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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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Candela stopped. Why? Why did this have to happen? What went wrong? "Yes. Yes, I- I will walk with you." She returned to Princess Luna's side, hanging her head. Inside, her heart ached. It ached for her home. Her family. Equestria. "Oh, how I wish it could have been easier for us.'

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When Wanderlust saw Whisper standing there staring at him he instantly stopped I'm his tracks, his body stiffened and locked up. To someone else watching it might have seemed comical the way he had suddenly jerked up and how his posture seemed to mimicking her's like two statues but at the same time both so tense as if at the slightest sound both would bolt and run from each other. Slowly, he raised a hoof and stretched it out as if testing to see if she would run. He had learned a great deal when he had lived with the herd and could still comfortably recall their habits like they were his own and in someways they were.


He prepared to give chase if she ran, she'd be faster than him but he'd catch her eventually, if only because she'd let him, such chases were common for deer that were going to have a nervous conversation, it made them skittish and avoidant even when they wanted to have the talk themselves... Something he always found he had related to... But she might not run he wasn't sure, he knew Whisper had never been an ordinary or typical deer.


@@Candela @@dashian500


Luna sent a thought to Steel, 'she doesn't need the grief counseling right now, that can come later... Right now she's finally realized she lost her family she needs support, full support. This group needs to be a safe place for her, a home for her... I owe her brother that much.' She paused for a moment, 'I hadn't known him that well before what happened, was he really a pony you would have fought alongside?'


Aloud she said, "Candela... You can talk to us about them and about what happened during the storm, I want you to know that... But only if you want to. Or if you want we can talk about something else, you can ask me anything and I'll tell you about it, any or all of my secrets, i'm an open book for you from now on okay?"

Edited by Torrent505
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Steel sighed -yes I would have fought with him and she does that's what grief consoling is they help you with grieving and when the time comes moving on- steel thought back - and I hope you don't mean all your secrets I'm sure you have some you wouldn't even want me to know -

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Luna sent a thought back to Steel, 'I understand that part of it Steel but most ponies don't react well when the first response to them realizing a loved one is dead is you should go to counseling... Yes, She should talk to Grell but when she's ready too, support comes first and from us we don't just turn her away or push her on to him. Kindness, sympathy, understanding... We all lost loved ones in the storm, she needs to know that at least she's not alone and has ponies around her that care for her and each other. Once she feels safer and won't think she's surrounded by judgmental strangers we can mention Grell's help.' A bit of humor crept into her thoughts, 'and you give me too much credit on secret keeping, I'd gladly tell you any of them.'

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Rather then step back, Whisper took a few steps forward, after gaining some courage she managed to stand about 15 feet away.  A smirk was hidden on her lips, the way he had reacted was perfect. She could tell by the tensity in his muscles that he was ready to give chase if she decided to flee, she'd played that game with him many times, sometimes feigning tiredness just so he'd win.

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Steel thought back to Luna-my only loved ones where you and Astrid I and you both are safe so I didn't lose Anypony in fact I gained a family- and okay I'll remember that there may come a day I need to know one of your secrets and okay we can comfort her-

Grell kept walkin

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Candela slumped to the ground and held her face in her hooves."But it is not just River Side! Alice and Daisy, Mother and Father... I will never return home again! To my family, my library, my memories!" It was not like Candela to be so pessimistic. But feelings defeated her upstart and cheerful character. "And after all of this is fixed, how will Equestria ever be normal again? How will we ever be able to return to our old lives?" Candela indicated Winter Willow and Melody. "At least you have your daughters, Princess Luna. I have nopony left."

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Embers scrached his head while looking down at his notebook "Now it is true that you can move faster, but you wont be able to hit as hard" He said with a yawn. He looked around and faced hoofed when he saw luna and the deer fighting. He didnt much care anymore though,

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"Yes, that stallion was very nice to us. When Melody snuck out / the gardens, he pretended to look for her, and then grab her by the forelags, laughing. Melody told me it was always fun."《I... I'm sorry.》Willow crept forwards and looked down at Candela. She remembered when she was like this. She wish she could hel- Wait! Heart Healing powers, to the rescue!


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Wanderlust was now practically holding his breath, Whisper was so close... He wanted to bound at her now, to trigger the chase, to relive the past and the games they had played, but he didn't. Instead he kept his mind focused on what had happened to her home and how he had left her before, now was not the time to try and force the past, especially if she didn't want it. He kept silent and slowly started to close the distance, still he didn't say anything felt like it would have been disrespectful. When he was now directly in front of her he stretched out his neck and shifted his head to nuzzle his cheek against hers, it was a respectful but familiar and affectionate greeting among deer. He hope she would accept it not withdraw from it or run; he knew that if she accepted then he could talk freely, if she withdrew it would be a rebuke to him and he would have to wait until she spoke to him and if she ran then they could only talk once he caught her...


@ everypony else


The group had made it to the train track and made travel much easier, Luna could see Baltimare in the distance, she could always see well in the night and with the full moon still above and brighter than it had ever been in the history of Equestria seeing wasn't too hard. She wondered briefly how long the moon would be able to stay like that now that she no longer controlled it.


She turned to Candela, "don't give up hope Candela, you don't know that they are gone... Even River Side could still be out there, Celestia could have saved him, it's not for us to know yet... Never give up that hope that you might see them again. And Equestia won't be normal, we will have to rebuild it ourselves, it will be hard but our new lives will mean more than ever before and you have a family, all of us all the survivors are family now. A family born out of the flames and ash like a Phoenix, and we will make this world something wonderful out of all this but only if we keep our hope."


To Steel she thought, 'you almost lost me, so you know the pain as much as they do... And if we hope to rebuild Equestria like I just told her all us survivor must gain a new family in each other... Though our family is a little more personal' she smiled.

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Candela looked up at the moon. The stars seemed brighter then ever. The little dots of light looked so... cheerful. As if they had not a care in the world. Even things like the darkest of nights helped you see the stars. "Lights are brighter when everything else is dark." And the stars nodded their consent, and the moon smiled down at her.




Alice rose from the debris like a kraken rising from the ocean. "Oh, my!" The remnants of dwellings were reduced to a pile of charred rubble before her. What poor souls could have been trapped in the rubble? Alice sat down, deep in thought. She only remembered pieces of what happened before.



"Miss Alice, what's happening?"


"Do not worry, Butterscotch. We will get you to your mother, then everything will be fine."


"Are you sure?"


"I promise. Now hurry!"


"Butterscotch, my son! Thank you for bringing him to me, Alice! Alice? Alice!"



Now, now they were gone. Butterscotch had been the liveliest colt she had ever met and his mother was a wonderful mare. She looked into the rose quartz Candela, River Side and Daisy gave her when they were foals.



"For being the bestest big sister ever!"


"Not bestest, best, Candela. And thank you all so much!"



She hugged the quartz and cried. "Candela, River Side, Daisy. Please be alright. Alice is coming. Big sister is coming home." She looked up at the stars. "Please. Take care of my little siblings. Please." Holding the gem close to her heart, she cried. She cried bitter tears, and all the while looked out at the serene, peaceful ocean, and once again at the stars. One was particularly bright. It filled her with hope. Maybe, she thought, her family was looking at the very same star, a world away.

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"They seem to be more competent than I thought... Then again it was obvious they were special from the start." Shadow was no more than 10 meters behind the group, cloaked within natural shadows whenever he could or magical shadow when he was unable to find some. He had no idea why he was following this group, he would've liked nothing better than to return to his library and continue to study the ever illusive questions of magic... But something about this group made him want to stay, at least for a little longer.

Edited by Blissful Chaos

"Q'sal, a singular, labyrinthine mind composed of a billion conflicting, paradoxical wills. Have you ever seen the swirling Aetherstorms in it's atmosphere? Smelled the shifting perfumes of intrigue upon it's people? Tasted the gluttonous banquets of ambition permeating from the Sorcerer-Technocrats? Heard the exquisite lies and thoughts of an unknowable population? No Slaaneshi pleasure I have indulged in comes close to that feeling, only in the embrace of Apotheosis could one aspire to find anything greater."

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Embers ruminged around in his backpack for a bit more, he pulled out a needle and thread, as well as a bandanna. He started sowing a hat together from the twigs and scrap he had found around. He yawned as he did this, stumbling around now and then. He looked over at the trees around them

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"Yeah...it can lose power against a sword,but a quick move can defeat an enemy easily,even those seers ;) "

While they were walking,Ember saw something,and then started to look for something on his bag

Ok...he's crazy,but...that crazy?

"Eh...what are you looking for?"

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Embers looked over at light "Im looking for my bandanna, its going to be useful when were fighting, no, I did not draw another paper of you sleeping" He said with a sheepish grin "Seer mad dog, thats what they call the boss, well, he is going to go all crazy once he sees me...Itll be fun"

     . +.  |  * . '
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The group arrived in Baltimare, and it was obvious that this city had been hit by the firestorm just as hard as all the others, charred remains, bones and ash filled the town and many of the buildings were badly burned some completely to the ground. Luna spoke, "be respectful everyone... But let's move into a build that isn't to badly burned and get some rest." She moved toward a large brick house that seemed to still be whole.

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"If you drew another paper of me sleeping,i would have to aid your mind :) "She grined again.

"Why do you want to wear thar bandana?If it's a memento,i can understand,but i don't see why you should carry it..."

She pulled out her daggers

"Only for security,is there any danger ahead?"

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Embers looked at the chared city around him. He grimiced, but then smiled "Dang...I wonder if anypony over here is still alive" He looked around as he took a step forward, he then turned over to light "Yeahhhh, I used to have it when I was a filly...Oh man, that brings back memorys" He sighed as he looked back at the city "Really though, This city is like what I was dreaming about"


Sapphire sat down, she had lost the group a long time ago, and now had no idea where she was. She sat down in the nearby cave and looked around

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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There was crying coming from deeper in the cave, faint so that Sapphire could barely hear it. It sounded like a foal.






North Wind had been recovering, before he had exhausted himself and had been in constant pain. The piece of himself he had lost in the core still ached but he had become accustomed to it. And he had regained the power he had lost in the exertion to kill Princess Luna, but he had succeeded in that and now he was even stronger. He prepared himself now to begin the spread of his kingdom... Of Ice Crystal's Kingdom, he would move south and claim Equestria but first he had something to take care of. Something he was going to greatly enjoy and make his kingdom even stronger.

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Sapphire slowly turned around, her face turned a light white "H...Hello?" She said as she took a step back. She pulled out the only thing she had, and that was the knife grell had given to her "Is there anypony there?" She asked as she slowly took a step forward

     . +.  |  * . '
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A voice of male child reached her from the darkness, "w-who's there! Stay back I, I... I have a weapon and I'm big and scary!" Then after a long moment, "Wait actually stay there, but tell me who you are... Can, can you help me?"




North Wind took to the air merging with the wind and flying at a leisurely pace, he was in no hurry the target he was seeking had been hiding in the same cave since the firestorm had ended and he was sure that the frightened little dragon wouldn't leave... Even if he did North Wind would find him again.

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Sapphire took another step forward "Uh...My name is sapphire, and I wanna help you, although I am also armed....Please, whats wrong, I can try and help you!" She said as she looked around the cave, wondering where the voice was coming from


Embers looked over at light "You dont talk much, do you?"

     . +.  |  * . '
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She looked at him

"Oh,me?Nonono...It's just simply that...i had the feeling about that i had to wait to talk...don't ask me why..."

She got up and flapped her wings a bit,as a type of exercise

"If i don't flap them every day,they could lose all of it's power :(

And you?You're an unicorn...do you do those daily trainings,or..."

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Embers shook his head "Not really, magic is something that sticks...I think" He said with a chuckle as he looked down at his bandanna.

He looked back up at lightwing "You know, it isnt that hard because even I do work on everyday, drawing is kinda hard using magic, you have to get good at it"

     . +.  |  * . '
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Steel followed silently as usual he wante d to talk to Luna but decided he had to keep focused on the task at hoof

Astrid had fallen asleep on steels back she looked adorable while sleeping ((she's a blank flank by the way but I want to change that soon as I'm sure you've figured out her special powers is telepathy))

Grell looked around wondering where sapphire was "has Anypony seem sapphire" grell asked the worry obvious in his voice

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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