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open Sunset Resorts [Slice of Life/Romance RP]


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Thunder left the bar aswell. It didn't take long for him to reach his room, but after a while he smelled the unmissable, strong, delicious smell of weed. He went to explore and his first thought would be suite 143: Lightwings' suite. He walked in front of it and knocked on the door.

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She sat under her bed scared to death. She hated strangers and this place was full of them. She felt a bug land on her nose and she jumped out screaming. ''AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH'' as the bug stayed on her nose she finaly swiped it off. She sceamed as she saw it was a huge beatle and ran out of her room sceaming as she was afraid of bugs.

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A deep red unicorn lazied on the beach, his one saddlebag rested at the base of a giant palm tree. He hadn't felt like checking in yet, he just wanted to lay in the sun and soak it in, Manehattan's beaches weren't anything like this and he loved this sunny warm feeling. He was a naturally handsome stallion with a sandy blonde mane and tail but he wasn't obsessed with his looks. He was comfortable with who he was and was fine going at his own pace.


Heart Breaker wondered how long he could actually stay here, the invitation had said you could stay with all expenses paid as long as you wanted but he doubt that was true; no way a luxury hotel would let that happen, otherwise he might never leave this place. He pictured it in his head, live in his suite maybe see if he could get a job at the hotel, he'd make a pretty good masseuse. He was glad this invitation had come when it had, Manehattan had a power struggle going on and he was glad to escape it and his old job. He hoped he could find love in this resort but he doubted it, he could catch plenty of others hearts but nopony ever seemed to catch his.


He turned over letting the sun hit his belly, and closed his eyes taking deep breaths and truly relaxing.

Edited by Torrent505
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Thunder Dash heard a scream from somewhere. He then gathered electricity and appeared right in front of the door that he heard the screaming from. He then knocked. "Hey, is everything okay in there? Did something freak you out?" Thunder asked with concern in his tone.  

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She opened the door,and with a wacko look,she said quickly

"Oh Fart come here fast"

Then she pulls him inside the suit as fast as possible

"If y'want some weed,the bag is on that table,and for paper and filters,look inside this bag*points a bag*"

She smoke a bit more,and then she said more slowly

"So...what brings you here? :wacko:"

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She truly did not get a room yet. She just snuck into a room and went under the bed in fear of talking to anypony. Of course the place was amazing but she was proble the most socialy awurad pony here. She hear a voice and sqeaked as she saw a yellow but femler pony in front of her.''come on me... get yourself tegether'' she said to herself.'' A beetle attacked me..im sorry'' she said quitely with an open door with her mane covering her face shyly.

Edited by IIFlyingGraceII

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"I smelled weed and thought i'd stop by to say that i'd invite you at my suite." Thunder rolled a joint aswell. "Anyway, next one's on me." Thunder said as he lighted the joint and started smoking it. "Hope you don't mind if i lie on your bed." He said as he hopped on Lightwing's bed.

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"A what? Beetles don't attack." Thunder saw the beetle as he flew. He then extended his hoof out and the beetle landed on it's hoof. "See, beetles are harmless. Oh sure, they might get close to you, but they do no harm." Thunder stated. The beetle flew off. "Boy she's scared. Maybe a cupcake would do..." Thunder thought to himself. He then gathered some electricity and a cupcake appeared from the blue. "Cupcake?" Thunder asked.  

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"You an sit anywhere,except over me *snorts*"

"Well,and about that thing...

If you ever tell anyone that i smoke weed,i'll kill you with my own hooves :okiedokielokie: "

"But now,let's have fun!!! :) "

She saw him agaun,this time on a...Provocative?...pose,and then she though

"Don't fall onto the sterothype,Light...don't...fall in love...is only the weed"

"And...why are you here,Thunder Farts? "

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''wait... i know you...You did a magic show!'' she says happly that this wasent a stranger. She smiled a bit picking up the cupcake eating it. ''Im sorry about the sceaming... its just i was hiddeing.. from... '' she says trailing off. She was scared of the other ponies because she dident know them. At lest she kinda knew this pony. ''Why do i have to be so shy..'' she thought.

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Thunder felt himself getting stoned. "Don't worry, i won't tell anyone you smoke weed. It's our little secret." Thunder had his joint about halfway done now. "I like weed, and i like it more if i can smoke it with a friend." Thunder layed back on Lightwing's bed. The bed was getting to be a bit of a mess.

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"Well, if you want...we could...hang out together." Thunder stated as he handed the cupcake to the pony. "And yes, I did do that magic show. The names Thunder Dash if you don't remember. My twin bro Electra Blitz is back up in Cloudsdale." Thunder said as he got back up.  

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Connor finished his shots and started to head to his room he smelt the lovely smell of weed coming from one of the room so he decided to have a little fun with the occupants of the room and went to the door he stood next to the other mare that was standing next to the door


"Excuse me miss"


He Knocked hard and shouted loud



Edited by lonewolf1735
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"What is that horrible smell?" The air was filled with the smell of weed. Felicity opened her window, and decided to go investigate. She ended up in front of Lightwing's room. She peeped through a small hole in the door. "They smoke weed?" She gasped and almost fell over. Felicity backed up into the wall, with a loud crash, that was probably heard in the room.


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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She sighed leting all the shyness go. She needed to be strong like her mother always told her. ''I well havent even got a room yet...i don't like new places... full of strangers'' she said feeling better as this pony she knew. She hoped he wouldent judge her about being so shy. She gatherd all of her strength and beat her shyness. Everything will be alright.

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And he's still on that pose...

"Well...Thunder Farts,that's an interesting name,Farts...Oh,wait a second"

She left a few minutes to make another joint,but a crash was heard,and she came back,but with a messed up hair

"Heheh...sorry if my hair is messed up,but when i smotke this*points the joint* i don't know what i do" *snorts*

"What was I saying...oh yeah!!!Why your second name is "Farts"?"

Edited by Lightwing
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"I don't know but..."

There was a lot of ruckus at the other side of the front door. "I'll take a look." Thunder opened the door and saw Connor with a big grin on his face and Felicia, the pretty mare from before, lying on the ground. "The fuck is happening here?" he asked.

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''im just scared who i will have to share a room with..'' she said amenting her fear. She felt better like a weight have been lifted off of her. She chuckled a little. ''I hope this is better than the last resort i went to... as i had to share a room with a murder..'' she said hopefuly.

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"What kind of mare is she!? And how did she get weed here!?" She stormed to the front desk. She wasn't going to tell anypony. "Um, hello! Is it okay if I change rooms?" "Oh, no problem! Where would you like to go?" "Someplace where I will not have any neighbors." "Okay! There is this empty part of the hotel on the 3rd floor. Suite 379." "Perfect!" Felicity gathered her things and moved, where she could be alone. This room was even bigger than her old one, and sunlight streamed through the window. "Perfect. All alone, by myself." She did leave a note on her old room's door. It said: "I don't like it here. You can find me in Suite 379."




(Please don't say those words.)

Edited by Starbound - Entropy


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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"I should clean myself,and,at least,say sorry for that..."

She tried to look after the suite 379,and then shd knocked on the door


"Hey,i wanna to say sorry about that.But i need it,because is terapeutical.*pulls out a paper*

See?If i don't smoke it,i can have serious problems on my body..."

"We started bad.Let me present before nothing.My name's Lightwing.And yours?"

Edited by Lightwing
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Heart Breaker had decided that the beach would be even better with an ice cold mixed drink, so he made his way to the beach/poolside bar. It was only then that he was informed even though he had the ticket to prove he was a winner he had to check in first before he could get free drinks or even partake in any hotel events! He had gone back and gotten his saddlebag muttering angrily to himself, "stupid resort, make me check in first..." he let out a loud sigh he knew that it only made sense but he hadn't wanted to check in yet, he had just wanted to enjoy the beach before getting all tangled up with the other patrons.


He walked to the front desk and tapped the bell, he called gently "Hello? I'm here to claim my suite room and free vacation. The name's Heart Breaker and I've got my ticket."

Edited by Torrent505
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"I- I'm Felicity. My name is Felicity. But the other stallions in your room... they were smoking it, too. They probably don't need it for health... I- I just want to be away from every single stallion that only likes me because I'm pretty. The stallions that my mother calls 'shallow beasts'. The one with the cream colored coat was eyeing me earlier today... probably thinking about how pretty I am."




"Welcome to Sunset Resorts! Your room is 156. Here are your room keys!"

Edited by Starbound - Entropy


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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When Felicity said that,she felt like a twin soul on that mare

"...I feel on the same way...One thing is that i talk to stallions,but other is a relationship.My mother always said to me that i had to find my special somepony,and that's why i'm here,but i'm not a mare to be a couple...i hate the idea of eing in couple..."

"Can i pass in?I don't want to be with more stallions in a while"

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Streamsung saw the handsome red stallion cut in front of her at the desk. She didn't really mind, as she hadn't been paying attention anyway. Now that she was paying attention though, she reckoned it would be a good idea to check in as well.


"Hey, I am Streamsung Swann and I have my cousins ticket..." She searched around in her saddlebags and pulled out the ticket. She put it down on the desk with her magic. She winced a little, as she didn't know for sure if it was ok if she used somepony else's ticket. The large stallion standing next to her wasn't exactly helping her get over her anxiety.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Heart looked a little disappointed at the key, " I don't mean to be rude but if the room is in the 100's that means it's on the first floor right? Is there anyway I can get a room in the higher levels? I mean this Hotel is huge and I'd love to have a view looking out over the ocean.". He felt a little awkward asking this but having come from Manehattan with all the high skyscrapers he felt the height might remind him of home and besides who didn't love a beautiful view of a sparkling ocean.

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