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School Bans Rainbow Dash Backpack for Bullied Kid


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I met other people online about this particular issue, they say that there were many disruptive items banned from their school and that no one "gave a shit", claiming this case was no different. Then they pointed fingers at Bronydom and as usual and stated that we are whiny because it was pony material we defended.

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@Starlighty, hello there. Since your thread was related to sharing news on the Rainbow Dash backpack ban in the school in North Carolina, I've merged your thread with the main one for talking about that incident. Just helps keep all the discussion in one place. Thanks for letting everyone know, and I hope you understand :).

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm glad it all finally got straightened up, though. ^^"


That's what I get for not looking at Equestria Daily for a few days.


I get so behind in pony news. ^^"


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WHAT?! They think that the solution to a case of bullying is to punish THE VICTIM?! So they're basically saying "F*** you kid, we're not gonna help you! We're not gonna punish the bullies or anything like that because it takes too much effort! NOW ACCEPT BEING BULLIED!".


First, we had the asshole teacher who recorded an autistic kid who was stuck in a chair, now we have teachers who don't give two flying fucks about bullying. What kind of fucked up world do we live in?!


My reaction to the genius who decided to do this to that poor kid



This would be like saying "This black kid is being bullied for his skin colour! Let's not punish the bullies, instead we make shall that kid get plastic surgery to change his skin to white!". Yeah, I know, this isn't a good analogy, but you get the point


I agree.



As for topic, WTF?! 0_o Wow.


As a school, to be that retarded requires skills. ALOT of skills.

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Looks like nobody has posted a thread on this one yet, so I thought I would.  A kid was being bullied for having a rainbow dash backpack, so of course the school's solution was to tell the kid he wasn't allowed to bring it anymore.  




Schools like this really make me sick... you don't solve problems by forcing kids into accepting being bullied.  It's the bullies that should be punished, not the kid.  Ugh... anyway what are everybody else's thoughts?

Yeah that is complete bull***...da hell schools da hall. you cant just ban the thing the guy wanted to wear...what kind of logic is this. 

Edited by BlinkZ
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It already has. ^^


Didn't you hear about it?

What did it do? If they think like this, it needs a lot of work! Edited by joecal97

If you actually took the time to read my forum post, I thank

Love you Dashie :wub:


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They let the kid wear his backpack to school. ^^

Yay, result!

I hope the bullies got their arses kicked as well :P

If you actually took the time to read my forum post, I thank

Love you Dashie :wub:


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America: On second thought, let's strip this kid of his rights to do/wear what he wants and accept that he's being abused by his peers.

What the buck, murica?

  • Brohoof 2



aromatisse is the sass master

i <3 rwby, game grumps and homestuck. uwu

obey submit consume

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Aw, but that's not very nice.


Love and Tolerate! ^^

I kid, I kid

But they shouldn't bully :(

If you actually took the time to read my forum post, I thank

Love you Dashie :wub:


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I remember seeing this on the news a couple days back. Oohh it still has me so pissed off.


Just like everyone else here is saying, it's victim shaming. Instead of going after the bullies, they go after the victim. It's messed up in all sorts of ways.


I can totally understand how some teachers / school officials would be scared to deal with angry/bully parents, and rightfully so if some are a couple apples short of a full barrel, but at the end of the day, it's like a parent dealing with a tantruming kid. The parent can either try to appease the kid and let them do their own thing which is easier, or actually step in, do the right thing but tough, and get them to chill out. Unfortunately, this isn't the first case I've seen on TV that's pulled this kind of crap.

Kid gets bullied. Victim gets punished or shamed. The bully? Not a thing.

In one case the pricipal of a school got the victim and the bully together in the same room, face to face, to have them shake hands and 'be okay'. The next day, the kid was bullied worse than before.


I agree. As an American our schools are seriously messed up and I'm not even gonna try and deny that a little bit. What I seriously wish someone would do is actually get into these school systems and talk to the teachers, the pricipals, the school officials. EDUCATE them on how to approach and handle this kind of crap. Not just pussy foot around and pander to the bullies or bring down a whole new level of bullying on the victim.

Only in a few really rare cases have I ever heard where the teachers/school officials did the RIGHT thing, got the bully to come in, sit down, and really investigate what the eff the kid's problem was and start dealing with it.


The way I've heard it is that bullying is down to either the kid wanting power and control over someone else because they think it's funny and don't know what it's like to be on the other side of that coin, they have no control over their own life and have to hurt someone else to feel like they have control, or something majorly wrong is going on in their personal life and they feel like they need to lash out at a target to make themself feel better (kinda like the trickle down effect. Man bitten by rat. Man kicks the dog. Dog bites the cat. Cat bites the rat. Rat bites the man. Cycle continues.)


Then again, I don't think it's helped along any either by the casual attitude so many people have (and I saw this way too much in high school first hand). You're either okay or 'get the eff over it'. If you're really emotionally upset, no one really wants to sit down with you and help you overcome what your problem is. (Or if they do, they expect you to just talk about your problem the one time then magically be all better.) You're either expected to suddenly be okay and get over it, or you'll be ignored because you're making them uncomfortable/they don't want to deal with it.


I seriously, seriously, seriously wish things were different and if I had the training and know-how, I sure as hell wouldn't be sitting here talking about this. I'd be out doing my d@mnest to help change things.


It does make you wonder though. Just because this kid got into the news for this.... how many other kids who are getting put through this same crap but aren't in the news for it?



This whole subject makes me so sad.

  • Brohoof 1
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@Starlighty, hello there. Since your thread was related to sharing news on the Rainbow Dash backpack ban in the school in North Carolina, I've merged your thread with the main one for talking about that incident. Just helps keep all the discussion in one place. Thanks for letting everyone know, and I hope you understand :).


Thanks for merging it instead of deleting the whole topic!

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I saw this and just wanted to write a letter to the school about how they are being so stupid and not punishing the bullies , I got might just go do that . I hope this is only this school and not other schools

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I think, to some degree, kids have always been mean, unfortunately. I just wish more adults would take a proactive role in their local schools to stomp out bullying. Not just tolerate it and say 'oh that's just kids being kids'. 'Kids being kids' are playing around on school grounds, doing homework, making friends. This doesn't include bullying others to make themselves feel better or more powerful and definately doesn't include them beating the crap out of someone else 'just because'.

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You can't denie the need for ponies. This school will suffer the pain of a thouand buckings...we are bronys, you can not stop the love.

---> Here be Fabulous Mare!


<--- There be Brony!


***Fear the Hater, for they are out to taint your Perfection. Buck the Troll, for he would seek to stop the Fabulous flavor. For you are Brony, coated in Pearl, maned in fine Mulberry, eyes of the sky, and flanks of Diamonds. Your life is for the Lady, all hail the Queen, for Rarity, your life, for her.*** -Applejock

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This whole thing made me sick. Saw it 2 days ago on Yahoo News. I was like "Are you serious?!" The bullies were in the wrong and yet the school says "Oh it was a trigger for the bullies" OMG! That is so messed up! And all because they wanted to be lazy and not do anything about the bullies! Was really pissed off at this.

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This whole thing made me sick. Saw it 2 days ago on Yahoo News. I was like "Are you serious?!" The bullies were in the wrong and yet the school says "Oh it was a trigger for the bullies" OMG! That is so messed up! And all because they wanted to be lazy and not do anything about the bullies! Was really pissed off at this.

I agree with you on so many levels. Like, what he hay? Why not punish the bullies instead of the people being victims?

Edited by galaxies



aromatisse is the sass master

i <3 rwby, game grumps and homestuck. uwu

obey submit consume

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SOOOOO many brohoofs given out from me today on this thread alone… warms the cockles of my heart! :)


So many of you have stated what I feel so much more eloquently than I could, but I'll try anyway:


This is but another stunningly tragic example of how it takes national coverage for a school system to pull their heads out of their asses and realize how short-sighted, half-assed decisions like these are just exposing how incompetent they truly are, and will only reverse said pig-headed decisions once they've recieved enough flak!

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  • 1 month later...

Well this is just... he is a brony. So what? The bullies should be punished and the boy can continue to bring the backpack. This is just MESSED UP!




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