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private Ever Grande War RP


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Litwick casually looked around to see if there was any pokemon about that Stella might fancy. Though she didn't find any, the pokemon dangling from the trees seemed like they would be easy enough to catch, and fight. Litwick called out to Stella, who soon caught up with the candle. Litwick appeared to be bragging for finding a wild pokemon before Mantyke, and pointed eagerly at a Cascoon. 


"Uh... Good job Litwick!" Stella said, hesitantly. The pokemon Litwick had found was nowhere near cute! But, it looked familiar. Now that she remembered, the trainer had read about common pokemon in Hoenn on her way here. This looked like one of them, and it was one that evolved into an absolute sweetheart! Beautifly, was it? Yes! This was a pokemon who simply had to join Stella's team! "Alrighty Litwick, let's catch it then! Hit it down from there with Energy Ball!" Stella commanded the Litwick, who confidently tried to hit the Cascoon with a small ball of green energy.


Meanwhile, Mantyke was also trying to find a wild pokemon. He immediately found the nearest patch of water. A Zigzagoon looked to be looking into the water, which was rippiling. Was there something down there? Mantyke wandered up to the pokemon and appeared to be talking to it, while pointing at the ripples. Mantyke seemed to be asking the Zigzagoon if it wanted Mantyke to see what was in the water.


((For the record, I am well aware Cascoon evolves into Dustox and not Beautifly.))

  • Brohoof 1



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Jeez... You would think that there wouldn't be anything else odd happening in caves, and now, there's this..." Anton murmured to himself, as he slowly entered the cave, looking over at the odd moon thing spinning about, right over the hole in the ceiling. 


"Odd... That's a bit weird... What, is it using something like Moonlight or something? Is that its own version of Moonlight? I know Clefairy seems to do something like that, but I would never see it spinning like that... Well, I think it's time I actually got to bring this little guy out." Pulling out his newly acquired Pokeball, he tossed it up in the air. "Cubchoo, come on out now!"


That's when Cubchoo landed to the floor with a squeak like before, just sitting there and looking at the Lunatone in amazement, easily amused.

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Smiling at the thought, Lurele nods quickly.  "I'd be happy to take one with us!  We always have more room in our family, right guys?"  She glances back at the two fighting types that had accompanied her at the last comment.  Her Lucario huffs and looks away as though indifferent to the topic, but her Mienshao was already letting the little Zigzagoon chase around one of the long tufts of fur coming from her arm.  Giggling at the sight of her pokemon playing with the smaller one, Lurele pulls out her pokedex to try and learn a little more about them.


Walking around the room, Lurele starts to look up each individual pokemon on her pokedex.  After walking through both rooms, she comes back to the first room rubbing the back of her neck with an indecisive look on her face.  Meditite is a fighting type that could make an addition to my team...  And the pokedex said that Shroomish also evolves into a fighting type...  Oh, but that little Vulpix is just so cute, it might not be a fighting pokemon but I would still love to travel with it...  Her decision was down to those three, but she wasn't sure which one of them she should try approaching first.


With a quiet sigh, she turns to Locke and shrugs.  "What do you think, Locke?  Any of them stand out as a pokemon you think you'd bond with?"  She could wait for the other trainer to pick first - it would give her more time to make a decision, anyways.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Locke had looked around the room, and a peek into the other room, and was torn between two Pokemon. A mischievous Shuppet playing tricks on a Rattata and Clefairy in the other room, and the Zigzagoon that Revvy had joined in chasing. He was having an incredibly tough time deciding. Another Ghost type might lead him to his dream of Ecruteak gym leader getting closer, and the little guy would work well with Revvy. The Zigzagoon was a cute little thing that seemed like it would get stronger at some point. Gah... What do you think Knight? Oh! Um... I don't like Ghost types much... Sorry... Knight could easily tell that Locke was a fan of Ghost types, and was hesitant in his words, but Locke understood completely. One of a Psychic types most harmful weaknesses was the Ghost type. "I'm thinking about the Shuppet or Zigzagoon, but I don't know how well Knight would do with Shuppet... Hmmm..."

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Lurele sighs quietly again, Locke's choices not matching up with any of her own.  She tries to think for a moment before looking the three of them up on her pokedex again.  She manages to come to a decision after looking them up again that may not have made a lot of sense, but it did to Lurele at least.


I'm in Hoenn, and Shroomish and Meditite are both native to Hoenn...  So there may always be a chance to catch one in the wild later...  And now I know to look out for them!  But Vulpix is more native to the Kanto or Johto areas, I may not meet another one of those...  With a glance at Locke she smiles and moves over towards the Vulpix, crouching down and holding out her hand to the little fire fox.


"Hey there little one...  How would you feel about traveling with us?  Completely your choice."  She smiles and attempts to pet the fur near the Vulpix's head, hoping that the pokemon would react favorably to her.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Litwick casually looked around to see if there was any pokemon about that Stella might fancy. Though she didn't find any, the pokemon dangling from the trees seemed like they would be easy enough to catch, and fight. Litwick called out to Stella, who soon caught up with the candle. Litwick appeared to be bragging for finding a wild pokemon before Mantyke, and pointed eagerly at a Cascoon. 


"Uh... Good job Litwick!" Stella said, hesitantly. The pokemon Litwick had found was nowhere near cute! But, it looked familiar. Now that she remembered, the trainer had read about common pokemon in Hoenn on her way here. This looked like one of them, and it was one that evolved into an absolute sweetheart! Beautifly, was it? Yes! This was a pokemon who simply had to join Stella's team! "Alrighty Litwick, let's catch it then! Hit it down from there with Energy Ball!" Stella commanded the Litwick, who confidently tried to hit the Cascoon with a small ball of green energy.


Meanwhile, Mantyke was also trying to find a wild pokemon. He immediately found the nearest patch of water. A Zigzagoon looked to be looking into the water, which was rippiling. Was there something down there? Mantyke wandered up to the pokemon and appeared to be talking to it, while pointing at the ripples. Mantyke seemed to be asking the Zigzagoon if it wanted Mantyke to see what was in the water.


((For the record, I am well aware Cascoon evolves into Dustox and not Beautifly.))

The energy ball attack knocked Cascoon out of the tree, but otherwise did no visible damage to it.


Mantyke floated over to the Zigzagoon, who chattered at it. In the water, through the ripples, could be seen a Goldeen.




Smiling at the thought, Lurele nods quickly.  "I'd be happy to take one with us!  We always have more room in our family, right guys?"  She glances back at the two fighting types that had accompanied her at the last comment.  Her Lucario huffs and looks away as though indifferent to the topic, but her Mienshao was already letting the little Zigzagoon chase around one of the long tufts of fur coming from her arm.  Giggling at the sight of her pokemon playing with the smaller one, Lurele pulls out her pokedex to try and learn a little more about them.


Walking around the room, Lurele starts to look up each individual pokemon on her pokedex.  After walking through both rooms, she comes back to the first room rubbing the back of her neck with an indecisive look on her face.  Meditite is a fighting type that could make an addition to my team...  And the pokedex said that Shroomish also evolves into a fighting type...  Oh, but that little Vulpix is just so cute, it might not be a fighting pokemon but I would still love to travel with it...  Her decision was down to those three, but she wasn't sure which one of them she should try approaching first.


With a quiet sigh, she turns to Locke and shrugs.  "What do you think, Locke?  Any of them stand out as a pokemon you think you'd bond with?"  She could wait for the other trainer to pick first - it would give her more time to make a decision, anyways.



Locke had looked around the room, and a peek into the other room, and was torn between two Pokemon. A mischievous Shuppet playing tricks on a Rattata and Clefairy in the other room, and the Zigzagoon that Revvy had joined in chasing. He was having an incredibly tough time deciding. Another Ghost type might lead him to his dream of Ecruteak gym leader getting closer, and the little guy would work well with Revvy. The Zigzagoon was a cute little thing that seemed like it would get stronger at some point. Gah... What do you think Knight? Oh! Um... I don't like Ghost types much... Sorry... Knight could easily tell that Locke was a fan of Ghost types, and was hesitant in his words, but Locke understood completely. One of a Psychic types most harmful weaknesses was the Ghost type. "I'm thinking about the Shuppet or Zigzagoon, but I don't know how well Knight would do with Shuppet... Hmmm..."

Upon hearing its name, Shuppet stopped cackling and chasing, and floated over to Locke, where it grinned creepily at him. Zigzagoon, similarly, waddled over to Locke's feet.




Lurele sighs quietly again, Locke's choices not matching up with any of her own.  She tries to think for a moment before looking the three of them up on her pokedex again.  She manages to come to a decision after looking them up again that may not have made a lot of sense, but it did to Lurele at least.


I'm in Hoenn, and Shroomish and Meditite are both native to Hoenn...  So there may always be a chance to catch one in the wild later...  And now I know to look out for them!  But Vulpix is more native to the Kanto or Johto areas, I may not meet another one of those...  With a glance at Locke she smiles and moves over towards the Vulpix, crouching down and holding out her hand to the little fire fox.


"Hey there little one...  How would you feel about traveling with us?  Completely your choice."  She smiles and attempts to pet the fur near the Vulpix's head, hoping that the pokemon would react favorably to her.

Vulpix squeaked, and snuggled up into Mr. Fuji's arms. "She's a shy one, this Vulpix," Fuji said softly. "I'm not sure if she's up for a journey yet. Maybe she'll be ready after a few days... But by the looks of it, she'd rather stay here." Fuji looked apologetically at the trainer.




"Jeez... You would think that there wouldn't be anything else odd happening in caves, and now, there's this..." Anton murmured to himself, as he slowly entered the cave, looking over at the odd moon thing spinning about, right over the hole in the ceiling. 


"Odd... That's a bit weird... What, is it using something like Moonlight or something? Is that its own version of Moonlight? I know Clefairy seems to do something like that, but I would never see it spinning like that... Well, I think it's time I actually got to bring this little guy out." Pulling out his newly acquired Pokeball, he tossed it up in the air. "Cubchoo, come on out now!"


That's when Cubchoo landed to the floor with a squeak like before, just sitting there and looking at the Lunatone in amazement, easily amused.

Lunatone completely ignored Cubchoo.

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"Alright! Litwick, use Night Shade!" Stella commanded the pokemon, who obliged. Without checking to see if the attack had hit, or if it had done any damage to  the pokemon, Stella threw a pokeball at it. 


Mantyke looked into the water to see the Goldeen. It didn't particularly interest him. It's not like Stella needed two water types anyway.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Locke looked at Lurele and gave her an exasperated look. "Oh how am I supposed to decide between... Between this!?"  He gestured to the two Pokemon, who both were seemingly interested in him. He looked at the Shuppet though, not being able to take it's eyes off it. Locke bent down to the Zigzagoon, gave it a few pets around its head and stood back up. "Sorry little guy," he said to the Zigzagoon before returning his gaze to the Shuppet. Revvy jumped on the back of the Zigzagoon, attempting to get it to play again. "What do you say little guy?" he asked the small Ghost type. "Wanna go on an adventure with me?"

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Lurele's friendly smile never leaves her face, though she is slightly disappointed at the reaction.  "Oh, it's alright.  I don't intend to force her to do anything she wouldn't want to, after all...  She's a real cutie, take good care of her okay?  And if she decides she'd want to travel later, I would love to take care of her."  Holding out her hand one more time to the little Vulpix, just to try and show the little pokemon that she was a friend, Lurele smiles and shuts her eyes.


So much for that idea...  Now what am I going to do?  The Vulpix is probably my favorite, but I guess I should see if the Shroomish or Meditite would be more willing to travel.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Though, Cubchoo wasn't going to just sit there and stare at the moon rock thing spin all day long. It got up, stumbling a bit as it would begin to toddle its way over towards it, occasionally sniffing up that icy snot of his up and watching it hang down again.


"Whoa, whoa, wait up, Cubchoo! I don't know what might happen if--"


That's when Cubchoo reached out and touched the spinning rock, oblivious to what might happen next.

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((I'm completely out of ideas for how to win this fight. If I hadn't just established a move list, I might try to fudge it by making up some crap about how strong Tuathal's bond with Jarvis was and using Return, but I'm a bit late for that. Oh, and not being able to come up with anything is why I didn't post sooner, so I apologize for that.))


Tuathal winced as he watched the punch connect, and as Jarvis stumbled around trying to collect itself. This might just be the end of the line for him, but if it was, he wouldn't go down without a fight. "Jarvis, use comet punch!" He just hoped Jarvis wasn't too dazed fight back effectively.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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"Alright! Litwick, use Night Shade!" Stella commanded the pokemon, who obliged. Without checking to see if the attack had hit, or if it had done any damage to  the pokemon, Stella threw a pokeball at it. 


Mantyke looked into the water to see the Goldeen. It didn't particularly interest him. It's not like Stella needed two water types anyway.



Cascoon's data has been added to the Pokedex. 

Cascoon, the Cocoon Pokemon. It endures attacks with patience, because the more pain before evolution, the sturdier it becomes. It never forgets the face of those who hurt it before it evolves.




OT: Stella.             First Encountered: Route 102.          Gender: Female

Nature: Hardy. A little quick tempered.

Ability: Shed skin. Sheds skin often, shedding status ailments as it does so.

Moveset: Harden, Harden, Harden, Harden. May be taught String Shot with minimal training.

Close to evolution.






Locke looked at Lurele and gave her an exasperated look. "Oh how am I supposed to decide between... Between this!?"  He gestured to the two Pokemon, who both were seemingly interested in him. He looked at the Shuppet though, not being able to take it's eyes off it. Locke bent down to the Zigzagoon, gave it a few pets around its head and stood back up. "Sorry little guy," he said to the Zigzagoon before returning his gaze to the Shuppet. Revvy jumped on the back of the Zigzagoon, attempting to get it to play again. "What do you say little guy?" he asked the small Ghost type. "Wanna go on an adventure with me?"

Shuppet cackled, and swooped down to poke one of Locke's pokeball's with its tongue. It was captured.




Shuppet's data has been added to the Pokedex.

Shuppet, the Puppet Pokémon. It supposedly grows by absorbing human anger and various other attitudes.



First Encountered: Petalburg House of Memories.          OT: Fuji. CT: Locke.          Gender: Female

Nature: Sassy. Thoroughly cunning.

Ability: Insomnia. This Pokemon never sleeps, either through artificial inducement or natural cycles.

Moveset: Will-O-Wisp, Hex, Curse, Pursuit. Can be taught Trick, Shadow Ball, Shadow Sneak with minimal training.

This Pokemon has already been trained by another trainer, and is powerful itself. You may have trouble getting it to listen until you have a few Hoenn badges.




"That's a devillish little rascal," Fuji warned. "She's not very well behaved. Good luck training her."




Lurele's friendly smile never leaves her face, though she is slightly disappointed at the reaction.  "Oh, it's alright.  I don't intend to force her to do anything she wouldn't want to, after all...  She's a real cutie, take good care of her okay?  And if she decides she'd want to travel later, I would love to take care of her."  Holding out her hand one more time to the little Vulpix, just to try and show the little pokemon that she was a friend, Lurele smiles and shuts her eyes.


So much for that idea...  Now what am I going to do?  The Vulpix is probably my favorite, but I guess I should see if the Shroomish or Meditite would be more willing to travel.

Much to Fuji's surprise, Vulpix peeped up out of where it was snuggled, and gazed intently at Lurele. It seemed to have heard something that made it change its mind. Leaping lightly out of Fuji's lap, Vulpix moved to sniff Lurele's hand.


"You're lucky. She doesn't warm up to people lightly," Fuji murmured, watching them. "Maybe she will go with you."


Vulpix chirped in confirmation of Fuji's thought.




Vulpix's data has been added to the Pokedex.

Vulpix, the Fox Pokemon. As each tail grows, its fur becomes more lustrous. When held, it feels slightly warm.



First Encountered: Petalburg House of Memories          OT: Fuji CT: Lurele              Gender: Female

Nature: Quiet. Alert to Sounds.

Ability: Flash Fire. Powers up when surrounded by flames.

Moveset: Ember, Baby-doll eyes, Safeguard, Protect. May be taught Imprision, Confuse Ray, and Flame Burst with minimal effort.

Upon growing stronger, this Pokemon may not listen, as it was not originally yours. Keep it obedient by earning badges.






Though, Cubchoo wasn't going to just sit there and stare at the moon rock thing spin all day long. It got up, stumbling a bit as it would begin to toddle its way over towards it, occasionally sniffing up that icy snot of his up and watching it hang down again.


"Whoa, whoa, wait up, Cubchoo! I don't know what might happen if--"


That's when Cubchoo reached out and touched the spinning rock, oblivious to what might happen next.

Lunatone stopped spinning, and whirled around to almost glare at Cubchoo. Its outline began to glow.




((I'm completely out of ideas for how to win this fight. If I hadn't just established a move list, I might try to fudge it by making up some crap about how strong Tuathal's bond with Jarvis was and using Return, but I'm a bit late for that. Oh, and not being able to come up with anything is why I didn't post sooner, so I apologize for that.))


Tuathal winced as he watched the punch connect, and as Jarvis stumbled around trying to collect itself. This might just be the end of the line for him, but if it was, he wouldn't go down without a fight. "Jarvis, use comet punch!" He just hoped Jarvis wasn't too dazed fight back effectively.

(You can switch your pokemon out, BTW. It's not a one on one. You just have to fight three trainers with one 'mon each. Either way, I'll try and wrap this up for ya.)


Jarvis was rather slower than Ditto, but Ditto wasn't fast enough to dodge Jarvis' punch. Attempting to leap out of the way, Ditto took a heavy blow to the leg and fell. It managed to retain it's Kangaskhan form, but couldn't quite move like it had. Upon command, it began to use Uproar.



Cass seemed to have finished her distant battle quickly. The sounds of her battles had ceased. She must have gone to heal her pokemon before challenging Norman. A machine whirring could be heard in the next room, so it could be assumed she was doing so from in there.

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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"Alright. Welcome to the team, Cascoon." Stella said, retrieving the ball containing her new bug partner. After which, she returned Litwick to her own pokeball. "I better look for Mantyke. He can't be too far away..."


Once Stella had been reunited with her Mantyke and returned him to his pokeball, she headed to Petalburg City.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Miles nodded his head and smiled. "Alright then. Thanks for all the help Wally, I'll be sure to keep in touch." Miles said before heading off for Route 102. When he arrived he looked around for a bit, seeing Pokemon going about their business though there was no sign of Stella. "Hm." Miles though. "Must of just missed her." he shrugged it off however and went on his way through Route 102 to Petalburg City.

Edited by N-Harmonia



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Lurele gasps in surprise when the shy little Vulpix agrees to go with her, smiling widely as she holds out a pokeball to her.  Click, and simple as that, the process was complete!  Taking a couple seconds to shuffle around some of the pokeballs she was carrying, Lurele pulls out a premier ball and a great ball and points them at Luke and MiMi respectively.  


"C'mon you two, I can't have everyone out with me all the time, I'm going to lose track of someone...  Return!"  With a flash of red light the two fighting types went into their balls and she carefully places them in their proper places before bringing Vulpix back out.  Smiling, Lurele carefully picks up the little fire fox and stands up from where she'd been crouched.  "Don't worry little one, we'll have a great time.  Lurele's going to take good care of you, okay?"  


Still holding Vulpix in her arms, Lurele smiles gratefully at the old man.  "Thank you, Mister Fuji!  I promise, we won't let you down...  I'll make sure to come back so Vulpix can visit again once we've both gotten stronger!"  She turns to look at Locke, smiling widely as she hugs her newest pokemon.  "What do you think, Locke?  We should probably get out back on the road soon, there are gyms waiting to be beaten, right?"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Locke let out a good laugh when the Shuppet captured herself for him. He returned Knight to his Pokeball, and then round up Revvy so that the Gengar was once again trailing near Locke's shoulder. Locke then let out the newly caught Shuppet and took a moment to look at her. "Thanks a bunch Mr. Fuji! I'll make sure to stop by every now and then." Locke turned his head towards Lurele and smiled back. "Yea we should probably head out. Good call coming here! But if she's ever gonna listen to me, then we better go find some gyms." Locke looked back at Shuppet and grinned, the small Pokemon returning the grin and sticking out her tongue. ...Hmmm... I think I'll call you Cheshire. 

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At that moment, Cubchoo backed a bit aways from the Lunatone, even more amazed by the fact that it just stopped and looked down onto it. Though, that didn't stop it from beginning to fly up onto it, with cheerful squeaks.


"Whoa, whoa, Cubchoo! Get off of that odd moon rock thing, right now!" He shouted, listening out to the echo go throughout the cave, and beginning to run up to the both of them.

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At that moment, Cubchoo backed a bit aways from the Lunatone, even more amazed by the fact that it just stopped and looked down onto it. Though, that didn't stop it from beginning to fly up onto it, with cheerful squeaks.


"Whoa, whoa, Cubchoo! Get off of that odd moon rock thing, right now!" He shouted, listening out to the echo go throughout the cave, and beginning to run up to the both of them.

Lunatone's whirring and spinning increased as it grew agitated, sending beams of psychokinetic energy blasting at Cubchoo. The ground where Cubchoo had stood seconds before suddenly had a crater in it.


Cubchoo made it back to its trainer safely, but the Lunatone still looked pretty pissed at having its Moonlight Ritual thingy interrupted.


It seemed Cubchoo had picked up a small rock from under Lunatone. The stone gleamed just like the moon did, set against the night sky, and seemed to radiate a mysterious power.



Anton found a Moon Stone! The Moon Stone was put in the Items Pocket.





Locke let out a good laugh when the Shuppet captured herself for him. He returned Knight to his Pokeball, and then round up Revvy so that the Gengar was once again trailing near Locke's shoulder. Locke then let out the newly caught Shuppet and took a moment to look at her. "Thanks a bunch Mr. Fuji! I'll make sure to stop by every now and then." Locke turned his head towards Lurele and smiled back. "Yea we should probably head out. Good call coming here! But if she's ever gonna listen to me, then we better go find some gyms." Locke looked back at Shuppet and grinned, the small Pokemon returning the grin and sticking out her tongue. ...Hmmm... I think I'll call you Cheshire.

"Goodbye, Locke. Hopefully we'll meet again someday," Fuji said. 


You now have Mr. Fuji's number registered in your Pokenav!




Lurele gasps in surprise when the shy little Vulpix agrees to go with her, smiling widely as she holds out a pokeball to her.  Click, and simple as that, the process was complete!  Taking a couple seconds to shuffle around some of the pokeballs she was carrying, Lurele pulls out a premier ball and a great ball and points them at Luke and MiMi respectively.  


"C'mon you two, I can't have everyone out with me all the time, I'm going to lose track of someone...  Return!"  With a flash of red light the two fighting types went into their balls and she carefully places them in their proper places before bringing Vulpix back out.  Smiling, Lurele carefully picks up the little fire fox and stands up from where she'd been crouched.  "Don't worry little one, we'll have a great time.  Lurele's going to take good care of you, okay?"  


Still holding Vulpix in her arms, Lurele smiles gratefully at the old man.  "Thank you, Mister Fuji!  I promise, we won't let you down...  I'll make sure to come back so Vulpix can visit again once we've both gotten stronger!"  She turns to look at Locke, smiling widely as she hugs her newest pokemon.  "What do you think, Locke?  We should probably get out back on the road soon, there are gyms waiting to be beaten, right?"

You now have Mr. Fuji's number registered in your PokeNav!


Examining a map on the wall of Mr. Fuji's room, you see that you can go north through Petalburg Woods to challenge the Rustboro Gym, or south across the sea to challenge Dewford Gym.



Miles nodded his head and smiled. "Alright then. Thanks for all the help Wally, I'll be sure to keep in touch." Miles said before heading off for Route 102. When he arrived he looked around for a bit, seeing Pokemon going about their business though there was no sign of Stella. "Hm." Miles though. "Must of just missed her." he shrugged it off however and went on his way through Route 102 to Petalburg City.

The route lead almost straight to the water's edge. Indeed, Petalburg was now a lake. Not the entire city had been sunk, and one building stood on the north edge of the lake, which provided a way around the lake to Route 104. Grimer flourished on the lake edge, and Tentacool could be seen out in the water. A Burmy hung from a tree, as did a few Wurmple. One tree was buzzing menacingly, and another was wiggling. There was an odd shrub near the entrance to the apparently abandoned building.




"Alright. Welcome to the team, Cascoon." Stella said, retrieving the ball containing her new bug partner. After which, she returned Litwick to her own pokeball. "I better look for Mantyke. He can't be too far away..."


Once Stella had been reunited with her Mantyke and returned him to his pokeball, she headed to Petalburg City.

Seedot could be seen dangling from trees. A Surskit was flitting about on large puddle, and a Zigzagoon pawed curiously at the edge of a pond, where the water could be seen rippling. There were a few Taillow gathered around another tree. The ground around a tree near the top of a cliff showed signs of a scuffle, as if a trainer had battled a wild pokemon there.

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Tuathal watched the fight unfold. Could it be that even though Ditto had the edge in speed, Jarvis had the edge in power? Maybe he still had a shot at this. "Jarvis, use uproar! We'll see who's stronger." Hopefully, if he was right, Jarvis' uproar would more than cancel out that of his opponent.

Real men don't need signatures...


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"Alright. Petalburg City. Well, not much of a point in staying here for too long. I think moving on would be the wisest choice." Stella thought aloud. There wasn't much in Petalburg City, other than the gym, and bare necessities. Stella stopped at the Pokemon Centre to heal up her newly caught Cascoon, before heading to Route 104.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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After examining the map for a moment, Lurele turns to exit the building while still carrying Vulpix in her arms.  "Alright, I'm thinking go up to Rustboro first.  What do you think, Locke?  I mean, if you want to go to Dewford you could, I'm going to Rustboro either way."  It would seem Lurele meant what she said too - she was already walking towards Petalburg Woods as she was speaking!  


"Ya know, we should exchange numbers...  That way if we do split off later, we can stay in touch!"  I wonder if Petalburg Woods are going to be confusing to navigate?  Maybe I should bring Luke back out, just in case...  He's better with directions than I am.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Locke gave one last wave to Mr. Fuji before heading towards Petalburg Woods with Lurele. "Nah I might as well go. I'm pretty sure Revvy could take those Rock types easy huh bud?" The floating Pokemon gave a huge smile and announced it's agreement. Cheshire was still following close behind, seemingly not interested in doing anything tricky. Rustboro was one of the only gyms Locke knew the type of. The others being Petalburg and Dewford. With Revvy's powerful Focus Blast, Locke was hoping to try and sweep the team as fast as he could. He knew that the Leader would adjust her Pokemon to his skill level, and that scared Locke a bit. If Revvy got taken out, he wasn't sure how Jewel would do against Rock types, since a lot of Rock types know Fround type moves. If Jewel got taken out, Knight wouldn't last long, and Cheshire probably wouldn't end up listening to him. Gah why does she have to be a Hoenn native!? I have 15 badges for Arceus' sake! I'm sure I'll get to her eventually, just gotta really prove it to her.  

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"Cubchoo, get off of that giant spinning moon rock thing right this instant before it hurts you!" Anton yelled out, and that's whne Cubchoo listened. Well, it began to listen once odd psychic beams out at it, making it scurry back. Though, getting right into a crater, and somehow avoiding each of the blast, it managed to grab some odd stone, giving it to Anton and squeaking out.


"What did you pick up? Odd... What do you know, a Moon Stone! What a nice little present from you, Cubchoo. Though, I think it would be safe if you would just stay by my side and not wander and jump onto giant spinning moon rock Pokemon things, hmm?" He replied, as he stuffed the stone into his bag and made his way out of the cave, going back to the route. 


"Cubchoo! Get into my bag, little one! Let's explore that town nearby!" Anton commanded as Cubchoo went right into its Pokeball, with Anton throwing it in his bag and going straight down to the town nearby.

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Tuathal watched the fight unfold. Could it be that even though Ditto had the edge in speed, Jarvis had the edge in power? Maybe he still had a shot at this. "Jarvis, use uproar! We'll see who's stronger." Hopefully, if he was right, Jarvis' uproar would more than cancel out that of his opponent.

THe blue sound waves began to push each other back and forth, as if Ditto and Jarvis were having a wonky sort of a tug-of-war. On the whole, it seemed Jarvis was winning, as Ditto's sound waves began to be pushed back. With a renewed effort, Ditto bellowed, and its sounds began to push back at Jarvis, who was starting to tire slightly. There was a resounding boom, and the waves collapsed and exploded, leaving both Jarvis and Ditto unconscious. 


Ditto's trainer simply looked stunned. Regaining composure, he withdrew Ditto and stepped aside. "Withdraw your Kangaskhan, there's a Nurse on staff in the next room. She'll patch 'em up into peak condition for you to battle Norman. Congratulations, you've earned the right."


In the next room, Cass standing at a counter, talking to a Nurse Joy, who was spraying something on Skitty's tail, where there appeared to be bite marks.

Her Meowstic sat on the counter, looking cheerful and healthy. It must have just been attended to. Only Flabebe looked like it hadn't taken any harm whatsoever.





"Alright. Petalburg City. Well, not much of a point in staying here for too long. I think moving on would be the wisest choice." Stella thought aloud. There wasn't much in Petalburg City, other than the gym, and bare necessities. Stella stopped at the Pokemon Centre to heal up her newly caught Cascoon, before heading to Route 104.

((Um... I never said anything about a Pokemon Center. It was swallowed as well. Only the Gym remains. Fuji - who resides in the Gym now - can heal your pokemon if you ask nicely, but of course, you don't know he exists yet.))


Two trainers emerged from the abandoned Gym building, not noticing Stella as they walked west. One held a Vulpix, and the other was shrouded in a veil of ghost-type Pokemon.




After examining the map for a moment, Lurele turns to exit the building while still carrying Vulpix in her arms.  "Alright, I'm thinking go up to Rustboro first.  What do you think, Locke?  I mean, if you want to go to Dewford you could, I'm going to Rustboro either way."  It would seem Lurele meant what she said too - she was already walking towards Petalburg Woods as she was speaking!  


"Ya know, we should exchange numbers...  That way if we do split off later, we can stay in touch!"  I wonder if Petalburg Woods are going to be confusing to navigate?  Maybe I should bring Luke back out, just in case...  He's better with directions than I am.

Lurele totally didn't notice the flowery-looking trainer entering the Petalburg area from the east.




Locke gave one last wave to Mr. Fuji before heading towards Petalburg Woods with Lurele. "Nah I might as well go. I'm pretty sure Revvy could take those Rock types easy huh bud?" The floating Pokemon gave a huge smile and announced it's agreement. Cheshire was still following close behind, seemingly not interested in doing anything tricky. Rustboro was one of the only gyms Locke knew the type of. The others being Petalburg and Dewford. With Revvy's powerful Focus Blast, Locke was hoping to try and sweep the team as fast as he could. He knew that the Leader would adjust her Pokemon to his skill level, and that scared Locke a bit. If Revvy got taken out, he wasn't sure how Jewel would do against Rock types, since a lot of Rock types know Fround type moves. If Jewel got taken out, Knight wouldn't last long, and Cheshire probably wouldn't end up listening to him. Gah why does she have to be a Hoenn native!? I have 15 badges for Arceus' sake! I'm sure I'll get to her eventually, just gotta really prove it to her.  

Neither did Locke, apparently. 


They stepped onto Route 104. Looking behind them, they could still see Petalburg Lake (and the trainer that was there, if they looked at all), and where it connected to the ocean could be seen some way down the coast. Lake really was the wrong name for the place. 

A man stood fishing at the end of a pier. The house at the base of the pier was dark. No one was home. Krabby and Corphish could be seen scuttling around in the sand on the beach. A Zigzagoon napped at the base of a tree, under a Burmy. A Slakoth could be seen hanging from a tree. A second tree was shaking slightly, and a Combee with a strange crest on its head was smelling some flowers at the top of a short hill. Something glimmered in the water.




"Cubchoo, get off of that giant spinning moon rock thing right this instant before it hurts you!" Anton yelled out, and that's whne Cubchoo listened. Well, it began to listen once odd psychic beams out at it, making it scurry back. Though, getting right into a crater, and somehow avoiding each of the blast, it managed to grab some odd stone, giving it to Anton and squeaking out.


"What did you pick up? Odd... What do you know, a Moon Stone! What a nice little present from you, Cubchoo. Though, I think it would be safe if you would just stay by my side and not wander and jump onto giant spinning moon rock Pokemon things, hmm?" He replied, as he stuffed the stone into his bag and made his way out of the cave, going back to the route. 


"Cubchoo! Get into my bag, little one! Let's explore that town nearby!" Anton commanded as Cubchoo went right into its Pokeball, with Anton throwing it in his bag and going straight down to the town nearby.

Anton made it safely away from the angry Lunatone, who turned back to continue adoring the sliver of moon that could be seen in the noon sky. 


Rustboro City had seen better days. The stone buildings seemed worn and tired. The few people who were in the streets seemed in a hurry to get from Point A to Point B. The only ones who weren't in a rush were wearing sweltering red hoodies. These goons flanked the doors to the Gym, the Pokemart, the Pokemon Center, and the Devon Corporation. These ones looked weaker, though, than those that guarded Verdale Cave. 


A tall wall had been constructed along the west side of the city, blocking the Ocean from view. There was a strictly guarded checkpoint at the north gate as well, but Anton was allowed through without hassle. Maybe he looked weak, or they could tell he was not an Aqua sympathiser. Anyway, the only gate that looked unguarded led east into the interior of the continent.


There was a house with a sign that said "Cutter's Ho". The rest of the sign had been, funnily enough, cut off.

Edited by Bard

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((Agh. Sorry. Just ignore that bit... And most of my last post. I'm bad at this.))


"Well, I suppose we can get on going then. The next place should have somewhere to heal. Though I feel kinda bad for Cascoon." Stella said. She them noticed two trainers. Well, they were probably trainers, as they had pokemon with them. She might as well ask if there was a place she could heal up.


@, @@Ampharos,


"Hi, there! Sorry for being do abrupt, but do you think there's a place I can heal my adorable little pokemon?"

Edited by Firebolt
  • Brohoof 1



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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