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"Oh, so I have to declare my kisses every time?"

Blaze flew up in the air, close to Lightwing.


"I hereby announce that I will kiss Lightwing, this beautiful mare!" He shouted in the club so every pony could hear, looking Light in the eyes.

He held her hoof for stability as he leaned in.



Edited by Blaze Bronson



(Drawing by Digiral)

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@@Blaze Bronson


"You...called me...beautiful?"

She suddenly lost control of her wings,which caused her to fall

"Sorry...is that...what you said..reached my heart.

But i'm sorry too if i dissapointed you...Being that brave mare when you met me,and now i can't barely stand a compliment...hehe...

But i'll remember one thing forever...and is..."

As she said this,she flew again to his side,and she said something

"Live the moment"

And then she kissed him...without being scared or regreting nothing

You're handsome,you know?"

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"I know i'm handsome" he said jokingly as he struck a pose.

"Well, it seems I'm not the only one who lives the moment. I do find you a lot cuter when you are sober though. I didn't think you were soooo shyyy....." he said in a teasing tone, and smiled.

He slowly descended down towards the bar again while looking at her.



(Drawing by Digiral)

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@@Blaze Bronson

With a smile on her face,she said:

"Now i wanna do something interesting with you"

Winking,she said

"Let's dance,and now. without alcohol on the middle"

"Do you wanna,Lover boy?Do you want to see how i really dance,when i'm not affected with drunkness?"


"Answer,lover boy,i'm waiting for"

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"haha, sure. But how you REALLY dance? if it wasn't wild enough last time I I don't know if i'l come alive from it this time!" he said laughing.

He got up from the bar, threw a hoof around her neck, and lead them to the dance floor. He fist hoofed to the music.

At the dance floor he lifted his hand and followed the beat with clapping his hooves.

"Now, this is a tune I dig!"


Edited by Blaze Bronson
  • Brohoof 1



(Drawing by Digiral)

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@@Blaze Bronson

"If you're ready...Let the party!!!Startin!!!"

They both suddenly are at the middle of the dance floor,dancing ayñt the rythym of the song

"And now,to show you some dance steps"

She suddenly started to play with her hooved,but at a spedd superior the pony sight,to end with a double jump backwards.


"Your turn,dear"

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"Oh yeah, the party is on! Impressive speed you got there"

Pointing at her hooves, impressed.

"Now take a look at this!"

He stood up and fell on his stomach, looking like a wave, he did the boneless chicken.

"You know it!"

Then he flapped his wings, and did the move in the air, looking like a flag blowing in the wind.

"I call it the Windy Mane" as he sailed down, pirouetting and ended up in a "ta-da!" pose.



(Drawing by Digiral)

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@@Blaze Bronson

"Windy mane?A good name...but let's see if you can surpass...this"

She suddenly flight to the top of the dance floor,and she started to move at great speeds,leaving a trail of shining dust.

And when the people couldn't be more surprised,she opened her wings firmly,leaving an explosion of that shining dust

"I call it Diamond Dust.I love snow,and i always have a bit on my wings from my travels,and,if i want,i can do..this!"

Suddenly,all the dance floor was coveed with snow and shining dust.That must be the snowflakes.

"My wings doesn't get very warm,so that's why i can do this.

Ans watching the people's reaction,i thin there's a winner *winks*"

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Blaze was impressed, looking around the club covered in glittering white snow.

"haha, amazing. It's suddenly winter in here!" 

He grabbed a hoof full of snow, letting is slide out of his hoof.

"Well, we gotta clean this up"

He grabbed a broom and sang "Winter wrap-up, winter wrap-up!"

He was visibly joking.


"But first...."

He grabbed some more snow, forming it as a ball. Wearing a deep and frightening grin.


"SNOWBALL FIGHT!!" He threw the ball towards Light

Edited by Blaze Bronson



(Drawing by Digiral)

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@@Blaze Bronson

"Oh...you wanna fight,huh?"

She pick ups snow with her wings,and she puts on a charge position

"Avoid this!!!"

She threw snow to him,throwing him to the floor due for the force of the thrown snow,and then,she sat on the floor,even knowing there was snow.

"Not many ponies understand why i love snow so much,but i believe that the snow has some...kind of magic.

What do you think of the snow?

And i'm asking this to everypony"

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Blaze's head popped up from the show, he had been completely buried by it.

"Whoah, that's quite the snow force you got there. You got a special relation with snow or something? Snow magic?" he laughed.

He jumped out of the snow, shacking the rest off. He realized how different the club had become with the snow.



(Drawing by Digiral)

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@@Blaze Bronson

"You laugh at the idea of the snow being magic?

Theb explain all this..."

She was right.Part of the club was normal,but the othet was covered in snow.

I travelled so much around the world,that i developed,just like Beeps said one time,a crush on the snow. But that doesn't quit my sight from you,lover boy"

Then she kisses him at the cheek again,making him going red like a tomato

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Oblivious to the peppering of snow, Howard drank another glass full. 'bottle one down' he thought as he reached for another.

*Ka-klink* The empty bottle is discarded on the floor. The glass and ice crystals crunched. "Wha? The..." he says as he tilts next bottle to read the label. "This isn't brumby!". He begins to stifle through the cabinet, pushing half the drinkware onto the floor. Numb from the cold? Or the drink?

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Blaze's head popped up from the show, he had been completely buried by it.

"Whoah, that's quite the snow force you got there. You got a special relation with snow or something? Snow magic?" he laughed.

He jumped out of the snow, shacking the rest off. He realized how different the club had become with the snow.

"Yeah...i noticed it...hehe.Well,i should clean all this..."

*winter wrap up,winter wrap up!!!!*

After 30 min,everything was more or less clean...

"Well!Now that's better,but..."

Throws you a snowball

"That's for throwing me a snowball"

And then she kisss you

"And that's for the best night ever,Blaze Bronson"




Is there something wrong...eh...

What's your name,little one?

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"Little?" He slurs, "Who you 'callin little?!" he calls out and pauses. "Ah, i'm sorry..." Noticing the light coated pegasus "My name is Howard". The doctor grasped another bottle and began pouring the strong fluid into his empty cup. The alcohol made her sapphire hair sparkle and quiver miraculously. "Do you want a drink?" He says in a reserved tone, letting his goggles flash in Blaze's direction.

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"Oh sorry about that...i call little one to everyone,but you are...big...

Howard,huh?...my name is Lightwing

And i'll be happy for accepting your drink..."

She drinks a bit,and she said something

"Your mane is curious *giggles*,and well,on what do you work?"

She sees that he's looking at Blaze

"Something wrong?"

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"My job?" He says "I'm a doctor and mechanic, And there is nothing wrong, sugar." before downing another half cup of the randomly selected drink. "Lightwing? That's a cute name." He hits again, focusing on the mares movement, positioning and body language.


-Interested. Confused. Enlightened. Open.-


"So what brought you here?" He adds, after analytically scanning her.

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"Nothing special.Simply i was tired to travel around the world,and then i heard about this club,and you found me here"

She drinks more of a random drink,before saying something more.

"And if passed on your head that i'm insecure,think 2 times what do you say.


And my work?Well...look at this..."

She suddenly showed an old paper,who was a map,but not a normal map

"This is a world map.My dream is to show to everypony how big the world can be,outside of equestria"

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"I, I suppose that would be better..." Comet goes slightly red around his cheeks as he remembers what he started to say before he interrupted himself. "A-a-about w-what I said inside... I, see, the thing is... I don't quite know how to put this, so I'm just going to say it... Ok... Here I go... What I said was true. I may have... Grown attatched to you in the little time I have known you. Maybe a lot more than a little... I know this may sound stupid but, it's true... I think I should go..." Comet goes inside and pays for the drinks he had and begins to walk out.

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"Wow, That's amazing! You wrote that? Outside Equestria? Not many ponies dare stray far."

I bet she's done this at least a million times before.

"I mean, I totally would but... work is busy."

I hate the sneaky ones. You cant quite get to them with their damn facade fortresses.

"So have you mapped anywhere exiting?" he probes.

​Thank celestia these goggles hide my eyes. 

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@@Comet Starflash,


Nuclear blinked, processing what Comet had said before he went back inside. 'He....likes me? Really likes me...?' She glanced at the ground, her own cheeks turning red. She hadn't had anypony say that to her before. Her cutie mark usually made most ponies wary of her.


She smiled a little bit, entertaining the thought of a possible romance. 'Maybe....but I dunno how to act in one....'


Nuclear looked up, hearing Comet's hoofsteps as he came back outside.

"Hey, Comet. Wait." She grabbed his shoulder with her hoof, turning him to face her. Her face was still red. 


"Was that really true what you said?"

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"I always believed that this world is much much bigger that anyone knows,but exploring is hard,because,per example,the Frozen North is uncrossable due for the extreme temperatures.

The gryphons were more nicier that i thought, but the dragons...let's kot talk about it

And at the west,the sea is too long to cross it flying,and no pony dares to sail those mysterious seas.

But more to the south,you can cross the Macintosh Hills with some dexterity,and there,you can see a new world.

Do you know San Palomino Desert?It makes frontier with the ourside world,but what i saw was more than incredible...

An exhuberant jungle!!!Yes you heard me!!!Crashing with those dead lands,there's a jungle,but the trouble is that,the deeper you go,the worst is the situation,which can be described with 1 word:

Amarezones...mare warriors which hunt strangers,and sacrifices stallions...

But i'm not bore you with my old tales...let's drink!!!"

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Comet was surprised by the sudden question. "Why would I lie about that? And why are you surprised? I would have assumed that ypu would be used to ponies falling for you..." By this point Comet's face was a bright red. He had started to miss his imaginary self, he needed to shout, scream, just talk to someone until he felt better. He felt like an idiot for even mentioning it.

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"Yes, yes." Howard agrees with a swig of the cup. (Drink, rest... pour, drink, rest... pour... drink......wipe...pour).

He had kept his own promise: 'Get shitfaced.'

Taking deep breaths, he wobbles, His third -and empty- bottle stares back. He turns his head to the pony next to him. Probably still her. heh. That's funny. I thought she would of left by now. Please don't. He mentally begs. I knew this night would turn A'right round. "I lost all my money girl... *Gur-hum* So I guess its on the house!" His vision faded in and out. Nope. Still awake! His legs tip and swagger. Soon he would pass out. He didnt want that to happen. Dat gal aint gettin away!

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Comet was surprised by the sudden question. "Why would I lie about that? And why are you surprised? I would have assumed that you would be used to ponies falling for you..." By this point Comet's face was a bright red. He had started to miss his imaginary self, he needed to shout, scream, just talk to someone until he felt better. He felt like an idiot for even mentioning it.


Nuclear just smiled as she shook her head. "You see. My cutie mark is unfamiliar to most ponies and to those at have a vague understanding of what it means it kinda scares them. So....romance has kind of been out of the question for a long while." she answered, "But hearing what you said makes me feel like maybe there is a chance for me to find that special somepony." She smiled at Comet. "Even if the special somepony isn't really a pony."

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