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private The laboratories gone dark (invite only rp)


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Volt screamed looking at the smoking lab


"the radiations will kill us all... we must go into my dam.. it is the thing more close to a fallout shelter around here... we must call all ponies around and close ourselves inside there damn it..."


he then turned over Monlight only to see her fading away


"ehi Moonlight! don't sleep now! Moonlight!"


he shaked her.. no response


"damn it!"


he listened to her hearth.. no beat.. no breath




he moved himself over her body and started a cardiac massage"


"come on not now  Moonlight! not fucking now! we are so close! you can't die now! not now! not in this mess not in this shit, we are out! look! look at the sky! the grass! come on!"


he continued the massage




he took off, gathered a lighting with his hooves and hardly landed upon her discharging all the gathered energy on her body, he repeated the same process three times.. he then moved  to a mouth-to-mouth respiration


"come on Moonlight! this sucks as first kiss! wake the fuck up!!! "


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


after a few seconds moonlight started breathing again tho she was still gasping for air. and she remained unconcious but alive noneless


(also just make it that there's no radiation from the explosion why? because i say so :P plus to make things easier.)


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Volt heard Moonlight heart beating again, he dropped near her and sighed


"uf... good lord... no time to waste.. i can still find a solution.."


Volt took Moonlight over his shoulder


"come on buddy"


he said to Nightstrike


"A world is better withlout borders.. but i don't trust the next generation.. let's move quicly to the dam.. i have something that can at least prevent the nuclear fallout... we most bomb the lab ourselves... so the nuke will fall underground and raditoactive materials will not spread.. come on we don't have much time! and if you are asking.. yes i have a S.a.m. station at my dam.. i will use that.. MOVE!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


Moonlight slowly woke up "volt wait the radioation wont spread the teleportation wasn't the only thing that drained me i also casted a spell that if the bomb exploded the radiation would stay in one place that means the radiation will be in the rainbow factory for a very very very long time. also what happened?" she asked she was still breathing heavily.


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Volt looked at Moonlight.. he never thought she could be so powerfull.. and so generous.. she almost lost her life for the others..


"i.. i was wrong with you Moonlight... even if your skin and your mane is dark.. even if you always lived in a dark world.. your heart will be always covered with light... let's go... leave this place to its own destiny... for the good of all ponykind.."


he started flewing away with moonlight on his back, toward the hospital


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


"uh no my mane isn't all dark it has a cyan stripe on it anyways what happened how did i became unconciuos?" she then gasp for air few more times "just tell me why was i unconcious also hurry up my head ache is coming back again". (babfiawbf aiwfbaiuwfbauwfb auwibf uawbfafafo)


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"sigh.. it was a figure of speech.. why you always run everything? "

Volt sighted with a smile


"well.. at least it's you... your heart stopped beating.. i don't know why but i don't want to wait another heart attackl.. we are leading to the hospital"


Volt turned his head to look at Moonlight


"i just hope they don't get mad..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


"well fly faster then also if they ask where did i came from just... just tell them you found me in everfree forest with a high fever and all that". she gasp for air few times before saying "maybe my heart stopped from lack of oxygen or overly exhousting my self or high fever or all of those" she then places two hooves on her head she growled in pain. "uh my head".


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"resist Moonlight... we are almost there... i just hope they don't try to do something strange.. after all... the everfree forest is going to blow up any seconds now.. so half of claudsdale above it... it hurts this much?"


Volt kindly asked to Moonlight, ponyville almost  insight


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


"no volt nothing is blowing up other than rainbow factory the spell i used disarmed any other bombs in everfree forest and cloudsdale so don't worry". she growled in pain again her head was really hurting "i feel like somepony shoved a molted hot metal rod through my brain volt just hurry i cant think straight just fly faster".


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"i'm flying faster damn it! you know when was the last time i really flown?"


Volt thought... yeah it was long lon long time ago.. actually it was the first time he was fling again, he was breathing real air, he was free.. he screamed




he did a barrel roll that almost made Moonlight fall


"uops sorry moonlight.. i am just too happy! see?!? i am fling! again!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt, (just skip there dude you can be a doctor if you want.)


"stop acting like a retard please my head ugh"  she curled up into a ball on Volts back "ugh my horn is gonna be useless for a long a while" she growled in pain she gritted her teeth.


(vfauwfhawuh auwfhiawhf ahwfuhawhf awhfauhwfui)


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"yes yes yes sorry i know i know.. i'm just too happy! we are here!!"


volt landed in front of the hospital


" a medic hurry uo!"


he scramed while carring Moonlight inside


"i found her in the everfree, she has a very high fever, she lost coscience many times and her heart stopped beating.. she need help now!"

he screamed to all the ponies inside while putting here on a stretcher


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


"uh i swear il never live around ponies ever again" Moonlight muttered  as she lay on the stretcher  "when the princesses finds out about me i'm just done it's probably the end of me when that happens". (aofbwofbawufba wufbauwfb uawfb uwabufb uawbfuwb)


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"shut up Moonlight, i will murder everything that get closer to you trying to bring you away do you understand? paint my words because i am not leaving you there... they will help you.. if not.. i will make them... i just need their instruments to see whats wrong with your body... maybe a Tac should be just fine.. come on"


he said while attaching a drip of saline water to her arm


(gotta go in few minutes :( )


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


"Volt i'm ok i probably just need a lot of rest look my coughing is gone just let the doctors handle me ok volt just calm down". she was still gasping for air tho at least she relaxed a bit now.


(nauwfawibfai bfwaufbawuf aiwufbwaiufb uiwbfuiawbfubwau B).


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"yeah yeah i'm fine and i am calm.. i think..... just don't die again ok? look at me and promise! i don't want to lose you! i mean... it will be sad.. ok? "


Volt sitted near the bed never losing eye contact with Moonlight


(12345678901234567890abcdefghil mnopqrstuvzasdatrgrs  mnopqrstuvzasdatrgrs mnopqrstuvzasdatrgrs)


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,  



"wow are those doctors calling celestia or something gods my head hurts so much also i might need to hide my wings and get special glasses for my eyes" she growled in pain. she tried to flap her wings a bit but only greeted with a lot of pain "also i think i broke my wings too i can still move them but it hurts soo much".


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"yeah stay there and quit ok? just think about sleeping ok?.. i will take care of the rests and the doctors.. i am sorry for your wing but nothing that we can't fix... if something goes wrong i'll take you into my laboratory in my old dam ok? i should have the right stuff there... if you don't feel confident here we can go in the dam.."


Volt kindly whispered to her ear


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


"eh don't like being around other ponies yet plus why didn't we go to your lab then? i'd feel more comfortable there really " she said tiredly. (ok if their gonna go there just skip ok volt? oh hey this is a filler because i have nothing else to say at the moment )


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"bacuase you asked for an hospital before! well buck this!"


Volt took Moonlight over his back again, he shooted a lighting at the window destroing it, anf he flow out with moonlight, in less then ten minutes he was landing over the dam rooof


"i hope to remember the combination look"


he said while opening the main trap door over it.. he entered and turned on the lights


"so much dust.. i'm sorry Moonlight.. nopony lives here since.. well.. since i was in that lab... "


he said taking the elevator to the last floor


"here we are.. homw sweet home eh? sorry for the mess"


he said cleaning an old bed from wires, screws and metal piece


"i know it's not much comfortable.. but is all i got.. i will prepare you a chamomile... maybe it can help you.. you are safe here... just focus on having a nice rest ok?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


Moonlight still wasn't in the mood to walk "Volt just see what is wrong with me before my heart stops again my head still hurts like hell" she said simply. again she was still gasping for air the dust wasn't helping with that at all. "ugh least you still have a home".


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"yeah..'home'.... " Volt sadly said ".. at least it is mine and not a celstia damned lab... "


Volt said carring a scanning device  near the bed


"that will not hurt.. it's just to look trough your skin to look for problems..."


Volt said, trying to reassure moonlight


then we will check your wing..


(Gotta go Moonlight :( see you later or tomorow if u gotta go to bed :( goodnight.. btw what problem she has? can we "fix" her?)


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


Moonlight looked uncomfortable when the scanning device thingy scanned her expecting a lot of pain tho there was none she relaxed a bit.


(fawfaufwau1u31283123 1237012973102937 b1i5bsbgsgb 696969699696969696969 696969969 6nfaonaoiwf)


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@, @@Wayzer,@@Frosty V,




Volt looked at the paper


"uhm we need to make an EKG graph.. i think i know the problem..."


Volt connected to her chest the electrodes.. the machine started to print a roll of paper


"yeah damn it... i see the problem... you had a small defective valve in your heart.. with the operation the heart grow in size to compensate  the need of more blood and energy.. using all that energy made your heart beat faster.. and the valve got stressed too.. we need a surgical operation or at least something to try to compensate the carence of pumping power.. you are lucky moonlight.. if you used your magic again you would be probably dead by now... you must not move, use magic or do something stressfull am i right?"


Frosty entered from the uppper door


"Ehi doc! you left me behind all that time! the buck!"


"sorry Frosty.. i had to run.. Moonlight is not ok.."


"what she has doc?"


"an heart problem... she must not move from here ok? i prepare a clean room.. then i try to figure out what to do.. she haw also a broken wing.. you want to help her with that? also... what are we going to do now? i mean... me and you are ok... but Moonlight.. even if we save her... normal ponies would be scared from her... deifferent... look... also did u saw Nigstrike somewhere?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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