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private The laboratories gone dark (invite only rp)


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@@Doc. Volt,


"doesn't breathing count as moving? fine i wont were safe here anyway not that i can use magic for a while anyway " she lays on the bed "if your gonna do an operation an dont have any anethetic make sure by body is tied up well otherwise i'm just gonna end up killing myself in the process pain killers will do".


(you should do that :3)


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Volt looked with a surpried face at Moonlight


"... only an idiot or a crazy pony will do an open heart operation without anestesy or painkillers... i am sure i have something araound here..."


Volt said while opening all the drawers he had


"damn it i don't need wires and soldering tools, why i don't have a shit around here?!?"


he went to the upper level, ponies could hear him cursing and swearing everywhere.. he then returnd down


"fuck.. i just found some shitty painkillers pills... maybe i can dissolve thm into a salinic solution... but it will just crazy.. we can't open you here and add a bucking plastic heart to yours.. we need a proper surgical room, disinfectants and stuff... we must carry her to the hosptial... we can't do it here!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


"come on why not what would go wrong anyway?" moonlight asked curiously "also i don't trust hospitals anymore if they see what i am they might kill me or experiment on me or do other things no go find Nightstrike and make him steal the required stuff for a proper operation he can do that without being detected right?"


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"yeah you are right! but i don't see him since  a while! he is he only one who can! I will make a list of all needed tools... "

"Frosty!  open that room over there, trow everything out, i don't care, clear it, place a bed and vaccum the dust! now!"


"ehi doc! stop giving me orders again!! fine fine.. i will do.. umpf..."


he said while walking to the other room


"shit there is a mess here!"


Volt continued... "now... the list is made.. where the hell is that stallion?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,@,  


NightStrike finally arrived at the damm. "Hell, it's about time." He mumbled while entering trough the trapdoor.


"So here you are. Man I've been searching for you guys like forever. What did you do? Why is Moonlight over there? Is something wrong? Do I have to do something?" he ranted


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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"stop asking yourself questions at which you can't answer soldier.. here take this!"


Volt passed at Nightstrike the paper


"Nice to see you still alive by the way... we need all this tools, drip and drugs.. Moonlight has an heart problem and i need to replace a piece of it with a prosthesis... i need you to go to the nearest hospital and steall all of those stuffs ok? i come with you.. you are stealth and stuff.. i will await out... Frosrty is going to stay here with Moonlight"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Wayzer, @@Doc. Volt,


"Nightstrike hurry up ok don't want to lay here for too long my head still bucking hurts but at least it isn't super painful" she said as she tries curling herself into a ball.


(fbawifbawf bawibfaiwufb uawfbuawbfauwb uawfbuawfbua bfwuabfiuawfbc)


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NightStrike deadpanned "firstly I'm not a soldier. Secondly I asked them to you not to myself. Thirdly I still get that memory wipe device from you." Then he looked over to Moonlight "And I do this for her doc not for you. Just keep that in mind. I expect that device up and working when I get back."

Then he got out and galloped to the nearest hospital the fastest he could (which was really really fast)


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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@@Doc. Volt,


hey Volt can i kill nightstrike after all of this? i would enjored turning his head into mush" moonlight asked simply "also i cant sleep and you told me not the move i'm bored is there anything interesting to do without moving?"


(Faohnfauwohf auwhuhu).


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@@Wayzer, @,


Volt rolled his eyes..


"yeah i know you are not a soldier nightstrike... nopony will ever accept you as one... and why you hate her so much? bah... nevermind.. go take those stuffs... and for the device... i havn't it! i tohught you took it!"


Then he turned to Moonlight like she was his child


"yes.. you can kill him" he laughted softly


"now just focus on sleeping ok? you can.. read a .. book? i have plenty!"


he opened a case


"theory of magnetic field, pratic of electromagnetism, uhm analysis two, analityc geometry, Tesla coils for dummies, how not to be a social outcast... ugh.. this is better no one will see... ahem.. i don't have much"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


Moonlight tries to stand up "Volt not in the mood for reading at all also what's wrong with standing up does it increase my heart rate or something?" she asked curiously


(fajfawfbhawbj fwajfbuawfbauiwf bauwibfuaibfauiwb fuawbfawufbauwi baufbauifbaui)


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"it's better if you don't move at all... but if you want i can help you... don't go much around by the way... i just hope he we be fast ... Frosty is the room ready?"


"shut up doc! i could use a hoof there!"


"ok ok... pardon me Moonlight.. i will go helping him.. call me if you need anything, i will be in the near room"


he said picking up a broomstick


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


moonlight growled as she lay in the bed again "i hate not being able to do anything cant even practice my magic" she sighed as she driffs off to sleep (volt you can skip when frost and volt are done cleaning the room so i wont be bored all night well it's midnight in my place).


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@@Doc. Volt


Before he left NightStrike turned around really slowly. Anger shot trough his eyes. He walked up to Volt until he was really close to him. "So...." He said gritting his teeth: "you're saying that you haven't got the only device that I wanted to escape with. The sole reason why I helped you. And you don't have it....." He turned around again managing to control himself and galloped away.


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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@, @,


Volt looked almost scaried at Nightstrike


"jeez calm down dude... i was kiddingi have it right.. there.. here.. no wait.. there... ..... shit.. i think.. i think i lost it... oh Celestia he is gonna rape me now.. "

he said while carring Moonlight to the other room


"Ok we are almost readt.. oxigen check.. energy check... we just need the tools and the drugs now"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


Moonlight yawned as she wakes up. "hi volt also remember back at the rainbow factory? you guys tried to put me under anethetic when i first came in and it didn't work well it might not work again" she said worriedly. "that would mean you guys have to numb my body other than use a anesthetic".


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Volt looked at Moonlight like a filly will look to a rainbow for the first time


"you are smarte than what you look Moonlight.. damn it thank you for pointing this out.. put we can't just strap you to a bed and open you in half! the sufference.. will be ... truce! and terrible! no Moonlight i can't do that.."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


Moonlight sighed "have you ever heard of epidurals volt? have you? you know you can use epidurals so i cant feel any pain while your operating. it's simply as that" she said in a somewhat annoyed tone. 


(fjawbafwbb auwifbawuifba uiwbfauwfbauwfb uawbfauwfbau bauwfbafbauiwfb awufbauwfbau bfauiwfbaiufbaiuf)


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"i'm not a fucking medic Moonlight, i only opened ponies to fill them with science devices or kill switch! never gived a buck about them! i don't know how to do that shit and also i don't have the chemicals and the drugs for that! i told you we should have staied to the hospital.. "Volt replied angry


"i will beat your head with a lead pipe so you will sleep!" jocked Volt continuing the preparation


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,@,  

NightStrike returned from his little hospital trip. He got everything that Volt put on the list. Breaking in there and stealing it was easy, he had been to way more protected installations then that hospital. When he got inside he gave everything to Volt while he whispered in his ear: "As soon as this is all done.... we gonna have a little talk, you and me....."


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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@@Doc. Volt,


Moonlight growed "why the hell do you have the name Doctor electron volt then the dam doctors are afraid of me for Luna's sake BEATING ME WITH A PIPE WILL JUST GIVE ME A CONCUSSION" Moonlight yelled angrily.turning away from Volt mutteromg something to herself.


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"Mmm beating her with a pipe, sounds interesting guess I missed something." NightStrike chuckled as he whispered:"Yeah doc, I don't really know if she's in this kinda bondage thingy. I think you might have to try something else if you want her for yourself." He winked


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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@, @,


Volt turned to Nightstrike with an evil smirk


"yeah i know that it is your kind of stuff... you really enjoied when they strapped you and beat you in tha ass ahaah!" Volt said with an evil smile


"now Moonlight.. i am a doctor.. but not that fucking type of Doctor damn it! at least now we have this stuff.. a big dose of morphine and you will be out for 3/4 hours"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"we all know who was the one that enjoyed it Volt" Winks again "and that was not the one screaming out of pain strapped up on a bed." Still you must be one of the worst doctors I've ever seen. Get over it and do it. don't be such a softie. The longer you wait the worse it gets 

Edited by Tribunus Wayzer


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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@@Doc. Volt


Moonlight growled "Volt what if i wake up in the middle of the operation? know what just do it i want to run around now and not be comfined to a bed just hurry ok" she said in a somewhat pained tone but just somewhat. "also please don't piss me off even more and i'm only interested in mares thank you very much".


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