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@Night Song (As Violet)

Violet appreciated the precautions he took to protect her. She allowed him into her, heart and soul. She felt his warm love fill her up as the two became one. Passion took over as they rolled around in the hay together. She was good and did as she was told as she waited for Night to finish. A wave of love enveloped her as the couple lay happily, breathing heavily together.


Violet bounced up "Now, how can I improve Night, It is your turn to give back to me. Teach me how to be better at hoof to hoof combat, how can I become fearless?!" She asked excitedly jumping from the bed. "There is so much adventure ahead and I can't be of use to any pony if I can't even protect my self. "


She jumped about the room with great excitement and enthusiasm. "Tackle me to the ground and put a knife to my throat, tie me up and teach me how to get out hostage situations!" The list continued to become more and more ridiculous and started to sound more private than anything. As she turned back to Night she asked batting her eyes, "So what would you teach me first." 

Edited by PurplePony
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@@PurplePony, (to violet)


Night lay next to Violet, "by the stars, that was amazing!" he thinks to himself with a big grin, then suddenly Violet bounces up, "and how does she have so much energy!" He gets up and starts getting more serious, "I can teach you, but none of that, not just yet love, we will start off basic."


He gets into a fighting stance, "we will start with stances, so copy what I do" he shows her a few more stances, after she starts getting the hang of them, he starts to show her some combat moves.


A few hours later, "you've really gotten the hang of it love." Night says kissing her, "That will be enough for now," Night yawns and lays down on the bed, he smiles, "soon enough love, you'll be as good as B...." He stops, the tears fogging up his eyes, "No! I will not cry!" he thinks to himself, "You'll be good as Blue was, and I know he will be very proud of you." He gets up and looks at his armor, he sighs, "I'll hold onto this, but really, it's a weight, and will just stop me moving around freely." He places the armor back into the vault and walks back to the bed.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Critic looked to the yellow mare as she flew off into the distance. He began his walk back to the hotel. It was going to be a long one. While walking, he began to let his mind wonder to recent events. Meeting new friends, a anew opponent, and... Aixi. Why Aixi always came to his mind, he did not know. This feeling was that of a foreign one to him, yet it lingered tree sap on his coat. This would continue to bother him unless he could figure it out. It may even drive him insane. minutes passed as critical was now back at the hotel, now tired. He bought a room of his own, asking to be close to his friend's rooms. He also sent a mental message to Sun Stone to take the form of the door to the room. He hated hotel rooms. Besides, why stay in a hotel, when your home is portable through the very fabric of the universe.


@@Night Song, @@PurplePony, as viloet

He was almost there, when he heard something. He heard the moans of love coming from the door next to him.

"Yeah, not going to open that door again."

He walked passed Night Song' and Violet's room, the sounds getting more and more intense as he made it to his room finally. He was the next room over. Luckily, he wont have to hear them inside the tardis. Now all he had to do, was get ready for dinner.

Edited by Mr. Critical
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After watching the creature battle with Aixi, Tempting Demon has found what he was looking for. How could he have been so blind. The one thing that would help him return to his full power was the one who was trying to stop him all along. He laughed maniacally. This was going to be a lot easier than he has anticipated. All he had to do now was wait for her to come and set a trap, but that did not mean he could not have fun until then.


He gathered enough energy to make a quick connection with Aixi, only enough for her to listen but not enough for her to find out where he is, "Enjoy this while you can. Your time grows near." before the connection was lost a phrase was uttered, "Kiibok haan, fah nii fen aak hi." The voice was almost a whisper. One could hear it if they knew it was there to begin with.


​During the connection


Guardian felt a calming sensation was over himself. At first it frightened him, but the more he felt, the quicker he calmed down. Soon he could feel the connection with Aixi. Thinking quickly, he spoke in an ancient and forgotten language. "Kiibok haan, fah nii fen aak hi."


After he spoke, he felt himself grow weaker. His time is running short, all he can do now is hope his friends will come to the rescue.

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Aixi roamed her new room getting acquainted with her surroundings. Limping towards the bathroom she started the shower. tending to her wounds with great care.'This bout is about to get much worse. I have fallen behind' her mind shamed her.

Relentlessly the voices continued, 'You were so worried about every other pony you forgot about yourself,'

'This is why I go alone!' She contested with the voices.

She knew she was wrong, she knew she had to change and allow other ponies to help. She had to trust them. Tonight she would trust again, she would work, to build up her trust again.



A new voice entered her head. Behind it were fits of heavy mocking laughter. ""Kiibok haan, fah nii fen aak hi." 

The two voices were different, 'They are not yet as of one.' 

There was still hope, still light, 'Follow the light,' 

Aixi whispered her thoughts back hoping they would reach Guardian,"Fey tuum faal haan fan zu'u fen sav ho."  She was a little rusty but she could recognize Dovah anywhere.


She knew for sure now they were two separate entities and although they could reach her, she could now reach them 'this could prove to be quite helpful. I just wonder who exactly is hearing me.' she thought as she finished her shower.



@Night SongMr. Critical

She grabbed a single scroll out of her bag and tucked it carefully behind her wing. She locked her room and limped with her heavily bandaged leg to the lobby. She met Critic, Night, and Violet, brushing off the concerned glances she spoke with a smile. "Well, I didn't get a very good chance to scout things out, I hope you found a good place to eat, I am quite thirsty."

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@@PurplePony, @@Night Song,

Critical was getting ready for his night on the town with his new companions. He wasn't going for formal attire, this wasn't the gala after all. Just cleaning himself up a tad. Critical's glasses were cleaned to a shine, His hair and coat were cleaned of any filth he may have accumulated over the last twenty four hours. All was good.

My, my Critical. You look smashing.

"Maybe, but its just a casual dinner with my new friends tonight. Nothing truly special."

Well, I think you look good.

Critical gave her a small chuckle of appreciation. And he was out through the main portal.


He made it to the lobby where he had met Night Song and Violet. A smile on both of their faces. Critic was 98% why. He walked up to them and gave a greeting to the new lovers. All they had to do now was wait for Aixi to show up. While they waited for Aixi, Critic mentally called his tardis.

'Hey, any good restaurants near by?'

According to the scans, I found a Haytalian restaurant a few blocks away, and a Phrench restaurant a tad further. I'll guide you to which ever one you decide on.

'Thanks, lovely.'

A minute passed and Aixi had arrived. Night Song and Violet were shocked to see her leg bandaged. Critical already saw her injuries so he was a tad unmoved by it. Aixi wanted to know where we were going for food. That was Critic's move to speak up.

"Well, I know that there is a Haytalian and Phrench restaurant near by. Its up to you guys to decide where you want to eat."

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"oooohhhhh," Haytalion please, that's my favorite." Aixi sighed almost tasting the delicious food, it was her favorite.


The group followed as Critic lead the way. The group walked a little slower than usual allowing Aixi to keep up. Her face darkened as she realized this.


Violet looked over and noticed the long face Aixi had on. Without saying a word she began to concentrate, Her horn glowed as she muttered to herself, before anypony could realize what she was doing a dull flash of light hit Aixi's injured leg. 'There.' she thought smiling to herself I can help.


Aixi continued on trying hard not to touch her hoof to the concrete. When all of a sudden she felt a certain pang shoot up her leg, although it still hurt she could at least put some of her weight on it. 'Violet had done that just now, she was trying her best to help in every way she could. Without asking for a thing in return.' Aixi thought, the act touched her.


At last they had made it to their destination, the group was seated and given menus. "Oh it smells so good here!" She exclaimed excitedly looking over the selections.

Suddenly she remembered she had left her bits at the hotel, "but I don't think I could eat a full dish, I better not." She finished folding the menu back up a little sadly.


She sat waiting for the other ponies to decide what they were having 'I have more important matters than food to deal with tonight' She laughed at herself, she knew that wasn't the real reason she wasn't eating. 


@Night Song,

Violet scanned the menu and the looked to Night Song, "Oh, I don't think I will eat a full dish either Night would you share something with me? I will have whatever you are having." she asked Night sweetly as she leaned closer snuggling his mane.


Aixi rolled her eyes, the couple really did annoy her at times.

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@@PurplePony, @@Night Song,

Critic sat next to Aixi, while the couple sat on the other end. A waiter gave them each a menu to order and walked off. Critical looked to his menu, but looked up to see the couple. Violet nuzzling her lovers mane. He thought it was cute. He continued to scan over his menu, searching for something to eat. He final settled on fettuccini alfredo. For a drink, red wine. This was going to be enjoyable meal. He set his menu down and awaited for the rest of them to order.


He looked to his companions. Violet and Night Song were still looking through their menus. Aixi was doing the same, but seemed annoyed at something. Though Critical was relieved that her leg was slightly healed. Though still felt worried for her. He tried banish these thoughts as of now. A waiter was approaching them and somehow, not as surprised as he was supposed to. Was his tardis sorting a new mare skin. She was a pink color coat, with a light green mane. She was salking over to our table and spoke with a haytalian accent.

"Bonjourno ladies and gentlecolts. I'll be your server this evening. What may I start you off with."

She could where any skin she wanted, but hiding from Critic was futile.

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@@PurplePony, (to violet)


Night Song smiles, but gently pushes Violet away from the snuggle, "Darling, you know I love you and I love your snuggles, but maybe we should stop being so affectionate in public, sorry love."


Violet looked sad, so he lightly kisses her on the cheek, "I'm sorry dear, but it seems to be bothering our friends, and I don't want that."


He looks over at the menu and his stomach growls again, "Of course I'll share a meal with you, but not in the romantic way, sorry"

"so many choices, I can't decide" he thinks to himself, he looks over the menu again, "alright I will have the full salad, hayfries and..a strawberry milkshake with lavender."


"Violet really wants to help, but I don't know whether it is to keep me alive, or whether she genuinely wants to help Aixi. Best not think about that now.."


Night Song smiles and places their orders with the waiter, "Can you also bring a bottle of your finest champagne please?"


They weren't going to be going anywhere tonight, well hopefully they weren't, so it was time to celebrate something.

"Aixi, Critical, you two may not know this, but today would have been Blue's birthday."


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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@@Night Song,

"Ah, molto bene, signore."

Critic looked to his friend. Blues birthday, huh. Critical looked to the disguised tardis/waitress. He gave her a nod. Critic began his order.

"I'll have the Fettuccini alfredo, with a potato soup. And for a drink, I'll have the red wine."

The waitress gave a smile.

"A lovely choice, signore. Will that be all for you gentlemen?

Critic and Night Song nodded in confirmation.



The waitress looked to the ladies. She was waiting for them to make their order.

"And for you lovely ladies, what shall you be having?

Violet and Aixi continued to look through their menus, while Night Song and Critical sat their menus on the table. Critic couldn't wait for his food. He loved Haytalian food. He even took an occasional trip to the renneighsance period to get the original stuff. Totally worth having the accidental run-in with the centurions. Sure he was thrown into a dungeon for a few hours, but totally worth the pasta. Critical looked to the waitress and the mares. The waitress was still awaiting their order.

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@Night Song,Mr. Critical

Violet blushed slightly realizing that she was once again making every pony uncomfortable. That wasn't her intention. She was simply a little careless and overly friendly at times. She looked to the group. "Oh I am terribly sorry guys. I just don't know when to stop and I just get out of hoof at times. I didn't mean to offend you." She apologized.


She looked at Night a tad irritated, "I did not mean romantically, if I did I hope there would be posies and a ring." Violet humphed winking at him, "Oh, sheesh I am just trying to lighten the mood... Get over yourself." She laughed slightly.


Glancing across the table she felt a little better seeing Aixi smile approvingly. 

A few minutes had passed when their server had arrived, she began to take orders. When it came to Violets turn she said simply "I am sharing but I would take a glass of water thank you."


The server addressed Aixi next, "I am not hungry thank you, I would gladly take some tap water however." She told the server kindly.

Aixi sat and watched observing her every movement. The restaurant was filled decently and allowed their voices to get lost in the crowd. Aixi sat watching her server unnerved, if any pony were to learn information it would be her.

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Tempting watched as the four got to a restaurant. He was far too weak to summon anything that would do any harm.


A light bulb goes off in his head, "I got the perfect idea." he laughed to himself. He held out his hoof and summoned a tiny imp like creature.


"Hey! I was just about to win at poker!" the little creature complained in a comical high pitched voice. The imp showed Tempting Demon its hand, it held five aces.


He dropped it on the ground with little to care, "You little fool, there are only four aces." he snapped, "Now listen, I have an assignment for you."


The imp got up off the ground and crossed its arms, "I don't take orders from you!"


In a flash of fire, Demon was holding the imp on the wall, "You will not disobey me you little wretch!"


The small creature now had fear written all over its face, this thing that is holding it means business. "Y-y-y-yes m-m-m-master" it said with a shaky voice. Again, Tempting Demon let go of it and it ended up right back on the ground. He placed his hoof on its head and gave it a small amount of power.


"I want you to go to these ponies and cause a little bit of chaos." he said as he laid down to rest. He breathed in as much air as he could and upon release, a ball of inferno engulfed the little imp like creature. Sending it to a random place withing a few yards of his enemy's location. 'Why can't I do that with all the others' he sighed. A little voice in his head was quick to answer, 'Because you have no more power.'


Tempting growled at this voice. 'I hate you, you know' he said to the voice. 'I am you...idiot.' the voice replied. Tempting facehoofed himself. 'Great, now i'm talking to myself.'

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Time passed and the group had finished their meal. Critic was satisfied with his pasta, and Night Song with the help of Violet finished their food quicker than Critical had. Aixi just drank her water. Then the disguised Sun Stone came back with the Champaign. Then the drinking began. Critic's metabolism was a little more active than the others, so he wouldn't get drunk as easily. Night Song got a little to tipsy and began to sing. Something about Blue Blur being a hero. Critical had no idea what he was going on about. The walk back to the hotel was an entertaining one. Night Song and Violet would lose their balance. Luckily the other would catch the falling one. Critical was about to enter his home, when Aixi called him over to discuss something in her room. Away from prying eyes.


This was good, because the tardis had sensed an anomaly. In connection with the beast from before from today. Yet it was much smaller in scale. Taking her pony form. She went off to find the disturbance. Upon her arrival, she found an imp hiding amongst the crowd. It slipped back into the hall. It was obviously looking for Critical and the others. But, it didn't look like that much of a threat. So, she began to follow. The imp found itself searching through the hall, looking into the doors. Seeing this, she got an idea. Upon opening the door, the imp was surprised to see a mare in a shower. Sun Stone put on her best surprised look and let out a scream in horror. The imp closed the door, red faced.

  • Brohoof 2
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'I really hoped to be able to share my map with them tonight, but that server wouldn't leave us alone long enough.' Aixi trudged along finding it would have been easier to fly.'Oh, I should have just left this at the room.' She complained to herself.


@Mr. Critical

They got back to the hotel, Aixi still wished to share her map with somepony, she stopped Critic, "Would you come with me so we can be away from prying ears?" She said as she lead him to her room. It was a little bigger than the last she had stayed in but still quite similar. Aixi walked over to the table and reached under her wing. She pulled out a map and began to unwrap it. We need to head to Stonehorse, my ancestors have an old treaty I would like to see if they would still honor it. Our next stop should be." Critic nodded and stared at the map analyzing it as Aixi continued on, but was cut off by a shriek.

"Oh no!" Aixi gasped in panic

"Critic what if some pony is hurt? Should we go?" Aixi inquired quite concerned about the noise out side her door.

With the earlier events of the day Aixi felt a little spooked, she was happy that Critic was with her at the moment.

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@@PurplePony, (to violet)


Night Song and Violet finally get to their room, Violet smiles slyly at Night Song, he shakes his head, Violet complains, "Aaaw, but we're in our room, nopony around, please!" He shakes his head again, "No, love, I'm sorry, not while..while we're intoxicated."

"B..but we're not THAT intoxicated"


Night was about to say that it didn't matter, and yes he was the one that ordered the champagne, but as he opened his mouth, he heard the scream from down the hall.


Without a second thought, he rushes down the hall, looking around frantically to see who or what made that scream.


@@PurplePony (to Aixi) @@Mr. Critical


He sees Aixi and Critic also looking to see what or who screamed, "You heard it too?" He asks sighing in relief a little bit, "at least I know I'm not going crazy."


He continues to look around, determined to find out what happened, he catches a glimpse of something, but can't quite see it properly. "Probably nothing worth worrying about" he thinks to himself, but then he sees it going in the direction of his and Violet's room and decides to trail it.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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@@Night Song, @@PurplePony,

Critic and his friends were looking through the halls of the hotel on search of the scream. But to no avail. They all gathered at the place they met. They each said they found nothing. But Critical was no fool. As He and Aixi walked back to her room, Critical got a feeling. A feeling that usually happens when something was a foot. He wouldn't let it go idly. As he walked with Aixi, Critical sent out a telepathic signal to the tardis.

'Hey are you there? Look, something is going on here, I need you to through up some security measures and fi-'

He never got a chance to finish as Sun Stine replied.


Yeah, I'm going to have to stop you riiiight there. I found a creature with the same residual energy signature as our new adversary. I'm going to have a little fun with him for a bit. You go with your little mare friend, and let me handle the nitty gritty.

Critic was stunned. That was an odd response. Another enemy was in the hotel. 'Mare friend?!' If Critical knew of her definition of fun, this poor thing is in for the day of his life. Aixi and Critical were back in her room, ready to discuss the map further. But in the distance.


The little imp creature sprang from his hiding place. Surveying the area. He continued down the hall in search of his adversaries. But little did he know, he was being watched. She would have to keep things perfectly quiet as to not disturb the others. The imp continued his search looking in each door, but carefully. He was about to open one with his quarry inside but...

'That's night Song and Violet's room!'

Before he could open the door, the imp froze as he looked above. What he saw terrified him far more than his master ever could. on the ceiling was a mare walking slowly above him. her head began to turn in a full 180 degree's to reveal that she had no eyes. The imp turned around and began to walk away, failing to process the image he had seen.

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@Night Song

Taking off behind Night, the pair trotted off, "What are we even looking for?" Violet huffed feeling tired and impatient, "It's been such a long day and I would really would like to.... rat?  Ohhhh a rat!" Violet gave a short shriek as she dropped to the floor out cold.


The imp narrowly dodged the falling pony as he scampered into the dark waving his tiny fists cursing into the black. He really shouldn't cures his master like that, but he had had enough. Ponies walking on ceilings was far past enough for him.


@Mr. Critical

Meanwhile Aixi and Critic were once again alone. She wasted no time getting back to business, "Alright, I am unsure how difficult this may or may not be. It has been been a long while since any member of the 'Free Ponies' were contacted so their location within the city may have changed. On top of possibly not being able to find them I don't even know if they will choose to honor the treaty." Aixi sighed taking a seat in one of the chairs.

"Stonehorse is quite the way on hoof but I do not want to risk other ponies lives by going by something as populated as a train. In all honesty I say we hoof it, and if or when we can we could rent a cart." She continued on.


Aixi sat quietly pondering. 

"I just can't waste time, and I miss being able to be a somewhat normal pony. I really did take that time for granted." Aixi blinked hard to stop herself from crying. The end was so distantly near.

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Critical looked to his friend Aixi. She may not have been considered normal, but Critical didn't really care. Hell, he wasn't exactly the definition of normality either. Besides. Critical liked the weird ones. They always seemed to gravitate towards him. He got up so he could sit next to her.

"If you want a cart, I think I can have one arranged. I think I can get one in the morning."

Critical looked to Aixi, sadness filling her eyes once more. He hated seeing his friend cry. He really wanted to comfort her, but he doesn't really know how to.

"Well... you can always be a normal pony with me."

He hoped that statement wouldn't come back to bite him.


Off in the halls, the imp was panting from his constant running. He didn't know what his master had gotten himself into, but this was way out of his league. He was hiding under a table. No scary blue pony as far. That was a good thing. Now he could get back to his mission. He walked out from under the table and began to walk down the hall. He turned the corner and he could feel his hearts stop. down the hall was the scary blue pony in a dress holding a ball. A grin forming on her face and the imps fear growing even quicker.

"Come play with us. Forever. And ever. And ever."

The imp was drowning in fear and various bodily liquids. He turned around and muttering "Nope." while he crawled into the ventilation shaft.

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@Mr. Critical


"Oh, yes a cart would be wonderful." Aixi said gratefully, she really didn't want to hoof it tomorrow.

She was relieved that one less thing would be a bother

"Well... you can always be a normal pony with me." Aixi smiled at this.


Critic got up and sat next to her. She loved how he comforted her, but it somehow made her feel more distant and alone. She stared out the window. "You know why the moon is so lonely?" She asked Critic.


She laughed at his analysis face and continued on. "His name was Mane Carcajou and they lived in a spirit world together. One of the spirits was jealous, Trickster wanted the Moon for himself. He told Mane Carcajou that the Moon had asked for flowers. He told him to come to our world and pick her some wild roses. But Mane Carcajou didn't know that once you leave the spirit world, you can never come back. Every night, he looks up in the sky and sees the Moon, crying her name. But he can never touch her again."


She looked at Critic, "I believe I know how Moon feels, I can't ever touch him again. I haven't ever touched again I isolated myself from everypony. I can not go back in time to change this and I fear I have little time left." She sobbed coming to terms with her possible reality. 

Edited by PurplePony
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"Well, you wouldn't exactly be in that boat alone."

Aixi looked to Critical confused by his statement. How could he possibly know what it felt like to be alone.

"In my days as a youth, living in a small city. I was abused. Not by just my family, but by the whole town as a whole. Going down the very streets was so mentally straining, I barely spoke to anypony.

Critic sat up and walked to the window looking to through to the night sky.


He looked out to the moon. He then spoke to her of something he was deeply ashamed of.

"Did you know, Mr. Critical isn't my real name."

Aixi looked to Critical with even more confusion, and some shock.

"Mr. Critical was actually an insult the whole town gave to me. They called me that for so long, they never really used my real one. And over time, I forgot it all together."

Critical turned around to look at her. A face of sheer emotionlessness.

"I tell you this Aixi, because you are one of the few who would understand what loneliness like mine is. I tell you this... because I... like you. You are one of the few who have shown me affection of any kind, and for once I would like to return it.

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@@PurplePony, (to Violet)


Night Song sighs, "Vi's going to have to be stronger than this if she really wants to help, she can't drop out cold at the sight of even a tiny little rat." He thinks to himself and picks her up and carries her to their room. He tucks her into bed and sits at the window, looking outside, "Blue, give me strength, give Vi strength. I want to be with her forever, I want a family with her. That is how much I love her, but with this journey, it doesn't seem possible. I...we gave our words to stay with Aixi to the end..." Night realizes what he just said, and felt a pang of hurt within himself, "I..I'm sorry Blue, I didn't mean to, please forgive me" Night hangs his head, "I shouldn't have mentioned her name. I'm sorry, I had a feeling you two were...close but not that close." He says all out loud but quietly enough not to wake Violet. "Well it's down to the bar then, I guess." Night thinks to himself, then quickly scribbles a note to Violet saying if he's not there when she wakes up, he can be found at the bar. He leaves it under her hoof and kisses her lightly on the cheek.


He makes his way down to the bar, shows the bartender a few bits and starts to drown his pain in alcohol.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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@Mr. Critical

No pony had cared about her in years. It was sweet and Aixi had grown to like Critic as well, although she was a little shocked at the sudden profession. She sat and seriously thought for a moment, 'I am the last of my kind and my days are numbered, I didn't think this day would come as soon as it has. I have no choice, for the good of my people and every other race. It's better late than never, and perhaps it is fate allowing me a chance to right my wrongs. I should give it a chance.'

Aixi eyed Critic over 'He is quite handsome, and although he isn't strong outwardly, but his spirit is resilient. He seems much stronger than he appears and intelligence is often undermined.' She smiled at her thoughts, 'I really do like him.'


She leaned into Critic and kissed him on the cheek, "Are you asking my courtship?" She said as she nuzzled his mane teasingly

"I don't know if you can handle me, but your welcome to try. If you are though I would like you to make it clear, and be honest in the matters. I do not know if I can love again but I can try, I really do like you and I am willing to learn again." 

Edited by PurplePony
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That kiss took Critical by surprise. That was a form of affection he had never experienced before. And courtship. A mare friend is something he thought would only happen on the day that tartarus freezes over. But... if it was with her, he was willing to give it a shot.


Sweat was flowing from his head.

I may not know if I am able to handle you. But I really do like you. I think about you all the time, and I really do like you a lot. But, I don't know if I can replenish your ability to love others again. But, I am willing to try." 

A smile formed on Critical's face. A sincere, loving smile.

"I might not be the most good looking, nor the strongest. But, I would very much love to court you, milady."

Critic gave a small bow in respect.

He had never courted another mare before. Let alone royalty. HE was way out of his league. Yet strangely he didn't care.


Critical lifted up his bow and looked into Aixi's beautiful eyes. He would wait now for her response. Hopefully he didn't completely botch up his chances with her. If so, he may be looking at loneliness for the rest of his extended life. But, to Critic's relief, Aixi smiled at him...

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@Mr. Critical

She smiled and let out a short giggle. "All I can do is try, I don't even know how to feel I just go through motions, how could I expect anymore from you? That would be terrible and quite wrong of me."


Aixi really didn't know what to do next, this whole thing puzzled her slightly, she could tell he was timid but she didn't know where his comfort zones ended. She really didn't understand limits, how could she understand something she couldn't feel, to her everything was just acting out the motions of life, there was never any greater purpose but somehow it felt like it could be different.


Aixi looked at Critic and nibbled his ear affectionately, "I don't know where you are, so let me know if I make you uncomfortable. I am a little aggressive, so knowing your comfort zones would be nice." 


"I would like some tea, I think I will order room service, you are welcome to stay here longer but I know you got your own room. If you would like to leave and rest before morning, I understand." She said as she waled over to the phone and dialed room service.

"Would you like anything?"

@Night Song


Violet awoke in bed alone. The last thing she could remember was an odd frightful creature. She had thought it was a rat initially, but now that she had calmed down she wasn't quite sure what she had seen. "I do wonder where my Night is." She thought aloud to herself as she got out of bed.

Not too much time had passed when Violet had finally came across the note her beloved had left behind. She read it and furious tears welled up in her eyes. 'He's down at the bar drinking, alcohol had destroyed everything that I held near and dear to my heart and he know's this! How can he do this to me?' 


Violet took a moment to calm down, 'No, it's ok. I am not perfect either I never can be. I will just go down to the bar and ask him to come to bed with me. I just want him to be by my side.' 


She trotted out of her room and down to the bar. She spotted Night at the counter and walked up to him, "Honey.." She called out.

Night didn't respond right away, Violet could tell he had a fair amount to drink, she put her hoof around him, surprising him slightly. Violet looked up at Night and said, "I got awful cold without you by my side, would you come back to bed? I missed you."

Edited by PurplePony
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Critic waved her offer away. He was fine as is. Besides, he didn't like tea that much. Aixi finished dup her order with the front desk to bring her beverage. She walked over and spoke to Critical.

"Should be here in a few minutes."

She sat next to Critical. His uneasiness rising. 'Holy crap. This is happening. Pretty mare. Next to me. Not a hallucination this time. Honestly, f&*k baruku plant toxin.'

They sat there in each others company, and in an odd way, Critic was enjoying her company. He really hoped it didn't end.


There was a knock at the door. 'Celestia dammit.' Critic got up to answer the door. To his not-so-shocked surprised, it was his tardis, disguised as a maid. She spoke in a Phrench accent.

"Bonjure, master. 'ere is your tea."

"What are you doing here?"

"Just here to wish you luck."

She gave the tea to Critical. He was a little surprised by her... outfit.

"Why are you dressed as a Phrench maid?

She gave him a look.

"What? Cant a mare look sexy for once."

Critical closed the door and walked to Aixi.

Treat her right, you magnificent stallion.

'Leave us Sun Stone' His mental intruder had gone. Now it was just Aixi and... Critical.

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