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unicorn Fenrir


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Name: Fenrir

Age: 17 (Teenager / Young Adult)

Gender: Male

Race: Unicorn


Appearance: A light purple colored Unicorn with a short,slightly disheaveled mane, and a long , equally disheaveled tail. His mane and tail are two colors: Dark red with a thick light red streak running through them. His eyes are the same dark red as his mane. Unlike most male unicorn ponies, he is fairly fit, with slightly more physical bulk than most Unicorn ponies. However, the average earth pony has him beat in the muscle department.


Cutie Mark: His cutie mark is an iron shield with the insignia of a maple leaf on it. It represents his talent for creating magical shields to protect himself, and also reflects his love of the forest. He gained his cutie mark in the middle of a fight. He was being attacked by a timber wolf, and just when he thought he was done for, he (almost involuntarially) conjured up a magical barrier to protect himself. The next ten minutes the Wolf tried in vain to break through his shield, eventually giving up and running away. After his cutie mark showed up, he has devoted himself to becoming the best at producing these magical shields, and can often be found practicing creating the barriers using his magic, often to the point of exhaustion.


Personality: He has been called bipolar by other ponies, schizophrenic by others. But, in reality, Fenrir just has trouble keeping his emotions from having direct effects on his actions. As such, when he is happy, he can be very nice and kind to everypony. However, Fenrir has a bit of an anger problem, and has been known to explode over the most rediculous of things, leading to slight violent tendencies when aggitated. Its because of these outbursts that some ponies think he has seperate personalities. As he has grown older, he has gotten better at controlling his anger, and usually just leaves the room, or walks away when somepony tries to get under his skin. In addition to that, he has learned to let the little things slide, and now his violent outbursts are few and far between.


Aside from those problems, he is a relatively nice guy. He has trouble trying new things, and is a creature of habit, even going so far as to eat at the exact same times every day, and wake up/go to sleep at the same time every day/night. However, with a little urging, he will give something new a try. He has few friends, but what few friends he has, he is fiercely loyal to, and will do anything to help them out, or defend them if need be.


Despite minimal schooling, he seems to know about just about everything, and can easily jump into any conversation and add meaningful contributions to it. However, he sometimes comes off as a know-it-all. He doesnt do this on purpose, so he often unintentially puts ponies off. He loves reading, and it is from books that he has gained his vast stores of knowlege from. When he isnt working or training, he can most often be found at the local library.


Lastly, as much as Fenrir loves to talk, he is an amazing listener. His close friends know that if they ever have a problem, or just need somepony to talk to, then Fenrir will be willing to drop whatever he is doing to listen to whatever it is they have to say.


BackStory: Fenrir was born in ponyville (except in RP's without ponyville) to two unicorn ponies. His parents were kind to him, but he was just to emotionally different from them to really relate to them, even when he was very young. As such, he spent most of his young life by himself, using imaginative play and books to keep himself entertained. Even though he was a Unicorn, he was not very good at magic. It would take all he had to levitate even the smallest object. Once he started school, his lack of skill became even more obvious. While other unicorn ponies in school could easily use thier magic to write, he had trouble just picking up the quill. In spite of this, he was a gifted student, and easily understood everything the teacher taught him. This, coupled with his lack of magical dexterity, led to his alienation from the other, more magically, but less academically gifted students. As such, he was often picked on, and, after one particular incident involving alot of glue and popsickle sticks, he bucked a fellow student in the face in anger, then stormed out of the classroom.


After that, that student left him alone, so Fenrir figured that using violence was a good way to solve his bullying problems. After a few weeks of several fights, he was expelled from school, permanently. After that, his parents decided it would be best to homeschool him. They, not being skilled teachers, basically gave him textbooks and told him to read them.


This is where he basically took control of his own schooling, spending nearly all day in the library, reading not only textbooks, but any book he thought looked interesting. This is what caused his spectrum of knowledge, the seemingly random collection of books that he read.


Despite the fact that most other ponies his age had already gotten their cutie marks by this point, he was still a blank flank. Also, unlike other blank flanks, he could really care less about his cutie mark. He figured it would come when it did, and was not worried about it. He was more interested in his books.


Being a child still, he loved to play useing his imagination. Whenever he would read a new book, he would act out what happened in the book, or add in his own storylines and act those out. He would even do everyponies voice out loud, much to the worry of his parents. They often asked him to keep his head out of the clouds, jokingly telling him that if he would turn into a pegasus if he didn't come back to earth. To stop there nosiness into his fun, he decided to take his fun outside. His home was near the edge of town that was closest to the everfree forest, so that was the best place to go. Both private, and secluded. He would be free to do whatever he wanted.


The first time he entered the everfree forest, he was a little scared. Despite this, he went on to explore a little ways into the forest. However, before he got far, he turned back. The next day he tried again, and explored a little farther in. This continued for a few weeks, until he was compleatly comfortable within the forest. He knew basically every path and trail through the forest. So, he would have great adventures using his imagination, slaying dragons and defeating armies. Spending all this time in the forest led to his love on nature, and after he tired himself out, he would often lie down in a clearing and just stare at the beauty of the forest.


On one such day, Fenrir fell asleep in the middle of the forest. He was woken up by a vicious growling. When he looked to the source of the noise, he saw a huge timber wolf, big by adult pony standards, but massive by a childs perception. The wolf leaped at him, and was successful in injuring him on his side. He then ran away, but didnt get to far. He tripped and looked back to see the wolf leap again, this time aiming for his throat. He threw his hooves in front of his face, and wished with all his might for some miracle to save him.


After a few seconds, he felt no attack effect him. He looked up and discovered a magical barrier surrounding him 5 feet in all directions. The wolf was on the outside, trying in vain to break through the barrier. Fenrir quickly realized that it was him that was creating the shield. Even more amazingly, he kept the shield up for a full 10 minutes, which was how long it took for the timber wolf to give up its attacks and go away.


When he returned home later that night to worried parents, he was supprised when his parents pointed to his flank, and showed him that he had finally earned his cutie mark. Ever since then, he has devoted himself to perfecting his shields, because it is the only magic he is any good at.


Even to this day, he still spends most of his time in the forest, and is one of the most knowledgable ponies of the forest. Because of his lack of formal schooling, and his sub-par magical ability, he does not have a specific job. He makes a meager amout of bits selling rare herbs from the forest, but he also takes odd-jobs throughout the town. If anypony has something they need to get done, from painting a shed to digging a hole, Fenrir will do it, for the right price of course. Despite his unorganized worklife, he has plenty of freetime to enjoy himself, and the bits to pay for it.


Other: His magical aura is the same colour as his eyes, and is coincidentally his favorite color. Since he spends so much time in the forest, he is fairly fit. He doesn't specifically excersize, but he can easily outrun most other ponies. Since he works so many odd jobs involving physical labor, and because of his lack of magical prowess, he has a similar build to earth ponies, though not to the same extent. The only magic he can do with little effort is shield magic. Even simple telekinesis is very taxing on him. As a child he was unable to do even the most mundane tasks using magic, but, after hard training, he has been able to fix that, to some extent. He still has trouble using magic, and can only keep up a levitation for a few minutes at the most. Any other kind of spell is compleatly exhausting to him. If he attempts other types of spells, it usually leads to him passing out from the exercion. Despite this, he actually has lots of energy, and can easily replenish his energy reserves. He has been known to push himself to far because of this, and his own need to prove himself. Because of this, he is a frequent visitor to ponyville hospital.

Edited by Fenrir

Everything will be ok in the end, if its not ok, then its not the end - anonymous


A good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever - Twilight Sparkle

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