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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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Wanderlust was on his way down into the ships cabin and did a double take as Steel and Astrid passed him, "Astrid you got your cutiemark!" He laughed, "you beat me to it! When did that happen?"


Luna looked at Grell, "an idle mind might be dangerous but a tired mind is deadly. It will be okay if you take some time to rest, I'll have the wheel."

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Astrid liked a him obviously tired "back when whisper was the god thing I forced my way into her mind" Astrid said

Steel just smiled he still hadn't said anything about it

Grell shook his head "I'm fine princess I don't sleep much I can go for while longer" grell said

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Lightwing started to giggle

"Well,hugging you is fun,but if you want to do something more..."

A small wave crashed on the boat,and that made them both to fall,being Embers over Lightwing

"Er...This is not what It looks like..."

Her face turned red,due for the position that they both had

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Embers jumped up, also now blushing like mad "S-sorry, I should uh...I dunno, Go back to my room" He said as he looked down at his feet, still blushing really hard. He glanced over to her and winked "Come find me later though, OK? We could draw together or something"

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"Princess," Shadow finally answered, his voice a half-sigh yet still calm. "This whole ordeal would leave many ponies terrified, unable to think on anything not immediately in the present in favor of reflecting our current predicament." He decided not to turn to the former Alicorn, instead he continued to look beyond towards their destination, wherever that was. "Yet some of you have mentioned this one thing in particular... North Wind..." For the first time in quite a while Shadow was interested in what others knew "What... Is it exactly?"

Edited by Blissful Chaos
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