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Did you read my earlier message?


I'm talking about this one:

As for the next Death Battle I dunno what to say or think cuz I don't know who either of those 2 people are lol.


*strolls in*




Looks like I was right after all. :squee:


Ragna is from Blazblue and Sol Badguy is from Guilty Gear.



Also, you must remember they take from all sources - TV, Games, and such. Smash Bros. plays a major role.

  • Brohoof 1
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*strolls in*




Looks like I was right after all. :squee:


Ragna is from Blazblue and Sol Badguy is from Guilty Gear.



Also, you must remember they take from all sources - TV, Games, and such. Smash Bros. plays a major role.

If you still think you're right then would you care to explain to me how I'm wrong in these posts that counter your points and Screw Attacks?

*watches the newest Death Battle*


Yep I knew it...I KNEW those idiots were gonna be stupid enough to have Kirby win...


Screw Attack is run by morons. Am I the only one who sees this?


Though I admit they DID point out a few things that I didn't know about I can name at least two things that prove that they aren't completely doing "research" as they claim. Goku is a Radish Farmer? Since when? Last time I checked he had no real occupation...And this is coming from a major hardcore DBZ geek by the way. Buu is friends with Super Jenemba? THEY DON'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW EACH OTHER!!! I'll say it again. Wiz and Boomstick are just a couple of biased fanboys and stoners who claim that they do research when really all they do is just pull shit out of their asses.


Some ideas they had were great. Deadpool VS Deathstroke was an excellent idea. That one is definitely my new favorite. But this one is so stupid...Kid Buu could just do one planet burst and then boom no more Kirby...

Well they clearly are either very biased or they don't know just how powerful Majin Buu is and how frail Kirby is. Kirby is super durable? Yeah right...Then why is he so easy to hurt in his games? I call major BS on him being able to inhale or deflect anything Majin Buu can dish out. Or even eat him for that matter. When has Kirby ever fought anyone who even comes close to Majin Buu's level? Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't his strongest enemies King Dedede and Meta Knight? And they sure as hell aren't as powerful as Majin Buu...


But at least they made Buu put up a decent fight and not have it end with Kirby eating him like I was afraid they would do.

The White Shinigami

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If you still think you're right then would you care to explain to me how I'm wrong in these posts that counter your points and Screw Attacks?

You are a Dragon Ball fan. You have bias towards Buu. Kirby is much faster, and yes, they have done (most of) their research. So they get a few minor details wrong so what? It has no effect on the battle.



Kirby is fast, agile, and CAN COPY ANYTHING. Buu cannot do that. Kirby can inhale anything and turn it against them.



Buu's Planet Destruction power would have been sucked up by Kirby too.

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Just finished watching season 1 and most of season 2 of G1. Just some notes:


G1 ponies are FTL. In The Quest of the Princess Ponies, they spend a good portion of the episode reacting to and running away from Lavan's light based attacks. (The magic was referenced as such, but is also broken up into a prismatic spectrum, and created an aurora borealis when unrestrained.) 


They're also at least mountain level. In the same episode, Spike, who's weaker than adult ponies, ended up fighting and tossing around one of Lavan's henchmen. Later, two similar henchmen stood on top of an exploding volcano and were completely unharmed.


Should also mention; the episode The Golden Horseshoes features four items of the same namesake. Among other things, they give the user pre-cog(at least several minutes into the future) and the ability to read minds.


All in all, still weaker than G4, and under the Mane Six in power, but much faster than most characters in the verse. They can't compete power wise, but they do have the hax (petrification from Crunch the Rock Dog, transmutation from Squirk, the abiility to turn characters to glass from Porcina, illusion generation and mind control from Somnanbula) to almost squeak out a win from the verse. They still lose to Discord, though, as long as he's trying.

  • Brohoof 1
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You are a Dragon Ball fan. You have bias towards Buu. Kirby is much faster, and yes, they have done (most of) their research. So they get a few minor details wrong so what? It has no effect on the battle.



Kirby is fast, agile, and CAN COPY ANYTHING. Buu cannot do that. Kirby can inhale anything and turn it against them.

I know what Kirby is capable of. I've played the games and seen the anime. And he is a major weakling compared to Majin Buu. Majin Buu is stronger, more durable, and more powerful by a very wide margin. And there's no way in Hell Kirby could really keep up with his martial arts skills. And you just assume that I'm biased just because I'm a DBZ fan?


EDIT: Also I really don't think Buu could be killed by his own Planet Burst like they showed. The reason why Buu was killed by Goku's Spirit Bomb is because the bomb was simply more powerful than anything Buu could dish out.

Buu's Planet Destruction power would have been sucked up by Kirby too.

That's hilarious.


DOUBLE EDIT: Oh missed this part:

Kirby is fast, agile, and CAN COPY ANYTHING. Buu cannot do that. Kirby can inhale anything and turn it against them.

True Buu can't do that no. But Kirby still has Limits. And based on what I've seen in Super Smash Bros. and the games he doesn't gain ALL the powers/abilities of what he absorbs.

Edited by Asbel Lhant

The White Shinigami

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I know what Kirby is capable of. I've played the games and seen the anime. And he is a major weakling compared to Majin Buu. Majin Buu is stronger, more durable, and more powerful by a very wide margin. And there's no way in Hell Kirby could really keep up with his martial arts skills. And you just assume that I'm biased just because I'm a DBZ fan?


EDIT: Also I really don't think Buu could be killed by his own Planet Burst like they showed. The reason why Buu was killed by Goku's Spirit Bomb is because the bomb was simply more powerful than anything Buu could dish out.

That's hilarious.


Perhaps you haven't played Smash Bros. or Triple Deluxe?

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I know what Kirby is capable of. I've played the games and seen the anime. And he is a major weakling compared to Majin Buu. Majin Buu is stronger, more durable, and more powerful by a very wide margin. And there's no way in Hell Kirby could really keep up with his martial arts skills. And you just assume that I'm biased just because I'm a DBZ fan?

Durable is debatable; his body isn't all that resistant to damage. More powerful, yes, but Kirby also outspeeds him by an equally wide margin.

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I'm sorry, but hearing that Buu was going against Kirby, I saw it coming. Kirby is the most OP Nintendo character ever, and thrives on plot holes and things that make no sense in any way shape or form (hence the Dream World universe of his game). Buu has restrictions based on his own universe, Kirby on the other hand, is limited on imagination. 


Would've made more sense to pit Kirby against something simular in nature, not something that is limited by continuity. 

Edited by Zhortac
  • Brohoof 1

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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I'm sorry, but hearing that Buu was going against Kirby, I saw it coming. Kirby is the most OP Nintendo character ever, and thrives on plot holes and things that make no sense in any way shape or form (hence the Dream World universe of his game). Buu has restrictions based on his own universe, Kirby on the other hand, is limited on imagination. 


Would've made more sense to pit Kirby against something simular in nature, not something that is limited by continuity. 

That is true yes. And you can call BS on alot of the things Superman does too for that matter.


Superman doesn't have to do more than simply punch the planet's core, and in some versions, he can sneeze and destroy a planet...if not a whole damn galaxy. He's basically "Overpowered Man."


And how the heck is it even possible to CLOSE A BLACK HOLE? Even Marvel would have to BS their way out of that, because you can't close a black hole, so no matter what he did in the comics, it's pretty dumb. There is no way Superman can kill Goku, there's just no way. Not too mention, I doubt Superman would know that he could bat away a ki blast like he did at the beginning.


And speaking of that they still used Superman in modern day for that Death Battle, and he closed a black hole. Yes, I'm still going on about that. Because you can't close a black hole, it's physically impossible to do. There's nothing to actually grab and to close with a black hole. So if Superman can close a black hole, I have to call BS on pretty much 80% of the rest of the things he can do in the comics and television as well, because closing a Black Hole might as well make you God. Marvel and DC do not do well with following any sort of actual laws of physics; at least DBZ does, and has someone die from being at the center of an explosion, etc.


No matter who you are, even bloody Superman, you aren't going to close a black hole. You can't close a black hole, period. And like I said, that pretty much invalidates a good portion of what Superman can do, meaning he's not nearly as strong as Goku if he were to follow real world physics. There's nothing in there that points out why Goku can't win. In fact, that's pointing out why Superman can't win, since this one fricken point, that's kind of a big deal considering, again, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE. Meaning that he's not as strong as people think, since a load of what he does is Bull.


Leaping over a building, flying through air, shooting eye lasers, ice breath etc. that's all fine, I can accept those. But once you start breaking the laws of the universe without any real explanation except "it's in a comic" that's when you start needing help...


Sure Goku has mental and physical as well as emotional limits but that's part of what makes him a great guy. And he trains to push past those limits. But with Superman someone just decided to say "Hey let's just give this guy absolutely no limits whatsoever so he can basically grab the universe with his bare hands and rip it in two." And why not? They already had him grab one thing that isn't physical, so why not have him just grab the whole freaking universe and completely tear it?

  • Brohoof 1

The White Shinigami

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That is true yes. And you can call BS on alot of the things Superman does too for that matter.


Superman doesn't have to do more than simply punch the planet's core, and in some versions, he can sneeze and destroy a planet...if not a whole damn galaxy. He's basically "Overpowered Man."


And how the heck is it even possible to CLOSE A BLACK HOLE? Even Marvel would have to BS their way out of that, because you can't close a black hole, so no matter what he did in the comics, it's pretty dumb. There is no way Superman can kill Goku, there's just no way. Not too mention, I doubt Superman would know that he could bat away a ki blast like he did at the beginning.


And speaking of that they still used Superman in modern day for that Death Battle, and he closed a black hole. Yes, I'm still going on about that. Because you can't close a black hole, it's physically impossible to do. There's nothing to actually grab and to close with a black hole. So if Superman can close a black hole, I have to call BS on pretty much 80% of the rest of the things he can do in the comics and television as well, because closing a Black Hole might as well make you God. Marvel and DC do not do well with following any sort of actual laws of physics; at least DBZ does, and has someone die from being at the center of an explosion, etc.


No matter who you are, even bloody Superman, you aren't going to close a black hole. You can't close a black hole, period. And like I said, that pretty much invalidates a good portion of what Superman can do, meaning he's not nearly as strong as Goku if he were to follow real world physics. There's nothing in there that points out why Goku can't win. In fact, that's pointing out why Superman can't win, since this one fricken point, that's kind of a big deal considering, again, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE. Meaning that he's not as strong as people think, since a load of what he does is Bull.


Leaping over a building, flying through air, shooting eye lasers, ice breath etc. that's all fine, I can accept those. But once you start breaking the laws of the universe without any real explanation except "it's in a comic" that's when you start needing help...


Sure Goku has mental and physical as well as emotional limits but that's part of what makes him a great guy. And he trains to push past those limits. But with Superman someone just decided to say "Hey let's just give this guy absolutely no limits whatsoever so he can basically grab the universe with his bare hands and rip it in two." And why not? They already had him grab one thing that isn't physical, so why not have him just grab the whole freaking universe and completely tear it?

SuperBoy Prime has kind of already done that. Physics in a universe are dependent upon the universe itself; they take priority over whatever rules you think our universe works by. You should only take issue when they violate their own rules.

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No idea how Super Man got into that, but that's not quite the same as Kirby. Kirby is limited in the sense Bugs Bunny, or Pinkie Pie are limited (meaning, their limits are as far as you can come up with). Super Man is convoluted, since he's been retconned so much, you can't even tell where his points are. The only thing that would really screw Goku over, is the desire to fight Supes in his 100% best. Change out Goku with Vegeta, and Supes probably gets wrecked, because Vegeta is going to kill him while he's down, even if that means shoving kryptonite down his throat.

Edited by Zhortac

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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No idea how Super Man got into that, but that's not quite the same as Kirby. Kirby is limited in the sense Bugs Bunny, or Pinkie Pie are limited (meaning, their limits are as far as you can come up with). Super Man is convoluted, since he's been retconned so much, you can't even tell where his points are. The only thing that would really screw Goku over, is the desire to fight Supes in his 100% best. Change out Goku with Vegeta, and Supes probably gets wrecked, because Vegeta is going to kill him while he's down, even if that means shoving kryptonite down his throat.

Very true. Vegeta does not think it's beneath him to fight dirty unlike Goku. Like the time when he threw dirt in Zarbon's eyes and said he was going to punch Goku in the gut when he was full. But then again Superman could probably trick him the way Cell did with the whole "But don't you want to fight me at my best?" thing.

The White Shinigami

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Very true. Vegeta does not think it's beneath him to fight dirty unlike Goku. Like the time when he threw dirt in Zarbon's eyes and said he was going to punch Goku in the gut when he was full. But then again Superman could probably trick him the way Cell did with the whole "But don't you want to fight me at my best?" thing.

Unless it's a DCAU match, Superman ten-counts him in the span of an attosecond. Superman>Goku>Vegeta

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Unless it's a DCAU match, Superman ten-counts him in the span of an attosecond. Superman>Goku>Vegeta

I'm not familiar with all versions of Superman but Goku and Vegeta definitely beat Classic Superman, Modern Superman, Animated Series Superman, and Justice League Superman, easily. I don't know New 52 Superman's capabilities. If we're talking about Superman Prime, Pre-Crisis Superman or All-Star Superman though then yeah Goku and Vegeta are fucked...


But I'm pretty sure Goku and Vegeta can beat at least 50% of the versions of Superman.

Edited by Asbel Lhant

The White Shinigami

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I don't know New 52 Superman's capabilities.

Being around (slightly under) Flash's speed ballpark and taking the force of an explosion 50 times your average Supernova while losing his powers is a good start. That's Post Crisis Superman.

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I REALLY don't think Superman could tank Goku's Full Power Kamehameha or Dragon Fist though. If he can't tank Doomsday's fists or Darkseid's Omega Beams then there's no way he could do that. I've seen what those moves are capable of. A Full Power Kamehameha can easily destroy a planet. Heck even Saiyan Saga Vegeta's Galick Gun was capable of destroying a planet. And Goku's Dragon Fist only failed against Omega Shenron.

Edited by Asbel Lhant
  • Brohoof 1

The White Shinigami

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Full Power Kamehameha can easily destroy a planet


 taking the force of an explosion 50 times your average Supernova

Pretty sure that a Supernova is stronger than a planetary explosion. By millions. By comparison, Goku recently took the force of a supernova... while fighting Bills. It was the attack that drained his energy at the end of the battle.

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Pretty sure that a Supernova is stronger than a planetary explosion. By millions. By comparison, Goku recently took the force of a supernova... while fighting Bills. It was the attack that drained his energy at the end of the battle.

Goku also completely repelled one with his Kamehameha while fighting Cooler.


And you do realize how powerful Beerus is right? He's stupidly powerful. That was why Goku lost.

Edited by Asbel Lhant

The White Shinigami

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Goku also completely repelled one with his Kamehameha while fighting Cooler.


And you do realize how powerful Beerus is right? He's stupidly powerful. That was why Goku lost.

Sorry to stop this train of thought, but i'd argue Pinkie Pie vs Luffy or Twilight Sparkle vs Naruto before i'd argue Superman vs Goku (again). It's one of the least pleasant topics i've ever encountered.

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Sorry to stop this train of thought, but i'd argue Pinkie Pie vs Luffy or Twilight Sparkle vs Naruto before i'd argue Superman vs Goku (again). It's one of the least pleasant topics i've ever encountered.

Yeah probably best to just drop this subject now...



The White Shinigami

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Yes. Please drop the Goku vs. Superman stuff. Seriously, that's the den of trolls right there.




Twilight vs. Naruto? As if Naruto even stood a chance.

Pinkie Pie vs. Luffy? As if Luffy even stood a chance.

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