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why are you no longer adorkable?


Because my username was changed to "Twilight Sparkle", which I'm happy to have been chosen worthy of welding this username. ^^


Of course, I still respond to "Adorkable" just as easy. ^^


What are your 3 favorite episodes of MLP? In order or not doesn't matter. :D


My favorite episode of MLP is, without  doubt, Twilight's Kingdom! ^^


My second is definately Magical Mystery Cure! Not only did I experience an ungodly amount of feels in the end, but it had so many amazing songs in the episode! ^^


My third, is most likley Princess Twilight Sparkle, it's all about Twily! ^^


Not to mention the fact we got to see the legendary battle of Nightmare Moon and Celestia! ^^


Not sure if my page is loading fully


Or your signature is broken


That's not a question, but did you try reloading your page? ^^"

Edited by Twilight Sparkle
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How many years do you think you have used the internet?


Combined? Or actual length of time?


Bah, I'll answer both. ^^


I'm pretty sure I've been using the internet since I was about 3 or 4, sometime after I learned to read and write. ^^


I used to play Tetris on my parents' giant computer, but that was a long time ago. ^^"


Combined, I'm not even sure. ^^"


I'm terrible at things like this. ^^"


I'm going to guess...4 year combined? ^^"


Thanks for asking. ^^ (\

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If you can choose one, what's your favorite thing about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?

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If you can choose one, what's your favorite thing about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?


Only 1 thing?


It would be easier picking between my children.


Let me think here...


One of my favorite things about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (I love completely typing it out) is the songs, but can you blame me?


I don't think I've heard a song on that show that hasn't made me want to jump up and dance!


Especially "You'll Play Your Part", for certain reasons. It has to be one of the best songs I have ever heard, and I'm not just saying that.


Really though, Daniel Ingram completely amazes me at how some of these songs turn out. Even when I'm at work, and I play these songs on the radio, I still tell my co-workers how incredible I think these songs are just for an originally-targeted kids show.


Some of this work is beyond high quality, and sure it's for a television show, but it's just incredible.


I even had a friend I spoke with once about how Pinkie Pie's "Laughter Song" really inspires us to face our fears. I'm embarrassed to say that mine was the dark for the longest time, but it was this song that made me fall for Pinkie, and truly face my fears.


The songs in this show, if listened to properly, can really speak to your soul. I guess that's why I've felt so inspired to play my part in the Brony community when listening to "You'll Play Your Part", which has been almost completely the only song I've been listening to since it has aired.


One more song I would like to bring up, Pinkie Pie's (yes, her again) Smile Song. Now, I haven't met a Brony to this day who can resist smiling when listening to this joyful tune. For a Brony, I feel this song is a true anti-depressant. On my worst days of work, or just in general, this song would always make me smile smile smile! Just as Pinkie Pie had hoped for.


Basically what I'm saying is that I love how some of these songs can really pull at your (Lyra) heartstrings, and have such incredible emotions in them. Don't even get me started on the feels I felt when I first heard "Celestia's Ballad", seeing my beloved Twily growing up. To this very day, that song still hits me hard, and causes a few tears.


Thanks for asking! :)

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I thought Twilight Sparkle is an alicorn at this point, so there's need a rank for it. I would ask here, then it should be perfect also with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Edited by Allen AcNguyen
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I thought Twilight Sparkle is an alicorn at this point, so there's need a rank for it. I would ask here, then it should be perfect also with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.


If you're referring to my post rank, I'm afraid I'm about 5,000 posts short. But someday I'll be there! ^^

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Do you like Shining Armor?

But of course! He's Twilight's BBBFF. ^^


I would love to see more of him in future episodes, even get a duet with Cadence. ^^


Thanks for asking! ^^

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Why not?

You don't dislike Spike, do you?

He's not my favorite character on the show, but I wouldn't say I dislike him. ^^;

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Favorite background ponies? :D


Oh my, what a wonderful question! ^^


I actually have the list on my profile, but I would love to share them here. ^^


If I was making a "Top 5" list, I would choose the following:


1. Derpy Hooves

2. Lyra Heartstrings

3. DJ Pon-3 (Vinyl Scratch)

4. Octavia

5. Colgate


I love them all, especially Derpy with her incredibly cute eyes! ^^


Lyra is literally the (Where's) Waldo of MLP. It's so fun, to me, to watch reruns of old episodes and see Lyra in the background. ^^


Vinyl and Octavia are peas in a pod, I can't pick between them, although on comes out over the other. It's sad that we haven't seen Octavia since her recolored counter-part in "Apple Family Reunion"..you know who I'm talking about, right? Fiddlesticks? ^^


And Colgate, oh how I love her so. She really should higher up on my list, you know. She inspires me to be hygienically-healthy! I always think of her when I brush my teeth, and while I know it's so obvious, her MANE looks like TOOTHPASTE! That's so cute! ^^


I want a Colgate plush, make it happen, Hasbro! ^^


Why did your name go from adorkable to Twilight Sparkle to adorkable?


Well, while I enjoyed having "Twilight Sparkle" as my username (it was such an honor!), "Adorkable", I personally feel, defines me so much more. I came to the forums as Adorkable, and I choose to be Adorkable. ^^


Also, while I love her incredibly-amazing-beautiful-flawless-cute-adorable name, Twilight Sparkle is her name. It just takes out the creativity of having your own that defines you for who you are. As awesome as it would be, I'm not Twilight Sparkle, I am Adorkable! ^^


Thanks for asking, you two! I really enjoyed answering your questions! ^^ (\

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What is your favourite Sonic game?And why? :3

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What is your favourite Sonic game?And why? :3


Oh lawdy.


Well, after quite a while of trying to figure out what my favorite Sonic game is myself, I finally had to break the tie between Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, and the winner was Sonic Adventure. ^^


There are plenty of reasons why, but just to be quick about it, I have more of a fun time playing with the characters in Sonic Adventure than I do in Sonic Adventure 2. ^^


Sonic was great in Adventure 1, he felt really loose and easy to control. ^^


Sonic Adventure 1 is the best game Tails is playable in, hands down. I had a blast playing as Tails. ^^


Knuckles was great, too! The Master Emerald Shard radar was very simple, and never took too long! Especially with the hint system SEGA used. ^^


Amy wasn't the best, but certainly provided a somewhat-unique gameplay added to the Sonic series, since this was the first game you got to play as just her. Not as a fighter in Sonic the Fighters, or a racer in Sonic R or Sonic Drift (1&2!). But, she was pretty slow. ^^;


Big in Sonic Adventure 1 is possibly the #1 most ranted about character to play as in the Sonic series of all time. Fact is, I didn't think he was that bad. It was the first time SEGA put fishing into a Sonic game, and yes, they could have done better, but overall I didn't think it was that bad. ^^


E-102 Gamma was a fun character! Again, introducing a new gameplay design to the Sonic series, I had fun using him, and his story was filled with emotion. ^^


As for Sonic Adventure 2...


Sonic and Shadow had basically the exact same character layout, and they did almost the exact same things (except for Sonic, he had the Bounce Bracelet!). After all, Shadow was originally just a literal recolor of Sonic Adventure 1's Super Sonic model. Sonic and Shadow, more on Shadow, felt a little limited with what I could do, especially with the Spin Dash. Sonic Team added a somersault ability to their move sets, so it would take a little time to charge up a Spin Dash.


For Tails and Eggman, I hated playing as these characters, surprisingly more as Tails, because not only was he not originally supposed to be in the game, but I have absolutely no idea why they just didn't let Tails play as he did in Sonic Adventure 1, there was no problem with how he played at all in it. Really, what I believe they did was, as Sonic and Shadow, completely copied Eggman's character move set, and then pull Tail's layout over it.


Knuckles and Rouge, I didn't really care for, just for how the Master Emerald Shard radar was remade. As opposed to Sonic Adventure 1's MESR, you could now only find 1 shard at a time, which made the levels even longer than necessary. This is just a personal view, but I also think they gave Knuckles way too much gear to haul around. ^^


Not a rant, just a simple explanation of why I chose Sonic Adventure over Sonic Adventure 2. I'm not one of those Sonic fans who complain about everything under the moon.


I think I'll tag @Sugar Cube in this post as well, just because we both enjoy talking about Sonic, and maybe she'll enjoy reading this. ^^


Thanks for asking! ^^ (\

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What's your favorite movie?


Believe it or not, Equestria Girls:P


But Wreck-It Ralph is a close second! ^^

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