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Why do people like Trixie?


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Now I don't hate Trixie.

I just don't see the draw.

I know many MLP fans favor Trixie.

Why though?

Why do pony folk love Trixie so much?

She was a villain for most of the time.

She's like super cocky.


I just don't see the draw.

Does anypony know why they or other people favor Trixie?

I could come up with a couple assumptions.

What do you think?


  • Brohoof 2
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  • Pretty Color Scheme
  • Relatable Cocky Attitude 
  • Gorgeous Eyes
  • Possible Backstory
  • Voice


Those are pretty much the main things.

  • Brohoof 4


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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Because Sethisto


Seriously though, outside of having one of the prettiest designs in the show, I never really cared for her and find her severely overrated. That said most people love her hamminess

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She has a great color scheme and she's a great rival for Twilight Sparkle!


Also,it's possible that she has had a hard life.

  • Brohoof 1


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Not really comparing the two, no point in comparing them. Trixie is like the antagonistic foal to Twilight.


She aims high -- Definitely has ambition.

  • Brohoof 1

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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She's charismatic and beautiful, hence the personality cult.


The female villains on MLP have a habit of heavily appealing to the masochistic bronies of the fanbase.

  • Brohoof 1
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Now I don't hate Trixie.

I just don't see the draw.

I know many MLP fans favor Trixie.

Why though?

Why do pony folk love Trixie so much?

She was a villain for most of the time.

She's like super cocky.


I just don't see the draw.

Does anypony know why they or other people favor Trixie?

I could come up with a couple assumptions.

What do you think?


1. Cute character

2. She is a villain who is not actually a villain

3. She has no friends and we simpathise with that! Since she don't really exist we cant be her only friends in the world so we chose to be her fans.

4. Her bragging all the time is rather cute to some people instead of something that requires her to get instant hate like in pony land.

5. Love the voice

6. She is both great AND powerful in her own special way!

  • Brohoof 6
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She refers to herself in the third person and as "The Great and Powerful Trixie!"


What's not to love? I find her ridiculous overinflated ego to be entertaining.

  • Brohoof 1

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I personally don't like her, but she does have an amazing design.  And it might be the same reason why I like Loki and Draco Malfoy--because I understand why they act the way they do and can relate to it.

  • Brohoof 2
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Well, I may not like Trixie (I find her cruel and deceitful) but this thread was still valuable to me because I now understand why others like her. That's one thing I was confused about. Thank you for the explanations.

  • Brohoof 2

On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said:

This is the internet, not reality.


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I think it might be because since she's probably gotten bullied in her past,some people can relate. She is mysterious and it would be interesting to see more of her background. Trixie seems stubborn and independent, almost like relying on herself for a friend.

  • Brohoof 1


Sig made by Kyoshi

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I can't pin down just one reason why I like her, I pretty much love everything about her. She's a fun character, love the voice, the outfit is pretty swanky, and she is also the highest level unicorn. What's not to love? My desk pretty much looks like Trixie works here since I've got two Funko's and a brushable Trixie sitting around, have a custom plush in the works as well. All I need is a framed signed picture sitting here.


What I'll never fathom is why Derpy is so popular. At least Trixie is an actual character with development.

  • Brohoof 2


WTB: Luna, Trixie dog tags & AJ blind bag | This fandom needs more Mane-iac! | AJ, Rarity, and Trixie trot into a bar.

The Dreamcast didn't fail, we failed the Dreamcast

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Also thought of another good reason!


Even though she is mildly evil and a horses hmm. She is a really good although lonely person deep down inside.


Another reason to feel a empathic attachment to the character.

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Because my dog is also named Trixie.

Because she's awesome and she knows it.

Because she's designed well.

Because cocky characters are awesome.

Because neighsayers gonna neighsay, but she's the best.

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*Adjusts fez cap and puffs pipe*


Oh, hello there. I didn't see you walk in.


But since you're here, let me tell you a little story I wrote back in '78 in a Denny's bathroom. So sit back and grab a snack, because your sorry ass will probably be here for a while.


Now, to address the question itself: What IS it about Trixie that makes her so popular? Now, I am but one brony(Though debatably the most committed Trixie fan), so it's impossible for me to speak on the rest of her fandom's behalf. I CAN, however, list the many reasons why I find her so loveable. Funnily enough, other Trixie fans can relate when I mention these, so it must not be a coincidence. *ahem* Where was I? Oh yes, that's right. *shuffles papers*


Let's start with the more simple perks of hers.


For one, and almost anyone can agree with me on this even if they're not a fan of hers, the color scheme. Blue is an aesthetically pleasing color in general, especially Trixie's deep shade of cerulean. The silver mane plays off of it well to boot. In brief, they did a pretty top notch job at picking her colors. She looks hella fly.


In addition, her attire. Being a magician, it would make sense that she wear something flashy, right? Well, something you have to consider is hardly any ponies wear legitimate clothes, let alone as early as the sixth episode in the whole damn series. I mean, you saw AJ for the first time and you were like "She got a hat and ain't that somethin'", but then Trixie comes in with a hat AND a cape. Granted, I'm not a big fan of her hat, but that's not enough to hold it against her. She only wears it like 30% of the time anyway.

*ahem* moving on. In her second appearance, she took on a much darker look, sporting some creepy-looking sorcerer robe. It looked awesome on her though, trust me. But yeah, couple that with her amulet and you have one hard-ass talking horse you're dealing with. It may have seemed impossible to make the mane 6's template look badass, but she pulled it off. Well-played, Larson. Well-played.


This one speaks for itself(pardon the pun) for the most part, but I might as well cover it anyway: her voice. I mean, just listen to it. It encapsulates her personality perfectly. Good ol' Kathleen did a perfect job of painting her as a snarky, show-offy loudmouth that does whatever the fuck she wants. The confidence is overflowing in it. And quite frankly, I find her voice kind of sexy. That's just me though.


Now, this one digs a little deeper than my previous points: her flaws. That's right, folks. Buckle up, because we're about to drive head-first into Trixie's psyche. Let's go back to the very beginning. Why exactly does she show off? Maybe she was neglected by her peers or family as a filly. Possibly both. Maybe she was raised in an upper-class home where she spent her entire life showing things off that she didn't earn, hence her lack of desire to honestly train herself in the magical arts and choosing to make less seem like more instead. Who knows? It's a mystery. What IS obvious is she didn't become that way overnight; there IS a deep-seated cause for how she acts.

Another well-entertained theory is it's all a facade to cover up a serious insecurity complex. This actually makes quite a bit of sense when you think about it; a travelling mare, never having the ability to reach out and start friendships all on her own. She needs SOMEONE to notice her, but she just doesn't know how to make the right impression. So she does what fits her best: showing off and chasing fame. Keep in mind that she never charged a bit for her shows. Don't you find that a wee bit odd? If it was just a profession and nothing more, that wouldn't make a lot of sense, now would it? The dots are all there. Just connect 'em, sport.


Here's a flaw not a lot of people notice: she doesn't think things through.

In Boast Busters, it's obvious that the whole story about the Ursa was a crock of shit. Firstly, she mixed up her Majors and Minors. Secondly, "Hoofington"? Seriously, look on the canonical map. It ain't there, captain. And even if it was, what if someone in Ponyville has been there or knows a few people from there? What if they WERE from Hoofington? I'm assuming it'd be in the same general area as Ponyville, since allegedly it too is on the outskirts of the Everfree Forest. A risky claim of hers, to say the least.

In Magic Duel, she impulsively spends all of her hard-earned money on the Alicorn Amulet, even despite the shopkeep's warning and the obvious lack of research she did on the thing in the first place. Later on, she accepts a pretty high-risk wager without even seeing if Twilight's "amulet" even worked. Talk about rash.


But when it all boils down to it, Trixie's quite the interesting character, and her potential for actually gaining quite a bit of magical strength is obvious. Her arrogance is just a part of her charm, and she's even known to have a sweet side, as seen at the end of Magic Duel. For a character that's only starred in two episodes, her personality is more complex and mysterious than even a few main characters. Trust me, I could go on for days, but I think I've already talked your ear off.


Rock on, fellow Trixie enthusiasts. Rock on.

Edited by Rockymoo
  • Brohoof 11


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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