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open Wrath of Sombra (RP)

Drago Ryder

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@Nightfury01 (UN Darkness just ask Sombra in his mind if he can attack anyone in Ponyville)

Fireblaze keep flying as he was looking for anyone and then he enter into canter lot while he land on the ground. Then walking to the place see if the princess need some help too and he was plan to protect them too form anything evil. Also make sure Rainbow Dash is safe too.

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Wonder heard the pounding drums of war. He stopped his building, and shouted at the civilians. "MOVE NOW!!" Ponies screamed and ran toward the center of the city for safety. Wonder flew into a command station. He looked at a guard, "The princesses sent me and several others to help defend the Empire." He was given Commanders armor. "Not my style, but I don't have choice, do I?" He put on the helmet and flew out to where the armies were having the greatest difficulty, he drew his sword and battled, trying to prevent any more loss.

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Sole didn't even struggle as the others argued, or even as Thunder put him into a headlock. "I don't... Need your pity..." He mumbled, blood dripping from his mouth, as he reached up and gripped his arm "even if I wanted to stop, there's no going back. I've attempted assassination on a princess, and almost destroyed the crystal empire. Even if I stop now, I'll be executed or locked away forever." He grunted, gripping Thunder's arm tighter "I've already crossed the line..." He said quietly

Thunder rolled sole off him, and threw him to the ground "so what...even if you have done those things, you can still make things right, fix your wrongs, and actually spend time with your family instead of jeopardizing them....and you don't want to lose your family, take it from a person who lost his daughter, you wouldn't want that now huh? Come on and fucking fix it" he said


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She shook her fear off after hearing the drums of a war sounding out. She could see the crystal pony citizens running into makeshift shelters or what homes that haven't been destroyed yet, while soldiers of the Empire were ready to fight. She spotted a mother and her foal running for their lives, desperatly trying to escape a squad of evil forces, charing at them with nets and swords.


"Oh Celestia, HOLD ON!" She teleported down till she was flying right behind the mother and foal and snatched them both up in one sweep, then teleported again just before the squad of hypnotized soldiers tossed the net, only to catch dirt. She reappeared in the sky, with the mother on her back and the foal in her arms.


"Oh thank you thank you!" Called the mother out over the drumming of the battle. "Don't thank me yet," Blissy replied, "where can I get you two safe?"


"Oh there's a shelter just over there!" She pointed a hoof and Blissy followed suit, but not before being spotted by more of the dark king's pegasi troops from the air. She darted down, holding tightly to the young one while the mother held on for her life as she zig zagged through crystal buildings, shaking off the evil soldiers one at a time. "It's there ITS THERE!" The mother crystal pony cried out as she pointed to a harbor shelter where other ponies where running to. Bliss teleported them in quickly, sitting them both down, then took a moment to catch her breath. "Oh thank you, thank you Highness!" She nodded to Bliss, acknowleding her alicorn tributes.


"Again...don't thank me yet...I must...find others...get them to safety." She smiled to the little foal who hugged her leg tightly, patted its head, then flew out once again, braving the open sky and King Sombra's forces.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Sombra smirked as he watched his soldiers take the city. He noticed the a few ponies try to do what they could to help, but it would be a useless venture. His followers would take the city, no matter what. "All shall fall. All will return to dust." He said, as he felt a strange energy. He shook it off, and returned his attention to the battle.

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Sole laid on the ground, looking up at the sky. After a moment, the mark on his head faded and disappeared completely. "Yeah... It won't be that easy... Stone'll probably kill me for all this trouble..." He said quietly, before standing. He calmly picked up his hat and put it on "heh... Looks like history has repeated itself once again. I'm not much use to you guys in this condition." He commented, examining his broken wings, burns and cuts.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@, @@LunaFlower226

"I think we're attacking the Empire now. I'll go on ahead." Golden said to them as she put he helmet on. She walked out the door and immediately began running to the Crystal Empire. She saw the ponies from Sombra's forces slowly taking over and she felt a giddiness about herself. Running towards it, she heard te sounds of battle and hurridely looked for anypony to fight. She saw a pony save a couple of ponies from Sombra's army. Seeing her take off, Golden began to follow her.


@@Lightning Bliss

"HEY YOU!" Golden shouted up.to.her. Thinking that she didn't hear her, Golden got her sword and threw it at her.



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"Oh come on, that's nothing" he said looking at his wounds. "I think we can figure something out, but we need to head for canterlot pronto" he said looking out into the distant. "Glad to have you back at least" he said being sincere "I didn't want to have to kill ya back there"


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Sole sighed "that's what you should've done, idiot. But since ya didn't, I guess I'll help fix the mess I made..." He said, only half joking as he began to attempt to heal some of the damage to his wings. 'At least that spell nullifier wore off...' He thought "thunder... You know I didn't mean any of the stuff I said back there right? I was in control, but it was like it wasn't me..." He said quietly


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Then Darkness flew into the Dark as he heading to Ponyville, to the Forest were Futtershy live and then once he enter into her cottage though the shadows and smiles as he seeing Futtershy feeding angel. “Futtershy I have come for you and you will give into the darkness because my master tell you HAHA. OH if Discord here then I got a nice gift for him too.” Darkness saying as he was looking at her too.

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"Wait, I need a bow and arrows right now, oh come on" Luna said in disbelief grabbing her sword them joining the fight. "DOWN YOU GO" Luna yield in the fight with some random enemies close by, she started attacking them with her sword, hoping that she can defeat them.

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She heard a random shout in her direction, and turned in the nick of time to see a pony had thrown their sword directly into her flight path, "WAO!" she threw her arms up to block it, but her horn again by instinct, shout out a magical protective sheild. The blade bounced off it easily, leaving her unharmed. She opened her eyes just as the shield went down and looked to her attacker.


"What are you doing??!!" She shouted at the mare though she didn't notice directly she was wearing the dark king's armor wear till after a few seconds... "Oh no..." She snorted and drew her blade, "I do not wish to fight you hypnotized soldier! I'm just trying to help these citzens! There are CHILDREN in those homes you are destroying!!! Have you no honor?" She hovered in place for a second before hearing another cry of citzens begging for help. She spotted two young crystal stallions bucking at some dark soldiers that were trying to chain them down. She turned away from her attack foolishy to focus on the two stallions aid, "HOLD ON I'm COMING!!!" She cried out while holding her sword out.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss

Golden noticed her sword bounce harmlessly off a shield and careen towards the city. She was shi

Ocked when she figured out that the pony she was trying to fight was an Alicorn. She saw her pull her own sword out and look around, distracted by the cries of help and battle. Smiling to herself, Golden charged up her signature spell and aimed it at the sword. She unleashed her spell and a stream of golden flames headed directly for her sword.



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She dove down to the stallions, planning to ambush the guards by landing in between them when suddenly her blade and handle were feeling hot...Then she realized the unicorn had casted a spell on her blade...FIRE! She spat the blade out immiedatly, watching it carreen down towards teh attacking soldiers, landing next to one of them and bursting into flames.


"Dang it!" She turned back at the unicorn, who seemed very proud of removing her one and only object weapon. She wanted to cuss her out, tell her how horrible she's being in the face of other ponies lives at stake...but she knew the pony would only get kicks from it. She snorted at her, then dove back down to the helpless stallions while the guards were distracted by the fire blade behind them. She landed between the two youngsters, bucked the nearest soldier in his face, sending him crashing into the others.


"GRAB ON TO ME!" She whinnied at one stallion, while she gripped the other one by his mane, "hold on!" She darted up into the air again, heading back to a shelter where it was more protected, flying passed the unicorn who attacked her as she went.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss

The sword she struck down disintegrated when it hit the ground a second time. Golden flames walked up to the sword and repaired it with her sil er flames. She picked it up and sheathed it by her side. Noticing the Alicorn heading towards the shelter, Golden ran towards it and tried to get there first.

Edited by XANA



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"Look there ma'am!" Yelled the greenish cyrstal stallion on her back, "that unicorn! Is she going to help us?"


Bliss looked down and spotted her previous attacker, she was following them, trying to get to the shetler first. Oh no...if she gets there...those mares and children will have no defense...GAH! "Listen to me boys," she spoke calmly, "this is gonna be tricky but I'm going to teleport you two to a safe building, a shelter...but it might be a bumpy ride...my magic isn't very well...mastered..."


"We trust you ma'am!" Said the green pony, shimmiering in the sunlight.

"Ya! You're an alicorn!" Said his twin brother.


"That doesn't make a difference I'm afraid but, thank you for your confidence." She focused her magic on the two of them, levitating them off her body...and after several seconds of sweat and focus...the disappeared in a mist of rainbow magic. She sensed that they made it to the shelter, crashing on a table from the sense...then focused her attention on the unicorn still running towards her. She levitated a sword from the nearest soldier she spotted, and dove down, blocking the unicorn's path with the blade out in defense.


"Stop..." she snorted...her ears down and back legs tremmbling with what she knew she had to do, "I'm Lightning Bliss...diplmoat ranked to Princess Celestia and Luna...and I will NOT LET YOU HURT THESE INNOCENT PONIES WITHOUT A FIGHT!" :angry:

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss

Golden smirked at Lightning Bliss's declaration. "A diplomat? Why are you fighting then? If you're a diplomat then don't you solve disputes with words, instead of violence?" Golden asked sweetly. She unsheathed Lightning's sword and levitating it in front of her, getting into a battle stance too.



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She held a firm face, not allowing to be thrown from the mare's cockiness, "I was called upon by the Princesses in a time of need, it is my honor and privildge to do so...to protect the innocent of these lands." She bit her sword down, not trusting in her horn to take control of it just yet, and lowered her front down with her back legs out, ready to leap or pounce at the first sign of attack before adding in her last words, "Something you tratiors apparently don't have...Attacking children, mares and the elderly...What did King Sombra promise to give you for your treachery against Equestria?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss

"Nothing. He promised us nothing. We all have our own ideals and he trusts us enough to let us carry them through." Golden said simply. She suddenly ran to Lightning Bliss and slashed down towards her sword, hoping to disarm her. She's not ready to kill just yet, especially since Alicorns are so few and far between.

Edited by XANA



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Remembering her training from Wonder, she held her eyes open, 'Eye on the ball Blissy' she heard her father's words flow to her head. She braced the unicorn's blade, holding her ground as they collided, feeling her attempts to disarm her, but wouldn't back down. No... I can't lose...not to them...not after what they are trying to do...


She shoved back the unicorn then quickly spun around to counter like Thunder encouraged and bucked her firmly into her side, sending her rolling back, then she turned back facing her again, holding her sword out in defense.


"I don't want to hurt you..." she pleaded, "I don't want any pony to get hurt...but your forcing me to fight! Open your eyes and look at what you are doing!? Are you so selfish for your own ideals that your willing to sacrifice others for it? You have the power to stop this madness!"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss

Golden gasped as Lightning Bliss bucked her in the side. She was sent rolling but quickly got up, grimacing in pain from the kick. "Oh, I know I have the power to stop this. I'm just doing this of my own free WILL!" She shouted and this time, slashed her sword directly for her neck, hooing to catch her off-guard.



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"AHHH," She reared back from the swift move, the blade just slightly cutting her neck, paper thin but still enough to realize this unicorn was serious on killing her. Panic streaked her eyes as she fluttered away from the aggressive mare, touched her neck to see in fact she was bleeding, then turned to her again, her eyes lost in confidence.


Hold your ground Blissy...steady now...she pet talked herself as she switched her blade's position in her mouth. Let her do all the attacking...you're not the one who started this...but you better finish it! She nodded to herself and attempted to shake the fear out of her eyes, though her large ears were tremmbling out of reflex...her horn began to glow to response of her stress.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss

Golden saw Lightning assume a cowering position. "D'awww. Is the wittle pony scared? That's so sweet." Golden taunted in a sickeningly sweet tone. She levitated her sword and thought about the best course of action. Grinning wickedly, she lit up her horn and a bright flash followed soon after, blinding Lightning Bliss. She quickly took advantage of the distraction and ran around to the back of her, slicing her flank as she ran by.



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She dropped her sword as the blinding light hit her eyes like daggers...before feeling a sharp stabbing pain in her leg...As her eyes recoverd, she found herself on her side, her left leg dripping with a servere cut...She looked up at the unicorn, her proud face full of confidence...wondering what she was thinking seeing her face covered with fear and tears...


Time seemed to stop as she locked eyes at her opponant...and a sickly rage began to build in her stomach...like what happened when she fought Sole...and when she fought the Shadow of King Sombra...She could feel it burning deep within...making her horn glow brighter then ever, pulsing black..."No..." she grinnded her teeth, quinched her eyes, then teleported to a few feet away from her to gain some ground, "I won't...get...angry..." She sucked back her tears, held her injured back leg up, and called back the sword with her levitation...She noticed her horn was still glowing black...and attempted to put it out...but it wouldn't listen to her.


"Stupid horn...NOT NOW...shh..." she spoke loudly without thinking, "Don't...get angry..." She glared down the unicorn again, flipping the sword no longer into a defense, but into an attack stance, spreading her legs out ready to strike despite being on three. "Monster..." she snorted. Stay in control...she told herself repeatly.


She then suddenly teleported out of her sight, only to reappear above the unicorn and dived down, her sword pointed out, only to land a mere inch next to her, causing a good cut into her opponant's side slightly. As the sword landed, she spun off its handle, lowered herself down, her horn out, and butted her head under her opponant's chin, throwing her off her feet. She limped back then, panting from the effort, her leg screaming in pain. "Don't...push me..." she snorted...

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Wonder slashed and kicked his way through wave after wave of Dark Soldiers. Where they had little training, they had plenty of numbers. He flapped his wings, sending his Razor Wind in a straight line forward, killing more than he could count. He almost vomited at the sight of so much blood at once. He flew up, but was intercepted by two Pegasi who dragged him through the air. He bit one of them, making him let go, the other one left alone, he countered and flung him to the ground. Wonder didn't even want to look, when he hit the ground.

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