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Let's talk about names


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I love Francesca, Clara and Felicity

And for boys... Kevin, Riley and Sinclair (got it from a book... I thought it was nice! Don't judge me!)


Ooh and Lucy and Noah! How could I forget THOSE?!

Edited by JellyBean
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For some reason, I've recently started to like male names that start with W, such as Wade, Walter, Wyatt, Wendell, Warren, Walton, Wes, etc.

Oh, so you like W names, but not William, huh?   :okiedokielokie:

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Oh, so you like W names, but not William, huh? :okiedokielokie:

It's a nice name, but I didn't include it because it's a bit too common, perhaps I should have said "uncommon male W names". I honestly like the name Liam better, which I assume is a diminutive of the name William.


What, is your name William?

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My brother's name is Merlin, but he researched on it and originally Merlin in the story of Arthur was named Merdyn. That sounds way cooler.... Merdyn. Just say it out loud!


I personally love the female ENGLISH names (since I am dutch, and you know, weird dutch names): Elizabeth, Jennifer, Alicia (alice... whatevs), Thya (I actually know a girl named like this, she's in the LARP I am in as well and her IC name is Enea, which is also awesome)


Male names: Brad, Nigel, Merdyn (alread mentioned, but yet again, whatevs), Ivan and Quan (found it in a book once, I love it)


Dutch names are weird, but my name is Jaïr. It's a bit of a culture-less name. It fits everywhere... or nowhere.

Edited by Scribblegroove
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I like people with unique names. Not too unique though. I feel like people should think more creatively when naming their kid. The whole point of naming someone is so you DON'T yell "bob" and 10 kids start coming over to you. I know at least 12 Andrews and Matthews at my highschool.

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Lol, I cannot help but think of someone who lives in an attic with this name... Atticus... *giggles* 


And I would like to add one more name that you guys might like as well: Gwendolyn. Iunno, it's a bit european, but I love it.

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Female: Amelia, Jourdan, Piper, and Audrey

Male: Dean, Noah, Daniel, Archer, and Matthew

Dude, also Harvey. Harvey is like my favorite guy name ever.

Edited by Apollo Justice
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For female names, I like Astrid, Cadence, Abigail, Galadriel, and Tauriel. I don't even care that the last two are fictional names, they're pretty as hell. As for male names, I like Gideon, Raleigh, Jasper, Ashton, and Nathaniel. It's not narcissistic that my name is one of my favorites, is it?

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