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open Fallout Equestria: Ground Zero [RP]


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Renatus was more than a little surprised when the stallion, who turned out to be a doctor, patched up his wound. The bullet though still caused him some pain as he slowly got back to his hooves and picking up his pistol, turned and followed the them, mostly just to thank the stallion and hopefully get some answers on what just happened. Reaching the second story, he found both of them talking to what the griffin referred to as the Enclave. That can't be right...I've never of this Enclave...actually I can't remember much of anything at the moment...Realizing that beyond his name, his skills, and some basic knowledge...he really couldn't remember much else. At least not enough to explain the ruins and the raiders they had faced earlier...much less this 'Enclave'. Joining the others, he Noticed that the pony in power armor was clearly hostile as the other two interrogated him, especially towards him, he glared at him for a moment before turning to the doctor and asking, his voice having a distinct half echoing quality to it, " Escuse me, but do you have any idea of what's going on here? I mean who were those ponies and what happened here? Did I walk into the middle of a warzone or something?"  


Waiting for the doctor to answer, he was going ask the griffin a few similar questions but found him holding the 'Enclave' pony at gunpoint, the barrel inches away from the pony's face as he demanded what he was doing there. What did I miss...he wondered as he looked up for the first time though a broken skylight for a moment and found the clouds a sickly grey and the sun nowhere to found. 


(I'm adjusting a bit of his story arch, I've adjusted some of my earlier posts.)

Edited by Blacklight01
  • Brohoof 1

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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"Wow. Do you really think they give a flying fuck about you?" He asked,tilting his head, not even noticing the Changling now up and about behind him. He was focused on his... interrogation. "First off, even if I do kill you... so what? You're surrounded by Raider corpses, some of them little more than goo now... they'll think you died fighting them. That's it. They'll never know. Second, even if they do bother looking for you, you know what they'll do? They'll probrably take a picture, use it as some propaganda against the surface, and take your armor. I bet they just leave your body to rot with the raiders. " He gave a confident smirk, cocking the hammer back on his gun, "So, lets try this again: why are you here, and why shouldn't I put you down like a raging hellhound?" He asked... 'politely.'



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"What do mean, 'war zone'?" I retorted, not bothering to look back at the changeling. "If you're going to be asking me questions, I don't know anything of the sort. I just came out from an underground Stable, excuse me, and I don't know what the fuck just happened around here, but we just got into a gunfight which I can best describe as a random and unpredictable turn of events. No, I should be asking you whether I'm still dreaming or not, because it seems very likely that one of the ponies knocked me out and I'm hallucinating as of now. Be fortunate that I at least saved you."


I finished that with a tense and uncomfortable pause, the PipBuck coincidentally flashing back on from the electrical interruption. Obviously, I was trusting these ponies less and less each second they were standing there and giving me bullshit excuses. The wasteland was giving me seriously bad vibes with ponies randomly popping in and out. And I want my wings intact, not eaten or ripped or clipped. I felt my feathery wings, preening it with my mouth. One of them still bent, but overall fine with a little maintenance later on. 


"I'm assuming with our griffon friend over here, that armored pony was part of the 'Enclave', based on some of the things our attackers were mentioning. Are all the ponies in the Enclave supposed to be psychopathic, or is it just me?"

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"Yup, that pegasus down there was an Enclave," I finally said. I was too concentrated to rebooting my Pipbuck. Now its all in working order, I can finally answer.


"The Enclave in made up of Pegasi. Pretty bad reputation here in the Wastelands. The use Magical Power armor the same as the Steel Rangers, but theirs uses light and sturdy material for mobility rather than bulky, strong material for Strength and power. Only way put them back to place is by what they used before, an Anti-Matrix Grenade. That will disrupt any material using a spell Matrix program, like our Pipbuck.


"For the reason why there's an Enclave there, I don't know. If I know right, they go by group. It's a rare sight to see a solo Enclave. And just an added information, there are also Dashites, exiled Pegasi who are lived over the Cloud cover. They know how the power armor works, but their Cutie Mark  got branded off. More or less, they are big wuss because they say that here is still irradiated. Well, some parts are still, but mostly are clear. Mostly, they are paranoid of us because we're 'impure' but they should open their eyes and remove that cloud cover."


I went back to loot some stuff he haven't. There was this pile of Caps, about five dozen of them. I took them all and placed them inmy pouch. Next, I went on the safe. The lock wasn't that hard for me to handle, and the lock opened after breaking one bobby pin. Inside was more ammo for my Bubble Bullets and Night Strike. I took them, leaving some of the papers there and other things I don't need.


"So, you're a changeling?" I directed to the attention of the odd figure. "I though your kind was extinct after the Megaspells fell. How come you survived?"




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"Hold on what's this about the Megaspells and me being the last of my kind?" Renatus asked, slightly alarmed at what the other stallion said, " What is this some kind of cruel joke or something because if it is I'm not laughing." As he finished speaking, he could feel a tugging sensation forming within him, almost as if he wanted to remember something but it was just out of reach and it began to frustrate him to no end as he began slowly pacing back and forth. Trying to will himself to remember and as he felt the memory within his grasp, a sudden flash of pain from his leg interrupted him, causing him to wince slightly. Feeling that the memory had faded away from him, he let a soft growl of anger as he stopped pacing and pulled the clip out of the pistol and after finding it empty, tossed it away and inserted the last clip into it.


Down to my last one... hopefully some of those dead psychotic ponies down there...if the griffin hasn't already picked them clean. He noted as he glanced at the bodies that were still lying downstairs. Glancing at the  pitbuck on his fore-hoof for the first time since the facility  he found the screen a dark shade of blue with the the tabs Stats, S.P.E.C.I.A.L, Skills, and finally General. Clicking on Stats with his hoof, he found most of his body in good shape except his rear hoof, which was labeled with the words crippled.  

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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"Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think it just did," I told him, secretly sliding out the Switchblade just in case he becomes hostile. My E. F. S. still says that he's friendly, but I needed to be sure.


"About two centuries ago, Megaspells fell from the sky, destroying everything except for the ones in Stables or covered by the Cloud Cover. I don't know about the other Stables if there are changelings there, but I've only seen a living, breathing changeling once, and it's right in front of me."


I leaned on the wall, checking the area. Everything seems to be pretty damaged. My Pipbuck told me he had a crippled rear hoof, so he won't escape easily. The floor seems to be holding on pretty nicely. If he ever turns hostile, shoot his gun with Bubble Bullets, then pin him to the floor. Or, shoot the floor until a hole forms and he falls down. Anyway, it works for me.


"Told you I hate to give out facts about the old world. So much hurt will come to a pony if they learned it."

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Connor was grinning under his helmet his suit was almost rebooted he just had to wait a couple more minutes.


"I not telling you anything griffin I don't sell my nations secrets like you mercenarys so back off buck head"


A red flash inside his helmet let him know he only need to wait 30 more seconds and his suit would be operational again

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Vincent rolling his eyes. This proffesional Enclave solider had all the wit of a colt. He was half tempted to blow his brains out on principle:  he'd just insulted him as a mercenary! He couldn't figure out how he knew he was a merc, but he guessed that didn't matter. "Ooooh man, you REALLY wanna get your brains blow out huh?" He said, feeling as though the way the Enlcave solider insulted him showed that he had to have some kind of death wish. "Well, sad for you, but... I don't really think you're worth the bullet." He muttered, holstering his pistol. "Sorry, .44 rounds are expensive pal." He muttered, walking away to loot the corpses around him. Mostly, he just picked up the guns. He'd head upstairs and see about breaking them down and putting them back together again... could probrably sell them for a preety bottlecap. He also made sure to loot any drugs the raiders had them, medical or... recreational. Could always sell them to some junkie...


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"So most of the pegasi were in the Enclave?" I restated, thinking back to my Stable. There wasn't really much records on the former Stable residents, and ever since I was born, I was the only living pegasus in the Stable. I still recalled that most of the ponies in the Stable, including the Overmare, being a bit uncertain about my existence. Perhaps it had to be because I was related to pegasi several generations back in the pre-war. In fact, that would explain the lack of pegasi residents in any of the databases I accessed...


"Let me clarify that I am not involved in any way with the 'Enclave'," I sternly noted, cleaning up the room and opening the window. "As previously mentioned, I am from a Stable, not the skies. And judging by your blue jumpsuit, I think you are, too." Like a bad note to an end of a sentence, the window pane fell from the hinges and crashed to the ground below, shattering to pieces and letting air inside. There was more buildings in the distance, a combination of one-story concrete buildings and a few metal shacks here and there, perhaps only a hour's walk away. Above the buildings were also the remains of what seemed to be a pre-war highway overpass bridge, with a part of it collapsed. 


"Hey...that look like a town to you?" I asked, pointing towards the cluster of houses under the highway bridge. "Maybe we can go there to rest."

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Connor grinned as his suit came back on line he stood up and flexed his hooves and his neck he then looked over to the griffin and sneered he then ran up the stairs in search of the changeling he rounded a corner and walked to the room with the stable ponies and the changeling he went in and closed the door he then pointed his laser rifle at the changeling.


"You down on the ground!"

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" Your lying...there's no way I could be the last one!" Rentaus yelled as he looked up from his pipbuck and glared at the stallion, his posture turning towards one of hostility. " Also those 'Megaspells' as you called them couldn't have destroyed Equestria...just no way! If only I could remember...ugh why!" As he finished his frustration about his lack of memories began spilling over as punched a nearby file cabinet, knocking it over with a loud clang, and began walking threatening to the stallion as he growled, " Now tell me what really happened...or you'll regret it..." Even as he finished, his rational side knew he realistically stood little chance at the present moment though he just couldn't accept the alternative...that the pony in front of him was right. All that changed however when the armored Enclave pegasus burst into the room and pointed his weapon directly at Renatus and ordered him to get on the ground.


At that point time seemed to slow down for Renatus as he, almost instinctually, queued up 5 shots on SATS and as time began to return to normal. Five shots erupted from his 9mm, all glancing of the pony's armored helmet except one which stuck a knee joint on the pony's armor. As the last round left the chamber, he jumped behind a desk and waited for the room to go to hell.    

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Connor groaned as one of the changelings shots hit a knee joint on his armor causing a small shock to course through the suit not hurting him but causing a small pain


Connor looked at the stable ponies and shouted at them to get away from the changeling then Connor aimed his rifle at the desk and shot it up disintegrating it he then aimed his rifle at the changeling again


"I will not tell you again get down now or I will kill you"

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Vincent was pretty perspective, but even if he hadn't, he wouldn't have missed the sounds of the power armored soilder getting up... okay, well, he hadn't shot him. Maybe the moron was leaving, no big deal. Then he heard handgun rounds firing upstairs, followed by laser blast.... "huh... well, so much for that..." He muttered, grabbing a collection of 9mm clips he'd taken from a raider corpse, dashing upstairs.


Awe, how cute. The pegasus had even closed the door behind him. Vincent didn't even bother to make sure if it was locked or not, busting through the 200 year old frame, which was already corroded to hell. "Hey there! You know, when I left you alive, I thought you'd fly up to your little cloud layer, to suck on your momma's teat and cry about the big bad wasteland, but now, I gotta teach you a lesson." He mutterered, smirking as he launched himself at him...onto his back. A bit of a blind spot for the guns, gripping them in his talons and tearing at them, attempting to physically rip them from their perch. He didn't know why the Enclave had such a hard on for the Changleing, but he was happy to do this just to fuck with those cloud-layered assholes. 




  • Brohoof 2
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Renatus had been pretty confident he would be safe behind the metal desk...well at least for the moment and was taken completely off guard when the desk suddenly turned into metal slag before disintegrating entirely. Awww hell...he thought as he realized to his misfortune that he was completely exposed and outmatched. With only four rounds left in his clip and SATS still recharging, he was about to surrender to the Enclave soldier when the griffin from earlier explosively burst though the door and landed on the pony's back, attempting to rip the guns off with his bare claws. Taking advantage of his new moment of opportunity, he limped/ran as quickly as he could towards another desk, carefully firing his remaining four rounds into the pony as he retorted, " Well come and get me, I didn't just escape a concret prison to go to another one." All rounds however, bounced off the pony's armor like the four others had earlier. There has to be a weakness...he thought defiantly as he hid behind only remaining desk in the room.       

Edited by Blacklight01

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Connor grunted as the griffin from earlier jumped onto his back and started to try and rip his guns of his back Connor wasn't worried about his guns they were bolted onto the armor they wasn't going anywhere.


but nether was the griffin connor shot the remaining rounds in his laser rifle at the wall quickly and ejected the super heated clip into the under belly of the griffin.

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Vincent wasn't dumb... he wasn't the strongest Griffon, and once it became clear the guns weren't moving anywhere, he rolled with it. He jumped off from the armor's back, and took a moment to toss the clips behind the table where the Changleing had ducked... taking note to get his caps worth for them later.  pulling back out the Taurus, trying to decide specifically what to do... a full cylinder of .44 magnum rounds to the back of his armor's head would probably kill him.That much force, 6 times? Oh yeah, that'd punch through. Still, teaching lessons didn't usually end in a quick death... so instead, he decided to have more fun than that. He lined up the revolver with the joint that allowed the wings full movement... joints tended to be the weakest bits of armor, because they required flexibility... he was gonna shoot the bastards wing off. Have fun getting back to the cloud layer, he thought, pulling the trigger on his large revolver. 




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(It's 131 years after the megaspell bombing, by the way. This is way before the events of Fallout: Equestria.)


Just when I finished talking, the door slammed open with a deafening bang, interrupting my thoughts. Turning around, I saw the Enclave armored pegasus, right in front of us, pointing his weapon at the changeling pony. Not long after fighting in one battle, now this pony was going to instigate another. 


Oh wait. I forgot the Enclave pegasus was still downstairs. Shit. 


It seemed like the changeling had a PipBuck as well, as he suddenly turned his weapon around with great speed, firing mechanical and equally timed shots – the product of S.A.T.S. They were all hits, but it did virtually nothing to injure the pegasus clad in metallic armor. The changeling may have seen this already, since each shot was at a different place, hitting and denting the pegasus's helmet and armor. 


The griffon came to the rescue, jumping on the back of the armored pegasus and allowing the changeling to reload his pistol. The armored Enclave pegasus tried to throw the griffon off, trying to use his heated rifle magazine like a branding iron to scorch the griffon, though the griffon, to say the least, was clever. He got off the armored pony and drew his revolver.


Then at that moment, I knew what he was going to do. The griffon was aiming the revolver right at the Enclave pegasus's wing, the only section of the body that was not protected by the armor. And there was something behind it. Anatomically, the weakest part of a pegasus's body were the wings; when they were opened, the wing joints can easily be broken like wooden sticks. He remembered accidentally crushing his own wing before inside the Stable; that event got his wings bandaged for more than a month. Using a gun to shoot it...that would be an instant cripple.


I decided to follow suit – closing my own wings, of course, since I barely flied in the Stable and the wasteland as of now – activating my PipBuck's S.A.T.S. The chance of success were 77%. Good enough. I queued up four shots with my .357 revolver on the wings, pulling the trigger and preparing to switch with my other pistol.

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Connor Grunted as four weak shots dented his wing armor he was about to turn to face the stable pony that had fired the rounds.


connor felt a crippling pain in his left wing he dropped to the floor and screamed in agony.


"Ahhh mother buckers my wing bastards"

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Okay, he hadn't been expecting that. When he'd decided to shoot the guy right in his wing... well, he expected the pony to be against it. After all, the pony was a Pegasus... he was half expecting him to try and shoot Vincent for attempting to fire at the asshole in the power armor. Instead... he fired... four times. He was thankful for that. Had the enclave solider not been distracted by the 4 357. rounds hitting him, he may have gotten a shot off at Vincent. True, the stallion turning towards the strange pony in the jumpsuit almost threw off his shot, but a quick adjust of his aim managed to pull it off, his shot ringing around the room as the powerful kick back came against his talon.


And he fell, blustering and screaming. "Hey, don't get pissy at me. I told you, you weren't worth the bullets. I was letting you go, but you decided to come up here, bluster and threaten, so I have to teach you a lesson." He said with a coy smirk, looking at the crippled pony. "Thanks, doc." He said, turning his head towards the pony in the jumpsuit, as he never learned his name.


He also glanced towards the desk where he'd thrown the spare ammo, and where the Changeling had ducked, and called out, "Hey, you alright back there? Don't think this guy`ll be coming after you anymore..." he pointed his revolver at the other wing... "If he knows what's good for him..."





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Renatus had been be evaluating his options due to the fact he was now out of ammo when suddenly four clips of 9mm rained down on his head. Well that's a godsend...if only it didn't land on my head...ow...he thought as he quickly reloaded and was about to fire on the pony when he heard a series of gunshots, a scream, and a voice which he remembered to be the griffin's from earlier asking if he was ok. Raising his head he answered, " Yea, I'm fine...though what does this 'Enclave' want with me? Why am I so important?" As he raised his head, he noticed the doc holding a smoking revolver and the Armored pony lying in a heap, still very much alive as another series of curses escaped his mouth. Feeling it was safe he left the cover of the desk and walked up to the pony and spit a light green sludge on the pony's speaker, that almost instantly hardened, effectively muffling him. Turning back to others he muttered, " Thank the Goddesses...he was starting to get on my nerves..."

Edited by Blacklight01

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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"Um...the name is Baryon," I clarified. "Baryon, surname Fusion, Stable 16. And I have officially been in this fucked up wasteland for thirteen hours already. Notify me if I go insane or something."


I examined the Enclave pegasus, attempting to take off his armor. And for the love of Luna, the armor was extremely heavy. How can a pony even pick up all this weight without getting crushed? "Let's just...ugh...tear the armor apart so he *gasp* can't use it while I patch him...augh, him up. Also...hng, get his laser toy out of the way. I don't want him to –" I suddenly dropped the metallic helmet on the ground, crashing onto my hoof. "AGH!" I squealed weakly; it would have been miraculous if my fore-hoof wasn't crippled by now. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!"


I nearly tumbled myself over, kicking the helmet away, the object sliding on the opposite side of the wall. The pain quickly subsided, and while still bearing care for my poor hoof. "You know, griffon – I don't know your name – while some ponies can indeed be a pain in the ass," I replied, drawing my knife and cleaning it thoroughly with water, "no pony, or no sentient animal in that matter, deserves to die. I rather he learn his lesson well rather than simply kill him with cold blood. Plus, as a doctor, I'm not supposed to be using my medical skills to be murdering any being at all."


I observed the body damages. Multiple gunshot wounds, along with a fractured wing. The wing would have to wait later, since I couldn't fix that without the help of an Auto-Doc, but the gunshot wounds can be cleaned and bandaged up...though some of them were serious. While I can slow it down, he needed to see a real doctor, and quick, compared to the changeling's minor shotgun wound. 


"Anyone have any surgical tubing? This is bad..." I muttered, treating the small wounds first, using the...Scotch beer I got from the griffon, since there was nothing better to use anyway, and carbolic acid, and closing it with a stapler. "I fear that some of the bullets may have gotten into his intestines as well," I warned, opening up another wound. "Just saying, gangrene is a torturous way to die. Especially when it's the 'pipeline' for your excrement."

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Ok, he didn't need to detail everything.


Another battle roared in front of my face. While I would love to help, I wouldn't take a risk with a friendly. Plus, I think the Stable Pony did handle it nicely with the help of the Talon. Ain't this fun, a battle for show. Now if I just had some popcorn and Sparkle-cola, then I'll be a happy colt. 


As the battle died out, the Enclave had a crippled wing, or so did my Pipbuck told me. Everything was still blue up until here, so they are all friendly. But I think that Enclave is just one step closer to his death. I took Night Strike out, just in case this soldier would turn hostile again. I'll make him stop... with one shot.


"So, big bad Enclave tried to kill a poor innocent changeling that could possibly the last one in Equestria. That's ashamed," I said, walking towards him. "Well, I got news for you buddy, I'm not letting you hurt a rare specie, especially this one. So either fuck off, make amends, or blow your brains out. Either way, I'll be happy with any of those."


I produced a doctor's bag from my Saddlepack. I was no doctor, but I do collect some supplies, just in case. And in this case, the doc needs them.


"Here, I have some tubing," I told him, tossing it to his way.


If this Enclave starts another fight, well... I'll have another pop real soon.

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@@Guardian Braveheart
“How many of them are there?”
“Five sir. A griffon, two pegasi, a changeling and a unicorn… Some of them from stables. The griffon is most likely a raider or a mercenary.”
“Ah, excellent. I’m sure we can get some information out of them.”
Neuro was standing behind a hill in the distance of the club, and Lon was lying right on top of it, trying to stay hidden. Using advanced binoculars he spectated the situation down below. “How is your battle saddle power? Ammunition? Are we ready to defend ourselves if nescesary?” He said as he looked towards the horizon, his back facing Lon, as if he were not interested at all what he was doing.
“Yes sir. The Omnine weaponry is locked and loaded…” Lon hesitated. Usually he was fully confident about his capabilities as a bodyguard, but now he doubted himself. “These ponies seem dangerous sir. Who knows what they might do. And besides, this battle saddle is… strange. It seems lighter, but at the same time it feels sturdier and more complex. I cannot control it properly… sir” He uttered towards Neuro.
Neuro stroke his chin. “You will get used to it. It is my own design. It shouldn’t take you too long… And besides, we didn’t have anything else in the stable. You should be happy you have a battle saddle, and even more so that you have an advanced one…” Neuro said as he looked at his accomplice. He smiled. The specialized tesla saddle had been quite a project. The last one before the war… before they cryogenics.
“The enclave would’ve paid us a fortune for my blueprints. Not that they had any choice.” He joked. He frowned. Since when did he start making jokes. They did not have time for this kind of nonsense. Back to business.
“Stand up Lon, we’re going to introduce ourselves to these wasteland dwellers…” He said. Lon stood up and grabbed his armoured helmet. It was heavy, but he managed to put it on his head and activate the exoskeleton that was within, relieving him of the weight. His vision popped on. 5 potential targets. The S.A.T.S percentages were constantly showing. “Good stuff… sir.” He said to his boss. “I told you, it is my design…” He answered.
Neuro walked slightly behind Lon, and quickly scanned the area. Though he was not exceptionally perceptive, most ‘important’ things were easy to spot. And if you knew where to look, and what to expect, it wasn’t a problem. “5 beings… One of them a changeling, another a gryffon. Strange. I need to keep my eyes peeled. Pegasi stable dwellers… not the most usual thing either. A group of exceptional ponies I presume…” He thought to himself.
As Neuro was scanning the area around them and trying to scheme a plan for them, Lon was almost exactly doing the same thing. Except he did on a slightly different perspective. 3 Escape routes, 4 plans of attack. Where was cover, and how could it be blown. What was the most effective weapon to use against these ponies. Were they expecting them? Most likely not, but they weren’t trying to be sneaky either. “Sir, I am sure it is part of your plan, but shouldn’t we try to sneak in unnoticed?” He said to Neuro.
Neuro looked up. “You are correct, it is part of my plan.” He said bluntly, and then went back to thinking, scheming and trying to analyse the situation. He didn’t care to explain his plan to him. All Lon had to do was shoot once things got ugly, and protect Neuro at all costs.
They stood in front of the building. Neuro thought his plan over for a little while, and then readied himself. His horn began to glow for a few second, and Lon’s suit glowed as well. A soft ‘beep’ emitted from his suit. Neuro gasped. That took quite a lot of energy out of him. He steadied himself again. “Right then. Lon, I activated your deflective shield. You can block about three bullets before it shuts down. Then only the kevlar will be there to protect you. I put a lot of energy in it, so make sure not to put it to waste… Neuro explained to Lon.
Lon frowned. Most likely the only reason Neuro had activated it was because he could catch bullets for him easier. But he wasn’t mad. That was what he was trained for anyway.
Neuro stepped forward a little more. He breathed in deeply, and closed his eyes. “Lon, I do not want to die here. Make sure of that.” He said. “That is all up to you”  Lon thought, but he didn’t say it out loud. He, a highly trained bodyguard, was not assigned to Neuro, an unpredictable mind, because he was easy to protect. Quite the opposite. Lon hid around the corner of the building, a few feet away from Neuro, ready to jump in.
Neuro opened his eyes again. Time to shake things up a little. He yelled at the ponies inside. “Is anypony there?” He said as innocently as he could. “I have supplies!” He almost grinned. If these ponies were raiders, they’d jump him right this instant, and Lon would shoot them before they know it. If they were proper wastelanders, they’d try to exchange with him…


(Neuro is currently wearing a vault-like jumpsuit, but it's dark blue and white instead of light blue and yellow. It also has a big Ø where the stable number usually is. It is perfectly clean, undamaged and it even seems unused. Lon is wearing a strange looking full body armor with a battle saddle. It is the same dark blue and white color...)

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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I suddenly heard a voice downstairs. Oh c'mon, more ponies? Sheesh, this wasteland never gets tired of a good bloodbath.


I looked at my E. F. S. to see what's up. I saw there were two dots downstairs, displacing the others up here. But the dots seem... off. They were blinking blue and red rapidly. What, are they Friendly or Hostile? But I think I got there tactic. They weren't moving at all, as if they're hiding. Typical.


"You know, I can see you from down there, (By my E. F. S.) hiding in corners. So why don't you come out now. We won't bite," I said aloud. "C'mon you two. We just need a little talk. How about you lower your weapons that you might possibly have, Hmm?"

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Renatus couldn't help but sigh as he thought, Come on...could I just get a break for once today... deciding not to head in guns blazing, he went for a stealthier approach  as green fire covered him briefly before dissipating, revealing a small unicorn colt with a brown coat and blue mane, wearing a almost humorously oversized vest. Well this feels different...he noted as he experimented a bit with his new form. Turning to the doc, who called himself Baryon, he replied, he voice still the same as before but turning foal-like near the end, " Well you have been here longer than I have...I've only been here is this Wasteland for less than four hours. Besides if you go insane, I'll have to drain you dry so try not to, for my sakes and yours."  Turning back to the stallion he asked, " I could go talk to them, but I think with how others are treating the fact that I'm a changeling so far...I don't think it end well. You think they fire on a foal?"

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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