless you want to. I'll be taking measurements on Monday to get proper sizes. It'll take a few practices to see what kind of armor to fit you guys in. Afterwards, I'll procure uniforms that fit your unique fighting styles." She did not confirm or deny the cake.


(Shall the cake be a lie?)

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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She shakes her head no, "Not unless you want to. I'll be taking measurements on Monday to get proper sizes. It'll take a few practices to see what kind of armor to fit you guys in. Afterwards, I'll procure uniforms that fit your unique fighting styles." She did not confirm or deny the cake.


(Shall the cake be a lie?)


"Alright, that sounds cool." She said. "I also had a question, did you have any books that are about ancient cultures and their mythology? I was thinking about looking for something on Prometheus or Daedalus." Samantha suggested. "I'm really interested in those kinds of stories."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"Hmm, well... Greek stories would probably be... mhmm," she mumbles to herself. She closes her eyes, and her library comes to life. "No, no... aha!" Suddenly a book came flying from down one of the aisles, while the others float back into place. A thick, dusty book entitled 'Guide to Greece Mythology,' levitated above her hands. She grabbed it and brushed off the book. "Just be sure to sign it out," she says, pointing to the book of sign outs.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Hmm, well... Greek stories would probably be... mhmm," she mumbles to herself. She closes her eyes, and her library comes to life. "No, no... aha!" Suddenly a book came flying from down one of the aisles, while the others float back into place. A thick, dusty book entitled 'Guide to Greece Mythology,' levitated above her hands. She grabbed it and brushed off the book. "Just be sure to sign it out," she says, pointing to the book of sign outs.


"Why thank you!" Samantha said, signing out the book. "By the way, I never caught your name miss..."



@@The Leafeon Pinkeh


"Hey... uh... Lolita? You there?" Rune said, waving his hand in front of her face. "You're abnormally quiet today. You alright?" Rune asked, concerned. She had always seemed full of energy. Lolita just sitting on her bed quietly seemed a bit unnerving.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"Why thank you!" Samantha said, signing out the book. "By the way, I never caught your name miss..."



@@The Leafeon Pinkeh


"Hey... uh... Lolita? You there?" Rune said, waving his hand in front of her face. "You're abnormally quiet today. You alright?" Rune asked, concerned. She had always seemed full of energy. Lolita just sitting on her bed quietly seemed a bit unnerving.


She laughed, "Oh... Miss... Yes, I forget that I'm supposed to be a teacher now," she waves her hand dismively, "No, no, you can find out my teaching name from someone else. Just call me Delphina, unless I have to be on some sort official duty. Then I'm Ms. Molly." She goes back to her pizza.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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