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Secrets, Habits, and Confession thread!


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I'm obsessed with masquerade masks. I really am. They're just so cool to me for some reason.


I have this habit of singing at random and quite inappropriate times. And yes, this can be quite ironic in certain situations.


I talk to inanimate objects, and make them talk back.

  • Brohoof 1
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I want to dance, but I hate dancing. I'm not even joking. It's like this weird urge I'm feeling right after seeing some DJs bust moves in videos I'm searching for on youtube for no reason.


I chew/eat things like paper and plastic ESPECIALLY when they were the wrapping of a candy and still have some candy flavor left on them. It's like how you guys said earlier that you eat the lollipop stick. I do that too. >.< Not because I want to, but because it just happens.

Edited by Judgement

Tom V.S. Boulder: Who will win?


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  • When I'm half-asleep, I'll say the weirdest things ever. 
  • I have the most messed up dreams. Last night all my dreams involved zombies. I have way too many freaky zombie related dreams.  
  • For some reason the only time I can effectively lucid dream is in a sexual dream. :blush:
  • In my eyes, my cat is absolute perfection. She's just so damn adorable! :D
  • I wake up a minimum of 3 times every single night. It's pretty annoying.
most of the time when I get lucid dreams there sexual as well, if it isn't i just get the most random dreams.
  • Brohoof 2
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When I'm all alone.. and a song is playing I love.. I dance, and sing it.. 

I can't spell to save my own life...(I'm sure you all knew that..) 

I'm a clopper..(I'm sure you knew that too....) 

I'm scared to death of moving clay.... not kidding... I start to shake. 




When I talk, I talk with my hands too... 

When I get scared I pat my chest and pet it... 

  • Brohoof 2


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Well lets see.


1. When I write I need music but when I go back to read what I wrote I have to have quiet or I cant concentrate.

2. I bite my nails and accidently make them tooo short and them they hurt but I never learn my lesson.

3. I cant remember the majority of my childhood.

4. I wish desperately that I could fly, so much so that sometimes when I'm walking the street alone I run and jump up in a way that for a split second I feel like I can.

5. I am horribly emotionally masochistic and will find things to read or watch or listen to that will make me cry and then I will go back and do it again and again until it no longer makes me cry and I move on to something else that will. But this is not super often.

Edited by WhiteGuardian
  • Brohoof 1

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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1. I sleep with my Twilight Sparkle plush repeating i wuv you my precious Twili your my best friend...i have no idea why


2.when i do maths homework i just have to get myself in full shape listen to brony music say random things talk to myself go on Deviantart and then start.


3. i bite my skin when i got a itch 



anything else?


  • Brohoof 1

The deepest of the Everfree!

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While I do have a lot, I'm going to stick to those that are forum appropriate (so to say). If any of these are inappropriate I will gladly remove them, and I apologize in advance for them.


1. The reason that I have decided to to quit smoking, and start working out is so someone other than my significant other will tell me I'm attractive.

2. I am attracted to my best friend, and have a crush on his new g/f (She's everything I wanted in a significant other, and I'm kind of jealous of him)

3. I hate my life, but instead of committing suicide or leaving everything behind, I choose to stay because I don't want to hurt those that actually are happy having me around. I feel that if they are happy while I am miserable, then my misery is a small sacrifice.

4. I would love to open up my email to find a love letter from a secret admirer. (But I think everyone would like that)

5. I talk to myself more than with others, because I like the sound of my mind's voice.

6. Most of the time I feel emotionally numb.

7. I don't dream.. or at least I can't remember them EVER!

Edited by Sir Cal Stonehoof
  • Brohoof 1

Signature By: ~Sassy Dashie~



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While I do have a lot, I'm going to stick to those that are forum appropriate (so to say). If any of these are inappropriate I will gladly remove them, and I apologize in advance for them.


1. The reason that I have decided to to quit smoking, and start working out is so someone other than my wife will tell me I'm attractive.

2. I am attracted to my best friend, and have a crush on his new g/f (She's everything I wanted in a significant other, and I'm kind of jealous of him)

3. I hate my life, but instead of committing suicide or leaving everything behind, I choose to stay because I don't want to hurt those that actually are happy having me around. I feel that if they are happy while I am miserable, then my misery is a small sacrifice.

4. I would love to open up my email to find a love letter from a secret admirer. (But I think everyone would like that)

5. I talk to myself more than with others, because I like the sound of my mind's voice.

6. Most of the time I feel emotionally numb.

7. I don't dream.. or at least I can't remember them.


Number 5, yeah I do that too... I like to chat with myself from time to time. Because lets face it.. sometimes I need some expert advice.. 


Number 7, yeah I don't dream much myself...  

  • Brohoof 1


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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When I'm all alone.. and a song is playing I love.. I dance, and sing it.. 

I can't spell to save my own life...(I'm sure you all knew that..) 

I'm a clopper..(I'm sure you knew that too....) 

I'm scared to death of moving clay.... not kidding... I start to shake. 




When I talk, I talk with my hands too... 

When I get scared I pat my chest and pet it...


I thought talking with your hands while speaking was normal. Also im a clopper but I didn't mention it cause I thought your not allowed to speak about that.

When i have lunch or a snack i have to have something i like on TV or i just get put off having food, dunno why. Also when the breaks are on i cant eat either.

  • Brohoof 1
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I guess i kinda have a fetish for pain, most of the time when I receive an injury of some sort i get pleasure out of it, also i kinda enjoy it when I get whipped with rulers at school (there's always one in the class that will do it).

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i have a 'sensitive bladder' as the doctors put it, basically i drank to much coke and monster and the caffeine did something, it made it so i would need to go to the toilet loads but then i got some tablets that seemed to get rid of it.

i have really bad hayfever.

ive never had a girlfriend cause i thinks its pointless at this age.

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  1. I sometImes feel as though I'm 5 people who dIscuss my choIces In lIfe and who tell me what to do In sItuatIons.
  2. I chew the skIn off my hands when I get bored or when I'm hungry.
  3. I am very paranoId that every thIng wIll kIll me. (I lIve In AustralIa so go fIgure)
  4. Whenever sleep I have to be careful to posItIon myself on bed so that I get the dream I want. (Example: RIght sIde of my bed, head turned left = normal dream)
  5. I am the bIggest procrastInator I can set out to do somethIng then just forget about It and just do somethIng else.
  6. Whenever I'm on a thread I try to make sure I don't start a new page whenever I post.
  7. Whenever I thInk of NSFW I thInk of Extreme gore.
  8. I can be scared (despIte popular belIef) though I just actually have to see somethIng that I fInd scary. (whIch Is rare to see It used rIght to scare me these days)
  9. I have to sleep wIth a fan on so that I can relax. (even though I'm paranoId that It wIll fall off my ceIlIng and kIll me)
  10. I sometImes hear voIces eIther In my head or whenever I walk around my house when I'm alone. (and I have had conversatIons wIth these voIces)

Yeah just a few of my habits and secrets.  :P



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I like odd foods

I have a habit of chewing on pencils

I'm sensitive about my height

I scratch my bottom lip when I think sometimes

I like to fall asleep in weird places.

Secretly, I'm afraid of heights. Like airplane high.

I love it mix things together

I can be a pyromaniac at times

At times I be really like fluttershy

Don't be a dweeb


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I sometimes get this urge to start dancing and singing to the music I'm listening to. Even after the song finishes, I look for more songs to dance to; it can go on for a while. Of course I do this when no one's around, having my own personal dance party.


I find restroom stalls and washroom oddly relaxing and so I spend a lot of time in them. They're relatively quiet (if you went there alone and didn't meet anyone who was in there already) and away from prying eyes. It's my number one hiding spot. This is all assuming the washroom or public restroom is relatively cleanly. 

Edited by Mutemutt
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Well, for starters I watch MLP!


In all seriousness,

1. Whenever I listen to music, I simply can't sit still. It's not like I dance or anything - I just pace the room in circles.

2. I'm a guy, but will freak out like a little girl around large insects (particularly grasshoppers and cockroaches).

3. On the subject of fear, I also freak out at injections. I'm usually fine when I go in, but I usually have to ask someone to physically restrain my arm because I know I'll behave like a spastic once I actually see the needle. I'm not bothered by much else though.

4. I LOVE sappy, corny, sickly-sweet & vomit-inducing love songs.

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1. I need a lot of noise to sleep. (Fan, TV, ect.)

2. I act quite similar to Pat from "Two Best Friends Play", but I am not that serious.

3. If I'm hanging out with someone for the first time and they bring down the party with some bad mojo, then they will be exiled.

4. I am scared of stairs. And by that, I mean I am scared of falling down them because I have huge feet.

5. I watch too much youtube. Especially the creatures, Markiplier, and the group made of Seananners, GassyMexican, and AllShamNoWow.

6. I am 6 feet tall and weigh 250 pounds, but yet, I am not that big (In terms of width).

7. I hate the Eagles.

8. I love any music from the years before the 2000's.

9. I hate the term "Brony". It's just a title and it's jibba jabba to me. I prefer to just refer to myself as "a fan of MLP".

10. I take classes in Psychology.

11. I think buying MLP objects and what not is stupid and would never do it. It would not fit in in this atmosphere.

Edited by ~Immortal Jappleack~




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