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private Saddle Arabian Nights


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Runedawn laughed loudly, and he put down the hammer in front of the fancy pants pony with a loud 'ka-dunk'. The hammer was so big that, even with its knob on the floor, the hammerhead was at the height of the merchants head. The hammer shimmered strange colors, and was obviously magical.


"Runedawn 'ere is an earthstriker you see. And alongside runesmithimg it brings a lot of other strange perks. It's quite hard to explain really. I can show you and Glory what I mean outside. I need some fresh soil for it to work."


Runedawn looked around the room. I guess it could work here too, but that would mess up the floor a bit, and it would be a sin to damage such a beautifully polished floor." Runedawn looked at the door leading outside. "Either we go outside real quick before the princess opens her doors, or we do it after meeting the princess..." Runedawn hoped that had spoken clearly and sophisticated, so thst this small stallion would understand him without much trouble. You could hear he was forcing away his accent.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Storm smiled and nodded. "Sure, but I think after meeting the Princess would be a better time. She might find it odd to come out to a pony smashing the ground in with a hammer." He cracked his neck. "I've gotta get this thing off. I'm burnin' up." He took his suit off, packing it back into his bag. 

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Runedawn was a little bit offended. "come now, just because I am a blacksmith doesn't mean I do everything by crushing things with my hammer. Feeling fhe earth is a very delicate procedure..." Runedawn picked up his hammer again, but accidently dropped it before he could strap it to his saddlebags again. The weight of the hammer alone made a huge hole in the crystal floor. Shards went flying into the air. Runedawn's jaw dropped and he quickly looked around the room. "Oops..." he exclaimed.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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(OoC: Going to ignore the hole part. Sorry it's been a bit since I posted. Also, please do not use NPC's as characters unless you have asked first. c:)


The guards approached, grim-faced, and one of them gruffly announced, "the Princess will see you now."

Loveless, as much as she felt she deserved royal status more than the fluffy fools in charge, couldn't help but feel a small thrill of excitement in the pit of her stomach. She flicked her hair back and put on her most winning smile as she strode forth, eyes narrowed slightly. The guards approached the broad crystal doors, which opened smoothly, not leaving a scratch on the marble floors. They were ushered inside.

The throne room was still filled with light, but the cold winds outside buffeted the walls with a howling screech. Cadence was upon her throne, seeming to be deep in conversation with Slaes, and both turned their heads. Cadence straightened upon her throne, but her eyes narrowed at the sight of the Saddle Arabian that accompanied them, as well as the random pony Loveless still had the nagging feeling she knew. He was standing beside her, and she nudged him.

@@Pinkie Paranoia

"Did you have an invitation from the Princess?" she asked in an accusatory sort of way, narrowing her eyes even more, and she looked at the others. "Do any of you know him?"


"Silence," commanded the Princess imperiously, and Loveless bowed as the current High Queen rose from her seat.


"How dare you?" she said in quiet rage. "Accusing my people, and yet showing up on my doorstep uninvited - explain yourself, and what you are doing with these ponies." She glared at Artemis. 'And you had better explain yourself as well, or I shall call the guards back."


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Well... It was now or never - time he did what she did best.


"Princess Mi Amore Cadenza..." Stated the Bard, stepping forward with a grim confidence he knew he hadn't earned - this was certainly not how he pictured his first encounter requiring his Bardic studies - he wasn't ready!


"My name is Kazamde - of the nomadic cast of Saddle Arabia." He began, feeling the words flow without need to consider them - reinforcing his faith in himself. "I was returning home from my visit to Equestria when I heard of the accusations against my homeland. Unwilling to allow this to destroy the bonds that our nations have forged these past years, I made haste to seek an audience with you."


He might not be sanctioned as a diplomat - he really had no ties to the noble class at all, as a half blood - but he knew more about politics that they would ever have believed possible.


"I have come in an official capacity, to hear the charges placed against my homeland and do all in my power to bring about a peaceful solution!"

Never quite forgotten.

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Myopia didn't verbally answer the stallion right away for recognizing him and the kind of business that he was in. Tilting his top hat politely as a show of acknowledging the large stallion, the well dressed stallion watched silently as the male started talking to someone else. Taking a few moments to look around and listen to those ponies who were currently waiting alongside him, the self made tycoon couldn't help but notice the large differences in skills and manners. It made him wonder just what they were all being summoned to do that required them to throw the net over such a wide area for talent...




Looking around for a moment for the pony who looked like they would have the best idea of what was going on, his eyes landed on what was clearly a really pretty mare. However, before he could go over and speak with her, the guards arrived and made it clear that her majesty would be speaking with them now. Shrugging his shoulders a little at the missed opportunity,  he was amongst the first to enter the royal throne room. As awe inspiring as it was, there seemed to be something... off about it. Like a hard to see mark on a window that you couldn't see without really looking for it but still somehow distracting from the view outside.


The High Queen herself was not only regal, but a true beauty of a mare. It only made sense that the ruler of such an awe inspiring city would be a true diamond herself and Myopia found himself clicking his tongue once at the knowledge that such a mare was already married. Still, watching her get angry was an interesting sight to see and certainly something that wouldn't be seen very often.

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Artemis stepped forward, seizing an opportunity. "As for myself, my princess, I am acting as the sole bodyguard and protector of Kazamde. I was told not to make myself visible, and as such, hung back from the group for most of the time that passed. This is why these ponies, as yourself, did not recognize my appearance. I'm sorry for any inconveinience my actions may have caused."


He knew his words had a small risk of failure, but it was a risk he was willing to take in order to continue his plight on the group. However, he was sure that Kazamde would agree with what he'd stated, as it strengthened both their stories.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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What in the name of... was this pony trying to get them both killed? Of merely deciding that given his lack of a reason for his presence, he would desperately seize any opportunity he saw?


The most logical course of action would be to declare the infiltrator and secure his own reliance... but as much as a scholar thought with his head - a bard thought with his heart, and this was a decision that he had little choice over.


"... That is... correct, though most commonly he has served as a guide, rather than guardian." Agreed Bardic with a pointed, threatening look towards the pony, before looking back to the pony he knew as 'princess' Cadenza.


"We place ourselves at your disposal in this matter - I have the utmost confidence that there is foul play seeking to destroy the bonds that we have forged between our worlds: allow me to be your agent in this matter - in a way that only one if my ancestry may."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Storm flattened his ears. It was odd for anypony to see Cadence mad, seeing as she was the "princess of love or some junk" as he always said. He remembered that there were four princesses, and they all had quick nicknames: Sunbutt, Moonbutt, Magicbutt, and Lovebutt. She was the last pony he thought he'd see mad. He sort of hid in the back of the group, close to @, and @@Scribblegroove,.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Runedawn did not understand a thing about whay was happening. It seemed that everypony except him knew what was going on. "Excuse me everypony, bu I think I have missed a memo or something... What's all this about?"


Runedawn had noticed that the princess was somehow mad at the foreign looking pony and his companion, and everypony else seemed to understand understand why. He was looking at the others in the group hoping that somepony would explain. It was kind of obvious to see that he had no idea what was going on, and he wouldn't dare ask the princess, afraid that he might look stupid.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Hypno, not knowing much about the chaos that was already unfolding simply shimmied along towards where Runedawn was. He was at least the only member he was able to speak too so far, and also shared his own current confused state. "Didn't even make it two minutes in before accusations were thrown. Seems to be all the government has been doing recently." He thought to himself as he took the time to look around the throne room as he listened.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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@ @@Pinkie Paranoia

Cadence stared them down for several moments, still looking unconvinced. Loveless was almost tempted to intervene, but she decided it was better that they get kicked out than her. She had no loyalties to their safety, and she ignored them entirely, remaining fixated on the Princess.

"I assume that there are far more nefarious plots at hand, but I am not one to mistrust without given reason," she said, but her tone belied that she was still furious. "Obviously someone has passed on confidential information to you, and unfortunately it appears that we now have a spy amongst us." She tilted her head back. "I may be kind enough to allow you to remain here, but trust me - as soon as I find out which one of you has betrayed your country to this...pony...I will not hesitate to ruin you."


"You will address me more formally," she said sharply, as she settled back on her throne. "I do not have time to talk for hours and be sassed by my subjects, and thus I will be brief; I am sending you to Saddle Arabia."

Loveless' widened her eyes slightly, but the Princess gave no time for anyone to say anything. "You will remain in the courts until you have discovered what has happened to our Princesses. I have made arrangements to get you in there, but after that you will be on your own." Glancing over them, she continued. "Each of you has been chosen for a reason, and it would not do to disappoint me." She gestured to the pony at her side. "I have other matters to attend to, so I will be off. Direct any further questions to Slaes. Dinner will be provided at seven o'clock in the visitor's dining room. Good day."

Rising, she swept out of the room coldly, leaving them alone as the doors slammed again.


There were a few moments of silence, and then Loveless exhaled.

"That wasn't quite what I expected," she murmured, but her mind was reeling. If the Windigoes were back, there was no doubt that they were affecting Cadence's emotions; even her cute little "love" power wasn't strong enough if she was acting this way. However, with such a large guard, it was strange she didn't attend Saddle Arabia herself. She could imagine Cadence selecting her, but the others seemed to have very little talent besides getting themselves in trouble. Useless.

"Well," said Slaes, and he glanced around, "I must be getting on, so..."

"Hang on, darling," said Loveless, smoothly catching him by the leg as he tried to escape. "Aren't you supposed to answer our questions? It's rude to leave a lady hanging..."

"I'm afraid I only have time for a few, Madame," he said stiffly, stopping. "But don't expect an answer for everything."

"I'm sure I can get you talking," she said coyly, leaning forwards and looking at him from under her eyelashes, but there was something steely in her tone as she reached for her saddlebag, the tip of something sharp poking out. He sighed and seemed to resign himself, looking round."

"Well?" he said, seeming rather angry. Loveless smiled a little; Slaes was normally quite resistant to her charms, but he did owe her...several "favours".

"Well, do start with why we're even here," said Loveless, releasing him and stepping back, looking at the others. "Wouldn't you agree?"

"That is quite confidential," he said, and even the adjustment of her bag to show more of the increasingly nefarious object didn't seem to convince him. "Any other questions?


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@, Glory had stayed silent all thru Cadance's speech. She was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by all this. It seemed that she, and the others, had all be chosen for a specific mission, in other words to enter Saddle Arabia and find the missing Princesses. At first, her heart faltered; Glory was not sure she was up to the task. But then, she thought to herself that Princess Cadance had obviously considered her skills to be useful on the mission, so all she could do is her very best.


Glory had taken her cloak off before entering the throne room, not cuz she was hot, but cuz she considered it a bit more respectful to shed outerwear before meeting a Princess, and also her wings were feeling a bit stiff. Now, forgetting that doing so would reveal them to everypony, Glory spread her wings to stretch them out and get rid of the slight cramping she had. She turned to Slaes.


"Perhaps you could answer me this question, please," Glory said. "The Princess stated that we had been chosen for our particular skills. It might be an idea to know exactly what is expected of us, as I'm sure that you and she have your own reasons for choosing us. Why us and not other ponies? That's what I would like to know."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Runedawn was heavily offended now. "Mr slaes, I would like you to tell our dear princess that she can forget about me commiting to any form of strange and dangerous mission without adressing me..." Runedawn pointed to the others. "And them, in a proper way! I cannot be expected to leave my work, run over here as fast as I can, not be properly informed about anything, to then be talked down to and frowned upon whem I ask a simple question." Runedawn started to speak more angrily and loudly!


"She may be the princess of 'love', but I will not be bothered to help anyone who treats me like this!" Runedawn was roaring now. "And on another note, I have not spent my entire life training to be a proper warrior and blacksmith to be sent on some sort of diplomatical mission. My talents would be wasted like this!"


Runedawn walked up to Slaes and pushed aside the pretty mare. He breezed through his nose, and lowered his head so it would be at Slaes' height. "This 'earthstriker' would like to know why I am treated like filth, and am then expected to travel to an unknown land without any explanation about my purpose there... I would be happy to help save Luna and Celestia, but I owe nothing to Cadence, and she does't rule over me either! She should be ashamed of herself! Celestia would never force anypony to do anything! She is going to either treat me..." He pointed to the others in the room again. "And the others with respect, or she can look for a different blacksmith to help her!"


Runedawn stepped back a little. "And close the door on us fair ponies before we can even react, it's just rude!" He looked around the room, hoping to gain some support.


(just pretend I typed the accent xoxo :3)

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Bardic stood - baffled. It wasn't uncommon for books to be incorrect but... all if them? And so glaringly?


He considered if 'love' might have a meaning other than what he understood in this country: if not they perhaps the princess was very skilled at withholding her true colours through force...


There was a lot to consider - clearly he wasn't welcome in Equestria any longer - perhaps he might learn more back home? In the meantime... he should get to know his newfound 'companions' further... and hopefully put any concerns they might have to rest.


@@Pripyat Pony,


He decided against questioning his... guard... for the moment - the castle walls weren't safe.besides, his... well, one if the two ponies he was closest to calling friends was proving to be of fantastic interest!


"Djeserit!" He exclaimed, kneeling as he had before Cadence.. "Zahra Glory, Either my senses fail me or you are Hatshepsut! Why would you seek to conceal such?"


This... this was amazing! A secret princess of Equestria standing before him - one never written of... never heard of!

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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@, Glory blushed crimson when Bardic knelt before her. She realised belatedly that her wings were on show, and realised exactly what this would appear to show.


"Oh, please don't!" she exclaimed. "I'm not a Princess at all! I'm a pegacorn. Not an alicorn, but a pegacorn. It's a very rare result of a union between a pegasus and a unicorn; I've not ever met another one."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,


The newest if his supply of notebooks was already hanging in the air before him - quill scribbling away maniacally in the air as the Bard looked somewhat awkward a for a moment before blinking, shaking his head and continuing to appear thrilled with the prospect.


"My apologies." He said, standing again with a sheepish look not quite overshadowing his interest in the turn of events. "But this is still most fascinating! You are most fascinating! I believed that..."


He trailed off. Wasn't she busy? Yes, already speaking with the other pony... How had he come to disregard his manners - and in the company of potential royalty no less!


"Please, excuse me. I did not mean to interrupt." He said, cutting himself off abruptly as he bowed again - this time in apology - and backed away. He would wait to ask his questions - impatient as he felt. It was common courtesy.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Something about Runedawn's actions set Lost off. His face twisted up in rage. "Listen to me, friend. I don't know who you think you are, but you do not shove a lady out of the way like that. You do not speak that way to someone so far above your station. And you DO NOT second guess the demands of royalty. That you would neglect your duty to Equestria because you don't like the princess' attitude is appalling. You should be honored that she even thought to ask this of you. If you want people to treat you with respect, then you should lose the brutish attitude and quit storming around with that giant hammer. You're lucky if you don't get arrested waving that thing around so much."


He turned to Loveless.




"I apologize on his behalf. I'll see that he doesn't treat you or anyone else on this mission so roughly again." 

  • Brohoof 1

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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"I apologise for beimg rude towards you and "the mare" of course, I did not mean to upset you. I let my emotions carry me away. Yet you still have to admit that for a princess of love she was awfully cold to us. And besides, what I was really worried about is my usefulness in a diplomatic task. You are right, I am insensible and rude, I always have been! What possible purpose do I have in a mission like this. My thoughts are that I would only stand in the way."

Runedawn turned to both Slaes and Lost now. "I have overreacted, and I apologise. And I guess cadence has her reasons for sending a blacksmith along with a diplomatic negotiations party... Yet I still believe that all of us deserved a better treatment. Didn't Celestia always say that everypony is equal?"

Runedawn turned to loveless. "And again, I apologise for me rude behaviour. I do not get out a lot as a blacksmith, so my senses for social interaction in general have been numbed a bit."

Runedawn felt ashamed. How could he have been so arrogant and stupid to say somethimg like that... He was never arrogant, only a bit proud. He hoped that this first impression didn't ruin his chances at these other ponies. He decided that he should do something nice the first instance he saw the oppertunity...

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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@@Pripyat Pony

"You would have to ask the Princess that," said Slaes in a slightly chilly tone, glaring at the pegacorn. "Probably thought you were special with your pretty little wings and horn."


Loveless was watching in silence when she was suddenly shoved roughly to the side as the ugly, brutish blacksmith attempted to intimidate the darker unicorn who stood before them, and she stumbled and fell. However, Slaes just laughed.

"You demand better treatment, yet you instantly attack," he said, and this time his voice was cruel. "Size isn't everything, Earthstriker, and I would stop waving your toy around before you get hurt."

He walked away easily, not even glancing behind him. "Question time is over," he said, and the door slammed shut.



"No, the High Queen has never said every pony is equal," said Loveless, her eyes rather steely, "because there are absolutely violent savages like you. He-" here she jabbed at the door "is indeed not someone you want to anger, and trust me, because he was previously one of my frequent clients."

@@Alex Kennedy

"As for you," she said, spinning round to face him, "your fifteenth-century ideals are boring me, and as I am sure you know I am perfectly able to handle myself, child. Now, I don't know about any of you, but I am going to get ready for dinner, and I hope all of you have cleared your inflated egos by then and are ready to act seriously in front of royalty!" She slammed her hoof down in fury and walked furiously out the door.

Despite her anger, Loveless managed to sound at least mostly calm before them, and as she walked down the hall to find a place to wash up and get changed, she discovered a room that appeared to have been prepared for her and Glory. She could only assume that the stallions had a place to get ready as well, so she got into the shower and waited for their arrival.


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@, Soon, Glory trotted into the room looking subdued. She had been really upset by the way the stallion had treated her, when she had only wanted to ask him a question. Glory had been particularly hurt by the way he had taunted her, referring to her wings and horn. She didn't think that she was special! She never had done, thinking herself a freak for having both wings and a horn, and it seemed that this stallion thought the same way. Glory had blinked away a few tears and gone to the room which it seemed, she was to share with Loveless. Glory heard the shower going and was relieved, in a way. She didn't want the other mare to see that she was crying. She began to look thru her luggage to see if there was a suitable dress she could wear to a royal dinner, tho she was sure that she didn't have anything that would work; it at least distracted her, tho she could not stop the tears from falling.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Lost shook his head and turned back to those of the group still in the room. "I swear, some ponies. Try to stand up to her and I'm a jerk, try to be nice to her and I'm old fashioned. Well anyway, I guess I'll see you all at dinner. And Runedawn-?"




He turned to the burly stallion. "My words were perhaps a bit harsher than I intended. You seem nice enough for the most part. No hard feelings?"

Real men don't need signatures...


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Runedawn smiled at lost. He tried to sound as 'well educated' as possible. "My friend, you have no need to apologise. You were absolutely right and I simpy request the we may act it never happened..." Runedawn then looked a bit concerned. "How'd that sound... Bit too much maybe?" Runedawn stepped towards the exit of the room. "I feel really stupid about what I said. Usually I 'ain't this full 'o meself... Anyway, I want to try to 'fit in' a bit more. I once were a bit of a gentlecolt, but I don't have a clue how to act around these ponies now... It's been so long."


@@Alex Kennedy,



Runedawn turned to the bard, but kept adressing lost as well. "You two both seem sophisticated. You with yer manners and you with your speech... Do you fellas mind helping me out a bit? I feel like a fool... How am I supposed to act classy." Runedawn smelled himself. "Maybe a bath would be a good idea... And a suit perhaps." The giant, ash covered, unwashed stallion plead for help at the two other ones. "Hell, maybe I could do somethin' for you in return! Anythin' really"


It was only then that he realised he had adressed the bard out of nowhere... "Hold on, I was rambling again, I apologize. Mr bardic, my name is Runedawn and I could really use some help, I hope ye don't mind..."

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Lost shrugged. "Well, I suppose I could help, but I'm not really sure how. After all the functions I have to go to for my work, this sort of thing just comes natural to me. I'd lend you a suit or something at least, but there's no way it would fit you. And yes, bathing would be a good start. Definitely go for a bath."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Myopia didn't say anything during the encounter with High Queen Cadance or in the brief but potentially violent shouting match with her servant after the former Princess of Love had vanished. Shaking his head in silent disgust, he made his way out of the room... by the door that Mr Slaes had taken. Moving with the practiced personal authority of one who found the very idea of being stopped as something that happened to other ponies, the top hat wearer moved at a stead pace in order to catch up with the retreating Slaes.


"Mr Slaes!" Myopia called out to get his attention, planning on closing the distance when the male pony stopped. "There is something I wish to discuss with you that will no doubt benefit both of us and her majesty in the long run."   

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