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open Against the Crown RP [dark/betrayal]


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Tempest rolled his eyes, before pulling out a standard piece of parchment out of his saddlebag. The bat pony then wrote a letter that he hoped would help only him in the future. "Let's just hope this works." He thought, before putting the letter in his saddlebag. He would deliver it after the meeting, as to not draw suspicion.

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Justice walked over to the mayor and smiled and held out a hoof.


"Mister everlast I'm surprised to see you here I always saw you as a follower of celestia, but that just means your playing your role well"


Justice grinned and his left ear started to flopping up and down.

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Jade Heart.


A smirk danced playfully across Jades muzzle as she slipped from her sitting position and sauntered towards the mayor and his... acquaintance with an air of sweet indifference.


"Dear, I am simply an innocent bystander here... there's no need to be throwing accusations around and insulting ponies now, us there?"


She fluttered her eyelashes - just briefly enough to not quite confirm whether it was intentional or not.


"Do I look like some underhanded thug or traitor? Yes, this is a little unorthodox but really, I think we should just wait and see what might happen. Wouldn't you agree?"


Twisting in place with a grace that the cloak disguised well, the mare sat down again: eyes peering around inquisitively at the other, now somewhat more vocal ponies. There were several that caught her interest - for various reasons. Yes, there were ponies here that she could find herself working closely with...

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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(Just going to mention that Patience's thoughts are like *'this'*... Probably already figured that but its caused some confusion in the past so i thought i'd mention it anyway. :P)


*'Hmm... The mayors full of bluster but hes playing harder than the rest, came here with an 'aid' and immediately started to tip everyone else's hooves. If he really where a law abiding citizen then he would have turned that letter into the guard upon discovering it, instead he came here and sat down with the proper amount of bluster to keep public opinion high..... Yeah hes definitely too nice to trust in. 

The night guard's obviously here to get rid of Celestia, he didn't even try to hide it and its obvious enough from his actions that he wasn't lying.

The noblemare might be covering her intentions while trying to gain an ally in the night guard... Hmm that would be clever but judging by her earlier behavior i doubt that's the case.

The quieter pair of stallions are probably just observing as of yet... Smart, going to have to watch out for those two as their the most likely to turn on the others first. (Or at least the most likely to pull it off...)

Then there's the golden colt... Even if somepony that obviously gold hungry could ever be trustworthy hes too loud for his own good, and thus those around him as well, he even wore gilded armor..... Best to keep away from that one before he gets caught. (I don't like the way he eyed up all the mares either.....)

Too soon to draw anything from the newer stallion but he seems too open to make it... Untrustworthy.

Hah 'innocent', right i'm just here for drink-... Wait i kinda am, err nevermind its a stupid notion either way. Nopony here is innocent and if we where we lost that after asking for the Devil's Cut... You may not look like a thug or traitor but looks are deceiving, your wording easily marks you as one who should be treated with caution even if your presence didn't.'*


After sitting for a few moments to get an initial judge of the ponies here Patience (Who'd settled into leaning on the table with her head lazily resting in her forehooves.) decided to speak up, keeping silent didn't help relations much. So she warily eyed the mayor and said "One more noble type and your strategist 'friend' outside in addition to those already here... Judging by the already high number we've already got i doubt there'll be more, else there'll be a greater risk to the one hosting this event..... Just thought i'd mention that a piece of paper doesn't prove a thing, if you where our employer then what better way to hide it and keep your name then to bluster your way in here with a letter, blank or not its just paper as of now... It would even give you a way to test our mettle wouldn't it?"   *' Regardless of weather your the host or not their already here, what a better way to judge us than to watch our initial reactions to each other... Allows them to test to see if there homework was correct.'*

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Blue moon... you saw me standing alone...


The mention of Luna piqued Merdyn's interest. And because of his mind had been soothed by the magical smoke he was inhaling, he immediately drifted off into his memories and imagination. His eyes unsharpened as he stared into nothingness. He smiled. The lunar body in the sky had always been quite interesting for him. One of many subjects of his study. He searched his mind for all kinds of information that he had previously uncovered with several experiments. Formulas, essays, constellations and connections that he had found... He remembered all of them now.


And since they were waiting for the last few of them to show up, they had nothing better to do than discuss trivial substances. It would be rude to commence their congress without everypony present. He awoke from his little journey into his sub consciousness and started to speak, ignoring the developments considering the mayor completely. They were not interesting to him anyway.


"The moon... Oh how I've studied dear princess Luna's extraterrestrial cage. It is quite the marvel really." He began, looking at each of Luna's enthusiasts, the Pyromancer and the Batpony, but also addressing to everypony else in the room. 'To whom it may concern', so to speak. "I suppose a little lesson in the lunar studies isn't out of place, since we are waiting for everypony to arrive anyway..."


He quickly snatched his pipe, inhaled a puff from it and blew it out into the air. Subtly, a shape began to form in the smoke. It morphed and changed color, and it started to emit a strange white glow. Eventually, a gaseous image of the moon in a starry sky could be seen.


“You wish to undo Celestia’s deeds…” He said as he looked at the bat-winged pony who had so extravagantly expressed his feelings on the subject. “That is quite difficult. More than you would imagine as of now. You see, it is not Luna’s physical body that has been entrapped on the moon many miles away… No.” He said, and in the smoke of the moon Luna’s face could be seen, but only barely, her eyes piercing the night.


“It is her very essence; you might even say her soul, which Celestia has locked inside the moon. Extracting her soul and essence, and using it to reconstruct her like a blueprint is easily as much of a challenging task as dethroning Celestia. It is an interesting experiment, and something that I could figure out after many months of research, but it would be foolish to try it without the proper preparation.”


The illusion of Luna’s face in the moon fell apart, and after that the entire image of smoke dissolved into the room. “You could deal more damage to her than help her…” He said, with a grim undertone in his voice. He looked up and spoke with a slightly less grim tone. “I have undeniable proof from various experiments concerning this, but that is for another time. The secrets of magic cannot be revealed to just anypony…”


He looked around the room again, hoping that he had drawn some attention to himself and what he was all about. The ones who would select him out of this bunch would become his closest allies… as far as allies go in arrangements like these.


"On the subject of Celestia... My opinion on her is simple. The only reason she has been our ruler up until now is because us unicorns have not yet found a efficient way to move the sun, like she does. Once we have, and believe me, we will, we can almost legally dethrone her through democracy!" He explained, this time a little more happy, patting himself on the back for his own wit. "If some of you wish to demolish her reputation, humiliate her person and break her will in the process, that is not of my concern... Though I will not stop you."


And then I can study the moon and sun in peace... as the ruler of the celestial objects. Now that is something to look forward to!

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Dorado began to laugh at the Batpony's comment. "Hahaha oh, I'm too loud am I? Muy ruidoso? Of course I am. If one must be powerful he must either have a loud voice or an iron hoof. I prefer to have both. Besides it is how I like to introduce myself." He chuckled again. He began to walk around and not even take a seat.


The Mayors response worried him somewhat. If he is not the host... who is? Why is he questioning the letter? ... Was he invited? "Well not to be rude Señor... but if you received that letter... then wouldn't that mean you were invited? That would make sense you are the Mayor of Canterlot after all. What better pony to involve in this meeting then one who will have an actual good reason to be involved. So why are you angry then?"

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Tempest glanced at Merdyn. "You'd be surprised what I can achieve when I set my mind to it. I know things that not even Star Swirl the bearded knew." He said, his tone growing cold. He knew he shouldn't give away to much, but he was temped to show them what he wa ps truely capable of. "You're right in one respect, though. If I rush this, it would spell the end for Luna, and I would rather die than risk hurting her."


(I think we should continue.)

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Cryptical Code listened again, scribing in more imaginary notes into his mind. Merdyn seeming to be one that would try to establish a democracy… though words are most of time empty. And many possibilities, especially with the sun and moon. If unicorns would be able to control the celestial bodies without the Princesses, that would be a great increase in toppling the government.


Then the bat pony… arrogance or fact, that is something hard to tell. If it is fact, then a danger would be present. The loyalty to Princess Luna again would be a valuable weapon, a strength that could be turned into a weakness. Loyalty, it in itself a valuable asset for an ally to have… but at times loyalty could be exploited. That was if the stallion's loyalty was true of course.


Now, where was the host? There surely can't be more than the already gathered. The more ponies there are, the more links are created, some of them could be weak. Unless the host knows who to choose and pick, the host could be someone in this room or outside. Too many possibilities.


Letting a small sigh, Cryptical Code watched patiently. He'll certainly be making plans to exploit the current situation in the politician field. Pull a few strings, expand his team, too many plans he'll enact as soon as this meeting is over with.


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Merdyn frowned when the bat pony started to pout arrogant lies around. Surely in combat this stallion would be dangerous. He could see traces of powerful magic all over his body... But knowledge? There was no pony more knowledgeable than him in this room, perhaps even in equestria when it came to magic.


Merdyn stopped himself there. Now he was exaggerating as well. Still, his ego didn't allow him to ignore that this pony without even a horn claimed he knew things Starswirl the bearded didn't. Even though that was not much of an accomplisment. Starswirl the bearded was a babbling baffoon when it came to how magic actually worked. Inventing new practical spells were more his thing... But yet again, knowledge was what Merdyn was all about.


"Let me tell you, you will at least need a horn to pull a trick like that off, and then I am not even speaking of the vast amount of research that will have to come along with it... Unless you'd like to take the risk and improvise." He said to the bat pony, not cold, but merely as if he were stating a fact.


He then leaned back and took a puff from his pipe, calming himself again. He looked around the room yet again, and his eyes came to rest on the cloaked mare. He recalled her being quite well-spoken. A gift he valued and appreciated a lot. He pondered what her business here was. He could imagine that several of the gathered ponies had reasons to want to dethrone Luna, and several of them had already exposed themselves. He supposed it wouldn't do harm to simply ask.



"I've given away quite a bit of information now... Would you care to return the favour, Jade Heart... What kind of business does a refined mare like yourself have among these shady figures." He said, smiling lightly. "Share with us your thoughts on our 'rightful' ruler..." He said with a hint of sarcasm. He looked at the quiet stallion as well now. "And how about you... businesspony. You don't talk much do you. Please enlighten me with your ideas and opinions. I don't feel like waiting in silence..."

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Tempest rolled his eyes, and leaned back in his chair. "There's more than one way to cast some fancy spell, and I'll leave it at that." He said. "I would show you, but where's the fun in spoiling a nice little surprise?" The bat pony then smirked, knowing that his secret was still safe. "I could've proceeded with that a bit more cautiously, but I really don't care." He thought.

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Jade Heart.




"I'm sure that I don't know what you're insinuating dear..." She flashed a wounded look towards the stallion, before allowing it to change back into the silky smile - batting her eyes as she did. "All this talk of rebellion and regicide... you aren't suggesting that somepony like myself would dare something as brutish and unnecessarily foolhardy? I merely received an invitation and deemed it... polite, to attend."


Of course, it was important to keep them off balance - thinking that she knew more than she did, or that she was somepony that she was not. Sometimes, it was easiest to tell a cassandra truth and simply let others believe it to be a lie.


"No, I am more of a lover than a fighter... I think that I shall let the smart ponies do the 'plotting to usurp the throne' while I find myself a nice place to settle down with a glass of wine and some fine music."

Never quite forgotten.

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@Lady @Scribblegroove @Demirari @Marathon @Tricksters Pride @AnonBrony


The mayor nickered, "I never said I didn't belong here, obviously I have my qualms with Celestia; she is taking my city from me. Her moving her throne of power here is removing the need for a mayor, she is going to rule this city and Equestria and this city has been selecting my family as it's mayors since we were lords. So it doesn't take a fool to think I might have a reason to be here, but that letter has sensitive information in it and the way you know that I am not your host is I would have been smarter than to stick them on front doors!"


He looked at the ponies discussing Luna, "In all honesty I don't care who rules as long as they have respect for the traditions and powers that have worked so hard to be in place and to run this kingdom for the princesses and before them as well. If Celestia is to be believed Luna became a monster, why would you wish to bring her back?"

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(Bad idea. Very bad idea.)


As soon as Tempest heard what the mayor had said, he immediately jumped out of his seat and grabbed the mayor of Canterlot by his throat. "It would be wise if you didn't always listen to Tia." He growled, his normally flat teeth becoming slightly sharper and his pendant glowing slightly. "Take it from somepony who actually knew Luna for what she really was. She is no monster, and I won't hesitate to rip out the throats of the ponies who dare find the need to insult her." With that, the bat pony threw the mayor to the ground, and returned to the table, his features and the pendant returning to normal. He then glanced at a few of the other ponies. "Let this be known to all of you, as well. I am no fool." The bat pony then returned his thoughts to the letter in his saddlebag.

Edited by Nightfury01
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All the recruits fell into place behind Radiance they didn't assume any sort of formation but they seemed to at least be somewhat more attentive. The unicorn mare was doing her best to straighten them and to get them to act professionally; at least somewhat satisfied she turned away from them and went to Radiance, "as ready as we'll ever be sir," her voice lowered, "are you expecting trouble? Should I encourage them to be on the look out for anything out of the ordinary? Because I'll be honest sir, they aren't up for picking out details and I'm not sure if I'll be any help either."

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((Ugh sorry for the short post... Medieval Total War 2, enough said. :P))


*'Wow, self restraint much... Note to self; Don't let the night guard get too close, hes violent.'*


After the night guards violent outburst Patience sighed, got up, and walked over to the mayor to offer him a hoof with a cautious. "You alright sir?" before glancing at the night guard. "Can we not resort to violence, bit stupid to start fighting someone over something as small as a harmless question."

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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"I rarely speak unless I have to," Cryptical Code confirmed the fact that he rarely speak. The only reason he is speaking right now is to answer a question, a question he sees as harmless as enough. Then he looked up, seemingly giving a better appearance, showing that he might actually have some sort of interest in carrying on with the conversation. Speaking with an emotionless voice, "My opinions on this situation is best to say, a business venture. And if you would, I prefer a technocrate system of government, and in my opinion, the current government is efficient, but it isn't efficient enough." 


Cryptical Code then looked down again after he ended his small talk, it was enough. To him, he had already diverged everything, but he added a small bit afterwards, "That is all I'm going to say for now." Then he sat, gathering in information. It was wonderful how one could sit and listen. To him, words were dangerous, each word could be exploited against the speaker, and words could reveal weakness. And what is better than listen to the words of the other ponies in this room? Though they might be lies, but he'll prefer false information than planning blindly. 


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Dorado laughed at the mare's response. "Oh muy entretenido, señorita. Very amusing. But I do not think you are fooling anypony. You may be very beautiful but even the prettiest of roses has thorns, especially the kind that attend secret meetings of treason! You may not be a fighter... but I doubt you came here as a lover. Pity. I could of used some love" He laughed again.




At the immediately sight and the bat pony assaulting the Mayor, Dorado instinctively drew a bolt and loaded the small crossbow on his front leg. If it wasn't for him letting go of the Mayor Dorado would of point the weapon at him and possibly even fired if he hurt the mayor. He sighed with some relief things didn't escalate. Ya puedo saber que este grupo será muy divertida... He thought to himself.


"That was a very foolish thing to do for somepony who is not a fool. If you didn't let go of him things could of gotten... muy sangriento..." 

Edited by AnonBrony
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(Now now even an angry OC is no need to God Mod and throw an ancient pony to the ground before he can respond or at least before for his extremely large unicorn bodyguard can respond. God Modding is not acceptable RP behavior, we should all avoid it. I should have mentioned it before as I know some people do not know what it is. God Modding is to either control other players characters by expressing their response or emotions; also it is to make an attack hit or to take multiple actions without room for others to respond. As a GM I am really, really anti-God Modding and will have to put my foot on post that contain it. I know it will occur bunt please keep it to a minimum, I don't want to have to ask anyone to leave the RP, heck I don't even like giving out reprieves for it like this. Also try to avoid meta-gaming, which is having your OC respond to something they shouldn't know.)


(Since I'm sure Nightfury didn't mean it, I'm not even considering this a warning against him. But the following is a response to god modding with an example of god modding)


The Mayor smirked from the floor, his voice was full of venom, "well son, that didn't prove Luna's not a monster only that she kept the company of an animal." He gave a nod that was barely noticeable.


The white unicorn that had come with the mayor had moved in behind the Pegasus the second he had approached the mayor he had followed Tempest back around the room on hooves that were impossibly silent for his incredibly large body and had waited for that nod. He slammed Tempest's head forward against the table and struck the pendant breaking it from it's chain so it clattered to the floor in front of the mayor. The big unicorn kept Tempest pinned face down on the table, one hoof on his head the other still on his neck and the pendants broken chain. He spoke in a very deep voice, "should I snap his neck?" (An appropriate post would have ended with the unicorn lunging at Tampest's back and would have allowed for a proper response by Nightfury to decide if Tempest would be able to dodge or not. Let's avoid God modding from now on please.)


The Mayor shook his head, "no, no, I'm sure our host would not approve of us fighting one another but hold him until he calms down Bones." The mayor stared into Tempest's eyes, "interesting trinket you have here," his hoof hovered over the pendant but didn't touch it, "usually it's powerfully enchantments that glow when active like that, no?"

Edited by Torrent505
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Radiance sighed, "Sir? Do I look like a stallion to you? To answer your question, you are here for eye candy. Nothing more." Radiance took a deep breath and thought if she really wanted to do this. She lowered her voice so that only the mare could hear, "there is a possibility that you may need to carry me. If that is the case, take me directly to Celestia. Not the hospital, nopony else. Celestia. No, do not ask."


She turned around and started off at a swift trot. Her golden, horned helmet suddenly appeared in the air beside Radiance, and slid atop her head. To the castle. She only hoped she would arrive there, without anything out of the ordinary happening.


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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(I knew god modding was controlling another person's character. I just didn't think it went for combat as well. Sorry about that.)


Tempest smirked. "Am I truely a animal when I defend those who are unable to do so themselves. If that's the case, you haven't seen the worst side of me." He said. "As for the pendant, that doesn't concern you. Now, could you please tell your associate to get off?"


Xena smirked as he watched the old pony hold a hoove over his pendant. He then made the trinket disappear into the spiritual plane. It was a fail safe that prevented Xena's power from falling into the wrong hooves, which would be anypony aside from Tempest, as far as he was concerned. The aura beast would still be able to communicate with Tempest, but the bat pony would be unable to fight at his full strenth.

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"N-No Sir! I mean Ma'am! We have a drill Sargent who's a mare, ma'am, and she insists it's proper address any superior as sir, ma'am. If we call her ma'am we receive extra conditioning... I've always wondered about her, ma'am." The mare was obviously flustered and reveling more than she meant to. She seemed to realize this, "sorry about that ma'am and yes I understand."


Double Barrel sat behind the bar staring at Radiance and his troupe of guard, he had a sad look on his face and was just slowly shaking his head back and forth. The moment they turn their backs on him and exited the build his horn lit with a faint honey colored glow and each of the guards and Radiance felt a slight pressure in their lungs as if they had taken in a particularly deep breath.


(I'll post the details of the angel's share poison in the OOC thread)

@Tricksters Pride @AnonBrony


Mayor Everlast lifted a brow in mock concern and chuckled as the pendant disappeared, "sorry son, it seems I'm not able to give your trinket back." He started to lecture the pinned Pegasus, "And you are an animal for attacking without thinking first, for attacking an old pony who can't defend himself because he said something you didn't like about your 'Master'. Animals act on instinct son, and even if you're not an animal you are clearly are fool despite denying it moments ago, because only a fool would think threatening a room full of dangerous and unknown ponies like this would be a good idea... I certainly hope you can prove me wrong on both accounts because if not you should know animals and fools died before long when tangled up in business of this sort. I should know I've watched many of them die. Bones hold him a few moments more then release him, at least wait till I return to my chair."


Goodheart looked at Patience and Dorado, his voice once again grandfatherly "thank you both for showing this old Stallion some kindness. Sir Dorado I must say that contraption on your hoof looks positively ingenious and young lady I don't believe I've gotten your name. Care to tell me about yourself while your helping hoof graciously guides me to my chair?"

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Patience gently helped the old stallion to his hooves and walked him over to his chair, making sure to keep herself between the mayor and the night guard while also making sure not to interfere with Dorado's line of sight on said night guard. And after ensuring the mayor was fine she looked back to her old spot before sighing and sitting between the mayor and the night guard before half-turning towards the mayor, offering her hoof again, and smirking. "Its Patience and you might want to be careful where your pointing all that charm old-timer, pointing a weapon at an unarmed mare isn't all that nice."

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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As she was trotting, Radiance felt a pressure building in her lungs. She was right, and this was the moment she was waiting for. Flicking her shoulders, the leather pouch that hung from her neck bounced out of her armour and into the open. Jabbing her hoof into a weak stitch in the leather, the purse cracked open spilling its contents onto Radiance's hooves. Herbs, fungi, pills, anything and everything that has been ever used successfully to counteract biological warfare. Proper dosages, and she made sure they had no confounding effects on each other. She ate them all in a large mouthful. The empty purse drifted lazily towards the ground mere seconds after Radiance felt a pressure in her lungs.


Radiance's thought process was instantaneous. One of the benefits of being a trained strategist was a mind that could constantly be in fine focus. "Lungs, respiratory. Smoke, tobacco, alcohol. Poison. In air.  Drunkeness." She didn't have time to put it in words, but she knew that the air was tainted. Most likely with a substance that could cause severe inebriation and poisoning. What better way to mask murder then to make it look like one drank far too much at a pub?


Before the empty purse hit the ground, Radiance's horn lit up in a dark golden hue. She was casting a spell created by the great battlemage that gave himself the oddest of names, Ozymandias. During an ancient war, rebels poisoned a town's water supply with a powerful hallucinogenic agent. The townsfolk and army began to slowly grow insane due to their nightmares constantly being brought to light. Ozymandias was able to craft a simple spell, a spell so ingeniously simple that any unicorn in their right mind could cast. In a short radius, light would burst out from the user's horn. Those close enough would have their minds purified and any effect of any narcotics, or chemicals in the blood would not affect the users. Radiance had no comprehension on how such witchcraft could even operate, she only knew its limitations. The spell would have to be cast in rapid succession, it did not solve the problem, it merely hid it. Rapid casting would surely lead to rapid exhaustion. Radiance hoped that her medications would be effective, and that her spell proved to be successful and that her followers where in range. However, her survival was really only what she was concerned about.  

Edited by Golden Shield


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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Jade Heart.




Jade rolled her eyes distaste fully at the the colt.


"Really? Because from where I'm sitting, it looked like you attacked an apparently unarmed pensioner... how brave and noble you are, to protect us from his terrible evil."


Disproportionate retribution, mood swings and suicidal overconfidence, all good signs of a psychopath. So predictable...




She cleared her throat gently and glanced away, back at the others in the room. The vocal one - Dorado - was armed: good, he wasn't such a halfwit after all. Brash and arrogant perhaps, but she could work with that.


"I am many things dear, but no oafish mercenary. Surely you understand that?" Grinning briefly, she nodded towards the crossbow. "You're hardly the oafish club-swinger yourself, If appearances are anything to judge by. Dorado, wasn't it?"

Never quite forgotten.

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Tempest shrugged slightly. "It'll find it eventually." He said. The bat pony then closed his eyes, and his body seemed to relax. "I don't care what they think of me. None of them understand what I had to sacrifice in order to bein Luna's guard. They are right, though. I need to learn to control my rage." He thought to himself.

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