Darkstrong 0 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 There's one thing that bothered me throughout the entire episode. OK so when Granny takes the tonic everyone believes it works because she says she feels better and everything. But what I don't get is why all the other ponies with fractured bones and headaches did not say anything when THEY drank the potion (at least I assume they drank it). no matter how much you believe that you've been healed, there's no way you will not notice that your fractures have not gone away. It seems to me like the writers intentionally ignored the other ponies with problems of their own. If the ponies who drank the potion did no feel they were healed, why didn't they say anything!? It seem really evasive how the writers did not make the other ponies state their opinion when THEY drank it, instead of just believing the tonic works simply because only granny and other guy drank it. Still a great episode, but that just felt forced how the others sick ponies didn't they anything about how they felt when they drank it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IceBeerG 55 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 There's one thing that bothered me throughout the entire episode. OK so when Granny takes the tonic everyone believes it works because she says she feels better and everything. But what I don't get is why all the other ponies with fractured bones and headaches did not say anything when THEY drank the potion (at least I assume they drank it). no matter how much you believe that you've been healed, there's no way you will not notice that your fractures have not gone away. It seems to me like the writers intentionally ignored the other ponies with problems of their own. If the ponies who drank the potion did no feel they were healed, why didn't they say anything!? It seem really evasive how the writers did not make the other ponies state their opinion when THEY drank it, instead of just believing the tonic works simply because only granny and other guy drank it. Still a great episode, but that just felt forced how the others sick ponies didn't they anything about how they felt when they drank it. Why do you think they don't? They could have say something behind the scene but... It is Applejack - one of the most trustful pony of Ponyville. Who is that ponies against her proof? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Total Lunar Eclipse 516 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 I was disappointed they never used the word 'placebo' in that episode. Would have been a great opportunity to teach young viewers a new vocabulary word. Aside from that, i liked it. Am really starting to wonder if they will ever get around to explaining what was inside that box in the beginning of the season,. I get the sense it might have something to do with all those strange little moment where something sparks in their eyes. Applejack had one in this episode. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glitterheart 64 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 Wow, that was actually a surprisingly complex moral for a kids' show. They usually seem to go for simpler stuff, or at least *simplified* stuff. Hi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rift enchanted 380 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 So the sun is her element realization rainbow shimmer thingy, and a bit is her key. Like come on! You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it save equistria with its five candy coloured friends and shoot rainbows at bad guys using their necklaces and tiara unless you're celestiaAlso if your not familiar with the count to one million post then check out our welcoming cheer!http://mlpforums.com/topic/69955-count-to-one-million/page-1188Just scroll to the bottom and it'll be there Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twilightlicous 53 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 (edited) The first thing i noticed is that Big Mac wearing a Floatie :-D and the first time he laughed (i think). Also found out that Granny Smith is Evil Kenevil and Flim - Flam brothers are professional scammers. The best part was Lyra giving Score of 3. I loved it 9/10 Edited March 30, 2014 by Twilightlicous ,, Thanks to Subsonic Rainboom for this awesome signature. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ellie 36 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 I have a very strong disliking for the Flim Flam Brothers. >.< { Independent Electronic Music Producer } { Graphic Artist } { Concept Designer } ~ Beneath the Sakura Tree ~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stellafera 3,836 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 (edited) I consider this episode nearly on par with Rainbow Falls, only saved by Act 1 being average rather than terrible and also this And somehow AJ's not winning contests for cutest pony. In act 1, my main problem was that AJ was slower on the uptake than she should've been. But that pales in comparison to what happens when she first confronts the Flim Flam brothers. In short? She was 100% OUT OF CHARACTER. And I'm definitely not the sort of person who says "My favorite character doing the wrong thing = OOC". Applejack's real flaws are part of what make her so awesome. I loved Somepony to Watch Over Me because despite AJ being the antagonist of the episode and being ludicrous in her treatment of AB, I believed the bad choices she made because I believed that AJ could get herself worked up with how dangerous the delivery was and her heavy sense of responsibility to her family. I do not believe Applejack knowing that a placebo could seriously hurt her grandmother and then deciding to do zilch about it in order to "not hurt her feelings" I could buy this from Fluttershy with no problem. In fact, it'd work pretty dang well as a Fluttershy plot. I could buy this from Spike. Much like Fluttershy, he'd be a great fit for the episode. I could buy this from Pinkie Pie. I could buy this from Twilight Sparkle. I could buy this even, just a little, from Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Somepony's missing from that list. Applejack is always concerned for her family's well being. It's a huge character trait and the focus of multiple episodes. She would never willingly put them in danger for any reason, especially not one founded on lies. This? In terms of character derailment, it actually does one over Rainbow Falls, at least when it comes to its lead. Because while Rainbow Falls undid character development, this one actually makes Applejack the antithesis of what makes her my favorite pony. That's unforgivable. Real, in character Applejack agrees. Edit: Apparently this episode's a lot more well liked than I thought it would be coming straight out of watching it! I understood why people disagreed with my positive opinion of Somepony to Watch Over Me, but I kinda expected universal outrage this time around, y'know? Edited March 30, 2014 by Stellafera 4 Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship "Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stancet 689 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 This was genuinely a great episode. Strangely enough, I have nothing against it but I can't quite love it. I guess the plot bears too much resemblance to The Andy Griffith Show and other early programs like it. Not that I have anything against it, but stories about small town swindlers selling phony tonics has been done a lot, and without a unique twist this episode doesn't stand out too well from among them. I do believe Flim and Flam made this episode for me. I know they couldn't top their performance from Super Speed Cider Squeezy 6000, but this time around they somehow managed to put Applejack in a position she couldn't escape from. The real highlight was seeing AJ unable to come to a decision that didn't have a clear right and wrong answer to it. Even though it was predictable that Applejack would reach the decision on her own it was interesting how far she was willing to let the problem slide before making up her mind. Ultimately, I think I only "like" this episode because Ponyville forgave Applejack a little too quickly after her sappy apology and the amount of monologuing at the end answered too many questions and left us nothing to ponder for ourselves. But seriously, this episode was great. Not nearly as good as SSCS6000 and I don't think it stands up to Pinkie Apple Pie, but Leap of Faith was solid and well done. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 -Some of the images of sick and injured ponies was discomforting. But one of the things I like about MLP:FiM is that while it's fun and light hearted, it doesn't pretend bad things like ailments don't exist. That's a form of honesty, right? -Was Derpy in there? I tried looking amongst the sea of ponies but I didn't see her. -Five down and one to go. Any predictions on what Twilight’s rainbow episode will be? (1) Completely agree with you on both points. The ailing ponies were very uncomfortable to see, but again, I do appreciate that MLP generally doesn't candy-coat things too much. Bad things do happen in Equestria, things we'd expect to encounter in our own world even, and that's an element of the show that I've always appreciated. I think the reason it was so jarring here was mostly because the sick and stricken ponies contradicted this particular episode's atmosphere HARD! I mean, the episode itself, besides their presence, was treated as a slice-of-life episode with a pretty important message and plot point, but overall casual and sometimes goofy atmosphere. But the sick ponies were just never addressed, they were just kind of there; again, I don't think they took away from the episode, on the contrary, they improved it, but I think the biggest reason they were so jarring is because they just weren't really addressed or acknowledged by the tone of the episode. You'd hardly think so many miserable ponies would be in an episode like this by the way it played out. (2) She was at the swimming competition, sitting in the stands. Pretty normal cameo for her, very reminiscent of Season 1 and Season 2 cameos. (3) I think the answer should be quite obvious. :comeatus: Brohoof to anyone who gets the joke. 1 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thaliel 116 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 I don't like AJ's rainbow item being a piece of cash...doesn't seem right IMHO <-plz click Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ellie 36 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 Hasbro just want to make more cash. xD That might be why it's cash. { Independent Electronic Music Producer } { Graphic Artist } { Concept Designer } ~ Beneath the Sakura Tree ~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenderIsAnIllusion 2,177 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 The only thing that really bothered me was the huge plot hole.... The one where the OTHER ailing ponies don't realised its a fraud by experience.... . But this episode officially makes sickness and major ailments canon. Which is a huge step in children's shows. My peep is against bullying.... Are you? http://mlpforums.com/topic/117034-suggestion-anti-bullying-campaign/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shawn Parks 1,798 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 this episode officially makes sickness and major ailments canon. That bummed me out a little. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenderIsAnIllusion 2,177 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 That bummed me out a little. That bummed me out a little. Well it's a more interesting story then pretending they live in some utopian world..... Giving realism to a show can really boost its credibility and staying power if used properly 1 My peep is against bullying.... Are you? http://mlpforums.com/topic/117034-suggestion-anti-bullying-campaign/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crazitaco 596 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 (edited) Some of my thoughts while watching the episode -MY GOD. BIG MAC AND APPLEJACK SPLASHING IS ADORABLE ( i love how much screen time Big Mac's been getting this season ) -The glorious return of the Flim Flams!!!! And their wonderfully catchy show-tuney songs! Huzzah! - O_O Don't they have basic medical doctors in equestria? Horsentary? Sheesh, what is it, the dark ages? -Did anyone else notice the pony in the crowd with the parasprite infestation in her mane? Nice callback -Big Mac said Uhh.. No. Instead of his usual "Nope" He also took off his yoke. By having him say something other than Nope or Eeyup and letting him take off the yoke it seem to me that the writers trying to communicate the idea that there's more to him than what we associate him with. I think they've been trying to give him more character. -Crutch pony used smokescreen! Its SUPER EFFECTIVE! -Plot hole time. Applebloom and Granny Smith had a swimming routine planned out in less than a day? I call BS on that. Still a nice little moment though - Applejack grabbing granny's hooves with the rope shoulda yanked them off or atleast injured her - Applejack's key is a bit? That's mehhhh Have to say i really liked this episode. I always love seeing the Apple family together, and the return of the Flim Flams is especially awesome. I've also been waiting for this moral on honesty to come for quite awhile, and I think it was delivered pretty solid. Edited March 30, 2014 by crazitaco *Click the picture to join the Nega-Bronies!* "Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes. My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/krazie-taco-r3366 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stellafera 3,836 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 Don't they have basic medical doctors in equestria? Horsentary? Sheesh, what is it, the dark ages? More like the Gilded Age. All that quack medicine stuff from the Flim Flam brothers sounds so 1890s-1900s. Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship "Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crazitaco 596 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 (edited) More like the Gilded Age. All that quack medicine stuff from the Flim Flam brothers sounds so 1890s-1900s. Well, yeah, its just a figure of speech I usually associate dysentary with oregon trail though, which is a bit earlier than the time period you mentioned. Edited March 30, 2014 by crazitaco *Click the picture to join the Nega-Bronies!* "Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes. My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/krazie-taco-r3366 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenderIsAnIllusion 2,177 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 Well, yeah, its just a figure of speech I usually associate dysentary with oregon trail though, which is a bit earlier than the time period you mentioned. Well they don't have electricity...... Atleast I don't think thru do. My peep is against bullying.... Are you? http://mlpforums.com/topic/117034-suggestion-anti-bullying-campaign/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CloudSeeker 23 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 I consider this episode nearly on par with Rainbow Falls, only saved by Act 1 being average rather than terrible and also this And somehow AJ's not winning contests for cutest pony. In act 1, my main problem was that AJ was slower on the uptake than she should've been. But that pales in comparison to what happens when she first confronts the Flim Flam brothers. In short? She was 100% OUT OF CHARACTER. And I'm definitely not the sort of person who says "My favorite character doing the wrong thing = OOC". Applejack's real flaws are part of what make her so awesome. I loved Somepony to Watch Over Me because despite AJ being the antagonist of the episode and being ludicrous in her treatment of AB, I believed the bad choices she made because I believed that AJ could get herself worked up with how dangerous the delivery was and her heavy sense of responsibility to her family. I do not believe Applejack knowing that a placebo could seriously hurt her grandmother and then deciding to do zilch about it in order to "not hurt her feelings" I could buy this from Fluttershy with no problem. In fact, it'd work pretty dang well as a Fluttershy plot. I could buy this from Spike. Much like Fluttershy, he'd be a great fit for the episode. I could buy this from Pinkie Pie. I could buy this from Twilight Sparkle. I could buy this even, just a little, from Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Somepony's missing from that list. Applejack is always concerned for her family's well being. It's a huge character trait and the focus of multiple episodes. She would never willingly put them in danger for any reason, especially not one founded on lies. This? In terms of character derailment, it actually does one over Rainbow Falls, at least when it comes to its lead. Because while Rainbow Falls undid character development, this one actually makes Applejack the antithesis of what makes her my favorite pony. That's unforgivable. Real, in character Applejack agrees. Edit: Apparently this episode's a lot more well liked than I thought it would be coming straight out of watching it! I understood why people disagreed with my positive opinion of Somepony to Watch Over Me, but I kinda expected universal outrage this time around, y'know? THIS!!! so much of this. i really couldn´t stand how AJ was behaving during this episode, it just felt so wrong considering she is the "buy some apples" element of honesty, how could she even have SUCH an inner conflict about telling the truth? and the key? a bit? okay, now we know that AJ is somehow most of the time about money (altough i dislike that). but wasn´t there anything more... "unique" AJ could have gotten? but excepct this major flaw of the episode, i kinda liked it anyway to be honest i like the return of certain characters, you know, continuity and stuff especially the flimflam-brothers, i like their songs. but for me, the best part of the episode? lyra as judge, holding that "point card" (whats the name of this thing again?) the wrong way Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kel_Grym 1,917 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 I consider this episode nearly on par with Rainbow Falls, only saved by Act 1 being average rather than terrible and also this And somehow AJ's not winning contests for cutest pony. In act 1, my main problem was that AJ was slower on the uptake than she should've been. But that pales in comparison to what happens when she first confronts the Flim Flam brothers. In short? She was 100% OUT OF CHARACTER. And I'm definitely not the sort of person who says "My favorite character doing the wrong thing = OOC". Applejack's real flaws are part of what make her so awesome. I loved Somepony to Watch Over Me because despite AJ being the antagonist of the episode and being ludicrous in her treatment of AB, I believed the bad choices she made because I believed that AJ could get herself worked up with how dangerous the delivery was and her heavy sense of responsibility to her family. I do not believe Applejack knowing that a placebo could seriously hurt her grandmother and then deciding to do zilch about it in order to "not hurt her feelings" I could buy this from Fluttershy with no problem. In fact, it'd work pretty dang well as a Fluttershy plot. I could buy this from Spike. Much like Fluttershy, he'd be a great fit for the episode. I could buy this from Pinkie Pie. I could buy this from Twilight Sparkle. I could buy this even, just a little, from Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Somepony's missing from that list. Applejack is always concerned for her family's well being. It's a huge character trait and the focus of multiple episodes. She would never willingly put them in danger for any reason, especially not one founded on lies. This? In terms of character derailment, it actually does one over Rainbow Falls, at least when it comes to its lead. Because while Rainbow Falls undid character development, this one actually makes Applejack the antithesis of what makes her my favorite pony. That's unforgivable. Real, in character Applejack agrees. Edit: Apparently this episode's a lot more well liked than I thought it would be coming straight out of watching it! I understood why people disagreed with my positive opinion of Somepony to Watch Over Me, but I kinda expected universal outrage this time around, y'know? Ah sh!@# I freaking loved this episode! ...but then you had to bring that to my attention. Really, it didn't color my view at all, but it did get me to think. Humans are increadibly complex entities that often have set backs, relapses, and inevitable points of failure. Ponies are the same way. This is why I'm able to overlook the oft pointed out flaws of Rainbow Falls. It was easy for Rainbow Dash to tell the shadow bolts to buck off, because, hey, who the heck are the shadow bolts anyways? The temptation, imo at least, wasn't very strong. For Rainbow Falls, however, the temptation was humongous. She already knows the wonderbolts somewhat semi personaly (more so than the shadow bolts) and is pretty close to being on thier team. ...I never really got why she isn't already on thier team, she went to the academy and all, and while she was about to quit, spitfire came and said her thing to her...for somereason shes been blowing it off since, I guess. *cringes* ...that ideosyncracy aside. Yeah bigger temptation. It tested the upper limits of her commitment to her friends. Thats how I reason it out... *shrugs* Writers could have done a better job still. In Applejacks case, I guess it depends on which camp your in. If you think Applejack was ooc in Sompony to watch over me then you would most likely accept her being in character in this episode. If you didn't, then you may possibly see her ooc in this ep. instead. I personally didn't mind sompony to watch over me, it was funny, but I wouldn't have written Applejack quite as over the top like that if i worked for the show. In this episode I think shes more in character than the former, but only because she seems more human in this one. Granny Smith proved over and over again that she wasn't in any danger of bustin a hip bone. I think Applejack's reasoning was, "Well, she aint hurt her self yet, and it looks like she's more durable than she's been thinking she is all these years. I guess it wouldn't hurt so long as she don't go overboard with it." Rationlization. We all do it. Also its different with Granny Smith. Applebloom is AJ's younger sister, her baby sister. AJ still had that baby image of AB stuck in her mind, so the overprotectivness was a given inevitability. More motherly instinct and all. Granny Smith on the other hand is Applejack's elder. Applejack looks up to her, was raised by her, and was taught to mind her. There is a vastly different dynamic of relationship between the two of them than between Aj and her sister. Applejack wants to be protective of her Granny, but at the same time, Granny isn't a baby to be coddled, but a grown (over ripe) mare. What i'm trying to say is that AJ has more incentive to respect her Grannys feelings vs her sisters. Also, she might not have been conciously thinking it, but in the background of her mind there is also this knowledge: Granny smith is old. She's gonna die one day. Maybe sooner than later. What right do I have to take away this moment of hapiness from her? Luckily AJ came through in the end when things got far outta hoof. This is my reasoning anyways. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anilewe 2,178 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 (edited) Also its different with Granny Smith. Applebloom is AJ's younger sister, her baby sister. AJ still had that baby image of AB stuck in her mind, so the overprotectivness was a given inevitability. More motherly instinct and all. Granny Smith on the other hand is Applejack's elder. Applejack looks up to her, was raised by her, and was taught to mind her. There is a vastly different dynamic of relationship between the two of them than between Aj and her sister. Applejack wants to be protective of her Granny, but at the same time, Granny isn't a baby to be coddled, but a grown (over ripe) mare. What i'm trying to say is that AJ has more incentive to respect her Grannys feelings vs her sisters. Also, she might not have been conciously thinking it, but in the background of her mind there is also this knowledge: Granny smith is old. She's gonna die one day. Maybe sooner than later. What right do I have to take away this moment of hapiness from her? Luckily AJ came through in the end when things got far outta hoof. This is my reasoning anyways. Exactly! Applejack even said that what Granny wanted to do was the stupidest thing she ever saw. While she was worried about Granny, she also thought that she's old (and thanks to it also wise) enough to be more careful and is aware of her own limits. Besides, Granny's fear of water was probably one of the saddest moments in the whole series. She isolated herself from something she truly loved, because she was too afraid. I did something similar in the past, so I can somehow relate to her and I know how much it hurts. Applejack wanted to make Granny happy and didn't want to take that happiness from her, because... well, let's be honest - it's kinda cruel. Also, when she let Granny drink that tonic even though she knew it's a fake, she spend a lot of time being here to Granny to look after her and help if something went wrong. It was obvious how uncomfortable she feels because of her decision. That's why is the Element of Honesty. Applejack can lie or tell white lies. But being honest is part of her nature. She's a bad liar and the lies she tells hurt mostly herself. /sorry for my English today, but I'm too tired to think xd Edited March 30, 2014 by Anilewe 2 Fan of Applejack? Join us! We have the best cider from Sweet Apple Acres! ORANGESEXY IS THE BEST PONY! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Squint 29 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 Josh Haber also wrote Castle Mane-ia and Simple Ways, which were both received badly. The Flim Flam brothers especially were displayed in the wrong way as straight-up frauds instead of the entrepreneurs with a revolutionary idea that they were before. I actually like that Applejack was finally challenged with a hard decision, one thing that I've never really liked about her is that she's pretty much unflawed: "I didn't learn anything! I was right all along!". It's nice to see a conflict that challenges her character. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hangman 320 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 I like the concept. I thought this episode looked excellent as far as the scenery goes. I do agree with the people who are saying applejack wasn't right for this episode, maybe Applebloom instead I think. All things considered, I did like this episode, it was entertaining. Was it the best or even on my top list? No. But it wasn't bad or lacking in any way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GoldenCal 52 March 30, 2014 Share March 30, 2014 Better get your reading glasses on because I am not holding back Applejack Has commonly been referred to as best background ponies mainly due to her character being much better used as a supporting role as opposed to having an episode revolve around her. The main problem with Applejack is that her conflict are heavily repeated and very simple. She’s stubborn and she cares a lot about her family and the farm. In almost every Applejack episodes we see her have an issue about being stubborn and not listening to others. After seeing the first part of the episodes that seems to be the case. However we actually see her deviate from her principles for once and have the conflict revolve on her deviating from her element. Now Character not quite representing their elements have been fairly commonplace. I mean the mane 6 aren’t perfect. Rainbow dash is sometimes disloyal. Rarity ungenerous, fluttershy unkind, pinkie unhappy and twilight not really friendly. Applejack however is almost always honest. There are some occasions where she stretches the truth such as Party of One and The Last roundup and while we do see her do it here this is the first time we actually get to see it snowball into a huge problem forcing Applejack to admit her deceit. An episode focusing of Applejack’s honesty being tested is something I’ve wanted for ages and I’m surprised we haven’t seen this sooner. Her conflict on having to lie because it could potentially help Granny smith enjoy her life again was a very interesting way of putting her into this situation. The placebo effect if you didn’t study science is the given from an ineffective treatment that improves you due to the psychological belief that you're getting better. Have you ever felt ill and taken a tablet and within minutes you feel perfectly fine chances are you just felt the placebo effect and even though the drug you took is effective it would probably take about half an hour for it to take effect. alot of miracle cures are often the result of a placebo effect. It was kinda nice the show decided to explain this to the younger audience. There wasn't really any stand out negatives for me except that this episode except in the terms of key episodes this one while it is my second favourite kinda had Applejack get short changed. I mean we had Manehatten, Equestria Relay, Rainbow’s birthday and Weird Al and Breezies and Applejack, more Fim and Flam. The song whilst good and not as long didn't get me into it as much as Opportunity. 7/10 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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