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private Bring it Back! [Adventure/Action/Survival/Romance] RP (SLOTS STILL OPEN!)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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Link to OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/85202-bring-it-back-adventureactionsurvivalromance/page-5#entry2249749


(OOC: There are still slots open in this RP. Check OOC Topic for more details)


It had been about 5 moons since Equestria's split. Thunder Dash was doing his best to keep Canterlot from straying into one of the quarters, since it was the only neutral town. He dared not to step foot in one of the quarters, least the ponies there may have formed a clan. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Luna pulled back her hood as she studied the map carefully. She formulated plans on how to fix problems in her Quarter. Baltimare had a high crime and spy rate. Dodge Junction was a favorite for those who wanted to lay low. She addressed a letter to the captain of her guard. She have orders for a small platoon to enter Dodge Junction in the night and root out hiding criminals. She sent it and sighed. She trotted back to her room, thinking deeply as she may on her bed.

Edited by Delernil

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Comet had tried to keep the citizens of ponyville together, but in account for his failure to understand most emotions, his attempts were more or less a complete disaster. His first idea for Pinkie Pie was, not the best he had. A party would probably only worsen relations for the other quarters. Hearing that not long after the split one quarter was having a party would not be the best thing to start sewing Equestria back together with...

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The Lord Inquisitor, Moon Crypt


Moon Crypt stood on top of the castle walls, keeping vigil over the early evening. He was more comfortable in his Lady's celestial embrace- the night. Perhaps that was jut because of his training, changeling instinct, or even an odd personality quirk. Who knows? But what he did know was that the realm was in turmoil, and he was in charge- under the guise of Luna's new personal adviser- of keeping her from snapping back to her monstrous form, as well as keeping her safe and help to thread together the government.


It was five months ago that the Grand Inquisitor sent the Lord Inquisitors out with a squad of their own to keep order in each of the quarters, while he works with Lord Inquisitor Starlight to find the nature of the odd presence of Equestria, as well as its removal, should it prove maleficent. Until then, he would remain silent and watching, at the beck and call of Princess Luna until it was seen fit to thread Equestria back together... which would to be as soon as possible...


Adjusting the necklace that gave him access to Luna's alert system- should she ever want to talk with him- he continued to guard, a silent sentinel of the night...

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Luna shifted as she looked out of her large window to the night sky. She loved watching her night come up. She felt at home. Of course, she was the princess of night after all. As she stood up and put her hood on, she ignored the headpiece on its stand. She hadn't worn it since the split. The mare tapped her necklace, where they had put a direct link to her advisor. 'Ready a chariot for Baltimare. I would like to travel right now.'


Luna moved down a staircase as she made her way to where the chariots usually waited.

Edited by Delernil

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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He paused and looked down at his necklace. "Well, then... I wonder what has happened." He stretched lightly, gliding down to the bottom and, entering into the... well... for lack of a better term, the garage where the chariots are kept. He looked at the selection,, before choosing a midnight blue one, emblazoned with the moon on it's front. It was a two-pony chariot. After some light consideration, he decided against a chariot for himself. He'd be better off keeping himself ready for action. Using the magical necklace to send two pegasi over to pull the chariot, he assumed a respectful pose and, after helping the guards into their harnesses, set to wait for the Princess Luna.

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Luna moved down into the area where the chariots were kept. She saw her advisor and a team of ponies. She put on a weak smile and climbed in. 'Come, we should get to Baltimare. Tell the Guard Captain to keep the report. He'll know.' The blue mare said as she motioned for Crypt to get in the vehicle.

Edited by Delernil

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Down in Canterlot, the Royal guards didn't know what to do. They thus turned to Thunder Dash for insight. One ran up to him. "Thunder Dash, Princess Celestia is in the northwestern quarter. Because of this, we are now in your command." The guard said bowing his head. "Alright, station yourselves at each entrance of Canterlot. Don't let anyone in or out. Who knows what the Princessess have planned." Thunder stated. "Yes sir." The guard stated as he ordered the other troops to station. 

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Moon Crypt blinked lightly at the offer before smiling lightly. "Very well, princess. If you wish me so." He silently walked into the chariot next to Celestia, changing his appearance to be a midnight blue pony with a black mane and a crescent moon cutie mark. After the guards had taken off and they were in flight, took a moment, savoring the night air before deciding to ask a question. "Might I inquire why we are going to Baltimare?"

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Luna looked at the night sky. She heard the pony asks question. 'Oh, I don't know. I needed...a change for a while. Check on my citizens. Relax.' She said with tiredness in her voice. She wasn't tired so much as stressed. She looked over the chariot at the ground, seeing lights shine. She relaxed and let her good down and her mane wave like it did without her hood.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Paladin stood out on the balcony of the castle thinking to himself about the predicament he was in. "The crystal empire is still doing it's job. At least that's something." He started as he heard hoof steps behind him and turned around, quickly, pulling his sword out at the same time only to sheath it upon seeing the one approaching him was Shining Armor. He stopped and stood at attention. "At ease Paladin. You know you don't have to do that." Paladin relaxed and nodded at him, before turning around and staring off in the distance again. "Do you miss her?" Paladin snorted but didn't respond, drawing an angry sigh from Shining. "Dang it man. Get out, spar, practice! Do something other then mope! You're going to be out of practice! Is that what you want? To return to Luna out of practice and weak because you were moping the whole time you were here?" In a flash, Paladin had a knife out and pressed against Shining's throat. He, seeing the knife at his throat, only laughed. He knew Paladin would never hurt him. In a very low and deadly voice, Paladin hissed quietly "Don't you ever call me weak." He sheathed the knife and walks down the hall, before stopping and turning around to face his friend. "And I don't miss her so horribly as that...It's just my job to protect her and, well, Luna is the only pony, besides yourself of course, that is open and nice to my kind. She even offered us positions in her guard for that matter. No pony has ever treated us like that. I'd hate for something to happen to her, for my people's sake." Upon saying that, he turns around and, with a flap of his bat like wings, disappears down a darkened corridor. 

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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It would feel good to be back on land again, Vincent thought to himself. After spending what felt like an ungodly amount of time crossing the ocean, all the way to the Griffin Kingdoms. After all, Griffins were the only ones that had the endurance to cross the entire ocean between the kingdoms and Equestria. A pegisi would geneally pass out before they made it. He finally saw, in the distance with his keen Griffion eyes, the small port town in southeasten Equestria.


Now, truthfully, Vincent was a little worried, Hed heard about the disruptions in Equestia, between the 4 Princesses... how could he not have? That sort of news was far spreading, with great consequences, and it was literal history in the making. He was worried something would break out, that he might get dragged into something that would disrupt his delivery or get him stuck... he decided to take a few breaths as he landed in the port down, taking a moment to sit down, drink something, and relax,appreciateing the feeling of ground beneath his talons and paws.

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@@Comet Starflash,


Discord, Lord of Chaos


As the night began to settle in, Discord found himself snoring quite loudly, swinging back and forth between a bright red hammock. As his physical body slept- or, rather, has the guise of sleeping- the Chaos Spirit himself was watching the ponies of Ponyville, playing a trick or two on the ponies below, but for the most part, just watching. And turning a spot or two of the road to soap for ponies to slip on. How he found amusement in these small pranks, he didn't know, but it kept him entertained while his physical body recovered it's energy.


After a brief moment, he found a rather glum pony... err... changeling?... on the ground, walking in a hurry. Snickering about what he was about to do, he enchanted the ground a few paces ahead of him with a spell that would release a blinding light and a burst of confetti. Depending on what his intent was, and where he came from, his reaction could range from confusion to utter shock. Either way, he had to see this.





The Lord Inquisitor, Moon Crypt


Moon Crypt remained silent with that answer, surprised that she would go for something casual only six months after the splitting up of Equestria. He had better things he could do- writing up a letter to the Grand Inquisitor came to mind- but, after accepting it as proof that her heart was calm and still uncorrupted, he relaxed slightly, yet still on guard with the stress obvious in both her voice and mind. He sighed and, content that, so far, Luna was doing fine... although the Grand Inquisitor was right that he certainly didn't want Luna ruling on her own. He could see the stress it was placing on her.

Edited by Archmagos Amphrose
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The chariot landed on a small building adorned with a crescent moon. It was Luna's quarters, with a small office and meeting room on the first floor. She stepped out and opened the door to the inside. 'Is there any place in particular you would like to go? I shall take a walk, so we can pass by anywhere.' She asked as she hung her hood up and stuck her head out the door.

Edited by Delernil

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Apon activation of Discord's trap, a number of things happened in the young changeling's body. Comet let out an enormous scream that could have been heard echoing around ponyville. Apon hearing the large bang followed by seeing multiple colours, adrenaline was released into his blood system, speeding him and everything inside him to such a speed that his tiny, weak heart could barely take. He fell on his side, coughing and wheezing trying to recover. His eyesight was blurred and an image of the flash burned in his vision. He scooped himself up and put his hoof hon his chest. 'That was too well planned to be Pinkie or Dash.' He thought. "DISCOOOOOOORD!!!!" He shouted into the night.

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Vincent rested as long as he could afford to. He knew that the delivery was rather important, as it had been stamped with the Kingdom's royal seal. And to the section of the kingdom now ruled solely by Luna... were the Griffins throwing thier hat in with the Princess of the Night? That could be interesting... could potentially give them the edge. But he knew that Princess Twilight had Discord, and he personally couldnt see how her quarter could be beat if he was let loose.Supposed it wasnt his place to say.

Vincent spent quite abit more time flying over to Baltimore, quite easily spotting the small building spotted with crescent moons. He landed in front of it, the pair of bat-pony guards flanking the entrance, both phsically bristleing as he landed. "I have a message from the Griffin Kingdoms..." He said, pulling it from his satchel, showing off the seal. "Im suppose to give it to the Princess directly." The guard looked at it a moment, before going off, seemingly to check and ensure that Luna had been expecting such a message before letting a strange Griffion to go and see her.

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Luna closed the door as she heard steps and a guard walked up. He described the griffon and the seal.


'Yes, let him pass. Take him to the office.' She answered. The princess opened the door and turned back to her companion. 'Are you coming?' She asked again with a tired sigh.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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"Forgive me, my princess." He gently moved towards the door, closing it behind him after making sure that no one was lurking behind them. "And, to answer your earlier question... I have not had the opportunity to explore the city of Baltimare, yet perhaps a simple walk in the part might do ourselves well, yes?



Discord, Lord of Chaos


@Comet Starflash


With the yell waking his mortal body, he found himself forced into his body's vision. Stretching, he peered his head down, and stretched his head down through the clouds, until his neck was over fifty feet long, his head upside down and suddenly in his face. Stifling a giggle, he said in a very bored voice, "Might I inquire why you are screaming my name, waking up half of the city?" A small smirk was starting to form on his face. Floating down from his perch, he began the lengthy process of stretching, turning his head and his right claw 360 degrees simultaneously, hearing a satisfying crack in his neck as he worked out the kinks in his body.

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@ @TheLineTrotter


'Of course. That sounds fine.' Luna said as she walked down the stairs. 'However, we have a letter from the Griffon Kingdom. We have to open it first.' She added as she walked into her office here. It had a small flag with a crescent hanging on the back wth a wooden desk. The letter was sitting on it. 'Here we are.' She said as she opened it.

Edited by Delernil

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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"You know EXACTLY why Discord." Comets face loosens up and he smiles "Good prank man, but you know it's not good for my heart. But I suppose you can't be a lord of chaos unless you cause a little chaos... I assume you've been doing this all night?" Asked Comet, trying to make a little small talk with the deity that floated before him.

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Corporate Crime sat in his study of the law firm and bank that his family owned and looked out over the city of Manehattan. He sighed with contempt. The schism between the Princesses was not really of his concern but due to the fact that many clients of his were in other quarters it cut into his profits.


'Damned fillies....squabbling over petty nonsense as to who should have the most power....' he thought as he fiddled with a pen on his desk.

Corporate often thought it was ironic that he was in the quarter of Cadence, the Princess of Love, when he himself thought of it as nothing more than a pesky emotion. The stallion scowled at nothing in particular, his sharp filed teeth glinting in the light of his desk lamp.




Nuclear gave huff as she opened the outside door of Icy Delights, the house/shop that she and her friends lived in. The separation of Equestria made her both sad and upset. With her home city of Manehattan in another quarter she was for the most part unable to visit her beloved city.

"Gosh dang it...." the mare swore, kicking a pebble with her hoof. She closed the door behind her just before hearing a frightened shout.


@@Comet Starflash, @,


Nuclear trotted in the direction of the scream before freezing in place, spotting Discord and another pony.

"Hey! You leave that poor pony alone!" she shouted at the chaos spirit. The gray unicorn was aware that it was just a prank that Discord had played that cause the shout.

Edited by Nuclear Neurotic
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Corporate sighed and stood up, leaving his office for the rest of the day. There wasn't much to be done anyway. 'I'm not sure what I can do in this time of political turmoil...' he thought before nodding to a couple of secretaries that had stayed to finished what little paper work they had to do as he left the building. 


@@Comet Starflash,


Nuclear smiled sadly. "Yeah....before all this bullcrap happened I was but I moved back in with my friends at Icy Delights." She pointed a hoof down the street she had come from.

"My parents will do alright...They'll fit in with Cadence's quarter..." She smiled again. "Though I'm glad to see another familiar face here. What are you doing in Ponyville?"

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Discord, Lord of Chaos


@@Nuclear Neurotic@@Comet Starflash,


Discord looked at the shouting mare and blinked slowly. "What, me? Harass a mare?" A halo appeared over his head. "Whatever makes you say that?" Shaking his head, he finished rotating his body parts and, afterwards, looked at them as he got shut out of the conversation. Shaking his head, he drifted off, pausing only to look back at them like a sad dog would- sarcastically, of course. Twisting and turning throughout the skies, he shocked a few airborne pegasi after turning the cloud that they flew into into cotton candy before drifting off... perhaps he would go see Fluttershy for a while...

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"Well... I don't live anywhere, so I live wherever I may pass out. I always went from place to place but then this whole dividing mess kept me here. I tried to cross the border buuut... Well nopony really wants anypony crossing so I'm stuck in this quarter... I thought that if I was here I could help the princess with negotiations, but I guess im not the best with that either... Say, do you know anywhere that has rooms open? For eer... For free? I'm a few bits short of a room. Or anything for that matter..." Comet scraped the ground with his hoof and put on a cute face. Not the best thing to try as a changeling because to be frank- they aren't the best at 'cute'.

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