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open Wrath of Sombra (RP)

Drago Ryder

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@@Lightning Bliss

"AAAH!" Golden shouted in pain as she felt the sword slice her side at a phenomonal speed. Then when she was headbutted and thrown back, she gasped as her back hit the ground. Slowly getting up, she coughed and looked at the Alicorn. Golden's eyes only held rage and aggression in them. "You bitch!" She shouted and ran towards, despite being in pain. She sliced the Alicorn's cheek open and quickly ran around to the back, cutting her other leg. Then she ran away from her to get some distance between them.



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She had no time to scream for the quick unicorn's recover...Her backside gave way, only her front legs supporting herself now...her face dripped with her own blood, staining her white coat...Her eyes were hidden under her mane...one would think she was crying, but only her mouth could be seen grinding teeth, quivering...She was heaving in and out...


Her horn bursted forth even darker magic from her forehead...she seemed oblivious from it. Like a demon summoned forth, the magic had a mind of its, to protect the alicorn of peace... "Stay...back..." she grinned her teeth...a sob caught in her voice, "I don't...want...to fight...you..." Her wings expanded outward as the magic swirled higher around her horn, seeming to be waiting...

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss

"Dark magic? Why would you have dark magic? Actually, what are you an Alicorn of? Peace?" Golden Flames asked curiously, their fight momentarily forgotten. She slowly walked closer but kept her sword up in a defensive stance just in case. She noticed the magic swirling around the Alicorn's horn get higher and even more powerful each second.



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"Peace...." she spoke slowly, her voice seemed taken by some angry being, "must...protect...peace..." She raised her head then, her eyes glowing bright white. Somehow her body wasn't responding anymore, the magic of her horn emitted her upward...a flash of rage crossed her face...no longer the innocent shy mare she once was...She then darted down on the unicorn, like a cat would to a mouse...and for a moment her glowing eyes showed of sadness...


"Run..." she begged..."I CANT CONTROL IT!!!!!!" Suddenly with little warning, a firey beam of dark rainbow magic, shot down on unicorn, slamming her head long through walls, buildings, other soldiers, flinging her to the other side of the city...far away...till the magic seemed satisfied that the threat was gone...Then it dissipated from her horn...leaving her once again. Her eyes returned to normal...her wings reacted to keep her in the air and not from falling, no longer could she walk, let alone run. "Oh Celestia..." her tears mixed with blood, fearing the unknown of the unicorn she so viciously attacked, "please forgive me..." She then turned to the sky...spotting a familiar pony fighting some evil pegasi further ahead.



"Wonder..." she cried out...desperatly flying to him weakly, "help..."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Wonder heard the cry for help. He grabbed the last pegasus and stabbed him cleanly through the heart. Wonder zipped over to her and caught her in his hooves, just as her wings gave out. He carried her, having to fight his way through several Pegasi as he did so. Even with her in his hooves he was deadly, even more so when he had a purpose. He flew the rest of the way out of the city, far away from the fighting and war.


Wonder set her down beside a tree, as he saw the empire up in flames. The destruction was absolute, they had lost this battle. He looked back at Lightning, and threw his helmet off. "Stay with me. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, just focus on me alright." He put his hooves on her shoulders, and a faint light swirled around his forelegs and into her shoulders as he did his best to heal her. "Remember what I said about being a warrior? You believe me now, dontcha?"

Edited by Sonic Wind
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@@Lightning Bliss

Golden Flames didn't have any time to react when Lightning Bliss slammed her headlong through buildings, soldiers and then finally flinging her to the other side of the city. She could barely open he eyes, let alone get up and walk away. She coughed violently and felt blood pass her lips and onto te ground. Golden's face looked like it was hit by a runaway train and considering the force of the power, she wouldn't be surprised if it was.


Groaning in pain everytime she mover her legs, Golden got up incredibly slowly. Stopping everytime sge felt pain lance through her system. She weakly felt around with some magic for her fallen sword. Finding one, Golden gripped it with her magic and slowly brought it closer for inspection.


Looking it over, she saw that it was the sword she had when she wa a part of the Royal Guard. "Hello old friend. For an Alicorn of Peace, she sure packs quite a punch." Golden murmured. Eventually getting enough strength back, she panted heavily an began the long slow trek back to the Alicorn. Wherever se happened to be.

Edited by XANA



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(OOC: SO The Element of Harmory aka Main Six are NCP Right?)

Then Fireblaze began to fighting the Forces of darkness as he ko a Pony while saving the citizens and keep them form getting hurt too. While he use his Firesheild to give Royal Guards more time get the citizens to safey while he brave fire to keep them back. “Ok what going on here?”

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Tempest sighed, as he watched Sole and Thunder. "I guess I'll see you two later, then." He said, before flying into the air and towards Canterlot. He had a lot to think about, and didn't need any distractions. "They may know my secret, but at least the princesses don't know." He thought to himself.


Sombra glanced at Wonder and Lightning, before making a crystal grow from the balcony, and towards the ground. "You have lost this battle. Give up, and you may live to fight another day." He said, his voice eerily calm. 

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She didn't answer Wonder for awhile, instead continued to cry like a foal, speaking more of jibberish then anything else. With her face bleeding and her legs feeling like they were cut off, she could hardly make sense to anypony listening. "I shot her! MAGIC, anger, COULDN'T CONTROL IT, she hurt me...she hurt so many! She wanted to hurt! Wanted to kill! She made me angry...But she didn't deserve... My magic thought...OH CELESTIA WHY!!" She billowed out, hiding her ashamed face behind her wings for awhile before finally peaking out abruptly and gripped Wonder's hooves.


"I MIGHT HAVE KILLED SOMEPONY WONDER!!" She bellowed out, her eyes dripping, "I fought her! She was tried to follow me and innocent ponies to a shelter I was... I ws trying to protect... I stood my ground... I FOUGHT HER! But she hit me so much... I hit her back...but then...Everything...so angry...so evil...I couldn't stand her behavior...couldn't stand what she wanted to do and...She was against everything my powers are...peace...and my magic saw the threat to peace and then...Oh gods..."

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Wonder grasped her hooves back. "Sometimes you have to kill a few of the evil, to protect many of the innocent. It's gonna be a cold, cold world for a while." He looks her in the eyes. "We're going to have to do what needs to be done. I promise though, I will protect you, I will keep you safe. With every fiber of my being, I will make sure you are defended." Wonder stood up then after a long while, he looked at the empire. "I will end you Sombra. On my word, I will be the one who delivers the killing blow." Wonder mutters. He looks back at Lightning. "Rest up. When you feel up to it, we'll head back to Canterlot.

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Futtershy, Discord Turn around as they see Darkness and Discord looking at him disbelieve. “Darkness my Student of Chaos? What happen to you? I See you join Sombra instead of being reform.”

“Well Ex Master I See you turn good, gust Futtershy is really good at it and we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The Easy way is you to stand down so I can take Futtershy back to the Crystial Empire. Or the Hard way I will take her by force so what it will be Ex-Evil Chaos lord?” Darkness saying.

“EX EVIL CHAOS LORD? OK THAT IT MISTER!” Then he Use his powers on Darkness but he Went into the shadows and smiles.

“HAHAHAHAHA Well Discord you miss you can’t hit what you can’t see. I am all Shadows even in your shadow too. Then Darkness appeared in Discord Shadow while smirks.

“DISCORD LOOK OUT!” Futtershy saying

As Discord Turn around Darkness Punch Discord hard then use his Shadow to Bind him and holding him too. “Gust I do Pack a Punch.” Darkness.

“OK BUSTER THAT IT, I DON’T TORRATE THAT KIND OF ATTATUDE AND I DON’T LIKE IT!” Then Futtershy punch Darkenss Hard as he turn to Futtershy and smiles as Saphire blue eyes were showing right now. Futterhsy was shock.

“SKULL?” Futtershy saying

“WELL IT ME AND NOW THIS WHY I WANT TO BRING OUT YOUR DARK SIDE FUTTERCURE! SO COME WITH ME NOW AND SKULL IS NO MORE!” Then Darkness shadow wrap around Futtershy as he pulling her into the shadow as she screams.

“ANGEL GO GET HELP!” Futtershy saying as her pet Bunny running out the door.

“It will be too late.” Then Darkenss took Futtershy to the Chrystial Empire were King Sombra is now.

Then Discord was let go as he see Futtershy was gone and he screams.

“FUTTERSHY NOOOO!” Discord screaming.
Then Rainbow Dash came to Fireblaze.


“OK Rainbow Dash I am on My way.” Then Fireblaze Flying to the Chrystial Empire at Fast Speed while Rainbow Dash Follows too.

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She felt her legs were feeling better along with her cheek, nodded ot him and tried to clear herself up best she could. Having white fur was a disadvantage against all the red blood. But she managed a smile to him when he said he'd do his best to keep her safe.


"I just..." she sniffed again sitting up to pull out feathers that were useless, "I wish I could have stayed in control...She didn't act like she really wanted to...kill me...But when I thought about what she might do to those other crystal ponies...and.." She looked out at the Empire, watching it fall from a distance, she teared up again, wondering how could she had been so weak that she couldn't find a way to stop this somehow. How couldn't Celestia or Luna allow this to happen...but abruptly she stopped pointing hooves or trying to blame, and instead looked back at the pony who saved her life.


"I wish I could have handled things better is all...I saw the King from a distance...I could have attacked him but... I was scared...instead I chose to help the citizens when I was attacked..." She stood up then and moved up next to his side. What about Ponyville? My home? My husband dragon, Night Lights? He lives up in the caves above the town...surely the town is safe underneath Canterlot isn't it?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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The battle was nearing an end and Sombras army was winning. Many had died but every pony had fought for what was right. Cherry regrouped with some of the forces, in a place that was not as splattered with blood. The day was nearly theirs, soon they would win. Even if there was some close calls, Cherry had been bombarded with enemies, from both the sky and the ground, her leg was hurt in the process, and she limped away with the group. That's when she saw golden flames, in really bad shape. She put her blade in her sheath and made her way to her friend. "Hi," she said gently, "you OK?"  @

Edited by HarmoniousWhovian
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@@Lightning Bliss,


"Ponyville is around the very bottom of Sombra's priority list. He wants to take the cities of the strongest Princesses first, the ones who defeated him before." He then smirked. "Besides, even I wouldn't tangle with a dragon, no, not for a million bits." He sighed as the city fell, and Sombra's flags were raised. "I'm sure that our home is fine. You know I'm from there too, right?"

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She blinked, "No? I did not know that, wow!" She grinned, then slowly turned back to see the evil dark flags raise, "I was born in Cloudsdale, and lived with my father through my filly years. My parents didn't get along well and they seperated... Can't say my father, being one who was always in control of what goes on with him, dealt with that loss. He died on job from a heart attack by the time I reached my teen years. Then I moved with my other and step father down to Appleloosa. Wasn't till I met Night Lights, my husband...that we, settled in Ponyville..." She sniffed back another onset of tears, then fluttered into the air.


"We should get going...I don't want to hold us up...I'll try to keep up with you." She fluttered her wings faster, trying to prove her speedy intentions and enthusiausm.


(OOC GREAT RP!!! Cya tomrrow thank you!)

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Luna didn't know how much longer she could stand. She wasn't to boogie swordsmenship and she didn't have a bow and arrow with her. She thought that this war was coming to an end so to found a way of escape from the rest of the war. "Now what do I do, maybe I should go to Kign Sombra's castle" Luna said to herself.

Edited by LunaFlower226
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When Cherry found Golde, her face was starting to bleed heavily from all the gashes she had recieved from Lightning Bliss's throw. When Cherry asked if she was okay, Golden Flames just gave her a dead look. "A-are ..." She couldn't speak as the entire lower half of her face was in too much pain. She just slowly shook her head and promptly fainted, falling over in the dirt. It was hard to believe that she managed to walk in the condition she was in.



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Thunder looked off into the distance. "W-were losing...." He said looking out into the distance. "And it didn't take long, we lost so much in so little time....sole, I think we're way in over our heads here" he said looking back at sole. Things were looking grim. Thunder knew winning was possible....but it was going to be harder then he thought.


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Sole sighed as he looked out over the battlefield and saw the legions of enemies destroying everything before them, quickly looking away by tilting his hat over his eyes. "Yeah... And it's all my fault. If I wouldn't of distracted you guys or attacked Cadence they probably wouldn't even be in the empire." He said flatly, before turning away "I can understand it if you or the others hate me, I said and did some pretty nasty things, but right now all I wanna do is save those ponies in danger. So..." He explained, before smiling and spreading his wings "LETS GO KICK SOME ASS!" He shouted, before taking off with a sonic boom toward the battle


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"As tempest would say, this is going to be interesting" he began before opening his wings and launching off "we're kicking them from ponyville first, then make our way around for the other cities including canterlot" he said following sole out into the battlefield.


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@, @, @@synangel,


Just then she spotted Thunder along with Sole flying out from the forest. Sole appeared to be leading the way at a high rate of speed while Thunder followed close behind. "Phew!" She called below to Wonder, "I think Thunder got through that spell bound gryphon Sole! They are flying out right now, looks like they are heading south to Canterlot!"


She darted her head back to the fallen Empire, she could clearly spot several squads of dark pegasi troops scanning the skys and making flight patrols, soon they'd be heading to the forest. "Let's go Wonder!" She then took a shot up into the sky to get some height, then dove down, like she learned when she watched Rainbow Dash back at the Young Flight Competition in Cloudsdale...the sonic rainboom. It wasn't something she liked to use often due to the stress it put on her eyes and face, but it guarenteed to give her some speed for a time. She pushed as hard as she could through the dive, trying to remember to ignore the tearing eyes...then BOOM, the boom happened and the gforce, shot her forward after Sole and Thunder.

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Cherry caught Golden Flames and held her close, very concerned about the heavy bleeding. "Can I get a medic?" she yelled into the crowed of gathered ponies.


Most ponies just stared with tired dead eyes, their thought being 'whats one more death?' But one pony stepped forward, a battered unicorn with bags under her eyes, "I'm no medic, but I know basic healing spells." She said.


Cherry limped over to the unicorn, trying not to drag Golden. "Would you help?"


The mare nodded and went to work, using her magic to heal Golden's bigger wounds, stopping the blood and mending the gaps. It wasn't perfect. Minor injuries and long scars still adorned Golden, but blood no longer spewed from her mouth, any broken bones were healed.


The unicorn looked dizzy but she smiled, "I-I'm gonna take a nap. She should wake up any second." She said before walking to the nearest shady spot and passing out.


Cherry simply sat next to Golden and silently prayed that her friend would be okay.


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Golden Flames felt like an absolute wreck even though her cuts and bones had been healed. She slowly opened hrr eyes and didn't find it quite as painful as before. "W-what happened?" She managed to ask out loud. Her jaw region still felt like it was on fire butnit was bearable now.



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Cherry looked at her friend and hugged her when she opened her eyes, "You passed out," She told Golden, "I got somepony to heal you." Cherry sucked in a worried breath and helped Golden to her hooves, trying to dust the dried blood from the other mares armor, but only managing in getting more blood on her. Gross. "I'm just glad you're alive." She sighed. "You should probably get some rest, I'm gonna go see if anypony else needs help. It was a big battle. Plus we need to get the dead bodies off the field." She nuzzled the other mare before limping away, then she heard a snap and a shooting pain went up her hind leg. She whimpered and sat down, "OK" She breathed to herself, "maybe I should take this easy." @,

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Golden winced as Cherry hugged her and helped her to her hooves. Her whole body felt like one giant bruise. Then she heard the snap and Cherry sitting down. Wobbling a bit as she walked, she walked over to Cherry and sat down near her. "I should rest? What about you? Going by that snap I neard, you got a broken leg." Golden said to her. She nuzzled Cherry and smiled. "Thank you for finding me." Golden thanked her.



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