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They have a sneak peak of the next deathbattle up and it is:



Dante vs. Bayonetta. Oh and she apparently is allowed to use her summons, meaning Dante is screwed, and Cloud fans are going to be pissed.



Yup. Called it once again.



Wait a minute what? Seriously? Last time I checked Death Battle didn't allow outside help...How the fuck do summons not count as outside help? What a bunch of trolls...


Edited by Asbel Lhant
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The White Shinigami

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Yup. Called it once again.



Wait a minute what? Seriously? Last time I checked Death Battle didn't allow outside help...How the fuck do summons not count as outside help? What a bunch of trolls...



Loop hole since the summon forms are made using her hair.


Anyway, the summon quick time event except the queen show they are capable of inflicting damage between 50 to 1500 Gigatons. A gigaton is one billion tons. The Queen inflicts infiniton damage which has no actual unit of measurement and should be assumed as instant KO.


Despite all this, I'm going for DB choosing Dante speed blitz during one of Bayonetta summoning. She has to usually stun the opponent before being able to do a summon dance.

Edited by Singe
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Loop hole since the summon forms are made using her hair.


Anyway, the summon quick time event except the queen show they are capable of inflicting damage between 50 to 1500 Gigatons. A gigaton is one billion tons. The Queen inflicts infiniton damage which has no actual unit of measurement and should be assumed as instant KO.


Despite all this, I'm going for DB choosing Dante speed blitz during one of Bayonetta summoning. She has to usually stun the opponent before being able to do a summon dance.

I have next to no knowledge of either character so I wouldn't know. But I don't really care who wins this fight. They both seem like really cool characters based on what little I know of them. I should really try their videogames sometime.

The White Shinigami

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Loop hole since the summon forms are made using her hair.


Anyway, the summon quick time event except the queen show they are capable of inflicting damage between 50 to 1500 Gigatons. A gigaton is one billion tons. The Queen inflicts infiniton damage which has no actual unit of measurement and should be assumed as instant KO.


Despite all this, I'm going for DB choosing Dante speed blitz during one of Bayonetta summoning. She has to usually stun the opponent before being able to do a summon dance.

Perhaps, but doesn't bayonetta has some time hax to counter speed blitzing? Also I believe her speed is comparable if not superior to Dante's. Edited by Nuke87654
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Perhaps, but doesn't bayonetta has some time hax to counter speed blitzing? Also I believe her speed is comparable if not superior to Dante's.


Witch Time. I haven't seen Bayonetta do a summon while Witch Time is active since they are shown as events.

Edited by Singe
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Witch Time. I haven't seen Bayonetta do a summon while Witch Time is active since they are shown as events.

Ah, than her time hax won't work with her summons. Interesting to see how they do this.

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From a Platinum Q&A:

Q: "If Dante and Bayonetta were to go in a battle, who would win?"(Paraphrased but basically the question)

A: (From Hideki Kamiya's own mouth) Bayonetta.


Straight from the creator's own mouth which DB cannot go against it.


Edited by Singe
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From a Platinum Q&A:

Q: "If Dante and Bayonetta were to go in a battle, who would win?"(Paraphrased but basically the question)

A: (From Hideki Kamiya's own mouth) Bayonetta.


Somebody needs to post that just to troll screwattack. Edited by Nuke87654
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Somebody needs to post that just to troll screwattack.

And people have already started debunking those fools too. Like how they exaggerated some of Superman's feats and how they made up bullshit about Toph.

  • Brohoof 1

The White Shinigami

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Starcraft Terrans vs Command & Conquer Allies


Both sides have access to all their stuff from all their source materials.

Terrans got the spaceships and size, but they would have to deal with the far greater hax the allies have in time travel and weather control. Still if the allies aren't given prep time, they lose via terraton nukes from orbiting battlecruisers.

Edited by Nuke87654
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If Bayonetta wins it won't surprise me though due to the apparent bias they have towards female characters. And if that happens I'm ok with it because that's how it should be. But if Dante wins that way we'll finally have undeniable proof of what frauds they are.

  • Brohoof 1

The White Shinigami

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From a Platinum Q&A:

Q: "If Dante and Bayonetta were to go in a battle, who would win?"(Paraphrased but basically the question)

A: (From Hideki Kamiya's own mouth) Bayonetta.


Straight from the creator's own mouth which DB cannot go against it.



Makes me wonder why even have the battle, if that's pretty much the outcome...

  • Brohoof 1

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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*watches Goku VS Saitama and Goku VS Naruto on Cartoon Fight Club*


Are you kidding me? Why is this even a debate? Ok so let me get this straight, You're seriously going to take 2 characters who can't even blow up a planet or move faster than light and compare them to Goku? I know Naruto can't and I'm fairly certain Saitama can't either. From what I know. But Frieza in his first form can blow up a planet with just one finger. And do I even need to mention that planet destruction has been a thing since the very beginning of Dragon Ball Z? Goku has beaten characters like that and yet you're gonna compare these 2 characters to Goku?

I'm not even upset right now. I'm just laughing at how fucking stupid these people are...I swear these Naruto fans are some of the most stupid and just the most retarded people that I have ever seen on the internet...Naruto characters are FLIES compared to the people in DBZ...BASE form Goku would demolish Naruto.

Hell, I'm pretty sure Tsunayoshi Sawada from Hitman Reborn would beat Naruto...I admit I haven't yet seen that anime yet and don't know much but I heard Tsunayoshi Sawada can open Black Holes. And that's a power superior to anything seen in Naruto. And Tsuna's strong as an anime character but he doesn't come anywhere close to Goku.

  • Brohoof 1

The White Shinigami

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I seriously have no idea why there are even debates about this on the internet...It's beyond me...This has seriously got to be a new breed of idiots...What kind of subhuman does it take to think that Naruto would beat Goku? Seriously...It's just a complete mindfuck to me...It may just be mostly younger fans like children that think this way and don't know much about Goku. And in that case I can understand it. Because there is just no way anybody who's not a kid and has any decent knowledge about Dragonball Z could think that Naruto would beat Goku unless they have an IQ below 90...I can't even begin to describe how utterly stupid, absurd, ridiculous, and asinine it is for people to think that Naruto would win in a fight against Goku...Naruto can be killed by a kunai knife or a bullet...Goku can tank blasts that have the power to destroy planets...Even blasts that can destroy SOLAR SYSTEMS...I can't believe I even have to say this shit...
Sure Naruto can do alot of things that would be impressive in alot of cases. Like level landscapes and make craters with jutsus and whatnot. But Goku can do that with just his fists. He could probably even do it with one finger.
Saiyan Saga Goku could destroy a planet if he wanted to. Know why? Well remember when he fought Vegeta? It was specifically stated that if he hadn't deflected that Galick Gun it would've destroyed the earth. And that right there is still better than Naruto's moon damaging feat.
Hell, I bet if Naruto even hit Goku he would just stand there and not even flinch or do anything while Naruto was beating on him because it wouldn't even hurt him like how Cell did against Hercule Satan...Anything Naruto did would probably just tickle Goku at best...Something like the Tailed-Beast Bomb might get his attention but it sure wouldn't do any significant damage at all...
In fact I'm not sure Naruto could even kill Goku when he had the heart virus...Yeah that's right you heard me. Because Goku's not human and Naruto is. Goku can't be killed by things like knives and bullets and Naruto can.
This would not even be a fight...I'm serious...It would be a total slaughter...Goku would oneshot Naruto...Just one Kamehameha would be all it would take and then he would be disintegrated...Just one punch or kick would be all it would take and then Naruto would be dead with a hole in his body...Goku could tear Naruto's arm off and then beat him to death with it...
I'm pretty sure even KID Goku in Base Form from DRAGONBALL would beat Naruto...You wanna know why? Bulma meets up with Goku and shoots him in the head. And then he just says: "Ow that hurt" It didn't even penetrate his skull or his skin. And he moved fast enough to grab Master Roshi's sunglasses before a Solar Flare could hit him.

Goku trumps Naruto in both quality and quantity...in every single way...He has far superior strength, speed, durability and techniques...He's not only a hell of alot more powerful than Naruto but he's also ridiculously faster too. Even without Instant Transmission Goku could still speed blitz and pimpslap the hell out of Naruto...
Naruto Characters are INSECTS compared to DragonBall Z Characters...Even Krillin or Yamcha would be god tier if they were in Naruto...I'm serious...
Unless Naruto eventually gets the power to AT LEAST destroy a planet somehow he's not doing anything to Goku. But even if he DID get that kind of power eventually (which is highly unlikely) it STILL wouldn't even mean shit because like I said that's something that's been there since the very beginning of Z...
I think it's actually pretty sad that anyone even legitimately believes that Naruto would beat Goku...It's enough to make me lose faith in humanity...
Krillin would beat Naruto...Fucking YAMCHA would beat Naruto...Some might possibly think that I'm going a little far when I say that but it's because Yamcha was strong enough to kill a Saibaman. And that said Saibaman was as strong as Raditz. And as you know Raditz was stronger than both Piccolo and Master Roshi who both had enough power to destroy the moon at the time.

Master Roshi might even be able to beat Naruto in fact. Or at least match him. And I'm actually dead serious. Because Master Roshi can go buff at will and blow up the moon with a single Kamehameha.
Naruto could beat Hercule Satan and Videl but that would be pretty much it. He's just completely outclassed against the people from DBZ.

The fact of the matter is most people in Dragonball Z would beat anybody in Naruto. Because DragonBall Z characters are just in a completely different tier than Naruto characters. And that's all there is to it.

The White Shinigami

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  • 2 weeks later...

*watches Goku VS Saitama and Goku VS Naruto on Cartoon Fight Club*





Are you kidding me? Why is this even a debate? Ok so let me get this straight, You're seriously going to take 2 characters who can't even blow up a planet or move faster than light and compare them to Goku? I know Naruto can't and I'm fairly certain Saitama can't either. From what I know. But Frieza in his first form can blow up a planet with just one finger. And do I even need to mention that planet destruction has been a thing since the very beginning of Dragon Ball Z? Goku has beaten characters like that and yet you're gonna compare these 2 characters to Goku?


I'm not even upset right now. I'm just laughing at how fucking stupid these people are...I swear these Naruto fans are some of the most stupid and just the most retarded people that I have ever seen on the internet...Naruto characters are FLIES compared to the people in DBZ...BASE form Goku would demolish Naruto.


Hell, I'm pretty sure Tsunayoshi Sawada from Hitman Reborn would beat Naruto...I admit I haven't yet seen that anime yet and don't know much but I heard Tsunayoshi Sawada can open Black Holes. And that's a power superior to anything seen in Naruto. And Tsuna's strong as an anime character but he doesn't come anywhere close to Goku.



Putting Naruto against Goku is like putting a flame thrower against a leaf, it's stupid as fuck and the outcome is obvious.

As for Saitama, that's really different. In all seriously, Saitama is going to win, because it's a gag on overpowered characters, and has that whole thing behind him. IN other words, no one can really beat him, because he'll be overpowered on purpose because he's kinda a gag character. The fact anyone can seriously take everything in OPM and put into a serious, debated discussion, is hilarious. They might as well scientifically explain why Bugs Bunny can beat up the ninja turtles...

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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Great, screwattack did it again. They greatly downplayed Queen Sheba, the one that can send a person through the solar system to the sun with one punch and greatly overrated dante's health regeneration as being the deciding factor. Fractered is right, they seriously need to learn about no limit fallacy as that's the biggest problem with their research as they have no idea of how when there's no stated limit = you should take their best feat and put that as the minimum that they can do, not take it as meaning they're all powerful with that ability. This is another bs mu where they gave the victory to a fighter that should have lost. Damn them.

Edited by Nuke87654
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Great screwattack did it again. They greatly downplayed Queen Sheba, the one that can send a person through the solar system to the sun with one punch all because of dante's health regeneration. Fractered is right, they seriously need to learn about no limit fallacy as that's the biggest problem with their research as they have no idea of how when there's no stated limit = you should take their best feat and put that as the minimum that they can do, not take it as meaning they're all powerful with that ability. This is another bs mu where they gave the victor to a fighter that should have lost. Damn them.




My subsequent reaction to them as of late:



Edited by A.V.
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It's time to rock and roll


That fight, though. I don't really mind Dante's win over Bayonetta(even if it's inaccurate), since Death Battle seems to have their own way of doing things. Really, I only have two big issues with the fight:

1) The 1,000 gigaton thing is pretty laughable. I don't know if Death Battle did a second to look up their calculations, but there was 15 kilotons of force in the bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki; one gigaton is nearly a thousand times that, and she was putting out a thousand of those (nearly enough to level her own continent, and more than enough to destroy Dante). I guess you could chalk it up as a game mechanic, but then that begs the issue of why even show it in the first place...


2) Where the hell was Bayonetta's chain chomp weapon? You had one job, Screw Attack; use the awesome technique. And you fucked it up...


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Oh goodie, we have our proof that screwattack are biased idiots. Analyze my ass, they're trying to cater to fanboys, after the rage they got over previous ones.
Shit, we have the word of god as far as both characters are concerned on who'd win, and DB just said "lolnowrong" That's the kind of shit that works for BatInTheSun, since their battles are based on popularity votes.
GG screwattack, you done fucked up now.



Bowser won't fight Ganondorf. To be honest, he'd have no chance in hell against Ganondorf. My money is on Metal Sonic, based on the very end of the Metal Sonic vs Bowser Jr. 1 minute melee.

  • Brohoof 1

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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Great, screwattack did it again. They greatly downplayed Queen Sheba, the one that can send a person through the solar system to the sun with one punch and greatly overrated dante's health regeneration as being the deciding factor. Fractered is right, they seriously need to learn about no limit fallacy as that's the biggest problem with their research as they have no idea of how when there's no stated limit = you should take their best feat and put that as the minimum that they can do, not take it as meaning they're all powerful with that ability. This is another bs mu where they gave the victory to a fighter that should have lost. Damn them.



And Hideki Kamiyama himself even disagreed with them:




Anyway, Bowser will probably fight King Dedede or King K. Rool. Though I am hoping for Metal Sonic. It better not be Ganondorf. That's just silly. What do they even have in common? I DO want to see Ganondorf in Death Battle eventually however. And there's a good chance he will be in Death Battle eventually. And I'm thinking he will likely fight Dracula from Castlevania.


And now for my thoughts on the fight and your comment:


That does it..........That definitely does it..............These people need to just get the fuck off of Youtube...Because they have no idea what the fuck they are doing anymore....


Edited by Asbel Lhant
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The White Shinigami

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I don't care anymore about the outcome. I watch for the research and the fights.

That fight was absolutely fantastic. One of their best.


The next one is gonna be Bowser vs Mecha Sonic, I think.

Edited by Mr. Roundy
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