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searching The Thieves Guild


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So, you want to join The Thieves Guild. I don't know. Do you have the skill?


Anyways I'm starting role play called The Thieves Guild. You have to steal stuff and maybe sometimes even fight. The main story is.... Drumroll please!


One day you are wondering Las Pegasus. Some guy walks to you and whispers something in your ear.

" Wanna join The Thieves Guild?" The guy tells you their plan. First they need to steal anything that can get them money. Then use the money to travel all the way to Ponyville to steal a special armor. It's cloaking armor. You can use it to reach you're main goal. Canterlot. There is a diamond heavily guard in the castle and it's worth so much that you can afford 5,000 castles. Anyways are you in?


There will be fighting allowed in this, but no modern weapons like guns! Only spears, swords, shields, ect.

This was kind of ment to be a free role play, so don't hesitate to do anything you want, but there are rules!



1. No godmode

2. No backstabbing the Guild.

3 You can do anything you want, but don't get off topic of stealing the diamond.

4. When we have a big or good problem don't try to end it as soon as possible. Let it soak in. (You know what I mean right?)

5 Please don't add any major characters/problems to the story I will do that. But when I say major I mean don't have a princess trying to stop us, but stuff like getting into a battle is ok.

6. I will tell you if I come up with more. Like Macklemore


If you want in, then send me your OC. If you have questions about this then please message me.

Also I am very sorry if this Role Play sucks this is my the first role play I made.

When you enter your OC please make sure it's not to powerful or strong. I will decline your request if it is


The last thing I want to tell you about is the roles.

There will be 8 slots, well 7 counting me.


1. Shadow Dust


3. Cryptical Code

4. Dead Eye

5. Golden Flames

6. Lightning Flicker

7. End Game

8. Night vision


Hope you enjoy, oh and Btw Shadow Dust is my OC.



Here are the ranks.





5.Silent Bandit


It takes 3 points to rank up

Here are your guys ranks

Blaze\Pickpocket: 0 points

End Game/Pickpocket: 1 point

Cryptical Code/Pickpocket: 1 point

Golden Flames/Pickpocket: 1 point

Lightning Flicker/Thief: 0 points

Dead Eye/Pickpocket: 1 point

Night Vision/Pickpocket: 1 point

Edited by madpenguin44

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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Yes you can you use explosives, but remember this is equestrian! Don't be throwing grenades or firing some rocket launchers.

Also do you even want to sign up?

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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@DJ Spacer

You are accepted, but please don't use/talk about the jumping dimensions thing in your backstory.


Okay guys we have all slots filled! Link will be up in a few moments.

Links don't exactly work on my computer so I'm going to need you just to look it up. It's called thieves guild and it's private  Is that bad that it's private? I need you guys to tell me if it need to be open oh and just to grab your attention if you don't want to read this




Also i'll message you.

Edited by madpenguin44

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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