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private ~* Feral Ponies *~ {RP}

Pripyat Pony

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Fireleaf grunted. He wanted to kill something, feel the thrill of the hunt again. He was always bloodthristy, but these ponies proved a somewhat more difficult prey. "Wanderlust, how fast can you make me a concentrated dose of equibane..." He asked his smaller friend. He sniffed in the air, trying to smell a certain thing he knew that was hidden here.


He walked towards one of the hollow trees and reached inside. What he took out of it were three weapons. Two throwable javelins and a large spear. He kept several all over the forest tk be ready for a fight as fast as he could. He strapped them to his back using some raw leather. "Well?" He said to wanderlust...

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Wanderlust sat down in front of the Equibane that Fireleaf had brought back so that he could guard it without truly focusing on it. He was high on the Equibane concoction he had mixed up, it made him full of spite and rage but also had boosted his magic immensely. He floated the half empty gourd with his drink in it to Fireleaf, "drink this, it's a very good one." He could barely speak his mind was so hazy with the need to attack these outsiders.


He closed his eyes focusing on his magic, a magic connected to nature. Through it he reached out first to Poe, his pet Raven which he had left to spy on Wind Sonnet. He saw through his birds eyes and saw the outsiders. Cold rage filled him, he spoke to his bird through the magic giving it commands, directing it to seek out something for him.


It wasn't long before he found it, a large wild cat that prowled these lands, one of the saber variety. Poe, the raven, dive bombed down on it and the strike delivered no wound but instead Wanderlust's spell. He had control of the Saber cat now, he was inside it's mind overwhelming it. He made the creature shift it's attention toward the abandoned town and started to race that way, he was determined to kill and taste the outsiders blood through this beast.

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Artemis was surprised for a moment so he missed what Glory said. Bringing it back now she spoke once again with a worried look. This was worse than she originally thought... not only had addiction taken over but it had brainwashed them... changed them...

"These ponies have been on prolonged exposure... there's no way we can turn them back... unless we can separate them from the Equibane enough to have it's effect diminished. That or find a way to remove the toxin from their bodies. UGh..."

Right then Soul spoke once again... she was frustrated.

"Are you serious?" she whispered with the side of her mouth. "You think talking to and addict is going to make him see reason? Especially after THIS long exposure? You're going to have to separate him from it if you want... do the smart thing... flee to the forest and split into two groups. Don't stay here to defend anyone... they won't kill us if we don't fight... but all of us will end up addicts if we don't find a way to make an antidote for the Equibane. To do that we need to not be affected by it yet... and to find it..."

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Technicolor realized the reason in Soul's words, and decided to stay with her group. How could she have been so stupid, to think that they were being betrayed by Celestia when they were there to rescue their group? She facehoofed, and again stood strong and confident.

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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@, Glory saw the sense in Artemis' words. She spoke in a low voice to the team.


"Everypony, Artemis is right!" she said. "We don't have any chance of ever getting thru to these ponies; look at them! Like massive hulks of muscle. They will kill us all, one by one, if we don't retreat. We ought to split into groups and flee now to save ourselves; we can regroup later. But unless we hurry, there might not be a later!"




Lightning stamped the ground with one huge forehoof. "Enough of this!" he roared. "You came to steal the Equibane, and it is ours! We will show you ourselves what happens to thieves and intruders." He flapped his wings as he spoke; useless for flying, but their main use now was raising a storm, and Lightning was angry enough now to do just that.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Technicolor wasn't afraid. She wanted to keep reason, but couldn't any longer. She wasn't going to step back, even if she did die. She had traveled through- Nopony could know that. She was never to say that. She lit up her horn.

""This is madness!" she yelled. "I will defend my friends or die trying!"

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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Malinter consumed the Equibane plant, it was time to show these fools what Celestia had doomed them to.  The instant he swallowed the plant his mind felt clearer and his senses sharper. His hooves cracked the earth around him as the stomped his hooves to get his muscles and heart racing. Lightning was calling in a storm. The time for talk was over. 


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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Soul Sighed, then acted quickly.


"It seems Logic is out of the question. Rule #7, Don't attack unless it's out only option. Remember that! (@)Artemis, take half the ponies and split from me. You and I will have the best knowledge of Surviving in a forest."

He quickly levitated out a small piece of paper and handed it to Artemis.

"Take this. Magic paper. It will allow us to communicate. Write on it, and a message will be sent to one I have in my bag. I'm going to pretend I'm still trying to reason with them. Get yourselves sorted out, and when you give the word,




Soul looked at techni 'Listen to me' he thought.


"Techni, calm down. I want to talk to  (@@Malinter) Malinter alone for a bit. maybe we can work out an agreement. (@@Pripyat Pony) Lightning, please let us talk in peace."


(OOC well... Malinter posted while I typed... Idk how to respond... just pretend I did this before He ate the plant, OK?)

Edited by Grapz224
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"If we manage to capture one....I could remove it....by force" Mantorok chuckled. He did enjoy dissections, gleaning knowledge with your own hooves was so satisfying. Still, Artemis's plan made sense. Since she was smart, perhaps he'd follow her instead of leaving her to the psycho tribe ponies.

@@Pripyat Pony,

"Agreed" Mantorok whispered, clambering onto his slave pony.

Note to self, Artemis and Glory are intelligent and useful assets.


"Idiot" Mantorok grumbled, backing away from her. Okay, they had a distraction now from the horn toting idiot. Turning to Glory and Artemis, he hissed.


"We run when they jump Technicolor" he advised 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Technicolor flattened her ears and went back into the group. As she headed back, she gave a laugh towards mantorok and patted him on the shoulder as she walked by. Kill them with kindness, she thought to herself. She still kept a watchful eye on her friends and the tribe. She didn't want to hurt anyone. but This time, her friends wouldn't get hurt. never again.

She swore to it.

(My filler brings all the boys to the yard)

Edited by Technicolor_Pony

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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Fireleaf grabbed the potion out of wanderlusts hoof and grabbed a few equibane leaves. He shoved it all down his throat. Time for action.


"Kill... Murder... Feed... Hunt... Kill them, slaughter them. Fenris is watching me..." He grunted as his heart rate accelerated. His adrenaline fueled brain pulled the plug. There was no time for thought left. The apex predator had awoken inside Fireleaf. A blazing fire melted his veins. He could feel his mind being locked in by pure ferocity, but his senses expanded greater than ever...


"I see everything... I feel everythimg." He muttered. His bloodshot eyes twitched all over the place. He had so much energy, so much power. The predator inside him roared for blood. Weak, puny pony blood...


He started to run. And as he ran he roared. He roared so loud his ears began to bleed. And all the creatures of the forest heard him. They all replied. Birds, tigers, bears and wolves roared with him. The forest was alive, and they replied to the hunters call! He ran so fast and with so much force that he was walking through trees. He felt that a few animals... No, alot of animals had joined him in his charge. He was one with nature. He was the apex-predator.


He charged straight for the first target he could find... Glory.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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@@Grapz224, Lightning took some Equibane for himself, to hone his magic. "The time for talking is done!" he roared. "I am the herd leader, and what I say, is that you will perish here!"


In an aside to @@Malinter, he said, "Take any who resist prisoner. Bring them to the mare's clearing; they will not escape from there. We know that the mares are good when dealing with prisoners."


Swallowing the Equibane, Lightning felt his magic power increase. He flapped his wings harder. Black clouds began to gather overhead.


@Everypony @@Scribblegroove,


Glory gasped. This pegasus stallion was performing magic! But... that was impossible! Still, it was happening, and what the stallion said was true; the time for talking was indeed over, and all they could do now was to flee. She was about to turn when a feral stallion attempted to take hold of her. Glory's reaction was instinctive. She used her horn magic to levitate herself so she was free, feeling a stroke of pain as something tore her hind legs. She shook her cloak off, pushing it over the head of her tormentor and at the same time, the pegacorn mare spread her wings and flew straight up into the sky. Glory sobbed with pain and sorrow as she did this, knowing that she stood no chance to fight, yet fearing to stay. She lost herself in the black storm clouds ahead, flying higher til she was above them.


Lightning yelled at Fireleaf. "Take prisoners! We will show them what happens to those who try to steal what rightfully belongs to us!"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Soul cursed. His plan, it seemed, was doomed to never be Executed.

Strapping on his armour quickly, as he saw the new Tribal Pony running towards him, Soul shouted at the group.



He got out his sword, multiple items falling out of his pouch now, it didn't matter, he had to protect this group of ponies. It was his job, Celestia had given him a task

He swung his sword with all his might at the charging pony

He would not fail Celestia

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Technicolor let out an unearthly roar.

"Over my dead body!" she screamed. she fired a laser eam from her horn, trying to disable the storm, but ended up igniting an old oak tree. Heaving, she stamped a hoof hard in the ground.

(my filler put algebra in mathematics)

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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Mantorok stayed silent and kicked his slave, prompting the creature to run at full blast. Being a summoned creature, it never got tired or felt pain, which meant it would run at full speed forever. Mantorok did pull out one his scalpels and drove it into his hoof. He didn't feel any pain, so when he shoved the enchanted knife into his own hoof, it didn't hurt. However, now he'd have a weapon in case someone got close. He was old, but he could move if he was put up to it

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Wanderlust's had the saber-toothed cat break the ridge top just over looking where the battle was breaking out, his will forced the cat to turn it's head up and let out a deafening roar, overhead his raven Poe circled crying loudly so that his tribe mates would know that this cat was under his control.


With that he had the cat charge forward rushing down the hill seeking it's first victim to sink it's claws into. Every outsider could be a target but he looked for a good fight something to sink this powerful creatures claws into so he could feel the blood between it's toes.

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Fireleaf roared as he lost track of his target, and then of his vision because a cloak had blocked his vision.




He sensed something was attacking him. Without thinking he tried to dodge the attack. Sadly, because he couldn't see, he got a slim cut on his tigh. He roared, not pain but of anger. He shrugged off the cloak.



He grabbed his javelin and threw it at the pegacorn that had escaped his grasp, attempting to pierce its wings. Then, without looking to see if it had hit, he grabbed his spear with both hooves, and started to use his special technique of fighting with it, and leaning on it subsequently. He jabbed at the pony who had attacked him with his sword with all his might.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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the old oak tree that Technicolor shot fell. it was large, and sure to be hay of an obstacle in battle. She cursed to herself and saw the wildcat.

"wildcat!" she yelled to the others. "Watch out for it!!!!" but she knew she couldn't fght it. her laser had decreased her fighting skills immensely, but if it came at her, she knew she could dodge it at least for a few moments, her speed never failed her.


Edited by Technicolor_Pony

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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Malinter leapt and landed before him.


"And where do you think you are going? I want to spar with that silver tongue of yours alittle more." 


He was actually curious how strong this golem actually was and started trying to tackle it down. But it seemed hell-bent in keeping the Warlock from his grasp.


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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The golem didn't react despite their being an audible noise as it's ribs cracked and attempted to bite down on Malinter's nose, trying to tear at the soft flesh. Mantorok for his part used the scalpel embedded in his hoof and aimed for Malinter's eyes, trying to slice them out.


"You enjoy my silver tongue? I enjoy your red eyes" Mantorok hissed, trying to plunge his enchanted blade into Malinter's eyes. Mantorok knew that while these ponies were powerful, they could probably feel pain. He had no way of knowing that these ponies were berserkers

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Soul Continued swinging his sword left and right. He watched as the group started to flee, But refused to give ground. Should he give up, Other ponies would surely be caught.

He got out his back-up sword in his bag. Wielding both, he swung at the pony with the cloak over his head and, seeing him tackle (@) Mantorak, he took a swing at (@@Malinter) Malinter. His horn was screaming in pain, but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered but giving everypony a chance to escape.




Edited by Grapz224
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The foolish unicorn made it too easy for him to pick out his target, she started yelling trying to warn the others but hadn't bothered to start running herself. The wild cat was salivating hungrily early now, each bound carrying it 10 feet maybe more, it closed the distance between it and his prey in an instant. The pounce put it sailing through the air with both claws a blur stretched out wide. He would tear this outsiders flesh from her bones.



Edited by Torrent505
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Technicolor did the last thing she could- she would sure get a hay of a headache, but she had to. She lit up her horn one last time, releasing a blinding and dangerous laser from her horn. She hoped it would hit the cat as she was blown back by her own forces. She then realized she had a much simpler solution, and regretted it, but it was too late.

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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Fireleaf was done with his opponent. He observed him for a while as he blocked his attacks, trying to spot his weaknesses. His predatorial instincts told him to just stab, but as a warrior he knew better. With tremendous force and speed, granted by the equibane, he used the bone end of his speard to strike the sword wielding pony on pressure points. At his wrists where he was holding his swords, in his neck and at his legs. He hoped to disable him so he could capture him like lightning had commanded.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Wind Sonnet.


Sonnet watched the chaos below her and smirked. Both sides blindly butting heads like foals... 'civilized' and 'ascended' ceased to mean anything when one looked at it from this point of view and saw nothing but savages all around. 


She preferred it that way. It was simpler: there were less questions. She had stopped asking questions a long time ago - the plant would do that to you, it made everything better. Simpler.




After a minute of carnage, she stretched her wings and poised, before dropping heavily downward. Her weight bore down heavily on a pony as she landed with her hooves planted firmly across it's back,but any effect she might have had was merely coincidental: she pushed away and sprang immediately forwards - twisting in the air to reflect a dazzling array of light as her wings turned and contorted. 




There were enough of the lesser ponies to choose from and as always, her first choice would normally have been the most vocal, but she had been curious of the other crystal one from the first moment - never having met another so far as she remembered. She bore down like a feathered missile: not really knowing what her intentions were. Did she want to kill the pony? Well... yes, and yet no at the same time.


Perhaps it was the Equibane - perhaps her natural instincts, or even something in between... regardless, his lack of action would have helped him escape the herds assault, had it not been for his heritage. Still, with no clear idea of her intentions, she simply set about with the intention of immobilizing the pony before she made any rash decisions.


She hadn't partaken in any of the plant today after all.

Never quite forgotten.

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