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private Darkness On The Coast

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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@@Frosty V, @,


Sanura looked at the small conduit pictured on the map. "That would be our best bet, I agree," she said to Jaeger. "We'd better keep ahold of the map, too; wouldn't do to get lost, would it?"


@@Charcoal Embers,


"Lead the way," Shadow Star replied to Caprisha. "If you have any ideas, let's hear them. I'd love to know if they mesh with my own."



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@@Pripyat Pony,


Caprisha shrugged. "I don't really have any ideas. I'm not really an idea kind of pony. I just do whatever and usually just wing it. I don't know if you do the same, but that's what I do and that's how I prefer doing things. But what about you? Do you have any ideas or can we go get drunk?"

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@@Charcoal Embers, "My idea was that we hit the bars," Shadow Star replied, with a smile. "We can get drunk and get some questioning done. With a lot of ponies, lips become loose after they've had a few glasses of hard cider. So we can take advantage of that, as well as having a few ourselves."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,


Caprisha grinned and chuckled. "I like the way you think. I think that you and me will become very good friends. Or the biggest rivals, whichever comes first." Caprisha said with a bit of a chuckle as she stretched out her hooves from standing for so long. "So let's get going. I'm in the mood for a nice cup of cider."

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@@Charcoal Embers, Shadow Star grinned again. "Oh, I think that we will," she said, leading the way towards the nearest bar. Avoiding the classy outfits, where ponies in fancy clothes sipped from glasses of wine, Shadow Star instead headed towards the more seedier outlets, which served beer and hard cider.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,


Caprisha took a deep breath, then released it in a content sigh. "Ah, the humble bar. Where ponies go to drink their troubles away, have a nice time, or just have a nice bar brawl. I've always loved this place." Caprisha said as she took a seat and ordered herself a nice cold beer.

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@@Pripyat Pony, @


Jaeger nodded towards Sanura in agreement, "No, getting lost would fair for us well. We may need light down there but it would need to be dim as possible, I think sticking close to each other would help in us not gettin separated." he suggested, looking to Sanura, then to Crimson

Edited by Frosty V
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@@Charcoal Embers, "Couldn't agree more," Shadow Star replied, ordering a hard cider. She sipped from it with a sigh of contentment. "So, seeing as we're working together," she added, "Perhaps we ought to know a little more about each other."


@@Frosty V, @,


"I'd agree with that," Sanura replied. "It would also work to our advantage should we meet with anything nasty inside the sewer."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,


Caprisha chuckled and sipped her cider, enjoying the sweet taste of the apples combined with the taste of alcohol. "Where to start exactly... I move around a little bit. Sometimes I live in Manehatten and other times I live in Ponyville. I love gambling and have generally good luck all together. Though If you want me to go into detail you may want to go first."

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@@Charcoal Embers, Shadow Star smiled. "Well," she said, "I generally live in Manehatten now, but before, I lived in a small village just outside of Trottingham. Things didn't really go too well; I had a foal very young, when I was only a small filly and I hadn't even gotten my cutie mark. The sire left before my foal was born and good riddance to him as far as I'm concerned. Stallions! Who needs them? I'm fine the way I am."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,


Caprisha chuckled a bit. "I know what you mean sister. I haven't had a single coltfriend in... I don't even know how long. But I'm more into mare's really. Too bad an old friend of mine wasn't like that or else I would have totally been all up on her like peanut butter on bread."

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@@Charcoal Embers, "I'm not too bothered, either way," Shadow Star replied. "I'm a bit more cynical now than when I was a naive young filly, tho. This stallion happened to sweep me off my hooves, and I was far too starstruck to see that his facade hid a good for nothing bolter. My parents of course were horrified. They tried to get me to give my foal up to an orphanage, but I refused."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@,@@Charcoal Embers, @@Aerodynas, @,  There were at least two pegasi talking suspiciously in the shadows mentioning something about an amulet. Were they thieves? Was there some sort of blackmailing transaction right here? It all could be just a paranoid thought but Terra decided that he would better be paranoid and safe than leave this curiosity killing him. Besides... who meets near the sewers anyways these days? Not any normal ponies from his point of view...

He glanced a bit at Fenix and he seemed to nod pecking silently his ear approvingly. He nodded back... him and Fenix had some sort of understanding through experience that granted them the ability to co-operate in such a high level. The brown pegasus with the glasses said "He was sent to retrieve" the other pony...

Wait... this can't be good, who "retrieves" ponies in the shadows besides it being a rescue mission? He followed them as closely as he could. Luckily for him this day he hadn't taken his armor with him otherwise he would have made ample noise with his hoofsteps in his attempt to follow them. Of course his friend Selune the unicorn would have silently cast an invisibility spell and used her silent hoofsteps to sneak in closer, but unfortunately he was an Earth pony... 

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Charcoal was walking with the pegasus she had been sent to retrieve when she felt another presence nearby. She suddenly stopped and looked around, casting out her senses again to find the location of the pony who seemed to be spying on her when she read his thoughts. When she located him she looked in the direction he was hiding.



@@Pripyat Pony,


"Really now? What happened to the filly? Did you raise her? Or did you eventually give up the foal to an orphanage?" Caprisha asked, genuinely curious about what had happened. She wasn't usually this interested in other ponies lives, but this time was different for some reason.

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@@Charcoal Embers, "I had a colt, and yes, I raised him," Shadow Star replied. She didn't normally talk about this part of her life, but something about the other mare made it easy. "His name's Diego, and he's currently working for the Black Legion so I think I did a good job. Others, however, might disagree." Shadow Star laughed and downed her drink, signalling to the barcolt to get them both another.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Charcoal Embers, Crap... did he make too much noise? Did his hoofsteps sound too much? While he was worried about it Fenix pecked his head out... he was acting curious looking at the pony pecking the ground for some seeds. Ingenious... Fenix was giving him the chance to withdraw a bit further. Indeed he did until he made sure he had decent cover separating them and at least 50 hoofs away.

((OOC:You can equalize hoofs as feet here for measure))

Now he couldn't hear much but at least he was safe. That was close... if Fenix could keep him distracted, maybe observe a bit... maybe he could learn something. There was no way to know if Fenix was Terra's and Terra wouldn't have it any other way. He wouldn't mark, scar, or claim in any other way Fenix. It would be a disrespect to the noble phoenix who he had raised since he was little.

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@@Pripyat Pony,


Caprisha laughed as well as she downed her drink as well and ordered another. "Yeah, it does sound like you did a good job with him. You should be proud." The bartender slid both of them another drink, which Caprisha immediately grabbed hers and started drinking.





Charcoal kept searching around. She felt the presence nearby, but she just had to find him. She was close though, and she continued to walk closer to where she could feel the presence.

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@, @@Moaning Myrtle


Monkshood stared at the mare momentarily, his brow raised infinitely intrigued by her knowledge, before shifting his gaze back to the Lord Inquisitor. "Lord Inquisitor forgive me, but I must go prepare. I'll be in the airship's quarters gathering any additional supplies that I require". Not one to often mince words, he turned around and once again descended back into the hulking metallic stomach of the ship.


The often cramped hallways seemed mostly empty, other than the odd occasional varying branch member. Most of the crew would of seemed to of departed, or probably above deck by now. Monkshood made his through the labyrinthine corridors, until coming to his quarters. It felt tiny and sterile, yet had dishevelled in comparison to many of others quarters. Books, journals, and a variety of quickly scribbled notes lined the tiny desk in the small metallic box of a room.


Approaching the desk, Monkshood began lining up his notes and journals preparing to place them in his bag. He looked down at his saddlebag, from the outside it looked like any other regulation saddlebag, but when opened it seemingly erupted with a smell dirt and other earthen components. The scent brought him a sense of comfort as he began lining one of the bags with a supply of quills, journals and his notes. Opening up the flap on the other bag, he began filling it gently with vials. Some of the vials empty, yet most contained a variety of different tonics and potions. The less potent mixtures had already been imbued with magic from other Inquisition members, but a few had not felt the touch of magic's embrace. These were special, a more potent blend than he had prior conceived, he needed to experiment with these eventually, and now seemed as good as any.  Monkshood had made many of these in advance, not in preparation, but rather for the sheer pleasure that such creation brought him. Herbs, plants, and minerals smashed together to create something greater, to create something new. The thought of it invoked a nigh euphoric response from the stallion as he closed the flap to the bag.


Monkshood strapped the bags to his uniform as he left his quarters. "Hopefully everything will goes as planned", he mumbled as his mind ran over the different permutations and effects his new brews would bring into the greater mix. Walking back through the corridors to find his once again to the top, he found himself thinking back to the task at hoof. His mind nattered at him that such research expeditions seemed rare to him, and that he must be sure to make it an enlightening one.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Charcoal Embers

The pegasus stallion noticed something was up with the mare. "What's wrong? " He looked about. "Is someone following us? I was told that there would be 'those who will try to stop us.' Could this be one of them?" Thunder started glancing around nervously now, but still trying to keep his cool.

I ' M   S O R T   O F   B A C K

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@,  @,


Charcoal groaned. "Can you just shut up for a minute? I'm trying..." Charcoal stopped herself when she spotted the pony. He wasn't exactly being very stealthy either. How had she missed him? She walked to the pony and gave him a hard look. "Hello there. Mind telling me what you are doing?"

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Moonlights horn glowed bright crimson then moonlight and the sandpony were in the sewers Moonlight sighed as she rubs her head "i swear if that demon goes whinine and bitchin that i didn't find anypony in the sewers i'm going to tear a ponies heads off" she muttered darkly.


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@@Charcoal Embers, ((OOC:You ignored my phoenix... T_T let me try to fix that.)) 

"Shhhh....." he said gently putting a hoof upon the pegasus' mouth. A sudden idea had come to mind... and he wasn't ready to admit he was stalking... that wouldn't be kind. 

"See that phoenix over there?" he said pointing at Fenix who had been just roaming around ahead. He nudged her to hide a bit.

"Don't scare it... i want to catch it... Phoenixes are priceless! They'll catch up to a million bits in the black market!" he continued watching from afar with the mare the phoenix who had been pecking the ground for something to eat. Luckily from his latest happenings Fenix did indeed seem hungry so this would be at least believable to a point. He already had the feeling that this mare was up to no good, and her ability at tracking him seemed a bit abnormal. Maybe she could get her interested in this thing he was supposed to be doing and not what he actually wanted to do.

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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@@Charcoal Embers, ((OOC:You ignored my phoenix... T_T let me try to fix that.))


"Shhhh....." he said gently putting a hoof upon the pegasus' mouth. A sudden idea had come to mind... and he wasn't ready to admit he was stalking... that wouldn't be kind.


"See that phoenix over there?" he said pointing at Fenix who had been just roaming around ahead. He nudged her to hide a bit.


"Don't scare it... i want to catch it... Phoenixes are priceless! They'll catch up to a million bits in the black market!" he continued watching from afar with the mare the phoenix who had been pecking the ground for something to eat. Luckily from his latest happenings Fenix did indeed seem hungry so this would be at least believable to a point. He already had the feeling that this mare was up to no good, and her ability at tracking him seemed a bit abnormal. Maybe she could get her interested in this thing he was supposed to be doing and not what he actually wanted to do.

Charcoal rolled her eyes again. "Okay. A phoenix. Big deal. I've seen enough of them that they aren't so special. And you aren't answering my question." Charcoal said as she did indeed watch the phoenix, but she also did her best to keep an eye on the stallion.

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@@Nomadic,@@Moaning Myrtle,

Lord Inquisitor Starlight nodded at Monkshood as he reentered the room before a secretary entered,  bowed to everyone still in the room, and walked over to Starlight somewhat fearfully, who looked at this with some kind of amusement. The stallion was able to suppress his fear as he delivered his message, before starting to walk off. As he did, Starlight commented, "I'm not going to blast you with laser beams or turn you into a demon. Whatever gave you that idea?" The pony squeaked and almost sprinted out of the room. Shaking his head, he read the message before struggling to his hooves with his staff. "Well, it seems that they want me down at the labs. I'll go see what's going on, and then we'll all get going. Why don't the two of you start a conversation or something, yes?" He walked out, leaning heavily on his staff.





The entire room was talking to each other concerning theories and conundrums and how this could have happened when the door opened, revealing the secretary. "The Lord Inquisitor is coming..." The others looked at him oddly and all conversation faded away, to be replaced with absolute silence as an old, grey stallion leaning on a staff with a red crystal on it walked in. You noticed that, where he walked, dark energy seemed to be left behind, leaving a trail of black that stretched out a few feet behind him. Closing his eyes and taking a breath, he walked over to the chamber. "Well, then, I received some of the most conflicting reports concerning this." He opened the door- which some of the other scientists flinched at- and helped you out of the experimentation room. "Alright now, son. Mind starting by telling me who you are and where you come from?"



@, @@Aerodynas,


The first thing you notice about the sewers is that something here is definitely not normal. Along the walls and floating in the sewers was a large amount of clear slime, slowly working its way around the city. Passing that, there is a fork in the tunnels up ahead, one leading forward, and the other leading left.

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@@Charcoal Embers"Really? Why doesn't everyone have a phoenix then hmm? Ever heard of their healing properties of their tears? The immense loads they can carry? Their..." *Thumb* a small crate fell upon him in his head delivered by the phoenix himself. The fiery bird had grabbed it while they were talking and tossed it on top of Terra making a precise strike at the back of his head enough to render him unconsious.

"Oh good... i survived..." was the only thing he managed to say before he fell down in front of the mare. Fenix was both a bit angry about what Terra had said but he knew in heart that he would never do that. He also knew that Terra had to shut up... and a legitimate reason for him to do so had to be given. So he... improvised along with a small dose of revenge. After that he flew away... he could track Terra back but first... he had to make sure he'd survive when he returned.

((OOC:Feel free to do whatever you wish while he's unconsious))

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