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Names of our Kids!

Commander Frost

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Mainly girl's names. Even then, not many.


Girl: Geraldine, Tatiana, Gabby


I'll just try with boy's names...


Boy: Logan?


Well, if nothing else, I would look for names suitable in the Spanish and Slavic languages. But do you know how you could really troll your children? Giving them names that are hard to spell, especially with having squiggles on letters. Here are two fine examples: Assunção, Cristóvão (Portuguese names)

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Whoever my partner is going to be, I'll probably talk to her/him about it. But if I got a girl probably Lauren or Claire and for a boy it would be Alexander, John, James.. I have no idea.

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Oh cool! I was looking for a topic like this.


As often as I hint it to friends, nobody ever asks me what I want to name my kids.


I never get to talk about it, but now I can! ^^


Let's see, if I were to have a child...


Well, I want a girl, totally.


That's my manly instinct there talking.


But it's not for me to decide.


Therefore, I have both genders ready for a name. ^^


If a girl, I would name her: Krystal Lara (Last Name)


But why you ask?


Well, if the names look familiar, you're totally right. ^^


They should be familiar if you play games.


Star Fox, being one of my absolute favorite series of all time.


Wow, now that I think of it, I've liked Star Fox longer than I have Sonic. :o


Anyways, there's a purple Vixen named "Krystal" on there, and I think that's an awesome name from an awesome series. ^^


Really, I've always loved the name Crystal/Christal/Krystal, but I think how she spells it is a very unique way of doing so, 'tis why I picked it! ^^


Now, if it were a guy, I would name him Dominic Xavior (Last Name)


Holy balls, that middle name, right?


First off, I love the name Dominic.


Not only is it the name of the bro from Gears of War, I just think it's a cool name in general.


I loved Dom in Gears of War. ^^


Now Xavior, that's pending.


If I find a better name, I would replace it.


But for now, Xavior will do. ^^


It's actually the name an old ex girlfriend of mine liked for the name of a kid.


So I took it with me when we broke up. ^^"


But like I said, if there's a cooler name out there that I like better than "Xavior", I'll replace it. ^^


But "Dominic" is a certainty. ^^



EDIT: OH! I just remembered. I think I had already though of a better name than Xavior, and that was "Miles".


You people who know me as a huge Sonic fan thought I'd leave him out, didn't you? ^^"


I like the name "Miles", it sounds really cool. ^^


And you know, Tails is amazing! That's about it.

Edited by Adorkable


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Ooooooh I love these threads! > u <

I seriously hope to have two boys and a girl, or a boy and a girl, I'm semi-flexible with names, so long as I get to have my pick in it somewhere, but here are the ones I love in order:



Steve / Steven (After Steve Irwin)


John / Johnny





Jolene (Because  Dolly Parton - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGEubdH8m0s)



Edited by Cherry Top


> u <

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  • 3 weeks later...

If I had a daughter, I would name her Morning Glory, one of my favorite flowers and my favorite Flutter pony. See the my little pony movie. Or Twilight, Cadence, or Dawn.


My son Castiel, Gaelin, Stephan, Ryan, or Samuel.

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I hope I'll have boys XD




















there's more... but i keep think of them right now..

"You die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."



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