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Crack-Pot Theories

Captain Marvelous

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okay, so since making the "Mind = Blown" thread, I thought it would be fun if we all just did random crack pot theories... let's just over-analyze the crap out of everything...


I'll start with my crack pot theory parody "The Dragon's Mind"





The world of Friendship is Magic, the world of Equestria, is all a dream of Spike whom is a human child that is now in a near death coma, and in the real world he had a sister complex that followed soon after the death of his older sister..






Spike- taking on the form of a young dragon, his appearance from everyone else's that lives in this world represents the minds way of telling him that the only person there that actually exist is himself. The dragon is the perfect representation for his body, as that his kind's longevity and that the world will last as long as he wants it to, and that once he dies, the world will then be unneeded and will fall into the same blackness as he will, but for now, his longing to stay in the false world that he has created is what keeps everything together.


The reason why we have never seen Spike's parents is because he had already blocked them out of his mind, because he can only find true happiness only when he is by his sister's (Twilight's) side.


Celestia- representation of how high he sees his sister, always kind and loving towards him. Her relationship with Twilight is what represents his love towards his sister, this is also shown as that Spike was there when Twilight was accepted as Celstia's student.



Luna- The tragic figure that represents that fated night long ago, that night under the full moon Spike's sister was killed by a monster (a thief) and was taken away from him for all of eternity.


When Luna was freed from nightmare moon was in attempt to make Spike to realize what has happened in the real world, but he was put to sleep before it happened in a defense to not accept the truth. His mind in attempt to protect the child's mind casted Luna away for the remaining of the season, her first and only words she spoke was directed only to Spike "I'm so sorry [for leaving]" and "I miss you so much [little brother]" it is unknown at the time if this was the mind's words, or if these were in fact from the spirit of his deceased sister.


Nightmare Night came about as Spike started to take notice of the world around him, after the Discord fiasco, his dragon costume he was wearing is the representation of the shell that his mind gave him the form of. Luna returns, but different then before. Luna here was created as a sense of normality to Spike, in that telling him that nothing was wrong with the world, but this Luna's was different in appearance. Unlike all the other "ponies" Luna is different, unlike the others she isn't an imagination of spike's mind, in that she is based on on a real person from the real world, but yet still is a character created from the "dragon's" mind, in which case is taken in the form of the "Royal Canterlot Voice" in which case it tries to break the illusion of the child's mind. In attempt to cling onto his illusion, She is also now the representation of Spike's fear of learning the truth, all the "ponies" are scared because if the truth was found out, then the world would crumble, and Spike would fall into the dark abyss of loneliness, such as that as Luna experienced all of those years ago. In attempt to save himself, "everypony" accepted Luna, still attempting to give the young dragon the sense of normality.


As of now, we don't know when she will appear again, but his mind will attempt to protect him again, saving him from the fear of the truth that it is hiding in the dark



Each of the mane 6 represents something that he loved about his sister, all of them exaggerated through the eyes of a young child... but also represents what he wishes not to see the world



Twilight- represents the being that is his sister, but yet she is the one that represents the one that holds the knowledge of the truth on his reality


Applejack- represents how honest his sister was, but yet, how he blocked off his family and pushed them to other places (such as appleloosa) in order to attempt not to come across reality


Rainbow Dash- represents the sister's determination not to lose, but as she connects everything with everyone else of the mane 6 (being that her sonic rainboom gave everyone their cutie marks) It's Spike's will to not give up on the past that involved his sister


Rarity- she is the generous side of Spike's sister, but yet has a "selfish personality" at times for his mind not to see a connection, she also is the minds pure representation of Spike's sister complex that he created


Pinkie Pie- represents the love and joy that the sister always brought to Spike's face, but she also represents the sadness and loneliness that Spike experienced after the tragedy of losing his sister


Fluttershy- the kindness his sister always showed him, Flutterrage represents all the anger Spike experience when everyone around him told him everything would be okay after his sister's death. because of such a reaction of rage, the world inside Spike's mind has treated Fluttershy as something that should be overlooked, and that if Spike were to ever notice her than he would just let it pass by with out any notice






Nightmare Moon- Is the first attempt of part of the mind's blunt way of trying to tell Spike what has actually going on. The darkness she is attempting to spread is the representation of the eternal darkness of death in attempt to reach out to Spike and reveal the truth. In which case, the representations of his sister overcame this part of the mind, telling him that their is always tomorrow.


The representation of Nightmare moon is the sole representation of the monster that killed Spike's sister. but it also represents other fears that Spike had been holding back, "The fear of being forgotten," but this will be explained upon in "Secret of my excess." as well as the fear of being all alone. In series wise, as everypony slept through the night, Luna felt lonely in that regard as she had no one to share her world with, in which case follows that nightmare moon got her. In reality, the reverse of this actually happened, The monster got Spike's sister, and now Spike lies in the pit of his loneliness as his sister "sleeps" for an eterenity



Discord- the mind's second attempt of revealing the truth. At this point it seemed to be going even more direct than that of Nightmare moon. This "Discord" was opening revealing that the world itself is false, and that everything in it can be easily be manipulated and broken, and that the ponies that represented his sister were nothing more then pieces that could be easily over turned, the reason why all the girls were turned into their opposites.


In an attempt, when Rainbow Dash left, Spike was the only one that could cling onto the past, that is why he become the "new Rainbow Dash"


The child was about to accept the truth, but the memories of his sister forcibly came up from with in him (in the form of Celestia sending Twilight's letters to her) forcing him to continue to decline the reality of the situation, causeing all the representations of his sister to return to normal and to send the essence of "Discord" and keeping it locked away in an stone imprisonment.




Episodes :



Owl's well that ends well:


Owlowiscious- represents the conundrum that would of taken place in the real world, that only Spike himself would rememeber the way that his sister want's treated him, it is represented in the case as Spike tries to talk to the owl, but the the bird only asks "Who?" no matter how many times Spike tried to explain it, the bird (anyone he would try to talk to in reality) would not understand whom it is he is talking about, in the case that no body but those before her death would not know anything about his sister.


Twilight's "attempt" to replace Spike is a representation of Spike's fear of wondering if his sister still loved him, or if that she had replaced him where ever she is with someone else.


The Green Dragon- The reaction of his parents, but in truth the reverse of the situation was what had happened in reality. In this world, the dragon tried to get rid of Spike, but in reality his parent's tried to open up even greater to him, trying to show that their home is still their home, and that they are still family. But Spike couldn't accept that because one piece of their family was missing, so he "ran" from them and tried to return to his sister's side... and no matter how much they tried to call out to him, just continued to run in his own dark forest with his sister.






Secret of my excess-


The major theme here is Spike's "Fear of forgetting/ or being forgotten" in which it is represented of in the form of growing up. The memories of someone is what gives the proof of someone their existence in the world, even after death - but it is as of fact, that as you grow up you forget stuff: Spike would remember that he did miss his sister, but he wouldn't be able to recall "the pain" of having a sister, there would even be the chance of forgetting her face.


As he grew, Spike started to become more clingy, representing that as he would of grown older, it was his attempts to keep those precious memories alive... but as time goes on, people forget, in this case it's Spike going ballistic, as if he was some kind of mindless creature, with no memories of himself or his past that he longed for.


But the one memory did survive... it's just that as time goes on that people forget, but you can't ever forget about your first love. Rarity the pure representation of Spike's love for his sister was what that brought him back, bringing back those memories returning his world back to normal


Spike wanted to tell her how much he loved her, but his mind stopped him from doing so, for the truth was, no matter how many times he said it, no matter how strong he would say the words, his sister would never love him back the way he does for her









So what kind of theories can you guys come up with?

Edited by Captain Marvelous
  • Brohoof 1
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okay, so since making the "Mind = Blown" thread, I thought it would be fun if we all just did random crack pot theories... let's just over-analyze the crap out of everything...


I'll start with my "The Dragon's Mind"





The world of Friendship is Magic, the world of Equestria, is all a dream of Spike whom is a human child that is now in a near death coma, and in the real world he had a sister complex that followed soon after the death of his older sister..






Spike- taking on the form of a young dragon, his appearance from everyone else's that lives in this world represents the minds way of telling him that the only person there that actually exist is himself. The dragon is the perfect representation for his body, as that his kind's longevity and that the world will last as long as he wants it to, and that once he dies, the world will then be unneeded and will fall into the same blackness as he will, but for now, his longing to stay in the false world that he has created is what keeps everything together.


The reason why we have never seen Spike's parents is because he had already blocked them out of his mind, because he can only find true happiness only when he is by his sister's (Twilight's) side.


Celestia- representation of how high he sees his sister, always kind and loving towards him. Her relationship with Twilight is what represents his love towards his sister, this is also shown as that Spike was there when Twilight was accepted as Celstia's student.



Luna- The tragic figure that represents that fated night long ago, that night under the full moon Spike's sister was killed by a monster (a thief) and was taken away from him for all of eternity.


When Luna was freed from nightmare moon was in attempt to make Spike to realize what has happened in the real world, but he was put to sleep before it happened in a defense to not accept the truth. His mind in attempt to protect the child's mind casted Luna away for the remaining of the season, her first and only words she spoke was directed only to Spike "I'm so sorry [for leaving]" and "I miss you so much [little brother]" it is unknown at the time if this was the mind's words, or if these were in fact from the spirit of his deceased sister.


Nightmare Night came about as Spike started to take notice of the world around him, after the Discord fiasco, his dragon costume he was wearing is the representation of the shell that his mind gave him the form of. Luna returns, but different then before. Luna here was created as a sense of normality to Spike, in that telling him that nothing was wrong with the world, but this Luna's was different in appearance. Unlike all the other "ponies" Luna is different, unlike the others she isn't an imagination of spike's mind, in that she is based on on a real person from the real world, but yet still is a character created from the "dragon's" mind, in which case is taken in the form of the "Royal Canterlot Voice" in which case it tries to break the illusion of the child's mind. In attempt to cling onto his illusion, She is also now the representation of Spike's fear of learning the truth, all the "ponies" are scared because if the truth was found out, then the world would crumble, and Spike would fall into the dark abyss of loneliness, such as that as Luna experienced all of those years ago. In attempt to save himself, "everypony" accepted Luna, still attempting to give the young dragon the sense of normality.


As of now, we don't know when she will appear again, but his mind will attempt to protect him again, saving him from the fear of the truth that it is hiding in the dark



Each of the mane 6 represents something that he loved about his sister, all of them exaggerated through the eyes of a young child... but also represents what he wishes not to see the world



Twilight- represents the being that is his sister, but yet she is the one that represents the one that holds the knowledge of the truth on his reality


Applejack- represents how honest his sister was, but yet, how he blocked off his family and pushed them to other places (such as appleloosa) in order to attempt not to come across reality


Rainbow Dash- represents the sister's determination not to lose, but as she connects everything with everyone else of the mane 6 (being that her sonic rainboom gave everyone their cutie marks) It's Spike's will to not give up on the past that involved his sister


Rarity- she is the generous side of Spike's sister, but yet has a "selfish personality" at times for his mind not to see a connection, she also is the minds pure representation of Spike's sister complex that he created


Pinkie Pie- represents the love and joy that the sister always brought to Spike's face, but she also represents the sadness and loneliness that Spike experienced after the tragedy of losing his sister


Fluttershy- the kindness his sister always showed him, Flutterrage represents all the anger Spike experience when everyone around him told him everything would be okay after his sister's death. because of such a reaction of rage, the world inside Spike's mind has treated Fluttershy as something that should be overlooked, and that if Spike were to ever notice her than he would just let it pass by with out any notice






Nightmare Moon- Is the first attempt of part of the mind's blunt way of trying to tell Spike what has actually going on. The darkness she is attempting to spread is the representation of the eternal darkness of death in attempt to reach out to Spike and reveal the truth. In which case, the representations of his sister overcame this part of the mind, telling him that their is always tomorrow.


The representation of Nightmare moon is the sole representation of the monster that killed Spike's sister. but it also represents other fears that Spike had been holding back, "The fear of being forgotten," but this will be explained upon in "Secret of my excess." as well as the fear of being all alone. In series wise, as everypony slept through the night, Luna felt lonely in that regard as she had no one to share her world with, in which case follows that nightmare moon got her. In reality, the reverse of this actually happened, The monster got Spike's sister, and now Spike lies in the pit of his loneliness as his sister "sleeps" for an eterenity



Discord- the mind's second attempt of revealing the truth. At this point it seemed to be going even more direct than that of Nightmare moon. This "Discord" was opening revealing that the world itself is false, and that everything in it can be easily be manipulated and broken, and that the ponies that represented his sister were nothing more then pieces that could be easily over turned, the reason why all the girls were turned into their opposites.


In an attempt, when Rainbow Dash left, Spike was the only one that could cling onto the past, that is why he become the "new Rainbow Dash"


The child was about to accept the truth, but the memories of his sister forcibly came up from with in him (in the form of Celestia sending Twilight's letters to her) forcing him to continue to decline the reality of the situation, causeing all the representations of his sister to return to normal and to send the essence of "Discord" and keeping it locked away in an stone imprisonment.




Episodes :



Owl's well that ends well:


Owlowiscious- represents the conundrum that would of taken place in the real world, that only Spike himself would rememeber the way that his sister want's treated him, it is represented in the case as Spike tries to talk to the owl, but the the bird only asks "Who?" no matter how many times Spike tried to explain it, the bird (anyone he would try to talk to in reality) would not understand whom it is he is talking about, in the case that no body but those before her death would not know anything about his sister.


Twilight's "attempt" to replace Spike is a representation of Spike's fear of wondering if his sister still loved him, or if that she had replaced him where ever she is with someone else.


The Green Dragon- The reaction of his parents, but in truth the reverse of the situation was what had happened in reality. In this world, the dragon tried to get rid of Spike, but in reality his parent's tried to open up even greater to him, trying to show that their home is still their home, and that they are still family. But Spike couldn't accept that because one piece of their family was missing, so he "ran" from them and tried to return to his sister's side... and no matter how much they tried to call out to him, just continued to run in his own dark forest with his sister.






Secret of my excess-


The major theme here is Spike's "Fear of forgetting/ or being forgotten" in which it is represented of in the form of growing up. The memories of someone is what gives the proof of someone their existence in the world, even after death - but it is as of fact, that as you grow up you forget stuff: Spike would remember that he did miss his sister, but he wouldn't be able to recall "the pain" of having a sister, there would even be the chance of forgetting her face.


As he grew, Spike started to become more clingy, representing that as he would of grown older, it was his attempts to keep those precious memories alive... but as time goes on, people forget, in this case it's Spike going ballistic, as if he was some kind of mindless creature, with no memories of himself or his past that he longed for.


But the one memory did survive... it's just that as time goes on that people forget, but you can't ever forget about your first love. Rarity the pure representation of Spike's love for his sister was what that brought him back, bringing back those memories returning his world back to normal


Spike wanted to tell her how much he loved her, but his mind stopped him from doing so, for the truth was, no matter how many times he said it, no matter how strong he would say the words, his sister would never love him back the way he does for her









So what kind of theories can you guys come up with?



Oh God, it's the Comatose Ash Theory! It's too soon, man! TOO SOON!!!



The only theory I really have is that Twilight is being raised to be the next Princess of Equestria. After all, she does wear a crown as her Element of Harmony.

Edited by SBaby
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Equestria is flat and the sun and moon revolve around it! :o At the Gala I remember a stallion unicorn with a constellation as his cutie mark. He must move that constellation - or all the stars!

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The show takes place 90 million years in the past. Dinosaurs are actually the monsters in the land and a group of Pegasus, lead by an adult Rainbow Dash, go on a quest to kill them all. Then an age of exploration takes place lead by the now-immortal Mane 6. Ponies rule the world, and they decide to leave earth via a magical ship designed by Twilight to conquer new worlds. Unfortunately, the ship only holds a few thousand ponies, so a lot are left behind, where they slowly degenerate into the horses we know today. The only reason we remember the truth is because Twilight Sparkle is sending the writers mental images of what she wants us to remember, from her gold throne on Titan.

  • Brohoof 1
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The show takes place 90 million years in the past. Dinosaurs are actually the monsters in the land and a group of Pegasus, lead by an adult Rainbow Dash, go on a quest to kill them all. Then an age of exploration takes place lead by the now-immortal Mane 6. Ponies rule the world, and they decide to leave earth via a magical ship designed by Twilight to conquer new worlds. Unfortunately, the ship only holds a few thousand ponies, so a lot are left behind, where they slowly degenerate into the horses we know today. The only reason we remember the truth is because Twilight Sparkle is sending the writers mental images of what she wants us to remember, from her gold throne on Titan.


Actually, NASA knows about this, too. So when the Huygens probe landed on Titan, they had to fake the data and everything coming back from it. The probe landed in Ponyville, after the sonic booms and it's firey reentry scared off the ponies, they came back to realize they were scared about nothing. That's the same time it's video cameras started recording, capturing this:



That clip was a real NASA clip, not something created by Hasbro.

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