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open Beautiful Morning with you(open and looking)

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Gentle Secret closed the large tome and settled it in her backpack. Then Gentle Secret simply pointed at the large tree, "If I remember correctly. That tree should be the library and where Princess Celestia's protege lives. So let's go." Then Gentle Secret started heading to the tree library thing, with Architectural Dream following.

Edited by Demirari


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"I can try my best but no promises I'm not sure I'll get to meet them myself, my names Rye by the way, and your is?"

Rye wasn't sure if he'd talk to the Princesses and if so what would he say, until AJ brought it up he didn't even know that was tonight, he was just planing to go to another party like he always did.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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"Sheesh, sorry...didnt mean to offend."  Dakota said.
Dakota rolled his eyes at the mare and shook his head. Dakota moves up with the line and raises an eyebrow when he hears the ladies remarks.
"That's cool...I might order one of everything." Dakota says, with a hint of enthusiasm in his voice.

"Peg-asus?" Somber repeats.
He looks at the stallion once more and steps closer to him. Somber begins to eye the stallions ears and eyes.
"Sweet Chirp...I am called Somber Eventide." Somber steps back and bows to Sweet Chirp

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Snow chuckled. "That's allot...sure you can handle that, Bright eyes?" She asked, looking back at him and smirking, obviously trying to tease him. She then walked up to the counter and made her order, looking back at him. "So, does this eater of many things have a name?" She asked as Genevieve looked out the small window where she sat, looking rather bored.




Chirp watched the colts proper movements and simply nodded in response, shuffling his hooves beneath the water and getting one stuck in the mud...before falling over for the second time with a splash, blushing furiously and quickly moving to get up again.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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"I can try my best but no promises I'm not sure I'll get to meet them myself, my names Rye by the way, and your is?"

Rye wasn't sure if he'd talk to the Princesses and if so what would he say, until AJ brought it up he didn't even know that was tonight, he was just planing to go to another party like he always did.

"Thanks. It's Atlas. Nice to meet you Rye. So I'm going to assume you live here. I own a house in the middle of town but I have only used it a few times when I'm not out getting some information or swiping some artifact from a long forgotten ruin. And if you do live here where can you get some thing to eat. I havn't eaten real food in days now"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Dakota smirks at the lady and pats his belly.
"I can put a lot away." He pauses as the woman looks at him.
"Oh....uh...my name is Dakota Helheim, and if you will allow me to, I will pay for your food." Dakota says, a little nervous.

Somber tilts his head at the strange stallion's movements. He walks to the lip of the pond and scratches his chin.
"Do Peg-asuses always fall in water, or are they prone to falling? Also, your face turned a funny color....red almost. Is your face bleeding?" 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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The stallion sighs as he walks down the street, crossing his hands behind his head.  He was lost.  He wouldn't admit it, but he was lost.  Would it kill them to have a map somewhere around here?  I don't know what any of these buildings are supposed to be.  There was a pink building ahead of him, and based on the smells coming from around it he assumed it was a bakery of some kind.  He wasn't exactly hungry, but contemplated going inside just to try and figure out where in Ponyville he was.  For such a small town, this is embarrassing.  I could walk through Canterlot with my eyes closed and know exactly where I was at...





Having managed to place the necessary order, Fluttershy was standing in the marketplace again.  She turned towards the direction of her cabin, hoping to make it back home without any further incidents.  She seemed just a little more nervous than usual as she walked, talking to Angel who was again resting in her arms.


"Oh, tonight is supposed to be that party, isn't it..?  I don't think I should go...  I mean, there will be so many people...  But I don't want my friends to worry about where I am if I don't show up...  M-maybe I should go and tell them I can't make it, just so they won't be expecting me."  When the bunny rolled his eyes and gestured down the path, Fluttershy recoils slightly and nods.  "Oh, of course, I meant after I take you home Angel...  I know, you want to go back to sleep..."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"So this spell requires at least three unicorns, right?" Architectural Dream asked to Gentle Secret as they got near a pink shop, heading to the tree library. He was wondering what type of unicorn they needed. Maybe an unicorn that must be at least the level of Gentle Secret, which might be why she was thinking of asking Princess Celestia's protege.


"Yep! Though it says that the unicorn must be above the average, that is recommended," Gentle Secret responded, glancing at the Sugercube Corner and noticing a guard walking. Then an idea sparked in her mind, maybe instead of asking Princess Celestia's protege for help, why not a unicorn royal guard? Then she spoke to Architectural Dream in a questioning tone, "Say, you think a royal guard might know about magic?"


"Yea probably why?" Architectural Dream responded, noticing the guard too.


"Great!" Gentle Secret responded before approaching the royal guard, then she spoke, "Excuse me sir. You are a royal guard right? If you are, can you help us on a project sir?"


(This is based on the assumption that Stahl is still in his armor. Correct me if I'm wrong.) 


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(Yep, he is!)






Stahl hesitates when a mare approaches him, a coy smile playing across his face.  As Gentle Secret asks her questions the stallion responds with a bow, acting quite formal as he stands back upright with his hands resting on the hilts of his sabers.  "That I am, my fair lady, though you may call me Stahl if you wish.  Help on a project, you say?  Well, what kind of stallion would I be to deny a beautiful mare such as yourself?"  


He pauses as he notices Architectural Dream also nearby.  Quickly analyzing the situation Stahl comes to the conclusion that the two of them were likely together and he flashes the other stallion a smile as well.  Stahl was well aware that his indiscriminate flirting could get him into trouble - it wouldn't be the first time, and it likely wouldn't be the last time.  "Oh, err, and greetings to you as well sir...  Heh..."  Stahl reaches up to rub at the back of his neck as he grins at the pair of them.  "Uh...  What sort of project did you think that I could help with?"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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"Charming sir," Gentle Secret responded smiling, a small tint of red, but unnoticeable to the untrained eyes. She continued, deciding not to respond in a formal way, she still have nightmares of those hours long boring parties in Canterlot, "I am Gentle Secret an explorer, and this is my friend Architectural Dream. We are planning to create a portal that allows a pony to travel anywhere in the world, however, the spell states that it requires at least three unicorns, and they should be at least above the average unicorn. And we're hoping that since you are a royal guard, an unicorn at that, that you may help us." 


Architectural Dream just simply rolled his eyes. Did this stallion think that the two were together? Nah. Well hopefully one day, a small wish that Architectural Dream wanted. Then he just gave a small wave. Then his right hand pointed at Gentle Secret then himself, then he shook his head, hoping that his gestures will be, We are not together. And not something that would be translated to, We are together and if you tried that again, I will make sure that you'll be an orange readied to be peeled and eaten. Something he learnt while traveling with Gentle Secret. Apparently in some cultures, some of the hand gestures that would be polite would suddenly be, I'm going to kill you with a rusty knife. 

Edited by Demirari


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Stahl's smile becomes a little smaller as she explains the nature of the request, the stallion scratching at the back of his head nervously.  It WOULD be the magic they needed...  Just my luck...  


"Oh, err, I would help in a heart beat...  But I don't know if I'm up to the task of such a complicated spell, hehe...  Don't get me wrong, I'm confident in my magic, but in my line of work we're required to spend more time in the barracks than we are in the libraries.  Most of my spells are focused on helping me to uphold the peace in some way, I've never attempted anything as complicated as a teleport or a portal..."


Wonderful way to start off your trip, Stahl.  The first mare to approach you and you're being absolutely no help at all!  "Er, if you would like, I would be more than happy to help you find a unicorn more suited for your task...  I mean, it is the least I could do."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

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Gentle Secret's smile changed to a frown as she thought. Then she spoke after thinking about the spell, "Can you channel magic? The portal spell doesn't require you to know a high amount of teleportation or portal magic. Just let me do most of the work, such as drawing the magic circle with the runes and such, and all you need to do is channel magic into the portal, along with my friend and me." She was fairly certain about doing the rune circle by herself, she hadn't gotten this far into the magic field without doing the rune circles at least more then ten times.


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After checking up and down the street to make sure she wouldn't be surprised again, Twilight slunk away from the library, claimed her prize and returned with a triumphant look on her face.


"Finally..." She sighed in satisfaction as she sunk down in front of the window, sipping the dark drink.


'What was it that was so important today again? Huh... I'm sure it'll come back to me if its important...




Coffee aside, the violet mare jumped into the shower: spending far too long fawning over her appearance before returning to the front doors and finally opening them. Sure, it was... thirteen minutes late, but she had opened them earlier for the colt in the street - all in all, not too bad!








Finishing a few of the accents of the suit, Rarity stood back and examined it. It was good but it was missing something...




A splash of colour on the otherwise dark material in the form of a flower in the breast pocket gave it that special something. "Marvellous! Simply dashing! Okay then dear, Rarity has worked her magic - will you try it on? I'm sure you will look simply divine!"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Rye gently took the suit from Rarity's hands and went into a nearby dressing room and tried it on. He looked into the mirror and stared for a while till he finally walked out and said "This is amazing, stunning actually, I don't know how I could ever repay you, *pulls out money* well I could pay you that might work" Rye said as he pushed his hand out waiting for Rarity to except it,

Edited by Burning Endurance


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Ricky and Michael sat as the train enter and stopped in the town of ponyville. They both stepped off the train. Ricky looked impressed, but Michael looks disheartened.


"Wow all of these hills! And look at the forest! I best we could find some amazing creatures in there" Ricky said with excitement.


Michael sighed, "the towns so small, how are we supposed to expand the business here?"



Andrea sighed as she stepped off the storage car of the train. She looked at the town and smiled "about 1000 miles between me and trouble." She smiled and began walking towards the town


SIgnature by Reverie


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Stahl chuckles quietly.  "Of course I can channel magic!  If that's all that's needed, I suppose I could give it a shot.  What level of energy are we talking here?  Magic isn't my specialty, but I do use it on pretty much a daily basis."  The stallion lets his expression shift back to his usual charming smile, reaching up with one hand to brush his bangs out of his eye.  They fall right back down into his line of sight, but it was a habit of his to do so every now and then...  And getting his mane cut wasn't an option - he was far too proud of it!











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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OG Train Wreck puts on his mask and looks at the passengers getting off the train. Train Wrecks homies told him of a train that was coming into the station, filled with would be rich folk. Train Wreck saw this as an opportunity to get some quick coins. He looks over and spots a well dressed lady and smirks. Train Wreck runs up on her and pulls out his knife.
"K lady. this is a robbery. Give me all your money and goods and i won't have to make you a statistic, you feel me?!"

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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(I'm gonna guess Andrea isn't the one getting mugged, since she just walked out of a storage cart)


Andrea looks over at the scene unfolding, "good time to get some bits" she said to herself. She causally walked over an quickly grabbed the saddlebags the lady had.


The lady looked frightened "oh dear! Let me get my" she turned around to grab her bag to find nothing.


As she was turned Andrea walked behind the stallion holding the rich pony up and whispered in his ear "put the knife away and follow me, I got the bag" she said as she began to trot off


SIgnature by Reverie


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"Just enough magic. From my calculations, around four small shield spells or one medium shield spell," Gentle Secret replied smiling.. She did do the calculations before. Three channeling of magic by three unicorns. While the book never stated the total amount, which was strange, it did state that it required three above the average unicorns.

"The amount of magic required would be enough from you sir, you should have enough," Architectural Dream added in lazily. Unless the guard was a total failure in magic. Which would be very contradicting from what an unicorn royal guard should be able to do.


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(I'm gonna guess Andrea isn't the one getting mugged, since she just walked out of a storage cart)


Andrea looks over at the scene unfolding, "good time to get some bits" she said to herself. She causally walked over an quickly grabbed the saddlebags the lady had.


The lady looked frightened "oh dear! Let me get my" she turned around to grab her bag to find nothing.


As she was turned Andrea walked behind the stallion holding the rich pony up and whispered in his ear "put the knife away and follow me, I got the bag" she said as she began to trot off

(it was,  but this works better)


OG Train Wreck pauses as a well dressed woman whispers into his ear. Against his better judgement, Train Wreck holsters his knife and throws up a gang sign.

"You didnt see anything, you feel me?!" He yells

Train Wreck walks away and marches behind the lady who had whispered into his ear.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Snow chuckled and pointed over at Genevieve who was still looking out the window. "See that mare over there? She's the princess of prance. She may have left the kingdom cause apparently her mother and father told her to stop being so snobbish...but she's still a princess and has, Allot of money, it'd be a waist for you to spend any." She said, patting his shoulder as she collected her and Genevieve's food.



Chirp stared at the batpony, taking a step away before taking a deep breath. "Its a blush..." He mumbled, looking down at his hooves in the water, rubbing his hands behind his back.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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"Oh really? That is quite fascinating." Dakota says.
Dakota submits his order to the worker. The worker raises her eyebrows in disbelief , but still takes Dakota's orders. 


"alright, it will be a bit of a wait." The worker says.

Dakota nods and looks over to the Zebra woman.
"Excuse me, i never got your name." He says, running up to her.

"Blush? Is that what you call a face wound?" Somber asks.
Somber looks into the water and stares at the ripples Chirp causes. Sober gets into the water and crawls next to Chirp.
"Tell me, where do you live? Are there others like you there?"

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Andrea smiled as she reached a safe spot behind a building "food for thought? Snatching a bag works better than holding someone up, less of a scene" she giggles as she opens the bag and finds the bit purse, she divides the money equally and says "here, 50/50" she puts the bits away in her own bag and looks around through the other ladies bag. "So what's your name?" She says as she digs


SIgnature by Reverie


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Andrea smiled as she reached a safe spot behind a building "food for thought? Snatching a bag works better than holding someone up, less of a scene" she giggles as she opens the bag and finds the bit purse, she divides the money equally and says "here, 50/50" she puts the bits away in her own bag and looks around through the other ladies bag. "So what's your name?" She says as she digs

OG Train Wreck follows the woman to a secluded spot behind a building. He lifts up his mask as he pockets the bits, given to him by the woman.

"I'm known as OG Train Wreck, i run these streets around here." Train Wreck pauses to look over at the woman.

"Sure, i can grab a bite to eat."

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Andre smiles "train wreck.. I like it. I'm" she stops herself for just a moment (I don't know this guy yet, so keep the low profile name) she thinks to herself "I'm citrus twist" she sees a few apples and smiles "here" she says as she throws train wreck one. "I knew I smelt apples in one of the bags."

Edited by ~/XC- BRONY\~


SIgnature by Reverie


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